

栏目 标题 文件
卷 330, 编号 2 (2009) Articles Theoretical base of avia-clinical medicine
卷 339, 编号 4 (2018) Articles From the history of military medical examination in Russia PDF
卷 339, 编号 10 (2018) Articles Use of quantitative integral indices in the integrated assessment of the tolerance of the flight composition of overloads in a centrifuge PDF
卷 338, 编号 9 (2017) Articles Features of symptomatology, autonomic regulation and central hemodynamics in aircrew with poor tolerance of hypobaric anoxia PDF
卷 336, 编号 7 (2015) Articles Stages of development of flight medical expertise in Russia
卷 336, 编号 8 (2015) Articles Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 65-letiyu Tsentral'noy vrachebno-letnoy komissii
卷 335, 编号 10 (2014) Articles Methodological basis for modern stage of medical examination of state aviation air crew PDF
卷 334, 编号 11 (2013) Articles Scoliotic spinal deformity in pilot personnel from aviation physical examination’s point of view
卷 333, 编号 9 (2012) Articles Analysis of frequency and structure of cerebrovascular diseases in servicemen during the military physician expertise
卷 340, 编号 4 (2019) Articles Immunological reactivity status in the process of professional adaptation of flight personnel.
卷 340, 编号 7 (2019) Articles Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of complexes of medical rehabilitation of flight personnel with the autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system
卷 341, 编号 4 (2020) Articles Medical support for the aviation of the Air Force of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
卷 341, 编号 7 (2020) Articles A rare case of ventral extradural arachnoid cyst in the cervical spine in combination with type I neurofibromatosis
卷 342, 编号 3 (2021) Articles Development of the system of medical examination of aviation personnel of the state aviation of the Russian Federation
