卷 330, 编号 9 (2009)


Conceptual approach to integration of a modern system of medical provision

Belevitin A., Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Goryachev A., Krasavin K.


Within the frame of forming of a new face of medical service of the Armed Forces, were determined the principle approaches to optimization of the process of development of the system of medical supply. It was proposed to use the following principles: principle of hierarchic structuring, principle of purposeful orientation, principle of vertical task sharing, principle of horizontal task sharing, principle of complex simulation, principle of permanent perfection. The main direction of optimization of structure and composition of system of medical supply of the Armed Forces are: forming of modern institutes of medical supply - centers of support by technique and facilities on the base of central, regional storehouses, and attachment of several functions of organs of military government to them; creation of medical supply office on the base military hospitals, being basing treatment-prophylaxis institutes, in adjusted territorial zones of responsibility for the purpose of realization of complex of tasks of supplying the units and institutes, attached to them on medical support, by medical equipment. Building of medical support system is realized on three levels: Center - Military region (NAVY region) - territorial zone of responsibility.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Experience of organization of scientific-methods work in 3rd CMCH by Vishnevsky A.A

Belyakin S., Fokin Y., Kokhan E., Frolkin M.


There was congested a wide experience of organization and management of scientific work in the 3rd CMCH by Vishnevsky A.A. for a term of more than 40 years. This experience is subjected to generalization, analyze for the purpose of determination of it’s priority orientations of improvement. Scientiflc-methods work in hospital is rated as a complex of measures, organisationaly-planed and coordinated by purpose and reinforcement of scientific schools of the 3rd CMCH by Vishnevsky A.A., as a basis of effective delivery of specialized medical aid. The vector of scientific researches is directed, generally, to solving questions of military and field medicine.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):9-19
pages 9-19 views

Incendiary and toxic characteristics of phosphorus. Lessons of Lvov emergency

Badyugin I.


The article presents the analyze of cause of the accident of freight train by the 16th of July 2007 on Lvov railway, when 15 cisterns with yellow phosphorus have went off the rails. At the moment of the accident there was broken gasproofing of 6 cisterns, from which liquid phosphorus has started to supervene. In firefighting have taken part 450 firemen, 3 firetrains, 80 units of other techniques. The fire was put out for 5 hours. 58 military servicemen and 6 journalists have got hurt. Besides fire hazard, it was formed a nidus of infection for 80-90 km2. 2484 persons were exposed to phosphorus fume. 184 from them were sent to hospital, 800 were evacuated, 1500 children were sent to sanatoriums. In the article were observed clinical forms of phosphorus affect, organizational aspects of delivery of health care in conditions of mass destruction in fire hazard of phosphorus.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Evaluation of influence of drug «Imunofan» on several indexes of immunity and morbidity by pyoderma among cadets of educational institutes

Maryin G., Akimkin V., Novikov V., Tutelyan A., Stepanov O., Kornilov A., Salmina T.


It was discovered that during the first several months military service men have suppression of several indexes of immunity and a high level of morbidity by pyoderma. Was shown a high effectiveness of immunomodulatory agent «Imunofan» on correction of immunity status of servicemen and decrease of morbidity by pyoderma (more than on threefold): the effectiveness index is 3,25, the defense index is 69,2%. In addition, it was marked hepatitis- and stress-protect effect of the agent. It was made a conclusion about necessity of further examination of questions of correction of immunity status of military servicemen for the purpose of decrease of morbidity by infections, actual for studying units of the Armed Forces of RF.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):27-31
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Damages of ENT-organs, got by weapon of not-lethal (traumatic) effect

Govorun M., Gorokhov A., Panevin P.


There was effectuated a research of killability of traumatic weapon in laboratory as well as during analyzing of clinical observations. There were considered the results of treatment of 8 persons, suffered from traumatic weapon. It was occurred a clinical recovery by 7 wounded persons from 8. There was 1 case of lethal outcome for first hours, caused by trauma of temporal bone and cerebrum (suicide). Thus, influence of traumatic weapon on ENT-organs can be a reason of serious penetrating wounds, facial bones fracture, hematomas and contusion, formation of foreign bodies and middle ear barotraumas.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):32-37
pages 32-37 views

The 20th anniversary of Urological Center of Main Military Clinical Hospital by Burdenko N.N

Maksimov I., Sergienko N., Shchekochikhin A., Devyatov A., Baglay G.


In 1988, for the first time according to Directive of Central Command of Armed Forces of USSR in Main Military Clinical Hospital by Burdenko N.N. was founded a interhospital unit - Urological center. The article presents the analyze of work of the Center during 20 years. The most frequent diseases - adenoma of prostate, malignant swelling and benign tumour of urological organs, urolithiasis, traumatic damages of urological organs. During a year 4500-4700 persons are treated, 1450-1500 are operated. Every year 44- 77 military medical men are studying, 20-26 clinical attending physicians study for 2 or 3 years. During last 8 years 422 military medical men and 68 clinical attending physicians have studied.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):38-47
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Interdependence between alcohol consumption and mortality of hepatic cirrhosis

Belyakin S., Bobrov A., Plyusnin S.


The article presents the data on the dependence between death rate caused by cirrhosises and consumption level of alcohol in Europe and Russia, based mainly on data of foreign publications, particularly - the results of ECAS research with a mathematical description of the taped rigid dependence between these indexes. The article also presents short characteristic of alcohol situation and executability of equations of regress, received from ECAS, for levels of alcoholic consumption and death rate from liver cirrhosis in Russia.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Organizational-epidemiological aspects of prophylaxis of outhospital pneumonia in military collectives

Belevitin A., Akimkin V., Mosyagin V., Korotchenko S., Malinovsky A., Kuchmin A., Kostinov M., Shevtsov V., Alimov A., Kalabukhova L.


The article presents actual questions of epidemiology of outhospital pneumonia (OP), peculiarities of epidemic process of these infections in troops in now-day conditions and updates of main directions of their prophylaxis. It was marked that alongside with clearly defined tendency of lowing, the morbidity by OP in the Armed Forces of RF is still rather high - in 5-7 folds higher than among adult population of the country. Whereby it is predicted further complication of sanitarium-epidemiological situation in connection with increase of call-up. The article uncovers the main factors, supplying the realization of mechanism of epidemic process of OP in military collectives. Vaccination of staff by registered in RF multi partial pneumococcal vaccine «Pnevmo-23» is considered as an effective and necessary medical measure in complex of prophylactic measures, effectuating in troops.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):56-63
pages 56-63 views

Method of evaluation of level of functional adaptation of air specialists according to biochemical indexes saliva secretion

Soldatov S., Malysheva E., Zasyad K., Abashev V., Gulin A., Ermakova N.


It was examined a capability of evaluation of functional condition of air staff by indexes of natrium, kalium, cortisol and glucose in saliva. There were realized 5 series of examinations with participations of 71 airplane pilot of the same level in conditions of realizing flies of different difficultness. Saliva sampling was effectuated before and after the flies not later then 10-15 minutes after landing. On pre-flight medical examination and after performance of task of air relay there was registration of systolic, diasystolic blood pressure and cardiac rate. It was posed the correlation of physiological indexes with percentage of examined ingredients in saliva in different flight loads. The results of examinations speak for capability of using of indexes of percentage of natrium, kalium, cortisol and glucose in saliva for evaluation of functional condition of airplane pilots during effectuating the flies and rating of value of flight load with account of individual peculiarities.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):64-67
pages 64-67 views

O sovershenstvovanii podgotovki rukovoditeley voennykh lechebnykh uchrezhdeniy na etape poslevuzovskogo professional'nogo obrazovaniya

Reshetnikov V., Zenin R., Gubanov A., Zimina E.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):68-69
pages 68-69 views

Klinicheskoe nablyudenie ognestrel'nogo raneniya sredosteniya s vyzhidatel'noy taktikoy operativnogo lecheniya

Shilov V., Sidel'nikov V., Zavrazhnov A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):69-71
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Strukturno-metabolicheskie aspekty ognestrel'noy rany kishechnoy stenki

Khestanov A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):71-72
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Patologiya serdechno-sosudistoy sistemy u ranenykh s travmaticheskoy bolezn'yu

Amirov A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):72-73
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Transfuzionnye ostrye povrezhdeniya legkikh - smertel'noe oslozhnenie

Tegza V., Shilovich V., Galukhin V., Sobolevskaya N.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):73-74
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Vnebol'nichnaya pnevmoniya i sochetannaya serdechno-sosudistaya patologiya

Shepelenko A., Meshkov V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):76-77
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Vybor sposoba endoskopicheskoy ostanovki krovotecheniya iz ostrykh gastroduodenal'nykh yazv i eroziy u onkologicheskikh bol'nykh

Khanevich M., Shasholin M., Kukva V., Larin D., Karaseva N., Giparovich M.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):77-78
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Cholera and wars

Ganin V.


It is caused by movement of great mass of troops and peaceful populace, acute fall of living circumstances, decline of sanitarium conditions of population aggregates, difficultness or impossibility of effectuating of contra-epidemic measures. Cholera casualty was multifold bigger, the weapon casualty in fighting armies. The article presents data of cholera epidemics, were in fighting armies of different states. During the XXth century fight casualty began to overpass the disease casualty. It is caused by grand increasing of damage effects of measures of war, organized using of prophylaxis measures and success in treatment of infectious diseases. The article presents data about cholera falling ill during the Great Patriotic War and about system of contro-epidemic barrier on fronts and rear of state.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):83-88
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The 75th anniversary of military sanatorium «Volga»

Sidorova M.


The article presents the history of development and becoming of a military sanatorium «Volga». In the article was shown the structure of sanatorium and units of rehabilitation treatment, was shortly observed an individual program of rehabilitation of military servicemen. There were marked veterans of sanatorium, who have been working more than 30 years, and family dynasties, which works now days.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):88-90
pages 88-90 views

Official communications

- -.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):91-93
pages 91-93 views

The new book on a management of medical support

Asanin Y.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):94-95
pages 94-95 views

Chrespishchevodnaya ekhokardiografiya v vyyavlenii i diagnostike vnutriserdechnykh obrazovaniy

Kazakova I., Frolov V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2009;330(9):95
pages 95 views
