Vol 46, No 1 (1997)

Cover Page

Full Issue


Dear colleagues and friends!


Here is the first issue of the renewed Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases. Its history is closely connected with the first obstetric and gynecological society in Russia, the founding meeting of which took place on March 23, 1886 in St. Petersburg. Its first chairman was Professor A. Ya. Krassovsky, and the founding members together with him were Professors K. F. Slavyansky, I. F. Balandin and Associate Professor D. O. Ott, who later headed the Board of the Society for many years.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):1-1
pages 1-1 views

"Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases". Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow

Tsvelev Y.V.


In domestic obstetrics and gynecology, the last quarter of the 19th century occupies a special place: the first obstetric-gynecological society in Russia appeared in St. Petersburg (03.03.1886) and the first domestic "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases" began to be published (trial issue was published on December 11 .1886). The initiator of the creation of the journal was the chairman of the St. Petersburg obstetric-gynecological society, professor A.Ya. Krassovsky, who believed that "society needs to have its own printed organ like a collection or a magazine, which would contain not only the works of society, but in general the work of domestic figures in obstetrics and gynecology ...".

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):4-5
pages 4-5 views

Current public health problems

Reproductive the woman as criterions of bioecological diagnostics and control of an environment

Ailamasian E.K.


As a result of prolonged researches concerned of influence unfavorable factors of an environment, executed in Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Ginecology named after D.O. Ott of RAMS obtained information of a conceptual level. It was established that effect of various factors nature-technogenic environment on the health of the women is actually identical, violation it reproductive function, have, some digit with one manual, in them dominated nonspecific or pathologic processes, the weight of which depends from duration, intensity of effect pathologic of the factors and from efficiency of processes of adaptation reproductive of the system the woman.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):6-10
pages 6-10 views

Mother mortality in St. Petersburg and path of its preventive maintenence

Repina M.A.


In the state-of-the-art review in details and scrupulous the reasons, structure are considered mother mortality in St. -Petersburg during the last 25 years. Paths of optimization of the help pregnant women to the women at out-patient, stationary levels, lowering of probability of medical errors are shown.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):11-19
pages 11-19 views

Original Research

Clinical and immunological aspects of a pathology newborn at genital chlamidiosis of a mother, which were revealed during pregnant

Evsukova I.I., Koroleva L.I., Kosheleva N.G., Parusov V.N., Zubzhitskaya L.B., Savicheva A.M., Ishchenko A.M.


A role C.trachomatis infection and its possible consequences in puerperal period was investigated at 48 normal bom children and their mothers. The first group was 19 children and their mothers with normal tendency of early puerperal of period; the second group accordingly 28 mothers and 29 their children (one twins) with various functional violations. The 3-th group check of 16 healthy newborn and their mothers with normal current of pregnancy and sorts. In all groups a content C3, C3a of components complement, levels Ig A, M, G, circulatting immune complexes was studied. In the 1-st gr. C.trachomatis was detected only at one mother and was not detected at the children; in the 2-th gr. Accordingly at the 4 and the 5; in the 3-d gr. C.trachomatis in pairs “Mother - children” were not detected. Gross infringements in the immune system of the children were placed at chlamidiosis, and also heavy consequences at intrauterine infection G. trachomatis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Functional state hypophis-thyreoid and hypophis-subrenal of the system at the women at phisiolgoic pregnancy andlate toxicosis

Bystrova K.S., Gornova L.N.


The radioimmune method investigates a content main adaptive hormones (axes hypopis - cortex of subrenal glands; corticotropin, cortisol, aldosteron; axeses hypopis - thyreoid glands: thyreotropin, T3, T4, and also prolactin and progesteron) at mothers and their newborn children at phisiological pregnancy and at easy hestosis. Total 30 pairs: mother- newborn was inspected.

A content of T3 and T4 at 22 pregnant women with hestation in term 39-40 of weeks during physiological pregnancy and during late hestosis. Obtained data allow to make the output, that long late hestosis pregnancy (more than 4-th weeks), even in case of it not hard of manifestations (preeklamsia of an easy degree), renders negative effect on hypopis - thyreoid glands function of mothers, shown by response of exhausting in reply to bom stress.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):24-26
pages 24-26 views

Way intramural recanalisation at tubal infertility at the women

Мгеладзе B.N., Tatarova N.A., Susloparov L.A.


Original method of operation recanalisation intramural of a parts fallopian tube, distinguished from used earlier by saving full lengths of a tube, its maximum bloodsupply and innervation, and also natural channel in it intramural a department is offered.

Outcomes 20 operations are represented. The efficiency of operations on a level of origin pregnancy at a rational selection ill reaches 70 %.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Significance of hypomagneemia in obstetrical practice and application of Magne V6

Kosheleva N.G., Prokopenko V.M., Buzurukova P.S., Vosheva T.P., Krol T.M., Khoroshilova G.M.


Exchange of a magnesium at 78 pregnant women with threat of interruption of pregnancy, hestosis in light form, diabetus mellitus of 1-th type of light form.

Magne V6 was included in complex treatment of 40 pregnant women with a main pathology. Magne V6 was applied on 2 tablets 3 times per a day during 8 days.

In an outcome of treatment normalization of a balance M G2 + in an organism was marked: raisedlnitially reduced level M G2 + in blood and was reduced a little экскреция of a magnesium with urine. By comparison of exchange M G2 + with CPO the best outcomes are obtained there, where CPO was increased. Metrics CPO were redused after treatment by Magne V6 at all these pregnant women. Magne V6 it is possible to recommend for treatment of threat of interruption of pregnancy, hestosis (oedima of a pregnant women, nephropathy of 1 -st),diabetus mellitus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Morphofunctionale the characteristic decidual of a shell and serum levels prolactine at gestosis

Tatarova N.A., Susloparov L.A., Rindin V.A., Michailow V.M.


The investigation of cytohystochemistry of features a decidual sell and content in serum of blood prolactine at during physiological of pregnancy and gestosis was spent with help of the modern methods. Was installed, that a dynamic research plasma of levels prolactine allows to estimate adaptive possibilities phetoplacental of a complex at gestosis. High correlation was marked of data, obtained at ultrasonic placentagraphie, cytohystochemistry researches and definition of levels prolactine in serum of blood was marked. The emplayment of data of methods has large practical value.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Immunotherapy Bacterial vaginosis and Trichomoniasis

Kira E.F.


Clinical efficiency of a vaccine Solco Trichovac was investigated at treatment Bacterial vaginosis (18) and Trichomoniasis (12) in comparison with traditional application Metronidazol (accordingly two groups of matching on 20 patients). In an extremity of course of treatment Solco Trichovac clinical and laboratory the confirmed recovery is marked at 86,7 % ill, the positive proof effect was saved at 75 % in separated period. In groups of matching - is similar at 67,5 % and at 55 %. The treatment Bacterial vaginosis and Trichomoniasis by immunisation has advantages before system application antibacterial’s of tools and highly effectively in complex treatment of infections vagina.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Use tibolone (livial) at patients with klimacteric cardiopathie

Bobrov L.L., Dudarenko S.V., Qbrezan A.G.


In operation own data and analytical arguing about possibility of application replacement hormonal of therapy (RHT) Livial at patients with climacteric cardiopathies are represented. In an outcome of researches is installed, that Livial promotes improving systole of myocard and reduces a degree it hypertrophy; normalization intracardial and intravascular bloodstream, improving active activw relaxing of the left ventricle and rise of elasticity large artery’s. The tendency to normalization, and on early stages climacteric climacteric hypertension - normalization arterial of pressure, and also - improving trofics of the myocard, rise of its electrical stability and lowering arithmogenic is observed; an amplification anticoagulation and lowering procoagulation of a potential of blood with improving oj microcirculation. Obtained data specify validity and necessity RHT of Livial at the women with climacteric cardiopathies.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):44-48
pages 44-48 views


Role antiphospholipide of a syndrome in development obstetrics of complications

Gromiko G.L.


The modem information about pathogenesis of various complications of pregnancy and role in their development autoanticorps are represented in the review. Value antiphospholipids autoanticorps in origin “antiphospholipids of a syndrome “ at pregnants, its clinical features and principles of treatment is shown.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Biochemical and biological properties vaginal of a liquid

Molchanov O.L., Kira Е.F.


The modem data about biochemical structure of vaginal contents in time ofphisiological and some pathological states are represented in this review. The contents of vagina is considered as a biological liquid for the first time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Endothelial disfunction and its markers at hestosis

Zainulina M.S., Petrischev N.N.


There is review of the literature and the own data of the authors shown the of endothelins, endothelial-relaxing of the factor, factor of tumor necrosis, factor Willebrand, tissiue of a catalyst plasminogen, endotheliocites in patigenesis gestosis. These markers endothelial disfunction have large value in diagnostics and control of efficiency of therapy of hestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):59-62
pages 59-62 views


Suppurative tuboovarial of derivation (clinic, diagnostic, principles of therapy)

Kqstuchek D.F.


You can find the personal views of the author on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and principles of therapy pelvic inflammory deseases in the lecture. The autors views are based on the large own experience.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):63-68
pages 63-68 views

Herpes-virus infection of pregnant women

Yaroslavzki V.K., Isakov V.A., Semenov А.Е.


The modem items of information and the own point of view of the authors about clinical manifestations methods of diagnostics and treatment herpes-virus infection of pregnant women are represented in the lecture.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Guide to the children's and addescent's gynecology

Gurkin Y.A., Yuriev V.K.


The modem items of information and the own point of view of the authors about clinical manifestations methods of diagnostics and treatment herpes-virus infection of pregnant women are represented in the lecture.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):74-76
pages 74-76 views


Protection of motherhood and childhood


ORDERS: On the list of social indications and the approval of instructions for artificial termination of pregnancy. The list of social indications for artificial termination of pregnancy. Instruction on the procedure for authorizing an artificial termination of pregnancy for social reasons. Instruction on the procedure for carrying out an artificial termination of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):77-80
pages 77-80 views

History of medicine

Kronid Fedorovich Slavyansky - an outstanding domestic gynecologist

Tsvelev Y.V., Kalchenko A.P.


To the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding gynecologist Slavyansky Kronid Fedorovich

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1997;46(1):81-85
pages 81-85 views

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