Vol 48, No 4 (1999)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Current public health problems

Some differences in postmenopausal women with hot flushes and without them

Rubchenko T.I., Krasnopolski V.I., Lukashenko S.I., Laricheva I.P.


The absence of hot flushes in postmenopausal women is not a sign of well being. These women have unfavorable lipid's profile and lower BMD than women who have or had hot flushes in the past. Their metabolic parameters are like those with severe and frequently hot flushes. Thus, they need active physician's attention. The revealed differences in hormonal profile mean that not only low levels or decrease of E2 but alteration of adrenal and thyroid function play some role in the pathogenesis of hot flushes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):7-11
pages 7-11 views

The influence of professional activity on the health of stewardess

Tzvelev U.V., Botchenkov A.A., Peshkov V.V., Golubev A.V.


The conditions of professional environment in stewardess are characterized by the combined influence of extremal factors, impacting with stress with many reciprocal reactions, determined by the spectrum of acting conditions, their parcial intensity and resistance of organism, that leads to steady disturbances of self-regulation and adaptation and may be the cause of a pathology. It is manifested with increased somatic and gynecological morbidity of stewardess in comparison to other women of the European part of Russia.

Our data are needed to be used in the procedure of professional psychological selection of stewardess during medical examination.

The material shown verifies the necessity for medico-social investigations, directed for revealing of professional risk factors for stewardess morbidity; their prophylaxis in the system of medical control for their health status.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Original Research

Isulin-cortisol shifts in timely-temporal structure of functions in postmenopause

Zazerskaya I.E., Ailamazyan A.K., Kornilov N.V., Avrunin A.S., Sukhanova A.M.


We screened serume levels of insulin and cortisol in 20 postmenopausal women. We performed these hormones determinations according to algorithm of their levels circaseptane oscillation. All examined patients did't complain on climacteric disorders and did't have any endocrinological diseases. We found out 5 types of hormone oscillations: when the concentrations of both hormones were at normal levels (5% cases); when insulin levels decreased from time to time (30% cases); when cortisol levels increased from time to time (35% cases); when during insulin levels' decreasing the cortisol levels has increased (25% cases); when both hormones levels increased from time to time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Immunological characteristics of acute urogenital monochlamydiosis

Bugrova O.G., Kira E.F., Savitcheva A.M.


The article stresses that the use of two modem methods: luminescent and lactincytochemical has helped to understand the receptor expression for bionic amines, catecholamines and pectines, that depicts the functional potential of mucous and immune cells in urogenital chlamydiosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Affective disorders after ovariectomy: psychosomatic and therapeutic aspects

Kulakov V.I., Smetnik V.P., Krasnov V.N., Yureneva S.V., Kamenetskaya G.Y., Ryzhova I.A., Dovzhenko T.V., Maychuk Y.Y.


To study the clinical features of affective disorders of the depressive spectrum, the authors examined 63 women who underwent surgery to remove their uterine appendages. Based on the evaluation of the severity of depressive and anxiety manifestations, the study substantiated the feasibility of treating post-ovariectomy syndrome with antidepressants against the background of hormone replacement therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Genital tumors in newborn girls

Cutusheva G.F., Nemilova T.K., Karavaeva S.A.


The analysis of 23 clinical cases of tumors in newborn girls - a rare gynecological pathology of this period of life is performed. The ovarian neoplasm in newborn were mostly a retention cysts. We noted the increase in congenital ovarian cysts diagnostics for the recent years. The tactics for treatment of newborn girls with ovarian tumors is determined.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Cefepim in prophylaxis of infectional complications in cesarean section in risk groups

Ailamazyan E.K., Karpov O.l., Kutcherencko M.A., Zaitcev A.A., Ignatov U.D.


The efficiency and economical value of infectional surgical complications prophylaxis is considered. The risk factors included diabetes, obesity, pyelonephritis and complicated obstetrical anamnesis. The randomized trial has shown a high effectiveness of Cefepim usage administered intravenously 1.0 during CS and 8 hours later. As a standard we used Cefotaxime (2,0 gr. per day), ampicillin (4,0 qid) and gentamyein (0,24 tid). We estimated the surgical wound condition, body temperature, vaginal discharge. The effectiveness of Cefepim has made 98%. The normalization of parameters was seen up to 4-5 postoperative days.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):34-38
pages 34-38 views

The efficiency of Amoxicillin/ Potassium Clavunalatis application in complicated postlabor period

Kutcherenko M.A., Savitcheva A.M., Martikainen Z.M., Zaciorskaya S.L.


The investigation has shown that step therapy with Amoxicillin/Clavulanate (1,2 gr. IV bid 3 days) with further transfer to peroral administration of the drug in dosage of 625 mg tid 4 days) ensures a high clinical and bacteriological effectiveness in maternity with complicated postlabor period. The identical results are received with compared randomized trial with the use of ampicillin +gentamycin+metronidazole.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Hygienical aspects of military service of women in Russia

Lizunov U.V., Tsutsiev S.A., Terentiev L.P., Mesniankin V.N., Kira E.F., Bezhenar V.F.


In this article the necessity of strict scientifical reglamentation of conditions and peculiarities of military service in women for providing the preservation and improvement of their reproduction health status.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):42-45
pages 42-45 views

The factors of risk for endomyometritis development after labor

Kupert A.F., Solodun P.V., Kravchuk L.A., Kupert M.A.


The risk factors for endometritis development after labor was studied. Different factors of risk in research and in comparative groups was present in number on the base scale of a prognosis purulent-septic disease in pregnant and parturiens for comparison of their significance. It is confirmed that the significance of preventive measures, that carry out during pregnancy, results in lowering of the endometritis after labor. Endometritis after labor is determined to develop more frequently in women of early reproductive age. The leading significance of the risk factors connected with delivery was confirmed. The leading role in pregnancy belongs to the focus infection both in the extragenital organs and in lower section genital tract. More the threat interrupting in different periods of pregnancy and combination of two and more extragenital diseases in one woman are of significance risk factors.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):46-49
pages 46-49 views


Infections and reproductive health (Part III). Clinical manifestations of vaginal infections, including STDs

Kira E.F.


Bacterial vaginosis is a disease characterized by abundant vaginal discharge in which no known pathogenic agents, such as Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Candida fungi, are detected. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination and special laboratory methods.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):50-53
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Ovarian tumors

Vishnevsky A.S., Skriabyn O.N.


The lecture is devoted to questions of etiology, diagnostics and treatment of ovarian tumors.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):54-60
pages 54-60 views


Bacterial vaginosis and its influence on complications after abortions

Ivanova L.V., Stivel L.A., Popov A.M., Nemet N.N.


In the review, the modern data on etiology, pathogenesis, clinics, diagnostics and treatment of bacterial vaginosis are presented. The probability of abortion complications with ВV existence is considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):61-64
pages 61-64 views

Specific female function status under the influence of industrial factors

Bezhenar V.F., Grebeniuck A.N., Antushevitch A.E., Philippovsky A.S.


Both foreign and russian literature pays enough attention to the questions oj health status, working conditions, rational employment of women-professionals. At the same time, the analyzed scientific materials are not adequate in the volume of fulfilled investigations, especially in different fields of industry, the peculiarities of pregnant and nonpregnant women, questions of pathology prophylaxis, reproduction preservation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):65-69
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The tactics for extragenital endometriosis with nephroptosis management

Semeniuck A.A., Baskakov V.P., Pospelov I.V.


The material on 45 patients with nephroptosis and genital endometriosis is depicted. The diagnosis was done with the help of compliance analysis, USG, hysterogramm, laparoscopy, excretory urography. All patients were performed nephropexy, with further therapy of endometriosis. We have found the syndrome of cross-aggravation in these patients that had the influence on treatment tactics. 23 patients in 10 years need no surgical treatment for endometriosis; that can allow us recommend to start the management with nephropexy if there are the indications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):70-71
pages 70-71 views

Psychotherapy of hypertension in pregnant women

Shvetsov M.V., Startseva N.V.


A psychotherapy in 46 pregnant with hypertension has led to significant blood pressure decrease. The possible mechanisms of blood pressure increase, including fear syndrome’ are considered. The successful adaptation for pregnancy and fear neutralization result in blood pressure decrease down to normal levels.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):72-75
pages 72-75 views

History page

Konstantin Klementievitch Scrobansky (devoted to 125-anniversary of birth)

Tzvelev U.V.


In this article the historical information on scientific and practical work of K.K.Scobansky is given.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Scientific activity

Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of St. Petersburg (6th anniversary)

Aylamazyan E.K., Repina M.A.


For very many years, in St. Petersburg, Petrograd, then Leningrad, there functioned a scientific society of obstetricians and gynecologists, uniting in its ranks the most active specialists. The main activities of the society were regular scientific meetings with presentations on topical issues of obstetrics and gynecology. By the end of 80-s and the beginning of 90-s, i.e. in the period of serious social and economic problems, connected with changes of socio-political system in the country and disintegration of the USSR, the interest of doctors in the work of the Society decreased considerably and in 1991-1992 it had actually stopped its work.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(4):80-82
pages 80-82 views

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