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Том 10, № 6 (2020)


Electronic monitoring of sentenced persons in Slovak legal practice

Klátik J., Klimek L.


The work deals with practical issues of electronic monitoring of sentenced persons in the Slovak Republic. It is divided into seven sections. The first section deals with applicable law - the Act No. 78/2015 Coll. on Control of the Enforcement of Certain Decisions by Technical Instruments. The second section analyses types of the control of the enforcement of decisions and their use. The third section introduces the requirements for the control. The fourth section briefly introduces the application of the system in civil proceedings. The fifth section points out at the interference of the control with the right to privacy. The sixth section answers the question if the system was a good investment or a wasting of money. The last seventh section introduces recommendations for policymakers and legal practitioners.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):13-30
pages 13-30 views

Criminal legal means of providing health care during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ilin D.


The article presents the results of a study of the problems of criminal legal assessment of criminal attacks on the health care system during the COVID-19 pandemic. The social background of such crime and its criminological characteristics are studied. Given the fact that most of criminal law, aimed at preventing crime, reducing the capacity of the state in the fight against novel coronavirus infection treated in depth by the legal and regulatory framework is impeding the spread of the pandemic COVID-19, and analyzed Federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of health of Russia and other state bodies governing the functioning of public authorities, medical institutions and organizations, the rights and obligations of citizens and legal entities, this includes measures for the prevention of this disease in various areas of social life that are additionally regulated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The task of optimizing the criminal law provision of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic is formulated, taking into account the actual situation with the spread of this infection and the practice of countering it. As part of this task, based on a critical analysis of existing approaches in the science of criminal law, we formulate our own concept of crimes that infringe on the health system during the COVID-19 pandemic, characterize the problem, study their legal and social nature, and systematize such crimes. On the basis of the obtained data, a General description of crimes that encroach on the health system during the COVID-19 pandemic is given, their criminal-legal features are considered, theoretical approaches to determining their essence are studied, and the author's position on this issue is formulated. The author's classification of crimes that hinder the provision of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic is given. Groups of such crimes are consistently considered. A General description of their objective and subjective characteristics is given. Proposals for improving the interpretation of the relevant criminal law norms in science and law enforcement practice have been developed, and suggestions for their improvement have been substantiated and formulated. The article is addressed not only to scientists and practitioners of law enforcement agencies, but also to doctors who often work in conditions of a lack of legal knowledge about their rights and obligations, the qualification of certain acts from the point of view of criminal law, the grounds and limits of criminal liability for those that constitute a crime, and algorithms for actions in case of detection of such acts.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):31-41
pages 31-41 views

Criminal law policy of the EU countries in the field of combating environmental crimes

Ignatova M.


The purpose of this article is to identify the main trends of development of criminal legal policy of EU countries in the field of combating crimes against the environment in the context of growing global environmental crisis and the development of consumer society the example of France, Germany, Spain and Italy, the features of statutory regulation of the characteristics of environmental crimes and prescribe the penalties in the legislation of the countries under consideration. The relevance of the problem under study is due to a significant degree of public danger of environmental crimes, their high latency, and therefore the fight against encroachments on the environment is recognized as one of the priority areas of the criminal policy of the EU countries. Criminal legislation plays a crucial role in the system of legal norms for countering environmental crimes. Conclusions. Despite the legal integration of EU countries in the field of environmental protection and the adoption of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19.11.2008, which imposes obligations on member States to introduce certain elements of criminal acts into national legislation, the constitutional and criminal law norms of individual States do not differ in a uniform approach to environmental protection. However, the legislative regulations of the European Parliament have influenced the reform of criminal legislation in a number of countries in the direction of increasing responsibility for environmental crimes and introducing special chapters in the criminal codes that combine criminal acts that infringe on natural objects. The importance of the natural environment, flora and fauna as independent objects of criminal law protection is underestimated, so the severity of criminal repression depends on such a sign as causing harm to human health and life by environmental offenses.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):42-48
pages 42-48 views

Promote outstanding foreign-related legal talents training through the practice management of international moot competition

Zhang Z.


With the advancement of world globalization and economic integration, the demand for outstanding foreign-related legal talents is increasing. After years of practice, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law has emerged in a number of international competitions and formed a unique management system for training foreign-related legal talents. The practice management of international moot competition includes centralized management, teaching management, scientific research management and autonomous management. The mutual coordination of the above management methods can effectively improve the ability of law students to analyze and solve problems, help them better adapt to the international practice environment in advance, and provide a replicable and popularized mode for long-term cultivation of outstanding foreign-related legal talents.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):49-53
pages 49-53 views

The special features of the interpretation of the socio-political doctrine of liberalism in the Western European, American and Russian traditions in the 18th and 19th centuries: common and special

Zubov V.


The article strives to conceptualize the basic ideas of liberalism, free from political sensitivities, emotional judgments and naive simplifications based on different methods and techniques of political and historical science, as well as general scientific approaches - a comparative historical method, a normative approach, an institutional approach, and analytical and synthetic methods. Defects of the interpretation of liberalism in Russia - opposition of “liberals” and “patriots”, domestic perceptions of liberalism as freedom in family, sexual and gender life, reduction of liberalism to the specific historical direction of post-Soviet liberalism are revealed in the paper. Furthermore, the author draws attention to the misunderstanding of liberalism in the United States: one of them refers liberalism to the social democracy, the other equates liberalism with the totalitarian teachings. In the light of the incorrect perception of liberalism in the world, the author formulates the purpose of the work as overcoming the misjudgement of liberalism by overcoming the false appreciation of liberalism by forming a concentrated view of the fundamentals of liberal socio-political teachings based on the views of leading thinkers in Western Europe, the United States of America and Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. Which contributed significantly to the development of the fundamentals of liberalism. Predicated on the analysis of the ideas of Western European, American, and Russian liberal thinkers of the past, the author identifies common and special features of the interpretation of liberalism in different parts of the world over two centuries. Finally, the author concludes that the main features of the original liberalism are the basic points of the classical liberalism of the past centuries are the following points: 1) intelligent people should have unconditional personal, political and economic rights independent of the state; 2) there must be a system in the state that promotes justice and limits the state itself; 3) all people have the right to form a state and influences it.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Problems and prospects for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the international context (American and European approaches)

Rabaya F.


The urgency of the issue is determined by the disregard of the international community, especially the United States and its allies, of the will of the Palestinian people to create their own state. The article is devoted to the problem of creating a sovereign Palestinian state. Palestine currently remains a hostage of intermediary States, especially the United States, which does not allow direct negotiations with Israel on the return of the occupied territories, the solution of the refugee issue, the regulation of the status of Jerusalem, and other problems. The Palestinian authority does not have state sovereignty as an integral state entity. The author, after analyzing various projects on the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, comes to a disappointing conclusion that it is impossible to achieve the goal of creating a Palestinian state through the assistance of the international community, primarily the United States and the European Union. Due to the current circumstances, it is not possible to hold direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. As a conclusion, it is noted that the us monopoly influence on the negotiation process is not productive. To solve this problem, we need a wider range of intermediaries, including international organizations, global and regional actors. Success is possible if the leadership of Israel is inclined to compromise, agreement is reached in Israeli society on the creation of a Palestinian state, and internal contradictions are overcome in the Palestinian society, first of all, the intra-elite split, which further pushes the prospect of the creation of a state of Palestine. The work is based on General scientific research methods and works of Russian and foreign researchers. Empirical data are taken from open sources.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):63-70
pages 63-70 views

Consolidation potential of the internet communication, the Russian context

Barash R.


Analyzing the spread of information technologies on social consolidation the author pays special attention to the study of the Russian situation when the wide spreading of the new media does not result into intensive political consolidation. The author notes that Internet and social networks have an undeniable potential for social influence because of intensive social interaction of numerous stakeholders. At the same time, the nominal potential of social networks as a mechanism of political communication and consolidation is low today. Wide online access does not lead to an increase of the interest to politics or social activity, awareness or subjectivity. The themes of Internet communication is extremely diverse and, most importantly, is rarely focused on a practical result or a long-term plan of socio-political reform of public policy.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):71-79
pages 71-79 views

To a question of research factors affecting the political consciousness of modern Russian youth

Golovin D.


The purpose of the study. The article considers the problem of taking into account and analyzing factors affecting the political consciousness of modern Russian youth. Theoretical and scientific-instrumental approaches of foreign and domestic political scientists and sociologists to the study of the political consciousness of youth, motives and archetypes of political behavior are analyzed. Socio-psychological, economic and political factors of the political consciousness formation and transformation of young Russian voters are identified and investigated. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to develop in Russian political science a methodology for analyzing the factors of modern Russian youth political consciousness, as well as to make copyright proposals for the development of this methodology. Conclusions. The author concludes that methodological approaches to studying the political consciousness of young people exist in Western European and American socio-political science (the concept of a “purposeful voter”, political behaviorism, globalization and virtualization of the political and social space) need some adjustment in relation to the study of the political consciousness of Russian youth. We must take into account the peculiarities of the national mentality such as antinomies of political consciousness, irrational motives for political participation. Another important factors are: specifics of the functioning of the Russian political system (“catching up” with the nature of political modernization, underdeveloped forms and mechanisms of political participation, scarcity of electoral democratic experience) as well as modern challenges and risks of the development of Russian statehood (multiple crises of socio-economic and political nature, characteristic of turbulence). The political consciousness of Russian youth, like the youth of any modern state, is characterized by instability and a tendency to radicalism. The political archetypes inherited by modern Russian youth from the generation of the 1990s do not contribute to the harmonization of their political consciousness. In these conditions, the most important theoretical and applied task of Russian political science is the development of a methodology for identifying and analyzing political factors that affect the political mentality of young voters in modern Russia.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):80-90
pages 80-90 views

Socio-cultural adaptation and integration of migrants in the Republic of Dagestan: A sociological analysis

Abakarov R.


The purpose of this article is to study the public opinion of residents of the North Caucasus region (on the example of the Republic of Dagestan) on the state of social and cultural adaptation and integration of foreign citizens. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the growth of quantitative indicators of migration begins to significantly affect the ethno-social and ethno-political processes in the region and makes certain adjustments in the socio-political sphere of the republic. The main method of research is the quantitative method, i.e. a mass standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire survey was conducted taking into account the general socio-demographic characteristics of the population of the Republic of Dagestan. The content of the questionnaire is aimed at analyzing aspects of the ethnic identity of the Dagestani peoples, determining the ethno-cultural components of its reproduction, analyzing the attitude of the population of the Republic of Dagestan to the social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants, and identifying the most effective ways to achieve this goal.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Doctrine “counter-limits” and doctrine “ultra vires” in the context of protection of national constitutional identity

Belosludtsev O.


The article is devoted to the study of the connection between the doctrine of constitutional identity with the doctrine of “counter-limits” and the doctrine of “ultra vires”. All these concepts are applied in the practice of European constitutional courts in cases related to the resolution of conventionally constitutional conflicts. Since the doctrine of “constitutional identity” in domestic theory and practice is in its infancy, in the author’s opinion, it is necessary to take into account the foreign experience of protecting national constitutional identity. And also carefully consider all related concepts, such as the doctrine of counter-limits and the doctrine of “ultra vires”, paying special attention to the topic of their relationship. The author, analyzing the doctrine of “counter-limits” and the doctrine of “ultra vires”, comes to the conclusion that these doctrines, along with other instruments for protecting national constitutional identity (the doctrine of the margin of appreciation), can be used in relation to the dispute between the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the ECHR on “the right of the last word”.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):98-105
pages 98-105 views

Value consciousness: An attempt to define

Kuzmenkov V.


The purpose of the research. The article consider value consciousness is a special sphere of human consciousness that has its own structure and characteristic features. It was discovered in the phenomenological axiology of E. Husserl, M. Scheler, N. Hartmann and D. von Hildebrand. One of the main achievements was the discovery of value intuition-a sense of comprehension of values. The purpose of this article is to systematize knowledge about value consciousness. Results. Value consciousness has its own structure: value intuition; affectivity; free will; evaluation, evaluative judgments; rationality and prejudice of value. The value prejudice plays a general idea of the value consciousness. The way to realize value consciousness is a value response. It performs cognitive and praxiological roles. The definition of value consciousness is given as a way of correlating the real and ideal worlds, through which a person enters into value relations with the world and embodies values. The boundaries between personal and group types of value consciousness are drawn: individual consciousness is more affective, values are realized only through it, it is more complex. Positive and negative experiences, especially suffering and the feeling of death, are identified as sources of value consciousness formation. The fundamental characteristic of value consciousness is its determination by both ideal and real worlds, which leads to the emergence of “disconnection”. This is alienation from objective being, good, higher values as a result of the defeat of consciousness by “value blindness”, moral indifference. They are based on the love of low things, due to the inability to know the highest values.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):106-113
pages 106-113 views

The problem of moral education of the individual in the conditions of modern Russia

Ozerov A.


The article is devoted to the problem of spiritual and moral education of personality in the conditions of modern Russia. Some aspects of the existing meaning of life attitudes, spiritual and moral characteristics of society are considered, ways of solving problems of a legal and moral nature in conditions of social changes are proposed. Particular attention is paid to examining the relationship between morality, law and patriotism in the system of personal perception. In modern conditions, great attention must be paid to monitoring the spiritual and moral characteristics of Russian society, its moral and ethical state. Specific data from such studies will make it possible to draw a conclusion taking into account specific territories, forming a visual “matrix” with territories where improvements are needed in relation to spiritual and moral values. The results of sociological research will help to see exactly where such work is needed. This is especially true of patriotic education, forms and methods, according to which it is recommended to carry out this kind of activity. In the process of creating methods, it is necessary to abandon the experience of building patriotism based on ineffective measures, without taking into account the historical specifics and specific statistics. It is important to take into account the situation on the ground, public opinion, the presence or absence of a systemic crisis, the situation in the field of human rights. In addition, it would be very useful to create patriotic applications on smartphones, where it would be possible, in a game or other form of active interaction, to gain knowledge about Russian history, heroic deeds of the past, and about the prospects for people with developed moral and ethical qualities. Outside of the separation from digital technologies, it is possible to give meaning to life not only to young people, but also to those who are already of age, by teaching them how to use the latest digital technologies and take advantage of high-speed Internet. It is necessary to create a complex toolkit, which would take into account all aspects of the conditions and circumstances under which effective and comprehensive patriotic and spiritual and moral education is possible.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):114-123
pages 114-123 views

Philosophy of the Victory: Axiological dimension

Melnikov A.


Purpose of research. In the present context of informational confrontation between Russian Federation and the Western world, some social actors are trying to monetize, understate or distort the results of the World War II by using the latest information and communication technologies in order to form and nurture future generations. Given the situation, for the benefit of prosperous development of Russian society it is necessary to identify the value aspects of ensuring the Victory. The heirs of the “liberation soldiers” should thought of the Victory as the greatest value, preserve the memory of it and pass it to their children. The falsifications of the Great Victory should be challenged with its understanding as the value of pan-unity, seamlessly including Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Conclusion. As a result of research the author arrives at a conclusion that in the context of the development of modern information confrontation, it becomes necessary to counteract the influence of destructive technologies of discrediting the Great Victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany, which author understands as an integrated value that helps to unite Russian society, find a common language for mutual understanding for people of different beliefs and political views, pursue traditional values and the most significant social guidelines.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):124-128
pages 124-128 views

Groups of interest in the Russian social policy: The example of all-Russian societies of disabled, blind, deaf

Bugrovskii A.


There is a research gap in the study of interest groups in the social sphere, arguing the possibility of examination the activities of all-Russian public organizations of the disabled, blind, and deaf in interaction with the state authorities in the Russian system of social protection of disabled people. The context of reforming the social sphere in Russia is important because it is suggesting the opposite to conservative principles the transition to market relations and effective management of institutions of social protection. The researchers consider public organizations created in the USSR as of “the power transmission belts” of the state, however these actors may represent interest groups preserving the conservative practices in the social sphere. The aim of the article is to verify whether all-Russian public associations of people with disabilities are interest groups in Russian social policy. The investigation compares the actions of conservative nongovernmental organizations with the theoretical characteristics of interest groups. To argue that the selected actors promote certain interests in the social protection system, a review of the research literature of characteristics of interest groups was conducted. Then, the characteristics were traced in the statutory activities of the investigated organizations. The analysis of the legislation and statutory activities of All-Russian organizations of people with disabilities revealed the possibilities of the organizations to influence political decision-making in relation to persons with disabilities, as well as to contribute to the persistence of the conservative course of social policy, despite the introduced innovations in Russian legislation.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):129-136
pages 129-136 views

History of religious toleration in the Russian North: Research aspects

Kildyashova T., Parsheva E., Sibirtseva Y.


The formation of religious toleration in the Russian context had a complex and long history. But history of religious toleration in different regions had its own features. The idea of the Russian North as a special example of a multicultural and multi-confessional space has always existed. However, this topic has not received complex studying in the framework of regional studies. The aim of this research is to systematize and analyze the scientific works devoted to the development of the religious situation in the Russian North for identifying traditions of religious toleration and tolerance in this territory. The systematization of the sources is based on the chronological principle up to the beginning of the XX century, and takes into account the three main models of religious life in the region. The analysis showed that the formation of religious toleration in the Russian North was related to the emergence of new religious cultures in the region, which led to their coexistence, and not to the displacement. The official policy of the Orthodox Church and the Russian state towards non-Orthodox and non-Christian people was not always supported by the local community. Moreover, there is evidence for the existence of not only a “passive” form of toleration in the Russian North, but also an “active” form of toleration that was manifested towards non-Orthodox and non-Christian people.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):137-146
pages 137-146 views

Memory and forgetting. Socio-philosophical analysis of differences on the example of archaic Greece

Liutaeva M.


The study is devoted to the currently popular issue of memory and forgetting. In connection with the resonant global events on the demolition of monuments, the socio-philosophical analysis of this problem seems relevant. The research methodology is Niklas Luhmann’s theory of “autopoietic” social systems. Within the framework of this concept, it is paid a special role to memory as a regulator of intrasystem reference. It works as a function of forming the boundaries of the system based on past events and distinctions. Memory is understood as a necessary tool that constitutes the current state of the system. Within the framework of the trend of “social constructivism”, to which N. Luhmann’s theory belongs, language is considered the basis of social “framing”, memory captured in words. Therefore, considerable attention is paid to the etymology and history of the concepts of memory/forgetting, as well as the dynamics of changes in semantic connotations. On the example of the distinctions adopted in archaic Greece, which is the “cradle” of Western European culture, the main mechanisms of memory/forgetting are considered and the semantic core of this opposition is indicated. Particular attention is paid to the objects and methods of memorization in an archaic society. Memory as a regulator of semantic distinctions in ancient Hellas kept the basic principles in society that determined the sphere of right behavior. The external expression of these principles was allowed to be fixed in material objects if it satisfied the criteria of significance for the polis. In the conclusion of the study, an analogy with modern society is proposed, in which the “monopoly” on socially significant memory belongs to the state, which seeks to preserve its “imaginary” construction of social reality.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):147-153
pages 147-153 views

M.A. Bakunin on the genesis and evolution of the state (social and philosophical analysis)

Ksenofontov V.


The article reveals the social and philosophical views of M.A. Bakunin on the genesis, essence and evolution of the state. At the same time, attention is focused on his interpretation of state power, which is a lack of justice and freedom for the people. The philosopher, in substantiating his point of view, gives a detailed analysis of the philosophical conceptual provisions on the state. M.A. Bakunin, being an anarcho-revolutionary in his philosophical views, substantiates the limited point of view on the issue of the state and its social role, the positions of the representatives of German social democracy and the views of supporters of Marxist philosophy. The article reveals the socio-philosophical positions of the Russian thinker on the issue of essential components that substantiate the need for the evolution of the state and its departure from the historical arena. At the same time, the main regulations that characterize the prospects for the development of the state and its withering away are revealed. Only a social revolution, according to M.A. Bakunin, can lead to the destruction of the state as an organ of violence, and bring the people freedom, equality and the use of social wealth. Purpose of the research: to reveal the social and philosophical positions of M.A. Bakunin on the genesis of the state, its essence and evolution. Conclusions: The state, according to the views of M.A. Bakunin, is in any form of violence against the people, and therefore it must be destroyed through a social revolution. The future structure of society, as an ideal, should be based on justice and freedom of the people, their self-organization.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):154-158
pages 154-158 views

Comparative legal analysis of the breach of duties of the juvenile person upbringing in the criminal law systems of Russia and individual foreign countries

Pomnina S., Ogrina M.


Objectives: Particular issues of comparative analysis of the liability regulation for the breach of duties of the juvenile person upbringing in the criminal law systems of Russia and foreign countries are relevant to the theory and practice of criminal law. This reason is conditioned by the need of their in-depth study so as to improve Russian criminal legislation and to extend the practical application of the criminal law norms specified in the Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as well as to implement its preventive potential. Research methodology: Comparative legal study of the main categories and concepts used to accurately and correctly determine the constructive signs of the investigated criminal encroachment is done by dialectical, comparative, technical and logical methods. Summary: The article reveals the provisions on the specifics of the qualification of personal actions that consists in breach of duties of the juvenile person upbringing under the Russian criminal code. This reason demands a competent scientific and legal assessment upon the experience of their legal regulation in the norms of foreign criminal law. Conducted comparative analysis of criminal legislation, a synthesis of the views of individual scientists-lawyers are allowed to form a holistic view of the institution of responsibility for committing a crime under article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and to identify the main problems that show up at the constructive tagging of this act. Within the framework of this article, a change of the norm wording of the Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation would be justified by the need to implement the particular provisions of the criminal legislation of individual foreign countries. Therefore, this action will help to increase the effectiveness of its application. Significance: The research provisions can be used for teaching of criminal law courses and for practical implementation of criminal nature of the offense.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):159-167
pages 159-167 views

Trends in countering terrorism and extremism in Russia in the 2010s (based on the analysis of departmental statistics)

Ryazanov D., Abakarov R.


The article is devoted to the study of trends in the counteraction of state bodies to terrorism and extremism in the XXI century based on the study of statistics of Russian authorities (the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Prosecutor General’s office of Russia, Roskomnadzor, Rosfinmonitoring, courts). The authors analyzes indicators of different state bodies. Much attention is given to a significant increase in the activity of state bodies in countering extremism and terrorism, and a serious transformation of approaches to it, which is manifested, among other things, in the growing attention to prevention. The authors notes that major changes have taken place in the sphere of countering extremist propaganda: considerable attention is being paid to Internet activity and the introduction of extra-judicial practices that allow for more rapid suppression of attempts to spread radical views. The authors identify certain problems that reduce the effectiveness of work in this area, which become obvious by analyzing of the ideological affiliation of such publications. The authors comes to the conclusion that the system of countering terrorism and extremism formed in Russia is quite effective.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2020;10(6):168-176
pages 168-176 views

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