卷 51, 编号 4 (2002)



Proteins including selen and pregnancy

Prokopenko V.


In this view, the up-to-date information on proteins including selen is presented. Here is considered the conduct of selen proteins of glutationperoxidases family during pregnancy and its complications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):73-76
pages 73-76 views

Resistance of Chlamydia trachomatis to antibiotics

Stypitsyna E., Savitcheva A.


Some aspects of Chlamydia trachomatis resistance to antihiotics are reviewed: possihle mechanisms, clinical significance of in vitro resistance, and the role of antihiotics in induction of persistence.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):77-83
pages 77-83 views

Laboratory diagnostics

Laboratory diagnostics of urogenital mycoplasma colonization and infection

Novikova L., Taraskina A.


The paper presents data on the possibilities of determining urogenital mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum) using some variants of culture and PCR methods. The scheme of cultural studies in full is given, with the help of which high specificity and sensitivity indicators are achieved. The proposed research algorithm for detecting Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum, based on the use of culture and PCR methods as complementary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Current public health problems

Efficiency of early monitoring gestational process in women with risk of pregnancy loss

Radzinskiy V., Demidova E., Bazovaia M., Ordiyants I.


This article is devoted to optimization of dispensary observation at the eshlia terms of gestation of women suffer from sporadic miscaniages in anamnesis as well as tlie definition of prognostic meaning of the ultmsonic doppleromet-ry criterias, the enzyme activity of lisosomal of blood plasma and tlie cytochemical mte (DCR) for tlie segmentnuclear leucocytes at the pregnant women witli pathological obstetl'ic anamnesis.

13 7p1-egnant women were tested, 98 o f them at the earlier terms o f gest-ation from 7 to 14 weelis of t-heir pregnancy. The received data show that metabolic conection and normalization of microbiocenosis of vagina and cavix channel in tlie first trimester of pregnancy is pathogen validity, they promot-e tlie nmwaf pregnancy of the next terms of gestation and decrease tlie frequency of repeat-ed misriages

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Pregnancy loss after overcoming the sterility with methods of auxiliary reproductive technologies

Korsak V., Arganova O., Gromyko Y., Isakova E.


Miscarriage is a serious problem of pregnancies resulting from overcoming infertility using assisted reproductive technologies (ART). The overall frequency of losses due to miscarriages of various periods and non-developing pregnancies reaches 30-35%. In order to optimize the outcomes of pregnancies resulting from ART, we have developed a special program that includes activities that are carried out at various stages, including at the stage of preparation for ART.

In accordance with this program, all women in the period of preparation for the procedure undergo a full clinical and laboratory examination, including the consultation of a therapist, and, if indicated, other specialists (endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) in order to identify and correct concomitant diseases that can have an unfavorable influence on the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):13-15
pages 13-15 views

The role of the psychoemotional stress during gestation in the development of obstetrical and perinatal patology

Malgina G.


The complex investigation of the perinatal pathology at acute and c/1,1-onic psyclioemotliional stress dunng gestation has been perf 01 wed. Jt was sliown (by tlie metliod of the retrospective analyses) the inaease in the relat-ive 1-isf of tlie premature delivery (1,4-8,0), severe and mild gestosis (3,0-10,0), placental pathology (2,2-3,3 ), anomalies of delivery (2,0-7,0 ), obstetl′ical Blending (2,0- 2,8 ), late delivery (2,0-7,0) dunng the acute stress. The relationship between tlie pel′inatal patology and gestation term was shown dunng the acute stress. Dm'ing- i-lie clironic stress tlie frequency and seventy of pennatal patliology is dependent upon the type of psyclioemotional reaction on the st-ress. The seventy of patliofog-y is more prominent at decompensated type of psychological reaction t-lian at subcompensated type. Tlie newbom infants of motlias witli psyclioemotional stress recuired long rehabilitation in 39,2-50,0% cases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Hemodynamical parameters in functional system "motherplacenta-fetus" in women had higher levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and horionic gonadotropin (HG) in 11 trimester of pregnancy

Gagarina A., Pavlova N., Kaicheeva T.


Haemodinamic parameters in the functional system mother-placenta-fetus in 49 women with elevated mildtrimester maternal serum AFP (>2MoM) and in 38 women with elevated maternal serum hCG (>2MoM) were studed. The control group included 32 women with normal mildtnmester serum AFP and hCG. Indexes of impedance to flow in the uterine arteries were significantly higher in patients with elevated MSAFP or MShCG comparing with women of the control group, beginning from 28 weeks of pregnancy. There was a significant association between the maternal serum AFP levels and indexes of impedance to flow in the uterine artery, umbilical artery and fetal aorta during pregnancy. In patients with abnormal (more then 95th centile) uterine arteries Resistance Index at 2024 weeks, abnormal dynamic of MSAFP and MShCC levels from 16 until 24 weeks was observed. We suppose that unexplained elevated mildtri mester maternal serum AFP and hCC сaп be associated with disturbed utero-placental circulation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Anatomic substantiation of an intraosseous method of introduction medicinal preparations in an obstetrics and gynecology

Utkin E.


In work on the basis of carried out morphological and roentgenological investigations the anatomic substantiation of intraosseous injections of antibiotics at treatment of endometritis and purulent adnexitis is given. The positive results of therapy with application of intraosseous introduction of medicinal preparations 25 women with aп endometritis after operation are resulted is cesarean sections and 30 women with purulent adnexitis. The indications to application of the given way of introduction of medicinal preparations are proved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Treatment endometrium cancer with preserving fertility - analysis of literature data and own studies

Bakhidze E., Chepik O., Volkova A., Maksimov S.


Spontaneous and distant results were analyzed concerning hormonal treatment of 47 initial patients of reproductive age with endometrium cancer (EC). The cure in the prof. N.N.Petrov scientific-research institute was performed from 1975 with purpose of preseiving fertility without operation. In addition, literature data concerning analogical treatment of 36 patients were analyzed. Summary of all data concerning 83 patients EC without invasion in myometrium show about 80% patients were receptive to hormonotherapy and 61% had the full regression of endometrium tumor. The pregnancy occurs in 20% of patients, childbirth happen in 12% of patients. Relapses of illness were revealed in almost one half of 66 patients (48%) after the full regression of initial EC. Unique results obtained in the prof. N.N. Petrov scientific-research institute oncological department are explained by large number of observations and long monitoring patients. These data analysis allowed to define indications and conditions for use of such cure EC method: only inpatients with minimal high-differentiated Aden carcinoma and in specialized clinics. This method does not exclude any timely surgery cure component in case of relapse and together with it permits to realize the reproductive function.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Opportunities to improve the diagnosis chronic tndometritis

Gazazyan M., Khutsishvili O., lvanova T., Lunova I.


Goal of the research: optimization of the diagnosis of chronic endometritis.

Methodology: perspective research.

Institution: Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Kursk medical University.

Material of the research: 67 patients suffering benign diseases of endometrium and myometrium connected with it. 59 patients with the diseases of the uterus of the same пaтe without chronic endometritis.

Methods of the research: clinico-laboratory, ultrasonography, hysteroscopic, histologic, cytologic, microbiologic examination of the endometrium, PSR, radioimmunological method to determine progesterone rate in the blood plasma.

Results of the research: the endoscopice variants of chronic endometritis are extreted: hyperplastic and hypoplastic (and also its forms - focal and diffusive). They are necessary stages achieving reliable diagnosis of the inflammatory process of endometrium a differential method of probing of endometrium depending on a variant and damage rate of chronic endometritis is worked out.

Conclusion: the complex method of the diagnosis chronic endometritis including hysteroscopy with visual biopsy and cytologic-histologic examination of endometrium increases the quality of diagnosis by 64,4% in comparison with the traditional curettement of the endometrium and considerably decreases the number of posttraumatic and inflammatory complications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):38-42
pages 38-42 views

Significance of the cronobiological factors in a spa treatment of gynaecological patients

Gordon K., Kurtaev O., Melnikova T.


In the article the outcomes of the research of efficiency of complex SPA treatment of the patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of organs of the small pelvis in various seasons of the year in conditions of humid subtropics are indicated. The dynamics ofa psycho-emotional condition, vegetative reactivity, condition of the protective-adapting mechanisms of the gomeostasis are investigated, depending on a kind of applied SPA treatment (hydrogen sulfide or iodine bromide)? In cool and warm periods of a year. The recommendations for differentiated rehabilitation treatment of patients with valiants of clinical process of chronic inflammatory diseases of organs of the small pelvis and complications, accompanying them, in conditions of humid subtropics are represented.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Colposcopic features of cervical oncotropic papilloma-virus infection in patients with various pathology of uterine cervix

Kolomiyets L., Churuksayeva O., Urazova L., Sevostyanova N.


In order to estimate the colposcopic manifestations of cervical oncotropic human papilloma-virus (HPV)-infection, a total of 693 patients were examimed. Among them, there were 298 patients with benign tumors pathology, 57 patients with 1-3 Grade cervical dysplasia of mucosa, 50 patients with uterine cervix cancer, 288 healthy women.

All patients underwent bimanual examination, taking of cervical smears for cytological examination and uterine cervix colposcopy. Diagnosis for HPV16/18 infection was made by the method of polimerase chain reaction.

А large variety in colposcopic manifestations of HPV-infection was found, namely: areas of atypical vessels, leukoplakia sites,fields of atypical epithelium, iodine-negative sites. It was related to the influence of oncogenic types of HPV infection. In these patients,fields of atypical epithelium, atypical vessels, iodinenegative areas were observed 1.2, 2.5, 10.5 times more frequently, respectively.

It was found that all varieties of papillomas occurred among patients with pathology, whereas flat condylomas presenting the most difficulties of or diagnosis prevailed in patients with cervical neoplasms and uterine cervix cancer The most pronounced colposcopic evidences of uterine cervix epithelium malignancy were observed in patients with virus-positive uterine cervix cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Treatment of benign hyperplasic processes of milk glands in patients with genital endometriosis

lliin A., Malakhova E.


Health condition of 137 f emale with genital endometriosis before hormonal therapy and under the influence of antagonists ( danazol) and agonists of gonadotropic hormones (gozerelin, decapeptyl, buserelin) treatment was studied. Frequent association of genital endometriosis and benign breast tumors (91 % ) and e fficiency of using antagonists and agonists of gonadotropins in the occasions of the simultaneous development of hyperplasic processes in the reproductive system were revealed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Revealing histamine-sensible activity of Wood umbilical cord serum in experiments with ring segments of arteries and umbilical cord vein and with myometrium strips of pregnant women

Tsyrkin V., Sazanova M., Dvorianskiy S., Khlybova S.


In experiments with 60 segments of arteries and 46 segments of the umbilical cord vein of 24 newborns and 35 strips of myometrium of 12 pregnant women, the effect of 100-fold dilutions of cord blood serum (SPK-1: 100) on the contractile effects of histamine (0.01, 0.1 and 1 ϻg l ml). SPK-1: - 100 increased the vasoconstrictor and uterostimulating effects of histamine.

H1-histaminosensitizing activity of SPK-1: 100 and the efficiency of activation of H1-histamine receptors of myocytes of the arteries and umbilical cord veins are increased in the presence of obstetric complications. A conclusion was made about the content of endogenous sensitizer H1-histamine receptors (ESGR) in the fetal blood, the level of which increases in the presence of obstetric complications, as well as the possible role of histamine and ESGR in the regulation of fetoplacental blood circulation in conditions of normal and pathological conditions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):55-60
pages 55-60 views

Dufaston in premenstrual syndrome correction

Kovrigina L., Tumilovich L., Narsesian R.


This article presents results of preparation dufaston use in 30 women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Disappearance or weaknesses of certain (ones or another) PMS symptoms were observed in all women. So expediency of dufaston prescription was pointed out, it was possible, combined with antidepressants, for PMS correction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Determination of papilloma-virus infection reproductive phase in algorithm of monitoring patients with cervical displasia

Selkov S., Vedeneeva G., Baskakova I., Baur S.


HPV 16 and 18 are known to be the main cause of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer. The terms of HPV persistence in the host and, coordinately, the risk of cervical neoplasia development and progression are determined in much extent by virus activity. The purpose of this investigation was the detection of HPV DNA presence in cervical epithelium as well as confirmation of its activity by means of immunocytochemistry and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The level of HPV inf ection by oncogenic and nononcogenic types in 181 women with different cervical pathology was 55,8%. The active stage of HPV infection was confirmed in 27,5% of HPV-inf ected women mainly with low grades of CIN. The proof of reproductive general HPV infection was more informative with RT PCR just as for HPV 16 and 18 immunocytochemistry and RT PCR completed each anothe.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):61-63
pages 61-63 views

History page

The evolution of abortion - "from juniper to mifepristone"

Tsvelev Y., Lyatoshinskaya P.


The study of a deliberately induced miscarriage is of extreme interest from a wide variety of points of view: first of all, from a cultural and historical point of view, then from a socio-legal and, finally, from a medical one. For what reasons and when a woman first resorted to artificial termination of pregnancy, it is not possible to establish precisely.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2002;51(4):84-89
pages 84-89 views
