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Vol 91, No 3 (2024)

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Environmentally friendly technologies and equipment

Study of the ecological indicators of diesel engine operation with biomineral fuel mixtures

Plotnikov S.A., Kartashevich A.N., Zabolotskikh G.E.


BACKGROUND: Studies of alternative fuels for automobiles and tractors are of great importance for the development of the Russian engine industry. This trend finds its place in the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030, thus being one of the priority directions. Many Russian scientists have been dealing with the problem of multi-fuel capability of internal combustion engines for a long time.

This article discusses the operation of the D-245.5S2 diesel engine with biomineral fuel mixtures (BMFM) for their environmental friendliness according to the methodology of UN Regulation No. 96 (02).

AIM: Justification of the relevance of the use of biomineral fuel mixtures (BMFMs) for diesel engine operation in various load modes based on a comparison of their final specific emission value with the specific emission of toxic components of pure diesel fuel according to the UNECE Methodology No. 96 (02).

METHODS: The following components were used for the preparation of BMFMs: ethanol (E), rapeseed oil (RO) and diesel fuel (DF). Biological components were mixed in different ratios to DF. Their ratio in the mixture was determined by laboratory studies of the physicochemical properties of the components. Subsequently, the mixtures were subjected to bench tests at the facility equipped with the D-245.5S2 diesel engine and the RAPIDO SAK N670 electric brake rig. Further, the obtained total values of the relative terms of the studied toxic components (soot, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen oxides) for all test cycles (percent — % and millionths — ppm) were converted into the actual content of these substances in the total specific emission in exhaust gases (according to UN Regulation No. 96(02) — g/kWh).

RESULTS: It was found that the use of these mixtures has a positive effect on the environmental component of the exhaust gases: a decrease in the emission of the studied toxic components was observed when operating with the BMFMs in comparison with traditional diesel fuel.

CONCLUSION: Although BMFMs show reduced emission values of harmful substances in exhaust gases compared to pure diesel fuel, they cannot make a diesel engine to satisfy the environmental indicators of the Stage II of the UNECE Regulation No. 96 (02); optimization of the fuel supply system and installation of additional exhaust gas filtration systems are necessary.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):261-269
pages 261-269 views

New machines and equipment

Justification of the layout and parameters of a pneumatic slot atomizer with a flow chamber

Tsybulevsky V.V., Tarasenko B.F., Troyanovskaya I.P., Voinash S.A., Partko S.A., Zagidullin R.R.


BACKGROUND: One of the measures that helps to maintain the productivity of fruit and berry crops is chemical treatment with herbicides. For perennial crops, a certain difficulty lies in the high-quality processing of the tree trunk zone. In addition, not all sprayers ensure uniform dispersion of chemicals.

AIM: Development of the device and justification of its optimal parameters, ensuring uniform chemical treatment of perennial fruit crops, including the tree trunk zone.

METHODS: The design of the new sprayer does not have a pumping device, and the working fluid flows from the tank to the sprayers by gravity. The slot atomizer promotes dispersion into small droplets of uniform size. A protective apron is used to prevent small droplets from being carried away by the wind. For high-quality treatment of the tree trunk area, the sprayer is equipped with a turning device.

RESULTS: The justification for the optimal installation angle of the rotating device was carried out according to the following criteria: the untreated area and the area treated twice. As a result, for processing trees with a trunk diameter of no more than 300 mm, the optimal installation angle of the turning device was 58-60 degrees. The parameters of the slot atomizer were justified based on the criterion of maximal productivity. A maximum fluid flow of 207.4 ml/min can be achieved with a feeding tube opening of 1.897 mm and an air nozzle with a width of 9.492 mm and a height of 0.509 mm.

CONCLUSION: The atomizer design has been proposed, the novelty of which is confirmed by a patent of the Russian Federation. Its optimal parameters are justified to ensure high-quality treatment with liquid chemical pesticides.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):271-280
pages 271-280 views

Optimization of the automotive millimeter-wave radar data processing using the modified MFNN neural network

Panokin N.V., Kostin I.A., Karlovskiy A.V.


BACKGROUND: Recognition and representation of the road scene is a relevant task in the field of autonomous driving. One of the ways to improve the characteristics of the existing sensory hardware is the use of neural networks for signal processing.

AIM: To conduct an experimental study of the possibilities of using the modified MFNN neural network to increase the resolution of a radar with a small number of channels, to compare it with the classical algorithm based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT), and, in addition, to compare the results with the data obtained from other types of sensors (lidars).

METHODS: The algorithm of the road scene representation, in particular, the detection of pedestrians and cars, is used with a millimeter-range automotive radar and a method for determining data components in relation to the DOA problem, based on the MFNN neural network, modified for the case of representing signals taking complex values in the form of excessive basis coefficients minimizing these coefficients according to the L1 norm. The algorithm based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is used for comparative analysis.

RESULTS: As a result of the conducted research, confirmation of the practical feasibility of the developed modifications of the MFNN method was obtained, and the advantage of using a neural network, consisting in increasing the degree of detail of objects, the accuracy of determining their shape and position using a radar with a small number of channels, was demonstrated.

CONCLUSION: The obtained results can be used to develop solutions to improve the efficiency of detecting obstacles on the way of transport, automatic vehicle control, continuous environmental monitoring, and so on, which helps to improve the safety and efficiency of highly automated and autonomous systems.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):281-289
pages 281-289 views

Theory, designing, testing

The study of forced oscillations in the non-linear system of an individual traction drive

Klimov A.V.


BACKGROUND: The processes taking place in the ‘traction electric drive – wheel – road’ system during acceleration and braking cause increased dynamic loads on drive components, which may lead to a breakdown. Therefore, it is important to control the drive in a way to minimize and to suppress the given processes. To make it possible, the control system is to be equipped with a resistance torque observer at the electric motor shaft. In addition, in any system, there is a heighten interest in study of arise of resonances, which come with abrupt increase of oscillations amplitudes. Therefore, the features of oscillation phenomena in the given non-linear system are to be studied.

AIM: Identification of the peculiarities of oscillatory processes, resonance phenomena in the systems of electromechanical drive of vehicles, which are nonlinear technical systems.

METHODS: The study of features of the oscillating processes and the study of capabilities of arise of resonant phenomena were conducted using analysis of the differential equations system describing the operation of the non-linear system.

RESULTS: The features of the oscillating phenomena in non-linear systems of interaction between an elastic wheel and road as well as capabilities of arise of resonant phenomena were considered. It is defined that arise of the resonant phenomena in the considered systems is not possible due to breakdown of them. The behavior of modes of interaction between an elastic wheel and road during intensive acceleration and braking was analyzed. The abrupt shock behavior of change rate of wheel torque and current consumed by a drive as well as features of lowering of them when using the self-oscillating phenomena suppression were found.

CONCLUSION: The practical value of the study lies in ability of using the proposed conclusions at development of units of a traction electric drive and at synthesis of vehicle motion control systems.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):291-302
pages 291-302 views

Experimental assessment of strength characteristics of anthropogenic soils in a given mining area for justification of tractor propulsion type

Zakharov A.Y., Volskaya N.S., Zhurkin M.M., Ilyichev I.A.


BACKGROUND: In mining, there is a need to develop tractors as special robotic vehicles of the robotic mining facility that can efficiently move and work on soils with low bearing capacity, in waterlogged areas and in the underwater position. A preliminary evaluation of the strength characteristics of such a heterogeneous surface of the exploitation area helps to choose an effective concept and technical characteristics of the propulsor of the tractor.

AIM: Formation of the database of the physical condition and mechanical properties of the environment in which the tractor will move and operate.

METHODS: In order to achieve the aim, preliminary experiments were conducted on the terrain. Typical kinds of soil sites and watered areas, including those of anthropogenic origin, of a given mining area were identified. Full-scale instrumental tests were conducted to determine: granulometric composition of soils; physical and mechanical parameters of these soils at the selected sites using the developed original types of a penetrometer and a shear rig.

RESULTS: The database of numerical values of measured strength characteristics of one of the soil types (as an example) as a possible supporting surface for vehicle motion in the area of mining facility operation is presented in a graphical form. The basis of this database is the graphs according to the results of experiments on free settlement and shear with the help of dies of two types of configuration (the round die and the original caterpillar track respectively); the granulometric composition of the selected soils has been evaluated.

CONCLUSION: The methodology of preliminary assessment of the soil condition by two indicators of soil strength (the rut depth z depending on the average pressure under the die) and shear (average tangential stresses τ in the contact patch on the motion of the die relative to the soil, depending on the ratio of the normal force and the traction force in the contact plane) has been developed. The 3D model of the coastal and bottom area of the technogenic mining zone has been developed. Design variants of highly efficient types of tractor propulsors are selected on the basis of prediction of maximum allowable stresses in the contact patch with the ground for the bearing surface areas of the considered area of operation.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):303-316
pages 303-316 views

The method for comparing different blade shapes of flat knives of a rotary cultivator

Kudzaev A.B., Kalagova R.V.


BACKGROUND: In the process of tillage, flat knives of rotary cultivators are to carry out the process of cutting soil and weeds with minimal energy consumption and not to become clogged with weeds, which is due to the compliance of the parameters of their blades with operating conditions. However, despite the abundance of works devoted to the study of the working process of flat knives of rotary cultivators, there is not any method of a comparative assessment of the various shapes of their blades.

AIM: Development of the method for comparing different blade shapes of flat knives of rotary cultivators.

METHODS: The research design included studying the following issues: clarifying the conditions for weeds to fall off the curved blade of a flat knife performing a plane-parallel movement; determining the equation of the curve of a knife blade that satisfies the condition of weeds to fall off the blade; development of methods for comparative analysis of the energy intensity of the process of cutting soil with flat knives with blades of various shapes; experimental verification of theoretical conceptions.

The study objects were the processes of interaction of weeds and soil with the blades of flat knives of various shapes. The studies were conducted during 2022 and 2023.

RESULTS: The condition for weeds to fall off the curved blade of a flat knife performing a plane-parallel movement has been clarified (a more informative form of notation), based on which an equation for the rational curve of the blade has been obtained. The comprehensive method has been developed for comparing different shapes of blades of flat knives of rotary cultivators, according to the criteria of compliance with the condition of weeds to fall off the blade and the energy intensity of soil cutting. Examples of the application of the method for the analysis of various shapes of blades of flat knives of rotary cultivators and the development of one of the effective shapes, as well as the results of experimental studies are given.

CONCLUSION: The proposed method helps to give specific practical recommendations on the advisability of using knives of one shape or another in the operating conditions under consideration, taking into account the operating parameters of the machines, as well as to create effective combined blades.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):317-330
pages 317-330 views

The method of synthesis of the geometry of the longitudinal profile and the design parameters of the leaf spring using the finite element method

Rubanov P.S., Maksimov R.O., Chetverikov M.V.


BACKGROUND: In most cargo vehicles, leaf springs are used as an elastic element in the suspension, therefore, improving approaches to the calculation and synthesis of vehicle suspensions with leaf springs to reduce vibration load and to increase ride comfort is a relevant issue. Using the synthesis of the longitudinal profile of the spring leaves of complex shape, it is possible to achieve high strength properties of a leaf spring with a sufficiently low stiffness by applying calculations and optimizations using the finite element method (FEM), which helps to create a more perfect spring shape in terms of ride smoothness of the vehicle.

AIM: Development of a new method for the synthesis of a leaf spring with a variable profile of its longitudinal section and obtaining its characteristics using modern engineering methods based on the use of the FEM.

METHODS: The solution of the task is carried out in the NX software package including the Simcenter 3D CAE software. Topological optimization is applied to obtain the geometry of the longitudinal profile of the leaf spring, and then a strength test calculation is performed using the FEM to obtain the characteristics of the leaf spring.

RESULTS: During the work carried out at the KAMAZ Innovation Center, a method for forming the longitudinal profile of a leaf spring (regardless of the number of leaves) was developed and the dependences of the stiffness of the leaf spring on its parameters were constructed. According to the obtained dependencies, the optimal geometry of the longitudinal profile of the spring was synthesized, in which the stiffness was reduced by 33% compared to the prototype of the spring, while maintaining the bearing capacity of the vehicle.

CONCLUSION: This method of synthesis of the geometry of the longitudinal profile and the design parameters of the leaf spring can be used in the design processes of vehicle suspensions and to be further applied during research work.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):331-340
pages 331-340 views

Quality, reliability

The reliability function of the case-hardened teeth of wheels of cylindrical gears

Lebedev S.Y., Syzrantsev V.N.


BACKGROUND: Methods for calculating the load capacity and reliability of gears, accepted as standardized both at the national and international levels, are based on the laws of distribution of random variables, considered as the only possible ones, which is not entirely true. As a result, the developed gears have either overestimated or underestimated reliability, which leads to their low competitiveness. Therefore, the development of methods for assessing the reliability of the case-hardened gears, taking into account the actual laws of distribution of random variables, remains relevant, as it will make it possible to design competitive transmissions.

AIM: Improvement of the current approach to calculating the reliability function of case-hardened gears according to their strength performance criteria.

METHODS: The improved approach to calculating the reliability function is based on improved classical methods for testing the load capacity of cylindrical gears for contact and bending stresses (GOST 21354-87 and ISO 6336). The methodology for calculating the reliability function according to the criterion of deep contact durability is based on the Lebedev-Pisarenko criterion, the formulae of which have been modified for application to gears by V.I. Korotkin. The implementation of the proposed methods was carried out in MathCAD software.

RESULTS: The methods for calculating the reliability function of the case-hardened gears according to the criteria of contact and bending durability, which take into account the variable value of the misalignment in the gearing caused by the deformation of the shafts, the bearing rings and the housing (force misalignment), are proposed. In addition, the dependence of the calculation results of the reliability function of cylindrical gears on the method of setting the force misalignment in the gearing of teeth (constant or variable value) is shown. Validation of the improved approach was carried out using the data available in the scientific and technical literature on failures of the case-hardened gears. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the proposed method for calculating the reliability function of the case-hardened gears according to the criterion of deep contact durability, which performs the calculation under an unknown law of distribution of effective stresses using the Parzen-Rosenblatt method (the method is also used in methods for contact and bending durability criteria), as well as in taking into account the variable value of the force misalignment in the meshing.

CONCLUSION: The practical significance of the research lies in the ability of probabilistic determination of the cause of gear failure according to six criteria (pitting, tooth breakage, tooth interior flank fracture of both the pinion and the wheel), which makes it possible to adjust the design, the manufacturing technology, and the operating requirements in order to ensure the required gear performance during its design.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):341-353
pages 341-353 views

Determination of stiffness and damping characteristics of the adaptive suspension system to develop the optimal control of the simulation bench

Godzhaev Z.A., Senkevich S.E., Malakhov I.S., Ilchenko E.N., Uyutov S.Y.


BACKGROUND: Optimization of the suspension system, its operating parameters, as well as active adjustment depending on the ground surface can significantly affect the fatigue resistance, improve comfort during operation ensuring smoothness of ride, reduce the pressure on ground, increase the overall energy efficiency of the mobile energy unit. Therefore, in this approach, there are theoretical calculations to find the optimal range for control of the simulation bench to study the parameters of the active suspension system.

AIM: Development of optimal operating conditions of the control system of the simulation bench, minimization of vibrations and oscillations, prediction of the system behavior in different conditions and modes of operation.

METHODS: The development of optimal control is based on the analysis of scientific works, including publications, scientific papers and other sources of information on the approaches to the development of optimal control of the performing device in the active suspension system for the most effective damping of vibrations arising from road unevenness. The method of theoretical calculation of three-factor experiment was used, the main dependencies were obtained.

RESULTS: The obtained equations have a high level of significance. Graphical representation makes it possible to make a qualitative assessment of the accuracy of the obtained equations. The equations make it possible to control the parameters of the adaptive suspension system with several criteria. Each criterion included in the equation influences on the function itself. In order to develop the optimal control, the obtained equations are applied in the software development.

CONCLUSION: The practical significance lies in the developed equations for the software concerning the optimal control of the simulation bench, the relationship between independent variables such as velocity, microprofile height and suspension stiffness has been established.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):355-368
pages 355-368 views

Economics, organization and technology of production

Static and dynamic influence of forces on a being threshed corncob

Poghosyan V.M., Poluektov A.A.


BACKGROUND: With the use of high-speed shooting, it was found that the corncob, getting into the gap of the threshing unit, generally, takes a position parallel to the drum axis. Let us accept that the plane of operation of the working body of the threshing drum – the beater – coincides with the generatrix of a cob. The cob changes the motion mode because of the impact of the threshing machine beater on the cob. The impact can take place in the moment when the cob even does not hit the deck cleats, so the cob gets a flying kick.

AIM: Deriving the static and dynamic influence of forces on the being threshed corncob. Defining the necessary force of corn seeds breaking-off from the cob in dependence on the friction coefficient.

METHODS: The value of mechanical impact of working bodies of the orienting-metering loading device and the threshing-separating device on a corn seed is limited not only by strength properties of the protecting corn cover, but by the link strength between a seed and a cob in the nose, middle and root areas. Knowledge of this mechanical-technological property helps to increase the level of variability of force impact in corncobs from the side of working bodies of the used machinery. It helps to transport the corncobs without husk, to orient them in space, to supply in small increments for the proper processing and, in addition, to thresh without causing any macro- and microdamages to the seeds.

RESULTS: The seed moisture change and, consequently, the seed-to-seed friction coefficient change also influences on the ratio between the applied force P and the reacting force N. With the same load P applied to the dry and the moisty cobs, the pressure N on the dry seed is higher than on the moisty one, and seed threshing from the dry cobs is conducted with lower external forces P at free direct impact.

CONCLUSION: The process of the flying kick threshing becomes more difficult with the increase of corncobs moisture due to increase of seed-to-seed friction. The flying kick threshing of corncobs stops at the seed moisture which corresponds to the friction coefficient f = 0.22. The obtained theoretical principles are confirmed experimentally.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(3):369-374
pages 369-374 views

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