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Том 14, № 1 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін

Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies

Impact of Russia’s elites on the 2024 presidential elections

Volokh O., Alekhin V.


This article examines the issue of the relationship between the elites of Russia, as well as their possible influence on the course of the election campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation. The work analyzes the varying degrees of influence on the formation of approaches in the process of transformation of the Russian political system. The purpose of preparing a scientific article is to study the problems of the influence of significant elite groups on pre-election scenarios, with an assessment of the position of competing political structures during the federal election campaign. In addition, there is speculation about possible steps they will take to acquire more influential positions in the next six months, when preliminary nominations of candidates take place and the prospects for election “battles” are outlined. The conclusions underlying this work make it possible to determine the current state of the elites in their competition in the field of political influence on candidates in the presidential “race”.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Features of the Russian “soft power” at the present stage of development

Kerimov A., Aleshchenko P.


The article examines the features and characteristics of the Russian “soft power”, as well as its role and influence on international politics and relations with other states. The article also analyzes practical examples of the use of Russian “soft power”, such as diplomacy, cultural programs, education and science, economic cooperation and information influence. Special attention is paid to changes in Russia’s approach to “soft power” at the current stage of development, including the use of digital technologies. In conclusion, the authors draw conclusions about the importance of Russian “soft power” in the modern international arena and suggest ways to improve policy in this direction. The article uses both general scientific and socio-humanitarian methods of scientific cognition. The results of the study can be in demand by both representatives of the expert community, as well as teachers, graduate students, and students when studying the problems of Russia’s use of “soft power”.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Influence of political and legislative innovations of the XX–XXI centuries on religious views of society: experience of cross-national research

Zubov V.


In this publication the author, using a systemic-structural approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of political-comparative analysis (cross-national and cross-temporal analysis), as well as logical, doctrinal and analytical interpretation of legal norms, makes an attempt to identify and disclose political and legislative innovations of the XX–XXI centuries and establishing the impact of such innovations on religious ideas of society. The political and legal features of atheistic and godless states are revealed, secular states of a democratic plan are characterized, an appeal is made to the historical experience and modern functioning of theocracies and religious states, the principles of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion in Russian and international law are outlined, and problematic aspects of the relationship between religion and extremism are highlighted. It is established that atheistic and godless states in their fight against religion use the same techniques, methods and ways, but the difference is that atheistic states provide themselves with legitimation as public entities that prohibit religion at the constitutional level, while the godless states carry out identical activities without a legal basis. It turns out that secular states of the liberal-democratic plan are the embodiment of the principle of non-interference of religious institutions in public policy, known back in the Middle Ages, and at the same time create a legal and factual basis for secularized societies, which in many ways are far from unshakable religious postulates. It is determined that the domestic legal system fully recognizes those interpretations of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion that are present in international law. It also reveals three lines of anti-extremist activity in the religious sphere in Russia: presumptive, preventive and prohibitive.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):24-34
pages 24-34 views

Russia’s “soft power” in Kazakhstan: cultural and economic aspects

Aleshchenko P., Kerimov A.


Despite the ongoing geopolitical changes in the modern world, the policy of using “soft power” remains the focus of attention of researchers. The article analyzes the role of Russian “soft power” in Kazakhstan. The author focuses on the cultural and economic aspects of the problem. The key criterion for the success of “soft power” is its attractiveness. Based on this quality, the author analyzes such “soft power” resources as education, the spread of the Russian language, touches on historical memory and emphasizes the importance of economic resources. The article also examines the interest in the region, in particular in Kazakhstan, from foreign countries that are increasing their stay here using the mechanisms of “soft power”.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Social Structure Social Institutions and Processes

Russia in the 2020s: Industry 4.0 and socio-political aspects of its integration in mass estimates of the population (based on sociological research)

Kuriukin A.


Purpose of the study: to form an objective understanding of the socio-political issues of integrating Industry 4.0 technologies into modern society in general and Russian society in particular. Methodology. The author, using a wide range of the latest domestic and foreign sources, conducts a consistent analysis of the most general issues related to the topic of the work, gives a general description of the theoretical discourse on the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into society, and considers the interpretation of socio-political aspects in a (joint) “smart” production of Industry 4.0, explores pressing problems with compliance with established socio-economic practices in joint intelligent production, explores the presence of “fear of the future” in society, attitude towards breakthrough innovations of Industry 4.0, using the example of a survey of European society, the attitude of Russian society to the perception of Innovation 4.0 is outlined. Conclusions. Based on the results of the analysis, the author comes to the logical conclusion that the traditional system of established socio-economic practices will undoubtedly face a whole range of new challenges that may lead to a change in views on its form and content, both theoretical and theoretical. and applied it. in terms of compliance and execution of the plan. Especially, according to the author, this can be clearly manifested in the corporate sphere, which in the foreseeable future will become increasingly complex, and in the judicial sphere, where it will be unclear who to file claims against as a result of a trial for restoration or compensation for harm based on the results of an established violation of civil law.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):41-52
pages 41-52 views

Social and Political Philosophy

Simulacra of the digital sphere as a threat to Russia’s spiritual sovereignty

Petriy P., Petryakov K.


Against the backdrop of a fierce spiritual, moral and informational confrontation between the two main actors in the development of world civilization – Russia and the collective Enterprise – the article examines the objective conditions and features of digitalization for society and its security in the form of the emergence and spread of simulacra. The latter, manifesting a multi-vector orientation, pose a threat to the spiritual sovereignty of the Russian state. The manifestation of simulacra in a certain specificity makes it possible to react in a timely manner to their hidden (latent) danger and to determine the main areas of activity that ensure the preservation of the spiritual sovereignty of the country.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Public Administration and Sectoral Policies

Family policy as the basis for preserving and ensuring values in the Russian Federation

Letova N.


Purpose of the study. The article identifies trends in the development of state family policy, the key direction of which is the comprehensive protection of the institution of the family, based on traditional family values, providing conditions for the birth and raising of children, the popularization of large families for the purpose of saving people and improving the demographic situation in Russia. It has been determined that the implementation of multi-sectoral support measures for families with children provides the necessary conditions to meet their basic needs; it has been proven that preferences in the field of labor and pensions for women with many children will provide them with conditions for them to fully combine work responsibilities with family responsibilities. It is concluded that the state’s family policy is focused on ensuring the protection and protection of traditional family values that determine the essence of family relationships and the prospects for their further development.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):58-66
pages 58-66 views

International Relations, Global and Regional Studies

European policy vector M. Thatcher, T. May, L. Truss: euroscepticism, brexit, distancing

Lazareva E., Ustinova N.


The article is devoted to the European course of Prime Ministers M. Thatcher, T. May and L. Truss, based on the analysis of a wide range of sources and literature, the British policy regarding Euro integration in the period 1979–1990, and 2016–2019 is examined. and 2022. The work identifies the main stages and main directions of each of the three ladies – heads of government of the United Kingdom in the formation and implementation of the British strategy in a united Europe. We examined the reasons, goals, features and factors of London’s political course regarding the Brussels model of deepening and expanding cooperation from the European Economic Community to the European Union. It is shown that, firstly, the Thatcher government sought to use the Common Market as a trade and economic bloc, membership in which could contribute to both the economic growth of its country and the restoration of Britain’s global role in Europe and in the world. This task was solved by Thatcher through sharp confrontation, defending British interests, and receiving benefits and preferences from participation in the Community. Secondly, after the decision of the referendum on leaving the EU, T. May led a complex and contradictory negotiation process to develop conditions with Brussels, the British Parliament and the Conservative Party, which found itself in crisis due to disagreements on Brexit, which led to T. May’s resignation. Thirdly, the course of the L. Truss cabinet, in a situation of economic crisis, was focused on protecting British interests in trade and the fight against illegal migration but did not lead to noticeable results.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):67-75
pages 67-75 views

Arctic vector of German foreign policy

Kabushka A., Bogdanova N.


Research Objective. The Arctic is a unique region of our planet, one that affects not only the climate, ocean currents, and weather but also geopolitics and the economy. Various international actors vie for influence in the Arctic region, seeking to maintain a balance through international agreements and intergovernmental cooperation. This article provides a brief overview of the Arctic region. It observes the interests of Arctic states and Arctic Council Observers. The main focus is on Germany’s Arctic policy as an Arctic Council Observer. The article gives a brief historical overview of Germany’s Arctic policy. The transformation of Germany’s position regarding the Arctic, as well as the formulation of a national Arctic strategy, is revealed through an examination of inter-party discussions in the German government. The article investigates Germany’s current Arctic policy and an overall German strategy in the Arctic region. Additionally, the ecological and scientific research strategies of Germany in the Arctic region are detailed. Furthermore, the article explores Germany’s national interests in the Arctic region. The methodological basis of the article is formed by the studies of Russian and foreign researchers. The paper uses general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison). Empirical data used in the work are taken from open sources. Conclusions. The described tendencies and contradictions of German and international policy towards the Arctic indicate still unformed ways and instruments to ensure a coherent policy in the Arctic region. Further research and the development of an international Arctic strategy that can satisfy national interests and meet the individual priorities of each state interested in the Arctic is needed.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):76-82
pages 76-82 views

International public relations and the Heydar Aliyev foundation as a tool of public diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Bayramli N.


Currently, public diplomacy is often studied and analyzed in the context of international public relations. This article discusses the main and significant tools of public diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The article notes the common features of public diplomacy and the international community. The activities of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation as an instrument of public diplomacy in Azerbaijan are analyzed. As a result, it was concluded that these tools are significant for the public diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Working with an audience of millions can change the paradigm of today’s public diplomacy. There is no alternative to the Internet, the World Wide Web. Because the Internet knows no boundaries. And the Heydar Aliyev Foundation demonstrates a vivid example of the conductor of public diplomacy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The projects implemented during the period of activity show that the Foundation has achieved great success and reputation not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the international world. The Foundation plays a big role in popularizing Azerbaijan abroad.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):83-89
pages 83-89 views

History and Theory of Politics

The institute of instructions of voters to deputies in the history of state and law of Russia

Sushkova Y.


The article examines the institution of voter orders in the history of the state and law of Russia, which has great potential as a mechanism for direct democracy and generalization of the aspirations and needs of the population at the present stage. The institution of orders is well known in the history of the Russian state and its individual regions. Historical examples of appeals to the people’s instructions to representatives of state authorities are given. The author concludes that the use of penalties can be a significant factor in overcoming social tension in society, developing ways to effectively solve problems of regional and local importance, as well as contributing to the growth of the authority of public authorities.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):90-95
pages 90-95 views

Sociology of management

How intelligent technologies are changing society and the space of a big city

Garaganov A.


The study examines the evolution of the urban environment in the context of the third and, in the XXI century, the fourth industrial revolution. Special attention is paid to the changes taking place in big cities under the influence of digitalization, modern information technologies and social needs of society. The work describes the formation of communities and communities that arise in the virtual space and are transferred to the urban environment. Exhibitions, as part of the fundamental space of large cities, are a public metamodern filled with cultural and innovative capitalist forms. For the first time, the concept of the chronotope and its role as a driving force uniting time and space in the formation of culture, public life and the development of urban spaces is used. The study highlights changes in social connections, the emergence of new forms of communication and the impact of technological progress on urban dynamics. In general, the paper analyzes the evolution of the urban environment and exhibition activities under the influence of modern technologies, socio-cultural changes and identifies key trends and challenges facing modern cities.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):96-101
pages 96-101 views

Brand management as a type management activities

Veremchuk V., Grigoriev N.


Brand management is one of the most important management tools that allows companies to create and strengthen their brands, increase their value and provide competitive advantages in the market. In today’s world, where competition is only increasing, the ability to effectively manage a brand is becoming a key success factor for any business. Effective brand management requires constant monitoring of the market and consumer needs, adaptation of brand strategy to changing conditions, as well as flexibility and creativity in decision-making. This article discusses the main aspects and features of brand management as a type of management activity, as well as analyzes its role in the successful development of the company in the market.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):102-106
pages 102-106 views

Ethics in criminal law matters

Professional morality as the basis for the activities of PD employees and conflict of interests with the youth subculture

Protasov Y., Sashenkov S., Talynyov V.


The article analyzes the issues of the essence and content of the moral foundations of the professional activities of employees of juvenile affairs units in the light of the current problems of the functioning of the criminal subculture of minors of the Russian Federation, the specifics of the organization of countering the propaganda of suicidal behavior of children and adolescents, their use and distribution of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and alcoholic products, modern risks of the spread of youth extremism and terrorism via the Internet, including the motivation of a teenager to criminal behavior, are also considered. The purpose of the study: based on the research materials, to determine the main factors determining the formation of the moral foundations of the professional activity of employees of juvenile affairs units (hereinafter, PD). Research methodology: within the framework of the conducted research, the main professional and moral qualities are analyzed and highlighted, the main directions for improving the moral foundations of the professional activity of the traffic police inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are proposed, and a number of practical measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of countering the above-mentioned juvenile criminal manifestations are presented to law enforcement agencies. The results of the study made it possible to form a working version of the figurative portrait of a PD employee, his personal characteristics through the prism of designating the norms of professional morality, as well as to formulate the main contradictions and directions for solving the most important tasks of preventing offenses among teenage citizens.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):107-121
pages 107-121 views

Philosophy of religion and religious studies

Orthodoxy as an extra-linguistic phenomenon and the paradoxes of finding compliance with its linguistic images in publications of the 18th century (based on materials from the National Corpus of the Russian Language)

Markova N., Arinin E., Golenko V.


The “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th–17th Centuries” states that the noun “Orthodoxy” has been found in Russian texts since the 13th (1246), and the adjective “Orthodox” since the 11th (1076) centuries. The linguistic academic resource “National Corpus of the Russian Language” shows the presence of 2.327 texts, of which only 29 publications (1.3%) account for the entire 18th century, some of which we consider in this text. The term “Orthodoxy” did not act as a unique confessional name denoting the state “right faith” of the country in the 11th–20th centuries, since a number of terms were used in this role, including the term “faith of the Greek-Russian confession”, popular in publications of the 18th century, which was included in the Code of Laws of the Russian Federation empire (1830), but as one of the epithets that emphasized the “correct faith” of the authorities (prince, tsar, emperor) and the majority of the people in a multi-confessional country of the Age of Enlightenment. The article outlines the position and approaches of modern philosophical religious studies.

Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024;14(1):122-131
pages 122-131 views

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