卷 4, 编号 2 (2022)

Russian history

Leisure And Entertainment Of The Urban Population Of The Middle Volga Region At The End Of The XVIII – The First Quarter Of The XIX centuries

Biryukova A.


The article is devoted to the study of leisure practices and entertainment culture of the urban population of the Russian province in the late 18th – the first quarter of the 19th centuries on the materials of the Middle Volga region. The author argues that the choice of forms of leisure was determined by the affiliation of the city dweller to a certain social, gender and age group, as well as the sociocultural community with which he identified himself. Attention is paid to both modernized and traditional forms of leisure and entertainment.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):5-17
pages 5-17 views

Nobility land ownership and land use in the Tsarskoye Selo district of the St. Petersburg province in the late 18th - the early 20th century

Morozan V.


The article deals with the evolution of nobility land ownership in the Tsarskoye Selo district from the late 18th to the early 20th century. The author pays special attention to the land use and economic activities of the landlords of the district. On the example of some noble estates, the author examines both the methods of land exploitation by the nobles and the ways of selling individual plots of land on the land market. He argues that the ways of farming were basically typical of most of the estates in this district, and the ways of selling land were also similar. Although the author has refrained from evaluating the reasons why the nobles sold their lands, it seems quite likely that the main reason was their inability to efficiently manage the economy. The economic data provided in the article prove that the agriculture of the St. Petersburg province in the late 18th – the early 20th century experienced major changes associated with a change in the composition of landowners. It is obvious that the process of ousting the nobles from this sector of the economy had assumed an irreversible character.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):5-17
pages 5-17 views

From the history of organizational party work in the troops of the soviet eastern front (1918 - 1919)

Ippolitov G.


The military-historical phenomenon of political work in the Red Army was formed, strengthened and established itself during the period of the fratricidal Civil War in Russia, namely at its front-line stage (1918-1920). Organizational party work was one of its main directions. It included issues of internal party life, the organizational structure of the political bodies of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) [RKP(b)] in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), forms and methods of party work in military units, its management and tasks of increasing its effectiveness, as well as issues of the recruitment of the political officer cadres of the Red Army. The author presents to the scientific community a short review of the history of organizational and party work in the troops of the Soviet Eastern Front in 1918-1919. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence and content of organizational party work in the troops of the Soviet Eastern Front, as well as the forms and methods of its implementation. The article represents a fragment of a future monograph, on which the author is completing work.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):44-54
pages 44-54 views

Methods of work of the stakhanovites of the peat industry during the second and third five-year plans

Voyeikov E.


The author examines some aspects of the history of the Stakhanov movement in the peat industry of the USSR on the example of centralized peat farms of the Head Office of the Peat Industry (Glavtorf) and peat processing by individual industrial enterprises and trusts in the Kuibyshev, Penza regions and the Mordovian ASSR during the pre-war five-year plans. The main attention is paid to the methods of work of the Stakhanovites of the peat industry and the chief obstacles to the successful work of the shock workers.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):55-65
pages 55-65 views

The practice of solving urban planning problems by the councils of people's deputies of Kuibyshev in 1977-1985

Povlyuchenko V.


The article is devoted to the actions of the Soviets of People's Deputies of Kuibyshev in 1977-1985 on issues related to solving the most important social problems of housing, health care and the construction of social and cultural facilities. The author focuses on formation of the city budget, the financing of housing construction in the face of an increasing need for housing due to population growth and the destruction of pre-revolutionary residential buildings. The positions on these issues of the heads of the city administration, A. Rosovsky and G. Gusarova, are revealed.

The author concludes that the authority of local Soviets of People's Deputies in the social and economic development was enormous. Despite the fact that some activities of the Soviets did not involve large material costs, the most important of them, such as the construction of housing for the population, the provision of housing and communal services, health care, education, and social security of the population, required huge resources. The expansion of social spending is noticeable against the backdrop of a clear decline in production volumes and economic growth rates. In general, the practice of solving urban planning problems in this period was implemented quite successfully, which confirms the conclusion that during this period the work of the Soviet of People's Deputies was carried out effectively and met the needs of society.

Keywords: USSR, Soviets of People’s Deputies, Kuibyshev, housing and communal services, health sphere, social and cultural issues, budget.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):73-77
pages 73-77 views

9th military aviation school of initial training

Fedorova A.


The article represents a first attempt to give a brief history of the 9th Military Aviation School of initial training, one of thirty established in the USSR in 1941. On the basis of the documentary materials from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the author examines the history of the school from the moment of its organization in July 1941 until its liquidation in October 1945.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):66-72
pages 66-72 views

World history

«Space Pearl Harbor»: US press evaluations in 2001-2020

Buranok S., Vodyakova A.


The article considers the struggle of the two strongest powers for a leadership position in outer space, its use for the purpose of military confrontation with each other. The authors draw attention to the estimates of the “space race” in the US periodical press, and also examine the activities of the governments of the two states. The results of the study show that the “space Pearl Harbor” includes the development of weapons to destroy the space assets of the other side.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):78-84
pages 78-84 views

History of international relations and foreign policy

Russian diplomacy in the Balkans: mission of Ya. Ozereckovsky and E. Kovalevsky in Montenegro (1837 - 1838)

Milosevic M., Stanojevic S.


The paper is devoted to the activities of Russian offi cers and envoys of the St. Petersburg government during the reign of Bishop Petar II Petrović Njegoš in Montenegro. Their arrival in Cetinje at that time was of great importance not only for strengthening Montenegrin-Russian relations, but also for settling the internal and external situation in Montenegro. The appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Jakov Nikolajevich Ozereckovski took place immediately after Njegoš’s second visit to the Russian capital. Ozereckovski’s tasks were to study the social and economic situation in Montenegro as comprehensively as possible, as well as to contribute to the state reforms of Petar II Njegoš. Based on his reports, the Russian government decided to send a new envoy to Montenegro, a young captain and mining engineer Yegor Petrovich Kovaljevski. Although he failed to fi nd the alleged traces of gold in the river Zlatica, Kovaljevski nevertheless unexpectedly found himself in the role of a talented negotiator during the Montenegrin-Austrian border dispute, and his actions contributed to the successful resolution of the confl ict.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):85-92
pages 85-92 views

History of Science and Technology

Development of polymer science in 1950-1970: the role of international communications of chemistry scientists

Bannikova N.


The article is based on archival materials and is devoted to the contribution of scientists and specialists of the Scientific Research Physics and Chemical Institute named after L.Ya. Karpov, first of all, of scientific schools headed by Academicians S.S. Medvedev and V.A. Kargin, in the development of polymer science. The author draws attention to the role of international relations of scientists in the development of physical and chemical science in general, the chemistry of high molecular compounds in particular. Special attention is paid to the work of the laboratory under the leadership of Academician V.A. Kargin, his international activities. The author also focuses on the activities of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Chemistry on the implementation of international contacts between scientists of the USSR and researchers of the member countries of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance, Western countries, the USA, etc.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):93-103
pages 93-103 views

Innovations and pioneer work in Russia. What the american «historian of science» did not understand or did not want to understand

Shapkin I.


The article deals with a complex and ambiguous phenomenon in Russian historical practice, i.e., innovations and pioneer work. In the context of the world's transition to a new industrial order, this topic is of particular importance. Its theoretical development on the materials of national history by historical and economic science began quite recently. Therefore, L. Graham's book could fill the existing gaps in understanding this phenomenon. The American researcher collected considerable factual material and tried to characterize the Russian innovator, to show the reasons for Russia's lagging in the promotion of innovative developments and in their commercialization over a long historical period. This article is devoted to the analysis of L. Graham's research.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):104-116
pages 104-116 views

Archaeology and ethnography

New data on the archeology pf the Koksharovsky peat bog (Middle Trans-Urals)

Serikov Y.


The Koksharovsky peat bog is well-known in the archaeology of Urals and Russia primarily for its cult sites (Koksharovsky hill, Koksharovo I) and peat sites (Koksharovsko-Yurjinskaya I and II). The first excavations at the peat bog were carried out as early as 1837. Out of more than 60 archeological sites represented by materials from excavations and collections, only complexes of five sites have been published. The article introduces the previously unknown complexes of the Koksharovskoe Pole site, where materials from all archaeological eras from Mesolithic to the Middle Ages are presented. The most of the finds date back to the Neolithic (66 %) and Chalcolithic (18 %) periods. The other eras are represented by the minor additives. The collection was examined using statistical and typological, trasological, and mineralogical methods. Two clay sculptures (an anthropomorphic figure and a bird) and a bronze jewelry are of great interest. The list of mineral raw materials includes 20 items. The materials presented in the article characterize the degree of colonization of the shores of the Koksharovsky pit bog over several millennia.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):117-131
pages 117-131 views

Essentials of chronology and periodization of the history of the lands of Donbas in the middle ages. Part 1

Kolesnik A., Grib V., Sansharov V.


Historical periodization is a system of categorizing the historical process into epochs and periods that are significant in the development of society. Donbas is a large geographical region in the south of the Dnieper-Don interfluve, consisting of a towering Ridge and surrounding flat areas. The proposed regional (local) periodization is based on research in the field of history and archaeology and is introduced to the scientific world for the first time. On the basis of civilizational, archaeological, historical and geographical criteria of typology (ethno-indicators, migration processes and military invasions, formation and disintegration of steppe polities), the authors came to the conclusion about the geographic and civilizational border character of the region. Since the Migration Period, the essence of the periods was largely determined by the dominant ethnic group or political entity under the rule of the dominant ethnic group. The chronological strata within the proposed periodization correlate with the archaeological findings.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):132-140
pages 132-140 views

Reviews and Reviews

pages 141-147 views

Makeeva E.D. Power and society in Russia: Relationships in the field of nature protection (1917-1991). Samara: Samara Scientific Center Publ., 2021. 551 p.

Kornyushchenko D., Kornyushchenko T., Hohlov A.
Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(2):148-154
pages 148-154 views
pages 155-157 views