
Newborns death risk factors after surgical interventions in the early neonatal period
Bezhenar V., Ivanova L., Ivanov D., Krasnogorskaya O.
Combined Atherosclerotic Lesions of Cerebral and Coronary Blood Vessels: Risk Factors
Bilyutin-Aslanyan R., Vasiliev A., Rodichkin P., Trashkov A., Khaytsev N.
Health state at the age of 12 months in preterm children who have suffered intraventricular hemorrhages I and II degree during early neonatal period. Risk factors for the formation of cerebral palsy
Kharlamova N., Shilova N., Ananyeva M., Matveevа E.
Regional features of early neonatal mortality (data on the Belgorod region for the period 2012-2015)
Procenko E., Gurova M., Podsvirova E., Volobueva S., Romanova T., Popova V., Burtseva Y.
Current diagnostics of the childhood urolithiasis
Emanuel V., Chukhlovin A., Tretjak A., Vostokova L., Sevostianova M.
Risk factors, predictors and contemporary diagnostics of bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Prometnoy D., Alexandrovich Y., Voronenko I.
Morbidence of pregnant anemia and its impact on infant mortality
Ivanov D., Iurev V., Shevtsova K., Moiseeva K., Kharbedia S., Berezkina E.
Risk factors of progression of chronic kidney disease in children with congenital malformations of the urinary tract in the postoperative period
Ahmetshin R., Ildar I., Petr I.
Infant mortality in Russian Federation and influence on its dynamic factors
Ivanov D., Oryol V., Alexandrovich Y., Prometnoy D.
The method of evaluation and prediction of formation of menstrual function of adolescent girls
Mironova A., Balasanyan V.
Increasing of assessment effectiveness of neurological evaluation in detection traumatic intracranial injures in children with clinical criteria of mild traumatic brain injury
Povzun A., Shchugareva L., Iova A.
Follow-up Study A Children Who Are Disordered Pneumonia
Oleinik N., Romanyuk F.
The Prevalence of Some Lifestyle Risk Factors, Negatively Affecting the Health of High School Students
Iurev V., Zhirkov P.
Contribution of prenatal factors and in formation of asthma phenotypes in children (part I)
Zhelenina L., Galustyan A., Platonova N., Kuropatenko M.
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