Vol 14, No 5 (2015)


Icf core sets for patients wiht chronic ischemic heart disease: agreement of international experts

Mishina I.E., Gudukhin A.A., Belova V.V., Dovgalyuk Y.V.


The World Health Organization (WHO) develops and improves different classifications to describe various aspects of health. These classifications are developed for different reasons. One of these classifications is the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It was approved by countries - members of WHO and can be used there as an international standard to describe and measure health deterioration. An approach, which is used as a basis of this classification, allows specialists to consider functioning as an integrative indicator of human health. The indicator shows body condition and adaptive behavior in social situations, taking into account the influence of environmental factors. The usage of this classification requires training professionals, who will be able to use it in practice, taking into consideration specialty of patients. The article presents the result of the consensus process of 16 experts from 7 different countries about the ICF Core Sets for patients with chronic IHD. These experts participated in rehabilitation process of such patients. Preliminary studies included a Delphi exercise, a systematic review and an empirical data collection. Altogether 61 second - level categories were included in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set where 14 categories refer to the body functions, one refers to the body structures, 17 ones deals with the issues on activities and participation and 29 - environmental factors. The Brief ICF Core Set includes a total of 36 second - level categories with 10 refer to the body functions, one refers to the body structures, 13 ones deals with the issues on activities and participation and 12 - environmental factors. They emphasize the importance of the extensive validation of this first version of the ICF Core Sets from the perspectives of different professions in different countries and in different clinical situations.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):2-6
pages 2-6 views

Experience in the use of remote electrovectorcardiographic methods in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in comparison with the results of echocardiography

Ryabykina G.V., Vishnyakova N.A., Sakhnova T.A., Blinova E.V., Volkov V.E.


The aim of the study was to assess the capabilities of remote application of eleсtro-veсtorсardiographiс methods in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in comparison with the results of echocardiography on the basis of the central district hospital. The study was conducted in two rural hospitals and outpatient hospital at Uryupinsk central district hospital. Registration and remote transmission of digital ECG was carried out using a computer system «Easy ECG». In automatic mode, the conclusion of “myocardial infarction” was issued in 127 cases out of 5911 (2.15%). 22 of the 127 patients had a history of myocardial infarction. In 8 cases acute coronary syndrome was diagnosed. In 97 cases myocardial infarction of uncertain age was suspected for the first time. Expert analysis confirmed automated conclusion “inferior myocardial infarction” in 20 cases and “anterior myocardial infarction” in 27 cases. Echocardiographic study was conducted of 20 patients. Zones of hypo - or akinesia were identified in 9 patients. In 11 cases of ECG and echocardiography mismatch ECG revealed small scars or combination of myocardial infarction with ventricular hypertrophy or intraventricular blocks. Development and implementation of modern diagnostic and treatment technologies, including remote recording and analysis of ECG, will bring a new level of domestic practical cardiology, including rural areas.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):7-14
pages 7-14 views

Application of integrative psychotherapy in complex medical rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease after coronary stent

Yudin V.E., Dybov M.D., Yaroshenko V.P., Sychev V.V., Annushkin A.D., Tseplyaeva S.V.


One of the most effective treatments for is a coronary bypass surgery. However, according to the research, more than half of patients (55%) and is 45, despite the high clinical effect transactions, detect low levels of vocational and social adaptation. For a long period of somatic disease - coronary heart disease and the operation itself, the need to adapt the subject of coronary bypass surgery to its new status and changed conditions of life, in the complex, causing the patient to psychological maladaptation, the formation of personality, neurotic and mood disorders. Modern psychotherapeutic methods and drug not effective enough in the correction of psychological disorders that require further study to the effective integration of psychotherapeutic techniques. Were examined 60 patients after coronary bypass surgery. A simple method of randomization, the patients were divided into 2 clinically comparable groups of 30 people each - main group and control group that differ according to the method of psychotherapeutic influence. The examination program included general clinical, laboratory, functional, and psychological research methods. In patients of the main group into the complex or medical rehabilitation in addition to the traditional program has been included integrative psychotherapy, which was neuro-linguistic programming in combination with art therapy. As a result, before the treatment in patients of both groups identified a high level of psychological maladaptation, anxiety and depressive disorders, decreased quality of life, the prevalence of sympathetic regulation of the autonomic nervous system, decreased physical endurance. After treatment patients main group compared to control group has significantly decreased the number of patients with psychological disadaptation, decreased levels of anxiety, depression, improved autonomic regulation, increased physical endurance. Thus, integrative psychotherapy increases the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation programs and consolidates the results of surgical treatment.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Scientific approaches of using the non - drug comprehensive programs in treatment the atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries of the lower extremities

Yamenskov V.V., Kotenko K.V., Korchazhkina N.B.


The article presents the results of treatment of 200 patients with atherosclerotic vascular changes in the lower limbs under the influence to develop a comprehensive drug - free programs. It is proved that the use of programs developed in patients with peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities, causing a normalization of enzyme, metabolic and electrolyte balance and pronounced analgesic, vegetokorrigiruyuschy lipolytic effects, which leads to an increase in their quality of life. The authors found that the use of a comprehensive program of rehabilitation treatment in patients with peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities improves autonomic regulation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as evidenced by the elimination hypersympathicotonia to values Ayton according cardiointervalography, as evidenced by the values of the integral index of autonomic regulation - stress index, primarily by magnetic influences. Results of the study demonstrated a pronounced effect of application the comprehensive programs of rehabilitation treatment for one of the most important pathogenetic mechanisms of atherosclerosis - the correction of lipid imbalances, manifested in the elimination of atherogenic lipid fractions and improve the anti - atherogenic lipid fractions - HDL cholesterol, mainly through the use of laser therapy. In addition, it stated the elimination of metabolic and electrolyte abnormalities that are known to contribute to improve the stability of cell membranes of tissues to hypoxia. A comprehensive program of rehabilitation treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities reduces the activity of lipid peroxidation, increased antioxidant protection, non - specific adaptive responses and adaptation system as a whole due to the participation of all components of the complex, to a greater degree of laser and magnetic influences.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):20-28
pages 20-28 views

Integrated program after cardiorehabilitation percutaneous coronary intervention (stenting) of patients with ischemic heart disease

Bubnova M.G., Aronov D.M., Krasnitsky V.B., Novikova N.K., Ioseliani D.G.


Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of a comprehensive rehabilitation program that includes supervised physical training (PT) for 1.5 months, domestic FT throughout the year and an educational «School for patients with CHD» (the «School») in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Material and methods: There were included 100 patients with CHD after PCI, which after examination randomized into 2 groups: - Basic «O» group (n = 50), where patients were engaged in the program «FT + «School» on the background of the standard drug therapy; - Control «K» (n = 50), where patients would only deal with the program « School» on a background of standard medical therapy. All patients were recommended home FT after training. The patients were examined at baseline, 1,5, 4, 6 and 12 months. Results: 1.5 month course CFT improves physical performance (Fed) patients of group «O» is not only at the time of his graduation, but after 12 months: patients of group «O» against the group of patients with «K» performs physical activity (FN) longer duration (13,3%, p <0,05) and volume (33,7%, p <0,05). After the FT to the 6th month decreased end - systolic volume (CSR) of the left ventricle (LV) from baseline to 3,3% (p <0,05), increased ejection fraction (EF) to 2,6% (p <0, 05) and stroke volume (SV) LV at 3,1% (p <0,05). Under the «O» marked reduction in the concentration of triglycerides (TG) in the blood serum of 15,2% (p <0,05) and fibrinogen at 5,6 % (p <0,05), increased cholesterol (LDL), high density lipoprotein (LCS) 9,1% (p <0,05) in contrast to the group «K». After 12 months. The clinical condition improved in 48% of patients of group «O» and 22% of patients of the «K» (p <0,05). Conclusion. Participation of CHD patients after PCI in complex rehabilitation programs has a positive effect on the Fed, the structural parameters of the heart, risk factors and clinical outcomes.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Complex medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with concomitant coronary heart disease

Schegolkov A.M., Yudin V.E., Yaroshenko V.P., Sychev V.V., Chernyshev A.V., Ionichevskaya I.I.


Presents the results of the examination and medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying ischaemic heart disease in a rehabilitation center. The study describes the features of the clinical picture in these patients, are characterized by a "syndrome of mutual aggravation". Describes the impact and effectiveness of rehabilitation program with the use of ultrasonic antibacterial humidifier and microwave therapy low - intensity device «Aster». It is proved that the application of the above techniques leads to a decrease in the rate of exacerbations, respiratory (dyspnea, paroxysmal cough, improving expectoration) and cardiac (decrease the frequency of angina attacks, shortness of breath, increase of tolerance to physical load) insufficiency, to improve the psychological condition of patients. In laboratory and advanced methods of study, there was a statistically significant reduction of inflammatory signs (decreased level of leukocytes in the blood and in the sputum, ESR), have improved cardiorespiratory system according to respiratory function (VC increased from % 71,4±5,6 до 87,6±5,3 % and MVV with 65,4±4,6 до 81,9±4,2 l/m, FEV1 from 75,9±4,5% до 88,1±3,9%), echocardiography (ejection fraction increased 51,9±1,4 to 55,4±1,2 % and the mean pulmonary artery pressure decreased from с 22,1±1,7 до 17,1±1,6 mm.Hg.calendar), veloergometry (tolerance to physical load increased from 76,8 ± 3,6 до 90,1±3,7 W). Patients have improved their psychological state. Reduce the appearance asthenovegetative syndrome is present in almost all patients with this comorbidity, which was confirmed by the improvement of the background of mood, sleep, the emergence of a sense of cheerfulness. Increased indicators of well - being from 3,2±0,5 to 5,0±0,6 activity from 3,4±0,6 to 5,6±0,7), sentiment from 3,8±0,7 to 6,3±0,9. Indicator of reactive anxiety decreased from 47,3±4,2 V to 33,4±3,1. When sanitary and bacteriological studies on microbial contamination of air in the chambers was revealed lower content of microorganisms in 1m 3, which was installed germicidal ultrasonic humidifier «Aquacom», more than 2 times. In addition, it is proved by the significant reduction of dust levels in these wards 2,7 times.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):36-41
pages 36-41 views

The effect of kinesitherapy on the “youth hormone” irisin level in the healthy and the ischemic heart disease patients

Davydov S.O., Kuznik B.I., Stepanov A.V., Morar N.V., Aiushiev O.D.


It was found that in healthy people during a single use of the complex procedures kinesitherapy level of «youth hormone», called irisin, increases, whereas in patients with coronary artery disease remains unchanged. In women, patients with CAD, the content of the sex hormones - estradiol and progesterone - has been reduced, which indicates their premature aging. There are close positive correlation between the content and the concentration of glucose irisina determined both before and after the application of single kinesitherapy procedures.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Seasonal variability in indicators of autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system in young female athletes

Pankova N.B., Fesenko A.G.


Long - term monitoring studies, including the practice of medical maintenance in sports activities and rehabilitation of athletes in intervals between competitions should take into account the seasonal variability of the monitored parameters. In this investigation, a comparative study of common functional indices of the cardiovascular system and the performance of their autonomous regulation in summer (April - June) and winter (November - February) periods was done. The study involved 65 young women between the ages of 18 to 25 years: students of Moscow colleges and universities involved in sports clubs and physical education teachers of Moscow schools. This work method spiroarteriokardioritmograf allowing in addition to assessing the main functional parameters of the cardiovascular system (heart rate, blood pressure), to carry out a simultaneous analysis of variability of heart rate and blood pressure, as well as to assess the sensitivity of spontaneous arterial baroreflex. In parallel with the registration parameters of the cardiovascular system evaluated the psychological condition of the subjects using a questionnaire Being - Activity - Mood. It is shown that in the winter records were obtained higher values of heart rate, higher values of the absolute and relative power of the LF band in systolic blood pressure spectrum, and decrease of the absolute power of VLF band in the heart rate variability spectrum. The lack of seasonal changes in the value of the spontaneous arterial baroreflex sensitivity suggests a leading role in the variability of heart rate neuro-autonomic regulation systems. Seasonal changes in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system of young women were accompanied by a decrease in their well - being in winter.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Trace element status in patients with calcined aortic stenosis seasonal

Gulyaev N.I., Suglobova E.D., Vlasenko M.A., Yakovleva M.V., Kuznetsov V.V., Gordienko A.V., Kuranov G.L., Poltareyko D.S.


The results of an extended study of trace element status in patients with calcific aortic stenosis are presented for the first time. We found a significant difference in the content of blood plasma trace elements in groups of patients with calcific aortic stenosis and a control group without destruction of the aortic valve, matched by age and gender. By mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma used to study the blood plasma content of 24 chemical elements. There was a reduction of some indicators of trace elements: calcium, zinc, vanadium, rubidium. In comparison with the control group showed an increased concentration of toxic lead and strontium inert. The tendency to increase the aluminum (p=0.06) content and the reduction of magnesium (p=0.068). The article examines the impact of changes in the concentration of trace elements on the activity of enzyme systems, the exchange of collagen, the development of endothelial dysfunction and changes in blood pH. Possible variants of participation metabolic disorders of trace element status in the pathogenesis of calcification of aortic semilunar flaps are considered.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):51-57
pages 51-57 views

The role of endogenous and microbial gas molecules in physiology and pathophysiology of cardiovascular system

Shenderov B.A.


Studies of endothelium and microbial cell derived gaseous products (NO, CO, H2S, H2) formed in mammalian organisms have shown their participation in the various fundamental physiological and pathophysiological reactions and conditions of the host. Many of these gaseous molecules are pleiotropic mediators having different effects in many tissues and organs, especially in the cardiovascular system. Current data have determined that molecular cross talk occurs between NO, CO, H2S and other intestinal gases. The introduction in medical practice simple, reliable methods for detection as well as quantity measurement of synthesis of gaseous mediators and transmitters in the cells and tissues, selective inhibitors of enzymes that participate in their endogenous synthesis, safe chemical and microbial donors of mentioned specific and pleiotropic gaseous mediators permits to introduce them as novel therapeutics for number of important indications in restorative medicine and rehabilitation. Targeting the intestinal microbiota might offer novel perspective for restoration of gasotransitters homeostasis.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with concomitant coronary heart disease under controlled air and using microwave therapy (review)

Ionichevskaya I.I., Schegolkov A.M.


The problem of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary heart disease still remains one of the most relevant as medicine, and society in General. The prevalence of these diseases leads to a high probability of their combination in one and the same. The clinical picture of this combination is characterized by the development of patients "syndrome of mutual aggravation", which is manifested by severe disturbances of respiratory function, Central and peripheral hemodynamics, microcirculation, reduced tolerance to physical load. This review summarizes current data on the rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying ischaemic heart disease. The role of mechanisms of non - pharmacological treatment in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying ischaemic heart disease. Possibility of application of microwave machine "Aster" and germicidal ultrasonic humidifier in complex medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying ischaemic heart disease lung. It is shown that application of the "Aster" in patients contributed to early recovery of pulmonary function. All patients who received treatments using the apparatus Aster was observed a clear trend towards an earlier decline in drug therapy and reducing the symptoms of respiratory and heart failure. Also, numerous sources of literature substantiate the necessity of stay of patients with combined cardiorespiratory pathology in conditions of purified air environment. This reduces the frequency of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and clinical manifestations "syndrome of mutual aggravation". Consequently, the inclusion in the program of medical rehabilitation of the "Aster" and the stay of patients in the regulated environment will improve the efficiency of treatment by reducing the irritative effects of ambient air, decreasing the activity of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, improve the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system and psychological state of the patients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Experience with telerehabilitation of patients after lower limb arthroplasty: a review of literature and the results of our own study

Lyadov K.V., Shapovalenko T.V., Koneva E.S.


The importance of the issue staged rehabilitation treatment, would ensure the continuity of rehabilitation patients who no doubt. Aspects of the implementation stages, therapeutic and economic efficiency of today are under active development, analysis and implementation in the practical activities of institutions. Sharp enough, in our opinion, to date, it is the issue of the second phase of rehabilitation after discharge from the surgical or therapeutic beds. It is relevant to the second stage of the patients two main areas - are patients with neurological deficits and patients after injuries and operations on the skeleton. To date, the existing specialized centers and medical rehabilitation department can not fully cover the increasing number of patients in need of rehabilitation treatment after discharge from hospital. The article provides an analysis of studies on the therapeutic and cost - effectiveness of remote rehabilitation using the Internet - technologies in patients after replacement hip and knee joints. The analysis of foreign works on the therapeutic effect (results of the dynamics of rating scales and objective patient data) held telereabilitation compared with carrying out the procedures in ambulatory form or specialist at home in patients after knee replacement, as well as in the comparative aspects of the question of economic benefits of a particular form rehabilitation. In addition, it presented their own experience in remote patient rehabilitation program after hip and knee joints in the therapeutic aspect. The use of modern technologies for the realization of remote - controlled rehabilitation as the second stage of medical rehabilitation on the example of the rehabilitation of patients after joint replacement surgery, is in our opinion a perfect solution to the problem of continuous rehabilitation of patients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):72-75
pages 72-75 views

Bone mineral density in women with natural menopause

Shmeleva S.V., Manuhin I.B.


The article deals with the relationship of natural menopause and body mass index, obesity, age women. Given the magnitude of body mass index data were obtained on the incidence of osteopenia, osteoporosis and fractures in women aged 49 - 71 years. ^nvincingly shown that women with low body weight, were more likely to fracture. It should be noted that there was no fracture in 42.0% of obese women with only 8.0% of the screened with severe obesity had a history of fractures. The combination of low weight with hyposthenic physique is a risk factor in women OP as low body weight in women is often associated with estrogen deficiency. Thin women have a higher risk of osteoporotic fractures. This is partly due to a thin layer of adipose tissue that obese women are spreading the energy of incidence and the fact that they have lower bone mass values. Within 12 months of prescribed hormone replacement therapy (tibolone, femoston, calcium - activated) in 4 groups of patients. Was an increase in bone mineral density in patients receiving hormone replacement therapy after 6 months, which is the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as reduces the risk of falls and fractures, significantly improves the quality of life of women with natural menopause.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Evaluation physiotherapy aging correction skin by rf sonography

Bezuglyi A.P.


Objective assessment of treatment results in cosmetology is an important task. The aim of the study was the quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic correction of age facial skin using high frequency ultrasonography. Under our supervision there were 43 women aged 42 to 63 years, with age-related changes of the facial skin. For correction of age changes we applied low - frequency pulse currents and cathode galvanization. For quantitative monitoring of morphological and functional parameters of the skin with high - frequency ultrasound we used DUB SkinScanner (tpm GmbH) with linear probe 22 MHz. The depth of wrinkles, thickness of epidermis, dermis and acoustic density was measured. Quantitative analysis of the skin structure using high frequency ultrasonography showed a significant increase in the thickness of the dermis and reducing the depth of fine and deep wrinkles. In this study, using high frequency ultrasonography, for the first time we determined the efficiency of combined application of galvanic and low frequency pulse currents for correction of age changes of skin.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):80-85
pages 80-85 views

Rehabilitation in intensive care - Rehabilitate Clinical practice guidelines (2015)

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):86-108
pages 86-108 views

The «Health academy» innovative clinic’s capacity to organize the 3rd stage of cardiac rehabilitation in transbaikal territory

Davydov S.O., Guseva E.S.


In the modern conditions, in order to achieve the desired clinical and economical effectiveness, the 3rd stage of cardiac rehabilitation must be organized by a multidisciplinary teams and at the medical establishments that follow the Order of rehabilitation and are able to ensure a multi-faceted, safe approach to the recuperation of patients who suffered a myocardial infarction. It is advised that the prophylactic and polyclinic departments of the specialized Cardiac Rehabilitation Centers or Multidisciplinary Medical Rehabilitation Centers are used for such purposes. This article highlights the operational principles of the cardiac rehabilitation department of the “Health Academy” Innovative Clinic (the Clinic) located in Chita, Transbaikal territory, Russia. The Clinic is a private medical rehabilitation center created in cooperation with the government which allows it to operate under the obligatory medical insurance policy. The center has a range of rehabilitation programs including the cardiovascular disease patients’ rehabilitation program. Currently, the Clinic has a multidisciplinary work team that includes the following specialists: cardiologists, medical fitness professionals, a physiotherapist, a psychotherapist, a nutritionist, an andrology urologist, a endocrinologist, a neurologist, functional diagnostics specialists, kinesiotherapists, anesthesiologists, rheumatologists etc. The center has a set of high-level individualized and controlled training programs performed in a facility equipped with a series of computerized exercise machines. There are also a number of psychological guidance and support programs for the patients suffering from the cardiovascular diseases. Considering that the modern three - level cardiac rehabilitation model has only recently begun to function in the Russian Federation, there are a number of organizational issues that require a further discussion as well as some managerial decision-making. All in all, the “Heath Academy” Innovative Clinic has created all the necessary conditions for a successful implementation of the third stage of cardiac rehabilitation. The conditions which the Clinic currently possesses are in accordance with the all the requirements stipulated in the respective legal acts which are now in effect, and allow the team to perform secondary prevention activities of the unfavorable cardiovascular events by forming the correct behavioral stereotype among the patients.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):109-113
pages 109-113 views


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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2015;14(5):114-118
pages 114-118 views

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