卷 6, 编号 1 (2024)


Turbulence of the international environment and contours of the world order

Sirota N., Khomeleva R.


The paper reveals the content of turbulence as a key characteristic of the current state of the international environment and its determinants. The main parameters of the functioning world order are analyzed, possible options for the future world order are indicated.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

God from the machine 2.0: biblical narrative as a metalanguage for discussing machine ethics

Nechaeva E.


The article is devoted to theoretical models in which the biblical narrative becomes a means of conceptualizing the actions of technological objects. Based on the works of Russian and foreign philosophers, it is shown what the specifics of the discursive formulation of the problems of machine ethics, understood as a subject, are. The focus is not on the formulation of the problem of artificial intelligence ethics per se or the possibility of solving it, but on the very method of discursive formulation, or the way of talking about it, by incorporating biblical plots, motifs, and images as mechanisms for understanding this problem. The subject of the study is the heuristic potential of the biblical metanarrative in the structure of statements about artificial intelligence. It is demonstrated that the heuristic potential of the biblical metanarrative in the study of AI problems is related to the production of distinctions. It is revealed which new systems of basic distinctions can be constructed using this method of discursive design. It is shown what changes are observed in the discourse about algorithmic technologies. Possible reasons for the activation of biblical discourse in addressing the problems of artificial intelligence are identified.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):11-26
pages 11-26 views


Non-violent aspect of the problem of identity

Lepina A.


The work is devoted to understanding the new speculative-realist approach to the consideration of the non-violent aspect of the problem of identity. There is a close connection between the problem of identity and a broader one of its kind — the problem of identification. Particular attention is drawn to the epistemological principles of the new approach and how they relate to the very idea of identity. Based on a detailed consideration of these principles, the role and place of the principle of non-violence in solving the problem of identity is stated.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):27-30
pages 27-30 views

The process of formation and socio-cultural determination of identity in contemporary culture

Sevastov K.


The article analyzes the phenomenon of identity, as well as the process of its formation, based on the initial intra-subjective stage of distinction. The typologization of identification components is described, based on the concept of the totality of sub-identities of the individual’s personality. The idea of the cyclic nature of the process of subjective identification is proposed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Ideas of the past and their implementation in the modern mentality

Pendyurina L.


The article attempts to consider the concept of the past as a necessary condition for human existence, analyzes the spheres of its implementation in the historical activity of people. One of the aspects of the past is the history of ideas, in which the most important place belongs to the theological ideas of Plato, explicated in the mentality of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):38-42
pages 38-42 views

The ambivalence of technogenic civilization’s axiological foundations

Ratnikova I.


The paper is devoted to identifying the specifics of civilizational dynamics of modernity through the theoretical reconstruction of Critical Theory, the key subject of which is the fundamental principles of Technogenic civilization. Based on the conceptual resources of the newest version of this research program, the ambivalence of the axiological foundations of Western culture and its foundation on the logic of domination-subordination is revealed on the example of the discourse and practice of tolerance. The heuristic potential of Critical Theory in the context of overcoming pathologies of modern civilization development is explicated in the article.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Escalation of armed violence: the problem of the limit

Balakleets N.


The article, based on the mimetic model of military activity, examines the problem of the escalation of armed violence. The author identifies constructive mimesis, aimed at strengthening of social solidarity, and destructive mimesis, which can be regarded as a source of escalation of violence. For the classic of military theory Carl von Clausewitz the limit of violence acts as a speculative figure, but in the nuclear era the absolute maximum of violence received clear empirical contours. The article analyzes escalation ladders, the final step of which is the large-scale war using nuclear weapons. It is concluded that modern reflection on armed violence includes the phenomenon of the limit as its integral horizon; it is further connected with the search for tools for self-limitation of military activity.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):48-54
pages 48-54 views

"I" within measure

Gonotskaya N.


Modernity provides us with a large number of technologies for self-identification. We meet them both in pseudoscientific discourse (for example: in astrology — natal charts, horoscopes), and scientific, in the field of psychology (classification of personalities by V. Stern, K.G. Jung, A.F. Lazursky, etc.). These technologies for self-identification, personality models are often misunderstood, being identified with the process of self-consciousness. The result of such identification is relativization of the image of the “I”, combination of various situational functions, social roles, character traits in the “I”. The author problematizes such an approach, in which the “I” is substatized, endowed with qualities, just as a thing is endowed with them; separates the concepts of “self-identification” and “self-consciousness”; raises questions related to the possibility of maintaining the continual unity of the “I”, with building the process of constituting the “I” through time. Unlike the procedure of self-identification, which can be modeled, self-consciousness cannot fit into patterns. Self-consciousness is plastic, changeable, rooted in time, but it always belongs to the same “I”.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):55-62
pages 55-62 views

War as a phenomenon and concept

Belkov O.


The article analyzes the phenomenon of war. Four orders of its essence stand out: socio-political phenomenon, continuation of politics, armed struggle, support by non-military means. Based on the classical work of K. Clausewitz and the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, eight invariant (unchanged and mandatory) signs of war are formulated. It is indicated that recently an alternative interpretation of war has become increasingly widespread, in which armed struggle is not its obligatory attribute. Its main premises, their theoretical failure and practically political counterproductiveness are revealed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):63-70
pages 63-70 views

Limit location in post-classical systems

Agapitova A.


The paper comments on the theory of post-non-classical systems from the position of geterology about religious search and finding God or absolute in conditions of post-non-classical view on a social world. At the end of an article is presenting a conclusion about the way of answer on the question by the volitional collective stop of the dynamics of social interactions.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Geopolitical aspects of Russian national security

Tonkikh V., Perepelitsyn A.


The paper examines the transition of Russian foreign policy from a geopolitical orientation towards the countries of the West towards the East, understood not only as a geographical, but, above all, as a geopolitical factor. The reorientation of Russian foreign policy is an important feature of Russia’s national security.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):76-81
pages 76-81 views


The problem of the political component of post-non-classical science and education

Maslov V.


The work is devoted to understanding the process of political involvement of modern science and the need for the post-non-classical scientific community to become a subject of political activity. In historical terms, we are talking about the actualization of F. Bacon’s ideas about the beneficial connection of a new science with power. Philosophical education can serve as a basis for the formation of appropriate political competencies among future scientists and engineers.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Scientific narrative as a factor of intensification of communicative relations of the «science — society» system

Pogozhina N.


The article offers an analysis of communicative interaction in the modern academic field — among individual researchers, research teams and groups in conditions of high competition against the background of exponential growth of publication activity and digitalization of communications both within the professional community and taking into account the strengthening and transparency of interactions with the public. The author puts forward a working hypothesis, according to which it is the narrative attribute in the representation of the results of scientific research that can contain a reserve for evolutionary success within the framework of the systemic nature of communication and have a high potential for the formation of stable links between subsystems of science and other public actors, such as non-professional external observers.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):88-92
pages 88-92 views

An ethical «turn» in epistemology

Chertkova E.


The work is devoted to the issue of expanding the problematic field of epistemology and rethinking its fundamental concepts in the light of human subjectivity. The place and role of philosophical epistemology in the complex of modern studies of cognition, its characteristics are considered: the focus on finding the relationship between the cognitive and ethical meanings of cognition, the correlation of epistemological problems and existential issues of human existence. The difference between humanistic and technocratic rationality is substantiated.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):93-100
pages 93-100 views

Social synergetics as a post-non-classical methodology in the study of socio-political order

Sulimin A.


The subject of the research is the conceptual foundations of the sociosynergetic methodology for the study of the socio-political order. The author examines the ideas of G. Haken, who proposed a synergetic methodology for studying social systems. The paper argues that the subject of social synergetics are such nonlinear categories as order, chaos, bifurcation, attractor, dissipative structures, which can be successfully used to study the formation of socio-political order.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):101-106
pages 101-106 views

Non-institutional model of social sciences and humanities: to the question of import of pedagogical technologies

Shalagina G.


In postmodern reality the methods of production and transmission of scientific knowledge are being transformed: along with the academic model of the social sciences and humanities, there are also non-institutional channels of humanities, which are characterized by their own ways of intellectual dialogue, pedagogical techniques and technologies. In the period of sociocultural transformation and complex challenges, it is important for academic humanists to import technologies and methods accumulated in the field of non-institutional humanities.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):107-112
pages 107-112 views


Ideological design: some aspects of the methodological analysis of mental wars

Sokolova M.


The article considers a number of theoretical and methodological approaches to designing the image of Russia of the future, among them a living system of mythologems (by N.A. Sergeev and E.G. Nikitenko), an analysis of key civilizational archetypes (M.A. Makarenkov), a theoretical and methodological analysis of the project of a systemic ideological worldview based on the «Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation» (E. Makarov). The importance of methodological support on the analysis of the national history of the ideological trends studied in the book «Ideological landmarks in the history of Russian philosophy” by A.D. Sukhov (2023). The importance of the methodological apparatus proposed by the author for modern ideological design is emphasized.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):113-118
pages 113-118 views

Values of the world-building cultural tradition

Tyugashev E.


The article gives an axiological characteristic of the world-building cultural tradition as one of the main traditions that determine the civilizational development of Russia. The main values of this tradition are autocracy, mutual veneration, liveliness, renovation, cunning.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):119-130
pages 119-130 views


The Review of the monograph by A.M. Orekhov «History, philosophy and methodology of social and humanities»

Faritov V.


The review is devoted to the recently published textbook of Andrei Mikhailovich Orekhov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, «History, Philosophy and Methodology of Social and Humanitarian Sciences» of A.M. Orekhov».

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2024;6(1):131-134
pages 131-134 views