Sociopolitical Sciences

Bimonthly international  peer-reviewed research journal.


Publishing house "Yur-VAK"


The journal reviews:

  • the most important  social and political problems in modern Russia and in the world;
  • formation of the national - state identity in Russia;
  • histories of sociopolitical doctrines;
  • political psychology.

The articles are written by scientists working on master’s and doctor’s theses. All articles published in the journal are peer-reviewed by the members of the editorial board and other top-level academic lawyers, economists.  

The journal is supervised by:
  • Moscow State Philosophical department of Moscow State University
  • Mordovian State University named after N.P.Ogaryov
  • Moscow National Institute of Business
  • Moscow Humanitarian University


  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrich's Periodical Directory
  • Crossref
  • Dimensions
  • CyberLeninka
  • East View
The journal is included in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of key research findings from dissertations for the candidates and doctoral degrees.

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Vol 14, No 3 (2024)

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Conference “Second Moscow Political Science Forum”

Conference “Second Moscow Political Science Forum”
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):15-15
pages 15-15 views
Development of energy transport corridors in the Middle East as the basis of regional conflicts
Bocharov Y.B.

Purpose of the study. The article examines the problems of vulnerability of energy transport corridors in the Middle East and their impact on the global economy. The role of geopolitical actors such as the USA, Russia and China on the development of relations between the countries of the Middle East and the resulting tension in the region due to their rivalry are analyzed. A brief overview of the reasons why a number of countries in the region have problems when planning and creating new transport and energy corridors connecting the region with other countries of the world is given. It is concluded that the development of energy transport corridors in the Middle East serves as both a source of development and a catalyst for regional conflicts. Understanding this relationship between energy strategies, geopolitics and conflict is an important aspect for developing sustainable and peaceful solutions in this strategically important region.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):16-22
pages 16-22 views
Inclusive capitalism as a globalist project and Russian civilization
Kochetkov A.P.

The emerging concept of inclusive capitalism and the consequences of its implementation for Russian civilization are considered. It is shown that this concept is another version of the theory of “national welfare”, which hides the real plans of the globalists to establish their dominance in the world with the help of digital technologies for managing society and the economy in the long term. The role of national states will be reduced to the level of subordinate structures of a certain global corporation governing the whole world. However, such a development of events is not predetermined and will meet serious resistance from the main part of humanity. Special attention is paid to the fact that the practical implementation of the main provisions of the theory of inclusive capitalism undermines the historical, socio-cultural foundations of Russian civilization.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):23-27
pages 23-27 views

Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies

Political aftertext in line with modern political practices
Kravchenko V.V.

The purpose of the research is to establish in modern political culture the concept of “zatext” and its various types in order to effectively resist provocations and disinformation of political opponents, apply adequate political technologies, achieving their political goals. The article suggests using the interdisciplinary term “zatext” to consider political strategies that are dynamically developing in the context of transforming international relations.

The results of the study show that the system of diplomatic and political discussions, statements and communications is currently changing dramatically: texts with a double bottom, essentially texts with overtones, are being replaced by direct speech, in which the accompanying overtones are immediately stated, clarifying the main theses without ambiguity and hints. Against the background of the unscrupulous use of fakes at various political levels by Western countries, Russian political leaders have chosen tactics and strategies of honesty, openness and direct debunking of unscrupulous machinations on the part of political opponents.

Conclusions. Thus, a new political trend is being formed – to create a new world order, which is based on equal interactions between Russia and all sincere and constructive allies. A new political culture is also emerging, based on universal human values, the desire for universal peace and the co-evolutionary development of world civilizations.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):28-32
pages 28-32 views
Some aspects of ensuring internal security of Russia at the present stage of development of civilizations
Bolgov N.V., Chichulin N.A., Shevtsov V.M.

The article examines some aspects of ensuring Russia’s internal security at the present stage of the development of civilizations. The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of internal threats, including terrorist ones, on the national security of the country. This is necessary for a fundamental revision of state policy, scientific apparatus and clarification of the fundamental conceptual documents on ensuring security from internal threats. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the authors conclude that at present, the increase in threats emanating from individual countries and affecting the security of the Russian Federation is not decreasing but continues to increase. Means of economic, political, diplomatic, and informational pressure are actively used against Russia to exacerbate the inter-civilizational conflict, delegitimize it within the international community and destabilize the political situation inside the country, which can lead to the loss of identity and cultural and historical heritage. The social contradictions that arise in society lead to the emergence of protest activity of citizens, which must be controlled by state and public security institutions. The emphasis is placed on the need for timely changes in the legal framework governing anti-terrorist activities. Based on the results of the analysis, problems of organizational and legal regulation have been identified that require the elimination of negative factors at the state level. Proposals are being made to improve anti-terrorist activities in Russia and the need for a set of measures to ensure its legal support, as well as the use of existing potential.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):33-38
pages 33-38 views
Features of the development of multiparty regional systems of the Russian Federation
Mazhnikov V.I.

The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and development of multiparty system in the regions at the present stage of Russia’s political development. The article analyzes the processes of transformation of the Russian party system in the context of systematic changes in the mechanisms of legislative regulation of their party and political activities.

The aim of the study is to determine the degree of influence of the regional party system on the exercise of political power in Russian regions. This is necessary to determine the main directions for improving the system of party legislation in the process of establishing a new political system.

Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, a number of unresolved contradictions in the formation and development of the modern Russian regional party system have been identified. These contradictions do not allow this type of party system to achieve the level of influence that would give them the opportunity to really and effectively participate in the current political process. It can be argued that the party systems that have developed today in the regions are lagging behind in their development in comparison with the all-Russian party system. The author concludes that in order to change the current situation, it is necessary to improve the quality of representation from political parties in regional and municipal authorities. In order for political parties in the regions to articulate the interests and needs of various social groups, they must have the necessary power resources in making decisions on the leadership and management of the region. One of such ways to increase the level of influence of the regional party system is, in the author’s opinion, the reform of party legislation in the direction of creating broader opportunities, both for creating parties of different political spectrum and for increasing their power capabilities.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Russian Public Administration: Pages of History and Modernity

Social transformation in Russia in the 1990s: problems and periodization of the formation of social policy
Yusupov R.G., Khaibullin A.R., Grigoriev E.N.

The article analyzes the problems and periodization of the formation of social policy in Russia in the 1990s. After the collapse of the USSR, the abandonment of the socialist path of development and a sharp turn towards the capitalist path, expressed in radical market reforms, the Russian state, which began to copy and transfer the experience of developed Western countries to Russian realities, faced a dual task – to form an economic policy based on market principles and, again based on the experience of Western countries, a new social policy. Western states are not unanimous on social issues, but social policies are formed and implemented by all. There are three basic models of it, in which the participation of the state in the implementation of social tasks is outlined in different ways. However, the Russian authorities are faced not so much with the problem of choosing an appropriate model, but with the problem of adapting the state’s social obligations to the consequences of market transformations. The term “transformational model of social policy” even appeared in the scientific literature, indicating a state of transition, but it was not possible to unambiguously describe this term, since approaches to social transformation in different countries did not repeat each other. Moreover, the practice of transition to a market in Russia and other countries with a socialist background has shown different reactions to universal market laws and mechanisms. The Russian scenario turned out to be painful for the economy and social sphere. It was established that the social sphere was transformed in three stages, but none of them had a systematic and complete form. On this basis, we concluded that in Russia in the 1990s, social transformation laid some of the foundations for social policy. But it did not lead to the formation of social policy itself, which is incorrect to interpret as a certain sum of social measures, because any policy, including social policy, is usually understood as a mechanism developed by the state for regulating social relations, aimed at their harmonization.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):45-50
pages 45-50 views
Conceptual foundations of the policy of voluntary resettlement of compatriots at the present stage of development of the Russian Federation
Ilyicheva L.E., Skutina S.G.

The study examines the conceptual political and legal foundations for the formation and implementation of state policy on the voluntary resettlement of compatriots. One of the main tasks of this direction of state policy at the present stage is the return and attraction to the state of persons in demand by the economy and ready for faster integration into the host society, which actualizes the need to develop resettlement programs not only for potential compatriots currently living in the territories of post-Soviet states or states of Western Europe, the USA and Canada, but also , the creation of mechanisms for the resettlement of foreigners who are not included in the category of “compatriot”, but nevertheless, ready to integrate into Russian society, having a similar cultural code. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is formed in the paradigm of understanding the state policy on the voluntary resettlement of compatriots as an integral part of the migration policy of the state, which determines the use of approaches characteristic of various disciplines to the study of migration as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. Institutional and comparative approaches were used as the main approaches to scientific research adopted at the level of classical political science. Induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis are also reflected in the study. In the article, the state policy of voluntary resettlement of compatriots from abroad is considered from the point of view of solving the strategic tasks of the state in terms of increasing human capital, solving demographic problems and spatial development. The development of effective appropriate solutions in the analyzed area is the result not only of the application of a formal legal approach typical for the adjustment of migration legislation, but also of comparative studies involving the selection and co-optation of the most successful resettlement practices of foreign countries. At the same time, the narratives of the “Russian World” as a source of formation of a new civic community become the ideological concept of a new approach to the repatriation of persons of these categories.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):51-58
pages 51-58 views
Legal-communicative competence in modern domestic and foreign scientific research
Usmanova E.F., Khudoykina T.V., Adaeva O.V.

The purpose of the study. Within the framework of the study the task was set to study and analyze domestic and foreign scientific research devoted to the communicative competence of a lawyer in order to identify the features and elements of this category, as well as to determine the ways of its formation and development.

The conclusions of the study. In general, under the legal-communicative competence most researchers understand a systemic education characterized by the presence of communicative knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in legal practice. Сommunicative competence includes the following knowledge, skills and abilities: deep knowledge of the legal profession and mastery of the terminology of the professional sphere; ability to perceive, analyze and use legal information in relation to a particular situation; knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to use them in professional communication; mastery of speech, which covers professional legal concepts and categories, containing speech and communication skills. It is noted that modern means of formation of communicative competence should be focused on all structural elements, as their interrelation with communicative experience is a personal-communicative education contributing to the achievement of social demands.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Political identity of Russia in the modern world

Ideological aspects of Russia’s foreign policy in Southeast Asia
Burdeyny V.V.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, foreign policy relations with the countries of Southeast Asia entered a state of crisis, which affected economic, political and cultural ties. The repeated visits of representatives of the Russian leadership are an indicator of the attention that the Russian leadership pays to issues of development and cooperation with the countries of the region. Since the creation of independent states in Southeast Asia, the ideological basis of the emerging cooperation, conventionally called at that time “the export of socialism”, has been important. The article attempts to consider the historical prerequisites that determined the nature of domestic foreign policy in Southeast Asia from the perspective of ideological aspects of foreign policy. Among the main ideological aspects of foreign policy today, the most relevant are ensuring multipolarity, mutual respect for sovereignty and observance of the basic principles of security of international cooperation, ensured by mutual initiatives aimed at reducing armaments, expanding demilitarization zones, and integrating the economies of the countries of the Southeast Asian region into the world. The author concludes that the modern content of cooperation based on mutual respect, the progressive development of cooperation in all areas, and strategic interaction will allow relations with the countries of the region to develop steadily in the future.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):65-70
pages 65-70 views
Turkey’s soft power resources and tools in Azerbaijan
Zinnurov I.K., Shangaraev R.N.

“Soft power” resources are the availability of certain opportunities, reserves, and options for one state to attract or voluntarily persuade another state to its policy. Azerbaijan plays an important role in modern Turkish geopolitics. Turkey is active in the South Caucasus, pursuing a policy of “soft power” through culture, investment and bilateral cooperation.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Human Rights

Features protecting rights in the sphere of family relations: status and prospects
Letova N.V.

Purpose of the study. The article identifies problems of theory and practice related to the consideration of cases in courts for the protection of rights arising in the field of family legal relations. The author substantiates the conclusion about the need to determine the specifics of justice in family cases, especially with the participation of minors, which is due to the participation of special bodies and authorized persons who ensure the protection of the family rights of citizens. The author has proven that effective protection of family rights is possible subject to the balanced use of different forms (jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional), including alternative methods, which essentially corresponds to the nature of family relations and contributes to the adoption of legal and informed decisions that meet the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):76-82
pages 76-82 views
Family law and responsibilities of children
Nesmeianova I.A.

The purpose of writing this article was the absence in family law of a section on the responsibilities of minors in family legal relations, despite the fact that the main principles of family law proclaimed in Article 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, namely: building relationships in the family on “mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members” do not indicate children as subjects deprived of any responsibilities to other family members. Currently, in family law, the rights and interests of minor children have absolute priority; it is believed that family responsibilities can arise only after children reach adulthood. Meanwhile, in other areas of law, the legislator takes a different position, assigning minors certain responsibilities that are feasible for their age and consciousness and provides for adequate responsibility. The article presents legislative norms on the responsibilities of children, considers the opinions of scientists on the duties and responsibilities of children, and proposes a classification of the responsibilities of minors. Based on the articles of specialists, a conclusion was made about the possibility of fixing the responsibilities of children and other family members in the family constitution or some other family document that is not provided for by current legislation or is not of a legal nature. It is proposed to consolidate the responsibilities of children in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that the issue of children’s responsibilities is complex and debatable.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):83-88
pages 83-88 views

New issues in law

Dialectical and formal-logical approach in criminal process
Pechnikov G.A.

Purpose of the study. Show the actual existence of materialist dialectics as a general and universal objective law and as an independent science of thinking, which must be taken into account in criminal proceedings. Dialectics (dialectical logic) is opposed to formal logic, and dialectics cannot be subordinated to formal logic, considering it only as a fragment, a section of formal logic, and on this basis deny the very existence of dialectics. After all, formal logic and dialectics (dialectical logic) are two parts of a single whole. The relationship between them is dialectical. Dialectics requires a systematic approach and does not allow the erasure of differences between such systemic opposites as “goal and means”, “form and content”, “personality and objective truth”. Meanwhile, in the current adversarial Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the differences between these opposites are essentially erased, their systemic dialectical unity is destroyed. The article contrasts the formal-logical (tautological) prohibiting contradictions approach and the dialectical (based on dialectical contradictions) approach in relation to the criminal process.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the carrier of the formal-logical approach, in the author’s opinion, is the current adversarial Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, in which the differences between such dialectical opposites as goal and means, form and content are actually erased, since the dominant one in this in the process, competitiveness (competition of the parties), i.e., the means, due to its self-sufficiency, (since everything is decided by the duel of the parties) excludes objective truth as the goal of the process. This destroys the systematic, truly scientific approach, which does not allow the erasure of differences between opposites. In adversarial criminal proceedings, the adversarial form is more important than the actual content. Formal legal truth in it is higher than objective truth. In fact, in the adversarial Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation there has been a “substitution of the concept” – not a complete, reliable, objectively true disclosure of crimes (the fight against crime), but the resolution of a legal dispute (conflict) of the parties of prosecution and defense (the state and the individual) who have equal rights before the court in favor of strong side. Individual rights in such a process are not absolute, but only relative value, since everything depends on the strength of the parties, and whoever is stronger is right. That is, in reality, the guilty person can win the process (case) and remain unpunished, but in reality, the innocent person can lose. In an adversarial process, everything is relative. What is necessary is an objectively true difference between the guilty and the innocent, and not an adversarial (win-lose) one. Hence, the objectively true model of the criminal process is a higher type of legal proceedings than the adversarial process. It is impossible to destroy the systemic dialectical unity of purpose and means, form and content, objective truth and personality in criminal proceedings. Dialectics as a universal pattern should be reflected in the criminal process. This is the guarantee of scientific, objectivity and true fairness of the criminal process, in contrast to the justice of the strongest in adversarial criminal proceedings (Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). The article criticizes the theoretical position aimed at idealization, absolutization of formal logic, which does not allow contradiction, when dialectics (dialectical logic, dialectical contradiction) is considered only as a section, a fragment of formal logic. Thus, the very existence of dialectics, both as an objective law and as an independent science of thinking, is actually denied. This is something we cannot agree with. In their own way, both formal logic and dialectics (dialectical logic) are scientifically necessary. As dialectical opposites, these logics are two parts of a single whole: one is static, the other is dynamic. These logics are interconnected dialectically.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):89-95
pages 89-95 views
The potential of artificial intelligence in crime investigation: for or against
Berova J.M., Tutukov A.Y.

Digital technologies are an essential element of modern life. Measures aimed at the use of artificial intelligence are recognized as a strategic direction of scientific and technological development of the Russian state. Research into the capabilities of artificial intelligence is mainly carried out from the point of view of its technical and civil components. But in recent years, artificial intelligence technologies have been widely introduced into law enforcement, in particular into the practice of investigating and solving crimes.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the capabilities of artificial intelligence and determine the feasibility or inexpediency of its use in the investigation of crimes. To achieve this goal, the conceptual and categorical apparatus is considered, the signs of artificial intelligence are analyzed, on the basis of which the advantages and disadvantages of using this technology by law enforcement agencies are revealed.

The authors conclude that it is advisable to use artificial intelligence in the investigation of crimes, taking into account all the capabilities and limitations of the technology in question.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):96-100
pages 96-100 views
The role of video games as complex intellectual property objects in the development of artificial intelligence
Shomakhov A.R.

The article evaluates the role of video games in the development of artificial intelligence and examines the problems of understanding the legal nature of a video game as an object of intellectual property in the era of digital society. The article analyzes the existing judicial practice on these issues, the contradictory approaches of representatives of legal doctrine in determining the legal nature of a computer game, as well as international experience in the development of artificial intelligence.

The purpose of the study is to determine the role of video games in the formation of artificial intelligence and its further development, as well as to form a unified approach to determining the legal nature of a video game. These goals are due to the rapid growth in the popularity of artificial intelligence and video games at the time of the study.

Results. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that in accordance with the very legal essence of the video game and the legislation of the Russian Federation in force at the time of the study, a computer game, as a general rule, should be classified as complex intellectual property objects as a multimedia product. In extremely rare cases, such a qualification may be in favor of a computer program, the role of video games in the formation and development of artificial intelligence is assessed at a high level. However, to date, video games in Russia lack legal certainty both at the level of laws and law enforcement practice, which makes it difficult to test technologies on their platform. In this regard, a more stable legal certainty in relation to video games will lead to a higher rate of development of domestic artificial intelligence technologies.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):101-107
pages 101-107 views
Electronic digital virtualization in criminology: objects and forms of research; criminalistic significance for the criminal process
Lozinsky O.I.

The purpose of the study. The article analyzes the manifestations of electronic digital virtualization in criminology, which is reflected both in the expansion of the range of objects of its research, and in the emergence of new types and forms (methodological, hardware-man-made) research in this field. The results of forensic practice make it possible to counteract the criminalization of the electronic digital virtual sphere and become potentially and actually, after their appropriate regulatory and legal formalization, a source of new objective evidence in the fight against criminal manifestations in the electronic digital information and communication environment.

Conclusions. Domestic criminology, in the process of a dynamic transition of society from the industrial stage of development to the information one, acquires innovative areas and objects of research, including and in a virtual environment, which is accompanied by the generation and implementation of types and forms of research with virtualization elements. The results of forensic research in a virtual environment should be guaranteed to be able to become a source of objective evidence in the domestic criminal process, which requires the dynamic development of the legislative framework in this area, which at present is very much limited only to the field of computer-technical expertise.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):108-114
pages 108-114 views
Issues of development of cooperation between the USA and Russia in the sphere of international information security
Zagaynov M.R.

The article presents an analysis of cyber threats implemented against Russia and the United States, and also examines possible dangers in the field of international information security within the framework of the current global political situation. The author has explored the history of the development of approaches of the Russian Federation and the United States of America to ensuring state security in the cyber environment. An analysis of the problems of international information security is carried out using the example of bilateral relations between the United States and Russia, both in the historical context and in the current international political situation. US policy is aimed at independently identifying and holding accountable for cyberattacks the state from whose territory, in their opinion, the threat came. And due to the difficulties in detecting attackers in practice, this approach is prone to abuse. While Russia proposes to investigate each situation individually and hold the instigators and perpetrators accountable. And due to the fact that currently there is no mechanism for crisis resolution of conflict situations in the ICT environment and uniform international standards for resolving cyber conflicts, the option proposed by Russia seems to the author more promising.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):115-124
pages 115-124 views
Problems of creating a diplomatic service of an integration community (using the example of the EU)
Meshcheryakova O.M.

This article is devoted to problems of improvement of the organizational mechanisms of the EU foreign policy and the creation of the European Union diplomatic service. The existing acts of international organizations were analyzed at the global level and also, through the example of the European continent, on the regional one. As a result of the study, the importance of the correct choice of organizational and legal forms of development of any sphere of the integration process, in particular, the diplomatic service, was revealed.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):125-127
pages 125-127 views

Economic Sociology

Social efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses in the context of sanctions pressure
Denikin A.V., Razov P.V., Andrushchenko A.L.

The article examines the social effectiveness of small and medium-sized businesses in the context of economic sanctions. The analysis of the impact of sanctions on the operational activities of small and medium-sized businesses is carried out, as well as the change in their social role during the period of sanctions pressure is considered. The study examined entrepreneurs’ perception of economic sanctions and adaptation strategies. A consumer survey was conducted to assess the changing social role of small and medium-sized businesses before and after the imposition of sanctions. Data on the dynamics of employment in the small and medium-sized business sector have been collected and analyzed.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):128-135
pages 128-135 views
Financially competent behavior of Russians under the conditions of sanctions pressure: rates and indicators
Borichevskaya E.I.

The purpose of the study. The article discusses indicators and indicators that influence the formation of financially literate behavior based on the results of empirical research in terms of determining the types of financially literate behavior of the population of the Russian Federation under sanctions pressure, within the framework of research “Effective tools for the formation of financially literate behavior of the population under sanctions pressure”. At the same time, the paper notes that financial literacy and, as a result, financial behavior plays a significant role in the lives of both individuals and the whole society. The changes in the economic environment and technological progress are analyzed and it is emphasized that the possession of financial knowledge and skills is a prerequisite for successful functioning in the modern world. As various sociological studies and departmental statistics show, today Russia is facing the challenges of low financial literacy and risky financial behavior, which, in turn, affects the quality of life of the population and, in particular, their income level.

Conclusions. Based on the conducted research, indicators and indicators that determine the profiles of financial behavior of the population under the conditions of sanctions pressure have been identified. The author concludes that the skills that make it possible to effectively manage finances and make purposeful decisions are important not only for personal development, but also for the quality of life in changeable conditions. Financial literacy plays a huge role in modern conditions of development of society, especially during the sanctions pressure on the country. In the presence of sanctions, the economic situation becomes unstable, which requires special attention to its financial decisions.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):136-142
pages 136-142 views

Sociology of management

Public perception of the risks of using smart technologies in the digital management of a modern city
Garaganov A.V.

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of current trends and concerns related to the implementation of AI in city government. Important issues are raised that require further study and solutions to ensure public confidence in smart technologies. AI, neural networks and the Internet of things are having an increasing impact on the management of urban spaces. Innovation opens up opportunities to improve the efficiency of city services, communities, optimize resources and improve the quality of life. However, IT implementation is also associated with certain risks that require study and expert assessment. Analysis of public perception of the risks associated with the use of intelligent technologies in the management of modern digital cities plays a key role in the adoption and further development of progressive technological initiatives, including the spaces of “smart” megacities. There has been a tendency towards the frequent use of AI and IT for urban management, which citizens note as an opportunity to improve the quality of life and optimize costs.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):143-149
pages 143-149 views
Approaches to defining criteria and indicators for assessing financially literate behavior of the population of the Russian Federation
Trubina J.A.

The article analyzes various approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of “criterion” and “indicator”; during the analysis, interpretations are derived that are taken as the basis for the development of criteria and indicators for assessing the financially literate behavior of Russian residents. The text provides an overview of studies assessing the financially literate behavior of residents of the Russian Federation, in particular the following studies were considered: “Financial literacy of Russians – 2023”, conducted by the National Agency for Financial Research (NAFI); “Study of the level of financial literacy” (stage 4), conducted by the FOM commissioned by the Bank of Russia and “Barometer of economic behavior of households in Russia”, conducted by specialists from the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Based on the analysis of the Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy and Forming a Financial Culture until 2030, in the context of the goals, objectives and expected results from its implementation and analysis of the criteria and indicators taken as a basis within the framework of the previously listed studies, criteria and indicators were proposed for assessing financially literate behavior Russians at three levels: the sphere of personal finance, the sphere of public finance and the sphere of financial security, including financial cybersecurity.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):150-157
pages 150-157 views

Social and Political Philosophy

Liberation of Belarus by the Red Army from the German occupiers during the strategic operation Bagration: philosophy of knowledge and the modern context
Ksenofontov V.N., Ksenofontov V.V.

The article substantiates an integrative analysis of the military strategic operation of the Red Army (codenamed “Bagration”) to defeat German troops on the territory of Belarus. In this regard, based on the principle of unity of historical and logical, a comprehensive analysis of the content and features of the just nature of an important strategic operation of the Red Army is justified. The article examines the socio-philosophical essence of the spiritual factor in the fight against the enemy, emphasizes the continuity of patriotism and moral and combat qualities of Russian soldiers in modern conditions, substantiates the political and moral significance of the role of partisans in the fight against the German occupiers.

The purpose of the study: is to reveal the socio-philosophical significance of the victory of the Red Army over the German troops on the territory of Belarus and to show its cognitive relevance in modern conditions.

Conclusions. 1. The article proves the unity of the people and the army in the defense of the Fatherland against Nazi Germany. 2. The content and features of the defeat of the enemy army group “Center” is an objective imperative for the formation of patriotism and the unacceptability of Nazi ideology in the modern military-political situation.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):158-164
pages 158-164 views
Compliance and Russian legislation on missionary activity in the 19th century
Markova N.M.

The article is devoted to the issue of legal regulation of missionary activity in the Russian state in the 19th century. We study the problem of the attitude of the Russian government to non-Orthodox confessions through the prism of such categories as “missionary work”, “proselytism”, “freedom of religion”. The article analyzes the main legislative documents of the specified period of time, which restrict the actions of non-Orthodox confessions, first of all, missionary activity, despite the proclaimed freedom of conscience and religion. The author comes to the conclusion that all the actions of the Russian government in the specified period of time were aimed at maintaining limited compliance, based on maintaining the dominant position of the Russian Orthodox Church and preventing the spread of non-Orthodox beliefs within the Russian state.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):165-170
pages 165-170 views

Philosophy of religion and religious studies

Orthodoxy in the perspective of the formation of compliance with legal, journalistic, scientific-historical and artistic social subcultures in the second quarter of the 19th century (according to National Corpus Of The Russian Language)
Markova N.M., Arinin E.I., Golenko V.V., Pavlov M.S.

The second quarter of the XIX century became the era of the reign of Nicholas the First, when the number of texts with the lexeme “Orthodoxy,” according to the materials of the linguistic academic resource “National Corpus of the Russian Language,” exceeded their volume for the entire XVIII century. We can say about continuation of the formation of an academic tradition of objective description of confessional, ethnic, ethno-confessional and religious communities in a multi-confessional country of the Enlightenment, combined with the formation of the so-called “protective” direction in politics. In search of compensation (consent) between the court, legal, journalistic, church and scientific elites, new denotations and connotations are formed (for example, “Orthodoxy of the Greek-Russian Church”, “Christian Orthodox Catholic Faith of the Eastern Confession”, etc. in the texts of laws), a romantic understanding of “Orthodoxy” is developing as “the unanimity of the people” (I.V. Kireevsky), normative requirements for the work of writers called upon to create literary works “in the spirit of autocracy, Orthodoxy and nationality” are being constructed (N.A. Polevoy). Along with this, the importance of “inner Christian life” is recognized (V.A. Zhukovsky). The article sets out the position of social philosophy with an orientation towards the approaches of modern philosophical religious studies.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):171-180
pages 171-180 views

National Security of Russia

Legal and economic problems of material and technical support of the agro-industrial complex of Russia
Belkharoev K.U.

The article examines the problems associated with the problems of logistics of the agro-industrial complex. The issues related to natural and climatic factors are considered. It is revealed that long-term errors and structural problems directly contributed to the stagnation of the industry, while primarily reducing the production base on the ground. It was noted that the agricultural sector plays a special role in the economic development of the country, it is a key area contributing to ensuring food independence and the export of agricultural products. It is revealed that the increase in growth rates at the regional level is associated with a system of resource and financial support, which is a necessity in solving import substitution problems. It is particularly noted that the resource potential of the industry is a common system of available elements, an increase in one component implies an increase in the production of interrelated species. It is shown that the problem of food independence has a multidimensional character, its solution is directly interrelated by the fundamental provisions of the fundamentals of legislative regulation. The timely publication of legal documents regulating the functioning of the branches of the agro-industrial complex will serve as the main factor in eliminating internal and external threats in the field of ensuring food security in Russia.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):181-185
pages 181-185 views
The fourth energy transition: current status and outlook, Russia’s strategy in the geopolitical struggle
Hodakovsky E.A., Sizov A.A.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the public and tacit reasons for the fourth energy transition. An assessment of the phenomenon of the fourth energy transition is given as an objective stage in the development of global energy, and through the prism of economic competition and geopolitical confrontation between the EU, USA, Russia, China, and fossil fuel exporting countries. The history of interaction between the USSR (RF) and European countries in the energy sector is outlined. The politically motivated background behind the causes of the energy crisis and the accelerated pace of energy transition is revealed. The problem of the risks of the energy transition in the modern geopolitical and socio-economic situation is touched upon. The main provisions of the energy development strategy of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the fourth energy transition are presented.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):186-194
pages 186-194 views
Family policy of a modern megapolis on the example of Moscow
Bochanov M.A.

Family policy in Russia is of particular importance, given the demographic situation, existing challenges and the needs of families. The presidential initiative “Year of the Family” and strengthening the state’s attention to family and children make it relevant to study and analyze social policies aimed at supporting and developing the institution of the family. The scientific article examines the family policy of the Russian Federation with an emphasis on the city of Moscow, analyzes the significance of the family policy of the Russian Federation with a focus on the demographic situation and measures to support families in the metropolis. The article provides an analysis of social policy and support measures based on research data, statistical indicators and expert assessments. To identify successful programs and support measures, a comparative analysis of federal and regional initiatives is carried out, focusing on the social support infrastructure in Moscow.

Results obtained: the study presents an analysis of successful social support programs for families in Moscow, describes effective measures that ensure well-being and comprehensive support for various categories of city residents, especially families with children. The results of the analysis show that the city provides comprehensive and targeted support to various categories of families, from large families to families with children with special needs, and also actively promotes the employment and education of women with children, which demonstrates an integrated approach to creating a favorable environment for the development of families and society as a whole.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(3):195-200
pages 195-200 views

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