Vol 9, No 10 (1895)

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A case of complete inversion of the uterus after childbirth

Neyolov N.K.


On December 19, 1894, sick Eleanor M — ko, diagnosed with polypus uteri, was sent to me by a comrade of the land. Arriving to the patient at the hotel, I found her in a very bad state: deathly pale, with a very weak pulse, with t ° to 40.0 °; dirty blood with a strongly putrid odor was discharged from the vagina. The patient was immediately sent to the hospital, where a thorough examination gave the following: the patient is of medium height, the skeletal system is developed correctly, muscles and skin are flabby; the outer covers are very pale; the visible mucous membranes are very pale with a cyanotic tinge; heart, lungs, and urine are normal. External genitals, heavily soiled with a dirty red fluid, are normal; first degree perineal rupture; the genital gap gapes a little; 2 snt. from the entrance to the vagina, the finger comes across a round, rather soft and elastic body, reminiscent, at first impression, of a fibrous polyp; this body, the size of a slightly enlarged uterus, has only a round outline below; above it tapers and passes into a small groove, limited by the external os of the uterus. In place of the body of the uterus, a small solid formation is felt, the size of a slightly enlarged ovary; this formation closes a funnel, which in this case cannot be felt; nothing pathological is felt in the vaults. When viewed in mirrors, the described body appears to be a dirty gray color, in places even completely black; at the slightest touch, the body bleeds quite a lot. The patient's body temperature is 39.6 ° C., pulse 120, very weak and easily compressed; the patient cannot move without assistance.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):823-825
pages 823-825 views

A case of anhydrous labor in combination with placenta praevia

Vishnepolsky V.


The question of the origin of amniotic fluid has occupied and continues to occupy the minds of obstetricians of all times. Some believe that the source of its origin is exclusively the release of the fetus, others - the sweating of serum through the vessels of the umbilical cord; still others declare themselves to be supporters of her maternal origin. V. Gruzdev's article provides an extensive literature on this issue. This issue is of great importance, since in connection with it there is a question about the physiological function of amniotic fluid, which has not yet been resolved and until now. Some authors consider them useless excreta, others - an important and necessary secret for the nutrition of the fetus. At least. Schröder and Horvits emphasize the unsuitability of the indicated liquid as a nutritious material.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):826-832
pages 826-832 views

Several gynecological operations on organs of the abdominal cavity

Nadezhdin G.


These operations were performed by me in the village. Zemetchine, Morshansk district, over time from 1887 to 1891. They represent the continuation of those that I described in “Medic. Review. ", 1884 and 1886, and in" Surgeon. Vestn. ", 1887. The general conditions in which these operations were performed are indicated in the aforementioned articles, as well as in the report on eye operations (" Medicine ", 1895). However, I consider it necessary to describe these conditions in more detail, as applied to these operations, which represent the highest manifestation of the surgical business, a touchstone for the surgeon and the "environment".

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):833-843
pages 833-843 views

Irreplaceable dressing and hygroscopicity of dressings for the care of the umbilical cord

Weinstein E.M.


The development of the question of the time of the disappearance of the umbilical cord remnant and the successive local changes in the umbilical ring belongs entirely to our time, and the establishment of the connection between common diseases of newborns and pathological changes in the umbilical wound and the search for a rational type of ligation of the umbilical cord remains exclusively in recent years.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):845-875
pages 845-875 views

On the question of obstetric and gynecological help in provinces

Nadezhdin G.


Self-knowledge is the only correct way to resolve practical issues. The task of Russian medicine — to prevent and heal the diseases of the Russian people — will only be best resolved when it follows this path. From this point of view, the appearance of reports on the medical activities of medical institutions and individuals is desirable, if they (reports) contribute some material for such self-knowledge and, in part, outline ways to solve practical issues. These considerations prompted me to continue the report on my rural surgical activity, and after the report on the eye operations I propose a report on obstetric and gynecological.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):876-889
pages 876-889 views


Ott D.O.


Present: 22 members: Antipov, P.A., Vasten, Verninskiy, Goraiskiy, Dranitsyn, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Kakushkin, Lichkus, Misevich, Piotrovich, Porshnyakov, Rachinskiy, Soloviev, Stravinsky, Stroganov, Ulrikh, Urvich, Fisher, A.R., Shverdlov, Schmidt, Yanpolsky and 20 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):890-895
pages 890-895 views


Voskresenskiy M.A.


Attended by: D. A. Abuladze, M. A. Voskresenskiy, D. A. Vorobiev, V. N. Gogotskiy, D. A. Karra, P. Yu. Krol, N. M. Zvinyatskiy, N. K. Neelov, P. T. Neishtube, G. F. Pisemsky, G. G. Levitsky, A. A. Redlikh, N. V. Untilov, N. V. Shuvarsky, A. P. Yakhontov and 60 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):896-905
pages 896-905 views

Presentation of the placenta with dropsy of the fetus

Ginzburg M.


Dr. Beeston has watched a lady for many years. Her first childbirth was complicated by eclampsia and ended by turning on the legs, under chloroform; after that she gave birth to 3 more children, all prematurely and dead. During all pregnancies, she found protein in her urine, but after childbirth, her health improved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):906-907
pages 906-907 views

Debate on the nature and treatment of peritonitis in the (London) obstetric society

Ginzburg M.


Regarding the report of Dr. Shaw to the London Obstetric Society, the renowned gynecological surgeon Lawson Tait expressed his views on peritonitis, in fact, on the prognosis and treatment of more difficult cases of this disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):907-908
pages 907-908 views

On more frequent use of forceps in obstetric practice

Ginzburg M.D.


In England and America, childbirth ends with forceps much more often than on the continent of Europe. The principles of non-intervention, preached by some prominent German clinicians (Winckel et al.) Are ignored by Anglo-American doctors and, apparently, they are more right than the Germans. Winckel, protesting against the frequent use of forceps, believes that by resorting to them for the sake of weakness of attempts, we condemn the mother to more or less severe bleeding in the 3rd period of labor, due to the same uterine atony, or that we risk, both by forceps and necessary in the 3rd period of extraction of the placenta — to introduce infection into the birth canal of a woman in labor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):908-910
pages 908-910 views

A. Martin's clinic

Weber F.


Martin is undoubtedly one of the outstanding gynecologists in Germany. He was one of the first supporters of the operational direction in gynecology, a direction that has become dominant in the last 10-20 years. Martin's work, in almost all branches of gynecology, made him a reputation not only as an experienced and courageous operator, but also as an outstanding scientist.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(10):911-924
pages 911-924 views

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