Vol 8, No 7-8 (1894)


To the pathological anatomy of primary malignant neoplasms of pelvic tissue and the changes they cause in the uterus and its appendages

Brandt A.F.


Neoplasms occurring in the broad ligament tissue can generally be divided into two groups. The most common neoplasms - the first group - include.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):603-616
pages 603-616 views

To the study of human deformities

Anufriev A.A.


Ugliness in general in the animal kingdom, and in particular human ugliness, occupied and occupy the minds of researchers, mainly from the ethological point of view.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):617-628
pages 617-628 views

Tumor of the fallopian tube with liquid contents that have opened above the navel. Removing the bag. Convalescence

Solovyov A.N.


On March 10, 1894, in the hospital of Emperor Paul I, the wife of a non-commissioned officer OO M-na was admitted, who came to me a week in the hospital for advice. Patient 35 years old; the first regulations appeared 16 years and then continued for 2-3 days every 3 weeks. She had five urgent deliveries, of which the last one was in May 1893.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):629-632
pages 629-632 views

On the casuistry of tumors of the external genital organs in women. (Lipoma labii majoris sinistri)

Anufriev A.A.


New formations of a fatty nature (lipomata), not only reaching a significant size, but also of a small comparative size, are not often found on the external genital parts of women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):633-636
pages 633-636 views

Report on the activities of the Warsaw VI City Maternity Hospital since its opening (from November 1, 1887 to January 1, 1894)

Klausinskaya Y.


It has long been recognized, well-known fact of insufficiency of maternity institutions large and small in the mountains. Warsaw is still a sad phenomenon, and nothing has been done to eliminate it. Hundreds of unfortunate poor women in childbirth annually knock the doorsteps of maternity establishments, asking for asylum, which is necessary in their condition, requiring fast, urgent help. Many receive appropriate help, are accepted and cared for in these institutions, but even more leave with refusal and wander in agony, at any time of the day or night, in horror that their birth will be overtaken on the road. That such cases are not rare, everyone knows. What is being done with those hundreds of victims of the inadequacy of our maternity facilities, we do not know - we only know the fact of a large% of illnesses and deaths from childbirth fever in women who are resolved outside maternity facilities.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):637-668
pages 637-668 views

About the presence of microbes in the normal urethra of a woman

Strogonov V.


On the basis of a literature review, the author comes to the conclusion that the question of the maintenance of bacteria in the normal urethrae of a woman has not yet been resolved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):669
pages 669 views

To the treatment of cervical dysmenorrhea

Strogonov V.


In some women who have already given birth, sometimes dysmenorrhea is observed, due to a narrowing of the cervical canal in the area of the internal uterine pharynx, which occurs as a result of endometritis after childbirth or abortion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):670
pages 670 views

Acute liver atrophy

Strogonov V.


The author observed a case of acute yellow atrophy of the liver.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):670-671
pages 670-671 views

About the conduct of normal childbirth only with external examination

Strogonov V.


The author points to the inaccurate transmission of the content of his article by Krönig (No. 10 of this magazine) and Ries (No. 17 there), why the article is not of interest for abstracting.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):671
pages 671 views

About the expansion of the cervical contraction by plastic means

Strogonov V.


Prof. V. proposes a new operation for widening a narrow neck.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):671-672
pages 671-672 views

About the constant expansion of the external uterine pharynx by means of a ligature

Strogonov V.


B. believes that the conical excision recommended by Schroeder et al., With a narrowing of the external pharynx, is quite advisable with a hypertrophic neck, but with a normal, and especially with a thin and short vaginal part, neither excision nor amputation should be used.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):672-673
pages 672-673 views

A case of an induced abortion caused by the patient herself

Strogonov V.


25 / x 1885 G. was invited to a 37-year-old patient who had already given birth to 4 mature children and had already 3 miscarriages caused by artificial means.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):673
pages 673 views

On the danger of intrauterine injection of glycerin for the induction of artificial premature birth

Strogonov V.


R. reports two cases of the use of glycerin injections, proving, in his opinion, the great danger of this method.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):673-674
pages 673-674 views

On the question of vaginal extirpation of the uterus

Strogonov V.


T. proposes for those cases of vaginal extirpation, where the vagina is very narrow and the uterus cannot be brought down ad introitum due to cicatricial or cancerous fixations, to make lateral incisions of the vagina and perineum, while the large and small lips are cut near their middle, the vaginal incision can be brought to the fornix, and on the perineum, make an incision outward and somewhat posteriorly of the corresponding size for this case.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):674
pages 674 views

Self-infection with cancer of healthy parts of the body in a patient suffering from this disease

Strogonov V.


A. gives the following two cases of self-infection with cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):675
pages 675 views

To the study of Hydrorrhoea gravidarum

Stroganov V.


Having made a review of theories about the origin of fluid in this disease, X. comes to the conclusion that the amniotic cavity also serves as a source of hydrorrhoea gravidarum and is not even particularly rare.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):675-676
pages 675-676 views

To diagnose the placenta attachment site according to R. Palm'y

Stroganov V.


A. had the opportunity to confirm Palm's opinion that the distance between the round ligament and the tube can be used to determine the placenta attachment site.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):676
pages 676 views

A case of lymphangiomae subaxillaris obstructing labor

Strogonov V.


W. describes the following extremely rare case of a tumor, which he observed in the clinic of prof. Schauts.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):676-677
pages 676-677 views

A case of ovarian fibroids

Strogonov V.


F. observed a relatively rare case of ovarian fibroids

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):677
pages 677 views

To ethology and surgical treatment of vulvitid. pruriginosae

Strogonov V.


S. first examines the various views of the authors on this disease and points out their one-sidedness.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):677-678
pages 677-678 views

Two cases of central perineal rupture

Aleksenko N.


Central tears of the perineum during labor with expulsion, especially of the fetus through the rupture, are extremely rare phenomena.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):679-681
pages 679-681 views

About the long-term results of operations directed against the posterior bends of the uterus

Aleksenko N.


Of the various surgical methods proposed in order to correct the movable or strengthened bends of the uterus posteriorly, and, moreover, sometimes complicated by the prolapse of the sleeve or the uterus itself, both in the persistence of the results obtained and in relation to the correct course after the operation of various dispatches of the uterus (especially pregnancy , childbirth, postpartum period, etc.), are more reliable, deserving preferential attention, only two ways.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):681-683
pages 681-683 views

About the treatment of the presentation of the child's place with intrauterine colpeirization

Aleksenko N.


With the introduction of the combined turn according to Braxton-Hicks into obstetric practice, great success has been achieved in the treatment of presentation in a child's place, which is expressed in a significant decrease in maternal mortality.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):684-686
pages 684-686 views

Principles in the treatment of loss

Aleksenko N.


In a rather lengthy article, the author outlines in essential features the mechanism of prolapse of various parts of the female genital organs and expresses a number of considerations, which, in his opinion, should form the basis for the treatment of these sufferings.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):686-689
pages 686-689 views

A new surgical method for posterior bending of the uterus (abdominal strengthening of the uterus without opening the abdominal cavity)

Aleksenko N.


The operation of suturing the uterus to the abdominal walls about its posterior bending, proposed for the first time by Olshausen in 1886, soon attracted general attention and became widespread with only small changes in suture imposition (Czerny, Leopold, Sänger, etc.).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):689-690
pages 689-690 views

Is a clavicle fracture a contraindication for swinging (Schultz's method) of a child born with asphyxiation?

Strogonov V.


The article is prompted by the report of one case by Heydrich from the Breslavl polyclinic, which was published in No. 7 1890 Centralbl. für Gynaec.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):691-692
pages 691-692 views

Surgical treatment of large vesicovaginal fistulas

Strogonov V.


In view of the frequent failure of the Simon's method in the treatment of large vesicovaginal fistulas, recently some have proposed to achieve healing with the help of gluttony.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):692
pages 692 views

To the study of gonorrhoid lesions of the oral cavity in newborns

Strogonov B.


L. reports an interesting case of affection of the upper lip of a newborn with tripe poison.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):692-693
pages 692-693 views

On the infectiousness of cancer

Strogonov B.


Back in 1887, the author spoke out for the infectiousness of cancer, which then found some confirmation in the experiments of Hahn, Novinsky, Winter, Wehr and Hanan.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):693-694
pages 693-694 views

To the treatment of newborn asphyxia

Strogonov V.


R. considers the Schultze method to be quite expedient, but it cannot always be applied (for example, in low rooms, with bone fractures in newborns), and besides, it is tiring.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):694-695
pages 694-695 views

A case of recovery from a ruptured uterus

Strogonov V.


D. reports the following extremely interesting case of recovery from a ruptured uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):695
pages 695 views

About the proliferation and termination of nerves in the female genital organs

Strogonov V.


G. the following results were obtained by means of Golgi's rapid impregnation with osmium-nitric acid silver.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):695-697
pages 695-697 views

Further reports on intrauterine injection of glycerin, in response to Pfannenstiel's article

Strogonov V.


Pelzer does not quite objectively object to his opponent's article; he believes that the harmful effect of glycerin in the cases observed by Pfannenstiel has not been proven that the increase in temperature was dependent on irritation of the warm center with glycerol, and that air embolism can be completely eliminated with the careful application of the method recommended by him.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):697-698
pages 697-698 views

Once again about the danger of intrauterine injection of glycerin for the production of artificial premature birth. Objection to Pelzer's article

Strogonov V.


Objection to Pelzer'y, Pf. gives some details of previously reported cases of glycerol injection for the production of preterm labor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):698
pages 698 views

To casuistry of neoplasms of the vagina and external genital organs

Kakushkin N.


Two cases: 1) fibromyoma, with a goose egg, of the anterior vaginal wall, in a woman giving birth, 49 years old; 2) sarcoma fibroides, with a fist, left large lip, in a woman giving birth, 44 years old.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):698
pages 698 views

A case of late birth

Kakushkin N.


Secondary, gave birth at least 11 months after the start of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):699
pages 699 views

A case of a posterior intestinal-vaginal hernia with prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall

Kakushkin N.


The author makes short literary references.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):699
pages 699 views

Small steam disinfectant for obstetric practice

Kakushkin N.


The device is suitable for the preparation of aseptic cotton wool and gauze.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):699
pages 699 views

About the use of elastic ligatures for ligation of the leg during celiac disease

Kakushkin N.


The author uses a rubber band of 4 millimeters to bandage the leg. thick and immerses it forever in the abdominal cavity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):699-700
pages 699-700 views

On the question of myomectomy with intraperitoneal pedicle care

Kakushkin N.


The method practiced by the author is as follows. After removing the uterus from the abdominal cavity, the upper abdominal wound is sutured. Four ligaments are tied.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):700
pages 700 views

Complete closure of the rectal lumen as a result of injection after celiac disease in the pelvis of the uterus with myoma and postpartum

Kakushkin N.


The author describes two cases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):701
pages 701 views

Tuberculosis of the ovarian cyst and uterine polyp

Kakushkin N.


There are two types of tuberculous cysts.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):702
pages 702 views

Posthumous Caesar section. A living child

Kakushkin N.


Posthumous Caesar section. A living child

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):702
pages 702 views

Supravaginal amputation of the septic postpartum uterus

Kakushkin N.


After arbitrary childbirth and manual removal of the placenta, the parturient woman developed symptoms of sepsis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):703
pages 703 views

Woman tripper

Kaplyanskiy B.


In view of the vastness of Dr. Luther's brochure (150 pages), we present here as brief as possible an extract from it.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):703-714
pages 703-714 views

Obstetric and gynecological notes

Poteenko V.V.


We, provincial doctors who work in the wilderness and are not able, very often in difficult cases of medical practice, to consult in a timely manner with an experienced comrade (with little development of provincial medical societies), it seems to me, there should be a need, although with the help of printing, to represent from time to time time for the authorities to judge their mistakes and successes in one or another rendering of assistance to suffering humanity; as a consequence of this need are these my "notes".

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(7-8):715-722
pages 715-722 views

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