Author Details

Мосягин, И. Г

Issue Section Title File
Vol 330, No 2 (2009) Articles Seasonal peculiarities of vegetative heart regulation by young men of call-up age of subpolar area of Russia
Vol 330, No 4 (2009) Articles Effektivnost' sochetannogo primeneniya medikamentoznykh i nemedikamentoznykh metodov lecheniya gipertonicheskoy bolezni u voennosluzhashchikh PDF
Vol 330, No 7 (2009) Articles Rasprostranennost' vozbuditeley infektsiy urogenital'nogo trakta u voennosluzhashchikh Severnogo flota PDF
Vol 330, No 9 (2009) Articles Pokazateli variabel'nosti serdechnogo ritma v vosstanovitel'nyy period pri adaptatsii k usloviyam normobaricheskoy gipoksicheskoy gipoksii na Evropeyskom Severe Rossii PDF
Vol 330, No 10 (2009) Articles Osobennosti sotsial'no-psikhologicheskikh chert lichnosti bol'nykh gipertonicheskoy bolezn'yu
Vol 330, No 12 (2009) Articles Peculiarities of psychophysiological status of flying staff of fighter aircraft of land basing
Vol 338, No 11 (2017) Articles First experience of water purging from natural radionuclide with the use of new generation nanosorbent
Vol 337, No 2 (2016) Articles Experience of surgical care administration to patients with closed abdominal trauma, serving on the ships of the Navy. PDF
Vol 336, No 7 (2015) Articles Hyperbaric medicine in the Navy and prospects of its development
Vol 336, No 8 (2015) Articles The use of the cryothermic training for optimization of coping of students and cadets during initial period of training
Vol 335, No 12 (2014) Articles Status and development prospects of radiological health in the Navy
Vol 333, No 1 (2012) Articles Psikhofiziologicheskie i psikhologicheskie osobennosti lits ekstremal'nykh professiy
Vol 331, No 3 (2010) Articles Regularity of psychophysiological adaptation to military-professional activity among staff of Northern fleet
Vol 331, No 5 (2010) Articles Quality of a life of military seamen of Northern fleet
Vol 332, No 2 (2011) Articles Seasonal variations of hemodynamic parameters in youngsters of northern region
Vol 332, No 6 (2011) Articles Opredelenie markerov gepatita V u meditsinskikh rabotnikov na fone vaktsinatsii
Vol 332, No 5 (2011) Articles Opredelenie markerov virusnogo gepatita V u donorov krovi i ee komponentov na Severnom flote
Vol 335, No 2 (2014) Articles Kharakteristika fazovoy struktury serdechnogo tsikla u novobrantsev uchebnogo tsentraVMF na Severe PDF

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