卷 26, 编号 2 (2024)


Project activities in teaching philological disciplines of the theoretical cycle

Abramovskih E., Smolenskaya M.


The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of project activities both in teaching theoretical disciplines at a pedagogical university («Introduction to Literary Studies», «Theory of Literature», «Poetics of Literary Text»), and in extracurricular (research) work. The main stages of work of students at different levels of education (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate) on the projects «Lotman's Semiosphere» and «Matrix of Formalism» are shown. In preparation for the final project, students study the main literature on the relevant scientific problem. Immersing themselves in scientific work, students identify basic theoretical concepts, their definitions, types, and functions. For each work, brief notes are compiled, the provisions of which are algorithmized using visualization tools. The given forms of project implementation within the framework of teaching philological disciplines of the theoretical cycle demonstrate the optimization of the educational process. Students, under the guidance of a supervisor, are involved in comprehending a wide field of scientific and research problems relevant to the modern paradigm of humanitarian knowledge. Project activities make it possible to successfully solve the problems posed in the programs for teaching philological disciplines of the theoretical cycle. The presented experience of design technology can be used not only at a university in teaching theoretical disciplines, but also to solve other methodological and pedagogical problems.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Features of using intensive technologies for developing military engineering and military management competencies among future reserve officers of the armed forces during reservist training

Antonov G., Mikhelkevich V.


The article discusses the results of scientific research on the development and use of high-intensity educational technologies - project-based and game-based learning in the system of professional training for future reserve officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The article demonstrates the interconnection and continuity between the study of disciplines at specialized departments and the study of military training disciplines by students of the military training center at Samara State Technical University. The aim and outcome of their education, when studying military engineering and military management disciplines, is to develop a set of military engineering and military management professional competencies. The final stage of students' education is a training camp, during which they consolidate a large amount of material they have learned and prepare for the final military training assessment. However, a socio-didactic contradiction arises: on the one hand, there is a need to review a large volume of educational material, but on the other hand, there is limited time available. Therefore, the authors turned to the use of well-known intensive teaching technologies - project-based and game-based learning - in global and domestic pedagogy. Project-based learning technology intensifies students' independent creative project activities and is multifunctional. It includes a mandatory pragmatic component, the completion of which stimulates students' interest in solving specific problems, acquiring knowledge freely, and applying it in practice. Its application is considered on the example of practical classes on automotive equipment restoration. Game-based educational technology in the format of business and role-playing games is discussed using the example of a practical class on "Military Repair Workshops."

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):16-23
pages 16-23 views

Professional orientation of a Mathematics Course at a technical University

Bengina T., Limanova L.


One of the main tasks facing the University is the training of highly qualified specialists with established professional and universal competencies. The solution of such an important and complex task is possible only in close cooperation of individual university structures working to achieve a common goal. The article deals with the issues of teaching mathematics at a technical university, given the multidisciplinary nature of the training of future bachelors, masters, a special approach is needed to the methodology of presenting a certain course of mathematics for a particular specialty. It is the professional orientation of the discipline taught that will help to prepare good specialists who are in demand in the labor market. The above study summarizes many years of experience in this area, highlights certain components in the formation of professional competencies, including in mathematics classes. The article analyzes the organizational, substantive and methodological components of a professionally oriented mathematics course. An overview of various methods of developing interest in the subject, the motivational component of the learning process, and examples of individual tasks in different areas of student training are given.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):24-30
pages 24-30 views

Social competence of railway transport specialists

Vaseltsova I., Pletnev A., Bokov S.


Railway transport is the leader of the Russian transport market and one of the largest companies in the global transport sector. This powerful tool not only serves as a driving force for the development of many industries in the Russian Federation, but is also one of the criteria for assessing well-being and welfare of its citizens, which dictates the need for a detailed study of all aspects of the functioning of railway production. When considering the quality of the implementation of railway services, special attention must be paid to the internal quality system, namely, corporate culture, working conditions, quality of service, and a multi-level team management system. In modern rapidly changing socio-technological conditions of development of the transport industry, the efficiency and competitiveness of a railway transport specialist is determined not only by the quality of knowledge and skills in the structure of professional competencies, but also by a set of personal qualities that allow optimal ergonomic passage through the stages of socio-technological adaptation and further professionalization. A multifactorial analysis of “social competence” as a pedagogical category, from the standpoint of activity-based, personal, subjective, axiological, competence-based approaches, the study of regulatory documentation and conditions for the implementation of professional activities in transport, made it possible to determine the essence and structure of the social competence of railway specialists as an integrative quality of personality, the structure of which can be represented by a set of motivational, value, emotional, and communicative components. The choice of indicators (social initiative and activity, the ability to transmit generally accepted and intra-industry social values, empathy, tolerance, self-esteem, ability for effective communication, social mobility) in the structure of social competence is substantiated and the levels of their formation are determined. Situational and functional approaches to identifying the content of the main stages of socialization in the professional training of railway transport specialists made it possible to specify the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the targeted formation of indicators of social competence: incessancy and continuity in the development of a block of socially oriented disciplines; practice-oriented educational process; active learning methods; design technologies; formation of an active subject position of students.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Modern methods of preparing Contestants for the International Olympiad on Standardization in the Republic of Korea

Epifantsev K.


The article presents the process of preparing students and schoolchildren for the Olympiad on standardization in the field of ISO standards in 2023 as a unique experience in the field of formation of engineering super-competencies. The uniqueness of the training process lies in the fact that the educational process of the university training methodology had to be projected onto the training of a team consisting of participants of different ages of the Olympiad - from 7th grade schoolchildren to 1st year university students, while laying down super-competencies.  The understanding of the material had to be as adaptive as possible for different categories of students. The relevance of the research lies in building up competencies in the field of international projects, contributing to a more extensive familiarization with current tasks in the field of aerospace instrumentation. The article also emphasizes that such Olympiads are important from the point of view of training not only students, but also teachers. An important stage of preparation was the experience of accumulated knowledge in the process of teaching students in the specialty 27.03.01 "Standardization and metrology". The learning process in the article is described based on the analysis of learning systems for students of different ages, the importance of supercompetencies in the modern course of training in technical specialties is presented. The peculiarity of standardization training is the symbiosis of legal and technical competencies in a single key, because On the one hand, objects of regulatory, technical and legal information are used in the learning process (for example, «Garant» is a member of the Russian Association of Legal Information), on the other hand, it is also necessary to conduct training in the field of technological processes and design documentation, in the field of electrical and circuit engineering.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Methods and techniques for Integrating art Disciplines in an Architectural University

Zhernokleva O., Malygina E.


The aim of the article is to identify significant issues related to the relationship between arts disciplines, aimed at enhancing the general culture of students in the Faculty of Architecture and Design. The article examines a pedagogical experience that allowed for the consolidation and deepening of knowledge in art history through practical painting classes. Working with a still life set up based on the principle of "recognition," or choosing a color palette specific to a certain era, analyzing the creative method of well-known artists, and applying similar expressive techniques in practice were discussed. Also considered were the principles and concepts of organizing images in a two-dimensional space and their connection to art history. Creative methods of renowned artists were analyzed, and similar expressive means were applied in practice. The principles and concepts of organizing images in a two-dimensional space and their connection to art history were also examined. This article presents an applied approach to art education that helps students better comprehend the material and develop their skills and artistic intuition in painting. The research is practically significant and can be used as a guide for teachers and students in the learning process. The results of the study can be applied in the educational process and in educational-methodical work. They can help students better understand and master art history, as well as develop their painting skills.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):45-51
pages 45-51 views

Translation of cultural references in «my life as teenage robot» episode titles into russian: foreign language practical course

Zhuravlev A.


Intertextual references, or cultural references, are quite common for various kinds of imaginative works, such as novels, movies, cartoons and computer games. Being an integral feature of such works, they play an essential role in creating their unique atmosphere, to say nothing about cases when such references are a key to understanding a plot or some certain aspects of a particular work. The issue of cultural references becomes extremely essential when it comes to translation of imaginative works from one language into another. This problem is quite complicated and comprehensive. In order to solve it, a translator should be taught to consider a number of factors all at once. Apart from being able to recognize a cultural reference (which is quite often “disguised” by the author by means of a play on words, etc.), a translator should also consider whether or not his audience is familiar with the origin of this reference, as well as select proper translation techniques and transformations in each particular case. All this requires a translator to be well aware of topics considering history and culture of foreign countries, show excellent professional skills and have creative approach to the process of translation.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Problem of adaptation of a fictional work title when translating it from a foreign language into russian

Zhuravlev A.


Adaptation of a text when translating it from a foreign language is one of the most crucial tasks for a translator. Need for adaptation of a text or its parts during translation is caused by linguistic and cultural differences between an original text and its translation. Adaptation is particularly important when translating of fictional works of various kinds, such as novels, poems or movies. That is because such work not only conveys information (which is the main function of every language) but also performs a function of emotional and esthetic impact on its recipient. In this case, quite often the biggest translator’s concern is adaptation of a title of a fictional work. Apart from other reasons, this problem is caused by a high level of compression of information implicated in such title. Because of this, a translator should cope with a number of issues in order to translate this title properly – from familiarizing himself with a fictional work to be translated to using a wide range of lexical and grammatical transformations.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):57-61
pages 57-61 views

About the recommended list of domestic and foreign literature for independent study for children and adolescents: axiological approach in the context of modern realities

Radaeva E.


This article is devoted to rethinking the composition of the hundreds of books recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for schoolchildren to read independently - the so-called “Putin’s list”, published on January 16, 2013, as well as the list of 100 books of foreign literature published on January 23, 2013, compiled The Union of Writers of Russia - lists that were not further correlated. Using the example of a brief analysis of several works ("How the Steel Was Tempered" by N.A. Ostrovsky; "The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love" by R. Fraerman; "1984" by J. Orwell, etc.), the expediency/inexpediency of inclusion is indicated some authors and works in these lists today - either from the point of view of low relevance, artistic value, or from the point of view of the need to study them exclusively under the guidance of experienced teachers. In this study, the author relied, in particular, on the theory of generations, which also needs to be taken into account if the tasks of the most effective spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth are set at the state level, despite the fact that over the past decade, in the light of the geopolitical situation, the value guidelines of Russians. All of the above factors are important to take into account when preparing future literature teachers in pedagogical universities.

Key words: «On the list of “100 books” on the history, culture and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation», 100 books of foreign literature according to the Union of Writers of Russia, «Dikaia sobaka dingo» («The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love»), R. Fraerman, «1984», J. Orwell, «Kak zakalialas' stal'» («How the Steel Was Tempered»), N.A. Ostrovsky

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):62-73
pages 62-73 views


Blizzard text in the poetry of Karina Seydametova: existential love

Dudareva M., Morozova S.


The object of the study is the existential love, manifested in Russian artistic culture. The subject of scientific work is the figurative realization of the existential of love in modern poetry. The material for the article was the poetry of Karina Seydametova, namely her new poetic selection from the literary and socio-political almanac “Poetry Day - 21st Century”. At the center of the hermeneutic analysis are images of winter, blizzards in the poet’s poems: winter for Russian people is associated with an ontological search for “another kingdom”, the initiation path of a cultural hero, which is aimed at searching for a bride, sacred knowledge and love. The blizzard text in Russian artistic culture is inscribed in the text of fate and is associated with the philosophy of love and death. Parallels are drawn with the winter road cycle of A.S. Pushkin, in which the problem of love is resolved. The results of the study consist in identifying the cultural and philosophical potential of modern poetry for further study of the problem of the philosophy of love and death in Russian artistic culture and its national existence. The results of the work may be of interest to literary scholars who include literature in the space of a large dialogue of cultures, and can also be used in teaching courses in cultural studies and philosophy.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):74-79
pages 74-79 views

E.N. Tolstoy’s Novel «Lida»: Beyond Morality

Perepelkin M.


The article analyzes the novel «Lida» by E. N. Tolstoy, which was published in 1898 in two issues of the journal «Bulletin of Europe». Exploring the system of heroes in the novel, the author of the article consistently draws attention to the Sinyakin family, the maid Fenya, the father and son Berezensky, the sister of Prince Ozhogina and, finally, to Baroness Mühlbach and her daughter Lida – Princess Lydia Berezenskaya. An analysis of the views and value systems of all the listed characters allows us to conclude that the author of the novel builds on its pages a holistic system for revising moral and ethical norms and rules that serve as a guarantee of moral balance and social equilibrium. When making a deal with morality, each of the heroes believes that his deal is an exclusively special case that does not pose a threat to morality as such; Lida turned out to be a heroine who lives outside of morality and is not even aware of its existence. As a result, morality, which had been corrected and relegated to the background for some time, disappears completely, and a cynic who has no idea what «morality» is and why it is needed comes to the forefront of everyday life’s ups and downs – this is exactly the kind of person the main character of the novel becomes, Lida. Carrying out a revision of the views and values he inherited, A. N. Tolstoy, carrying out a revision of the views and values he inherited, will conclude that morality itself is unviable, alienation from which became the subject of artistic reflection of his sister, E. N. Tolstoy.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):80-89
pages 80-89 views


The role of general educational organizations in the socio-cultural urban space

Kuznetsova A.


The interaction of an architectural object with urban space changes over time and depends on a number of external factors. Inclusion in the aspect of studying the interaction of an object and society is currently a promising direction. As a result of this process, a number of changes occur in the space-planning structure of the object, in the functional structure of the school site. The study proposes to consider external factors influencing the nature of the interaction between the educational object and the sociocultural urban space, to identify and systematize internal factors that influence the functional structure, space-planning solutions of the building and the saturation of the functional frame of the school site. The article provides a number of advanced examples of designing school facilities in the “school-city” concept. When introducing such an approach at the design stage, the functional scenario for the development of educational, leisure, and sports activities applies not only to direct participants in the educational process, but also to residents of the surrounding buildings. This method makes it possible to strengthen the sociocultural connection between society and the city, filling the environment with cultural events, social meetings and sporting events. The school building takes on a new interpretation both in architectural practice and in the sociocultural aspect of the city’s development.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):90-95
pages 90-95 views

Modern branding as a rethinking of the theory of luxury consumption by V. Sombart

Man' M.


The views of the classic German sociologist W. Sombart regarding the social practices of luxury consumption are of undoubted scientific interest. The article, in relation to modern realities, examines the psychological types identified by Sombart that are predisposed to promoting the bourgeois way of life. Sombart's ideas regarding the ideological component of Western European capitalist entrepreneurship, revealed as a unity in the entrepreneur of the images of a conqueror, organizer and merchant, which has a mythological nature in Anglo-Saxon culture, are also being developed by modern researchers (the American anthropologist D. Graeber, for example). Comparison of Sombart's ideas with the views of M. Weber, L.N. Gumileva reveals aspect of inequality of behavioral inclinations within a nation and the inequality of expression of such inclinations between nations, which in no way contradicts modern science and ethics, since it can relate to the parameters of the distribution of types of temperament, and could also turn a material for the development of ethological studies of behavioral stereotypes, which are not enough in modern stage of science development.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):96-101
pages 96-101 views


Analog and digital protocols for evaluating selective grinding of dentition with occlusive disorders before dental implantation

Tlustenko V., Sadykov M., Tlustenko V., Koshelev V.


For successful orthopedic treatment using dental implants, an objective diagnosis of pathological changes in teeth and periodontal tissues is necessary. The identification and optimization of occlusive disorders at various stages of preparation for dental surgery contributes to the normalization of osseointegration processes, expands indications for periodontal diseases. The aim of the study was to assess the normalization of occlusive disorders before dental implantation using analog and digital protocols. The study included 57 patients aged 30 to 65 years and divided into 3 groups: the first group –23 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of mild severity; the second group–20 patients with non-physiological location of individual teeth due to partial defects of the dentition; the control group–14 patients. Results. The assessment of occlusive disorders was carried out using occlusography methods and in the articulator "Stratos -300". In the first group–62.6% of supracontacts, in the second group – 49.3%. Occlusive correction of premature contacts was performed. The control was carried out by electronic axiography. Occlusal harmony of occlusal-articulatory relations has been achieved after selective polishing. A comfortable closing of the teeth and smooth movement of the lower jaw have been achieved. The qualitative and quantitative indicators of the axiogram have improved.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2024;26(2):102-107
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