卷 335, 编号 8 (2014)


Medical rehabilitation in the armed forces: history, current state and prospects

Fisun A., Shchegolkov A., Yudin V., Ponomarenko G.


Authors analyzed history, current state and prospects of medical rehabilitation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Current system of medical rehabilitation in the Armed Forces provides all categories of military personnel and members of their families complete rehabilitative and remedial measures. An integration of rehabilitative experience of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into the State system of medical rehabilitation, active participation of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in activity of National association of specialists of medical rehabilitation and regenerative medicine will allow to increase the effectiveness of the rehabilitation system of the Armed Forces.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):4-15
pages 4-15 views

Organization and delivery of therapeutic care in modern local wars and armed conflicts

Khalimov Y., Tkachuk N., Zhekalov A.


The system of providing therapeutic care within a united system of staged treatment of wounded and sick and evacuation was established during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and helped to return 90,6% of casualties to duty. In terms of local wars and armed conflicts the most important task of military field therapy is to improve the provision of therapeutic support through regional and territorial principles, echeloning of forces and facilities, optimization of allocation of medical institutions in accordance with their capabilities, evacuation routes, etc. The organization of therapeutic assistance should be guided primarily by the size and structure of sanitary losses. In modern local wars cannot exclude the occurrence of massive sanitary losses with limited use of weapons of mass destruction, as a result of failure (with a conventional weapon or as a result of sabotage) of nuclear power plants, chemical plants, and transport containers containing toxic chemicals.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):16-24
pages 16-24 views

Main ways of improvements of the system of medical rehabilitation of military servicemen after cardiovascular surgery

Yudin V., Klimko V., Shkarupa O., Guzenko I.


For better improvement of medical rehabilitation referred to effective restoration of functional status of servicemen after cardiovascular surgery it is necessary to introduce standards of medical rehabilitation at all stages of rehabilitation, syndrome-pathologic principle of grouping patients, multidisciplinary organisation of medical activity: cardiologist-physician, specialist of functional diagnostics, specialist of physical therapy, psychotherapist, physical therapeutic, surgeon and specialist of professional rehabilitation. Basic ways of improvement of the system of rehabilitation were organisational technologies of interaction during early and late stages of rehabilitation and persistent control of quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation. Optimization of organisation of late stage of hospitalisation allowed to reduce the average time of rehabilitation to 33,3% and at the same time to improve effectiveness of rehabilitation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):25-31
pages 25-31 views

Pathology of the nervous system in conscripts with drug abuse in past medical history: symptomatology, diagnostics methods

Litvintsev B., Odinak M., Kovalenko A., Efimtsev A., Tarumov D., Petrov A., Lisyanskii D.


Authors examined 60 female and male patients (average age 25,8±2,7 years) with confirmed diagnosis - drug abuse. Average duration of drug abuse was approximately 9±3,3 years. At the moment of examination patients had been fully in remission for 3 weeks. The following non-invasive procedures were undertaken: stimulation electroneuromyogrphy and brain MSI. Received results showed that drug abuse leads to diffuse lesion of the nervous system, which manifests itself as vegetative disorders, scattered neurological symptoms, polyneuropathy. Authors gave recommendations in the field of military examination with the aim of detection of nervous disorders caused by drug abuse.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Peculiarities of bronchopulmonary pathology in HIV-patients

Grishaev S., Charova N., Moiseev E., Bulankov Y., Orlova E.


The causes of hospitalization of HIV-infected patients during of medical treatment in a multidisciplinary health care setting (Military Medical Academy) are analyzed. Leading causes of death in medical institutions among patients with HIV are diseases, which are not associated with HIV infection: burns, combined injuries, toxic substances poisoning. It was found that HIV infection worsens prognosis for patients hospitalized with respiratory diseases and leads to earlier development of nosocomial infections, exacerbation of bronchopulmonary diseases and short-term mortality.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Problems and prospects of infectious diseases and HIV-infected military personnel register organization

Bolekhan V., Zagorodnikov G., Gorichny V., Orlova E., Nikolaev P.


An analysis of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Healthcare and the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation related to HIV/AJDS prevention was carried out. The current system of HIV/AlDS detection and registration among military and civil personnel was assessed. Problems and prospects of scientiflc-and-research laboratory (the register of infectious disease pathology and HIV-infected military personnel) of Scientiflc-and-research centre at the Kirov Military medical academy were discussed. It is proposed that the main direction of the laboratory activity will be the restoration of up-to-date records of military personnel with HIV/AJDS. This activity will provide the necessary information to responsible specialists of the Main state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centre and the Main military medical department of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance for purposeful and economically feasible management decisions in the field of military personnel infection diseases prevention.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):45-49
pages 45-49 views

The use of perfused periosteal graft in the treatment of patient with atrophic pseudoarthrosis of the humerus

Shapovalov V., Khominets V., Gubochkin N., Mikityuk S., Foos I.


Literature review devoted to the treatment of patients with pseudarthrosis of limbs, in which the most difficult are atrophic false joints is given. For the treatment of patients with described above pathology offered the option of atrophic false joint zone plastic by perfused periosteal graft, as demonstrated in clinical observation. Has been made the analysis of possible causes of the false joint formation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Medical rehabilitation of wounded with amputation defects of lower limbs

Yudin V., Popravka S., Yaroshenko V., Bolotov D.


The aim of the study was scientific justification and evaluation of the efficiency of medical rehabilitation programs of wounded with amputation defects of lower limbs using prosthetics and modern medical technologies of rehabilitation treatment. The authors have developed and implemented in practice differentiated rehabilitation programs the use of which allowed successfully carry out rehabilitation treatment and provide stable long-term results.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Perspectives of application of the osteopathic medicine in multidiscipline military-medical rehabilitation center

Matvienko V., Buchnov A., Egorova I., Yudin V., Tsoller K.


Evaluated the effectiveness of application of the osteopathic technologies in complex rehabilitation treatment of soldiers after focal pneumonia and injuries from mine blast (men), as well as women who have had over the past 2-3 years gynecological surgery. The results of this work testify about a high efficiency and, as a consequence, about prospects of applying osteopathic activities in the general complex of the rehabilitation programs which performed in multidiscipline military-medical rehabilitation center.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):54-55
pages 54-55 views

Individual physical training for patients with ischaemic heart disease after coronary bypass surgery

Arsenii T., Yudin V., Budko A., Klimko V., Frolova S., Zyulina Y.


The study was performed for developing and inclusion in a comprehensive program of medical rehabilitation of patients which underwent coronary bypass surgery, individualized physical training, made according to the specific power of exercise. Found that the conduction of physical training under the programs which been drawn up taking into account the specific power is physiological, individualized and eliminates the risk of overloads during the rehabilitation process.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Accommodative system condition of eyes in soldiers older than 45 years

Ovechkin I., Shalygina E., Yudin V., Matvienko V.


The aim of this study became the investigation of the accommodative ability of an eye in soldiers older than 45 years. Under the observation were 86 patients (172 eyes) with emmetropic refraction without comorbidity of organ of vision. The authors convincingly demonstrated the need to identify effective research methods of the condition and capabilities of the patient’s accommodative apparatus at the stage of preoperative studies, one of them may be the objective accommodography.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):57-58
pages 57-58 views

Use of ozone therapy in complex medical rehabilitation after surgical treatment of valvular disease

Guzenko I., Yudin V., Budko A.


The article focuses on information about medical rehabilitation of 127 patients after surgical treatment of acquired valvular disease. Authors proved an effectiveness of ozone therapy manifested as a reduce of subjective symptoms, improvement of physical, laboratory, functional and psychological indicators, status of cardiovascular system was improved in 72,1% of patients.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):59-60
pages 59-60 views

Comparative analysis of minimally invasive procedures in the course of treatment of pancreatic cysts

Ivanusa S., Lazutkin M., Shershen D., Alentev S., Kerimova A.


Presented results of examination and treatment of 58 patients with pancreatic cysts, which were treated in the clinic of General surgery of the Military Medical Academy. An analysis of efficiency endoscopic and percutaneous methods of treatment of pancreatic cysts was presented in the article. Criteria of differential approach and choice of modern minimally invasive procedures was described.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):60-62
pages 60-62 views

Impact of a long-term periodic stay under condition of artificial atmospheric hypoxic gas environment on control working efficiency

Shatov D., Ivanov A., Groshilin V., Belyaev V., Pavlidi K., Lobozova O., Anistratenko L.


Periodic stay under conditions of artificial atmospheric hypoxic gas environments (90 minutes daily, once a day, in the course of month) with oxygen concentration 13,5% (рО 2=102,6 mm of mercury [13,6 kPa]) is highly effective non-medication way to improve a control working efficiency.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):63-65
pages 63-65 views

Combat burn injury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military campaign experience

Ivchenko E., Golota A., Kondratenko D., Krassii A.


The current article briefly reviews the experience of combat burns care obtained in the course of 2001-2013 military campaign in Afghanistan and Iraq as it has been covered in the foreign scientific medical publications. The following topics are covered: statistics, the prehospital medical care, aeromedical evacuation, the Burn Center of the US Army Institute of Surgical Research. The new method of the initial intravenous infusion rate estimation, so called the «Rule of 10» formula, is marked. At the end, the list of freely available publications summarized the modern combat burns care experience is presented.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Russian physicians during first months of the great war. (To 100 anniversary of the beginning of the First World War)

Gribovskaya G.


At the beginning of the First World War professor and surgeon S.R. Mitotvortsev was appointed as a Chief Expert - Surgeon of the Western Front, there in Lyublyana he faced with difficulties such as organization of health care delivery and treatment of wounded soldiers. In the following, organized by Mirotvortsev team served in Novaya Aleksandriya, Ivan-Gorod, Radom and other towns of the Western Front. This team was named as «Collecting dressing station of professor S.R.Mirotvortsev».
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Branch N 2 of the Vishnevskiy Central Military Clinical Hospital N 3 celebrates the 25 th anniversary

Yudin V., Budko A., Ovechkin I., Yaroshenko V.


Authors present a short summary about the history of 6 h Central Military Clinical Hospital (now - Branch N 2 of the Vishnevskiy Central Military Clinical hospital N3), founded in September 1989. Hospital Branch N 2 is one of the first specialized applied research centres in our country, many highly-qualified, experienced and certified professional work at the hospital; they are proficient in original and unique methods of treatment based on high technologies and capable to solve any problem, even the most difficult, connected with medical rehabilitation of patients. Hospital Branch N 2 is also known as the Centre of orthopaedic and prosthetic aid to disabled servicemen. Also patients with different diseases and suffering from boardline mental disorders, psychosomatic disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome receive complete rehabilitative therapy under «late» hospital stage.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):76-81
pages 76-81 views

Professional psychological selection system in the Air Force - 50 years

Pokrovskii B.


Given the data about the establishment of the professional psychological selection system in the Air Force in 1958-1964 in the NIIIAM Air Force by the team psychological department under the leadership of K.K.Platonova. Given the names of the developers of this system and given the results of their research. The result of all made work the order of Air Force Commander about the introduction of the psychological selection in Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, starting from a set of 1964 became. Recommendations for professional psychological selection of a wide range of aviation professionals in various fields, and in the future - and other professionals of the Armed Forces, became the results of future work.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):81-87
pages 81-87 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):88-89
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News feed

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(8):90-91
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