
Features of the course of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in vaccinated patients
Kucheruk T., Novikova E., Samartseva M.
Multimodal fluid replacement technique in burned patients
Matveenko A., Tarasenko M., Samarev A.
On the severity criteria of burn injury.
Matveenko A., Chmyrev I., Skvortsov Y., Tarasenko M.
Influence of lifestyle on the severity of COVID-19 in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Salukhov V., Sagun B.
Criteria for indications for fluid resuscitation burned in a hospital
Matveenko A., Tarasenko M., Samarev A.
Retrospective analysis of rapid scales to determine the severity of the course of a new coronavirus infection (virus identified)
Baranova N., Pomogaybo B., Demyanenko A., Afonaskov O., Zelenov M.
Heart contusion in case of closed chest injuries: etiology, diagnosis, severity of heart damage (literature review)
Denisov A., Kuzmin A., Gavrilin S., Meshakov D., Suprun T., Zhirnova N., Demchenko K., Dmitrieva E.
To improve the classification of eye burns
Kulikov A., Chernysh V., Churashov S.
Definition of concepts in combustiology
Matveenko A.
Current state of the problem of assessing the severity of the explosive injury of the lower extremities
Anisin A., Logatkin S., Denisov A.
Applying of assessment scales for patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia in young patients
Zaitsev A., Ovchinnikov Y., Chernov S., Kondratieva T.
Heart rate variability as an indicator of the condition of patients with severe burn injury.
Pugachev M., Livarskii A., Salukhov V., Ivchenko E., Kharitonov M., Shustov S.
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