Author Details


Issue Section Title File
Vol 340, No 3 (2019) Articles Revascularization of the lower limb in multisegmental atherosclerotic lesions.
Vol 340, No 2 (2019) Articles Early complications of endovascular prosthetic abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Vol 339, No 6 (2018) Articles Celiac axis compression syndrome: terminology, diagnosis and treatment PDF
Vol 339, No 6 (2018) Articles Aneurysmal transformation of the xenoprosthesis in the infrainguinal position. PDF
Vol 338, No 12 (2017) Articles Experience in using lumbar sympathectomy in a central military hospital
Vol 337, No 7 (2016) Articles Treatment of spontaneous rupture of the abdominal aorta in a versatile military hospital
Vol 336, No 3 (2015) Articles The first experience of hybrid correction of injuries of main artery of the head in military hospital
Vol 335, No 7 (2014) Articles Diagnosis and treatment of peripheral arterial aneurysms in lower limbs PDF
Vol 335, No 12 (2014) Articles Endovascular surgery of post-traumatic arteriovenous fistula
Vol 334, No 9 (2013) Articles Treatment of rupture of abdominal aortic aneurism in multi-field military hospital
Vol 333, No 6 (2012) Articles Successful treatment of aneurysm of iliac artery in old patient with widespread atherosclerosis of aorta
Vol 333, No 10 (2012) Articles Treatment of vascular implants’ infections in aortic position
Vol 331, No 3 (2010) Articles Topographic-anatomic grounding cervical-distalvertebral reconstruction of V3 segment vertebral artery vertebral artery
Vol 341, No 1 (2020) Articles Treatment of bone-vascular polytrauma of limbs in a multidisciplinary military hospital
Vol 341, No 11 (2020) Articles Spontaneous violation of the integrity of the inferior vena cava wall
Vol 342, No 7 (2021) Articles High surgical technologies in the treatment of the abdominal aortic aneurysm

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