Vol XXII, No 2 (1915)


Psychology of dreams

Rudnev V.I.


Dreams at all times attracted the attention of humanity and played, according to Spencer, a very important role in the development of the initial worldview. Of course, according to the development of a man, his view of dreams also changed. The primitive savage gave his dreams the character of validity, believing that in a dream he was actually in those places, and talked with those whom he saw in a dream. Homer pointed to dreams as a means used by the gods of Olympus to communicate their commands to mortals or to warn pets against any misfortunes. In biblical times, thanks to Joseph's successful interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams, the future fate of Israel was ruined. Apparently, Nebuchadnezzar had special interpreters of dreams at the court. This need for the interpretation of dreams exists to the present time, and is satisfied for the common people by the publication of various kinds of "dream books". The belief in the prophetic meaning of dreams has its origins in antiquity, and now you can still meet the supporters of this view. Xenophon believed that in a dream the soul becomes more divine and can foresee future events. Caesar's wife, who saw a bad dream, warned him on the day of the murder.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):187-223
pages 187-223 views

On the question of the state of the cerebrospinal fluid with tabes dorsalis

Steinberg S.U.


Diagnostic significance of studies of cerebrospinal fluid in general and reactions of Nonne-Apelt'a, studies of pleocytosis and reaction of Wassermann'a in particular, have long won the rights of citizenship when clarifying the nature of most organic diseases of the nervous system, especially the diseases of syphilitic and parasyphilitic, including the last and tabes dorsalis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):224-228
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A case of acute serous meningitis simulating a tumor of the right cerebellar-bridge angle (To the question of serous meningitis)

Mankovsky B.


The described case of acute serous meningitis is of interest in many respects. Ethiological moment and all its course is somewhat unusual, symptomatology is rich and atypical for serous meningitis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):229-259
pages 229-259 views

Towards casuistic acromegal gigantism

Kapustin A.A.


The possibility of combining acromegaly and gigantism at the present time can be considered established; so, Massalongo in 1892, Dana in 1893, later Brissaud and Meige Waads Hutchinson quite definitely pointed to the relationship between acreomegaly and gigantism. M. Sternberg believes that in almost 40% of cases of gigantism there were manifestations of acromegaly; tѣm at least on some of the details in this area and for this time have stopped little, for example. on the hereditary-family character of the disease (cf. 2 cases of Bonardi and Schwoner’a).

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):260-275
pages 260-275 views

A case of vivid feverish dream confusion with validity

Bondarev N.I.


Dreams play a rather large role in the life of the common people. This was observed both in the past historical times, as well as at the present time. There are not only people interpreting the meaning of dreams, but even special manuals of dream books. Until now, not only the lowest, but even the middle class of the population put their actions in dependence on the seen dreams. This is especially vivid in people with low intelligence and in the mentally ill.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):276-285
pages 276-285 views

Clinics and the pathogenesis of intermittent temples

Russkikh V.


Among a number of diseases, accompanied by changes in blood vessels, Claudicatio intermitens has long been identified, thanks to its peculiar symptom complex. Numerous works of Erb'a, Oppenheim'a, Higier'a, Jdelson'a, Brissaud, Goldflam'a and many others. others were developed ethiology and pathogenesis of this suffering.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):286-298
pages 286-298 views

On the question of pathoanatomical changes in the nervous system in tabes of the spinal cord

Favorsky А.


In my work - Die Abbauerscheinungen bei Tabes dorsalis - I showed that cases of tabes of the spinal cord, by the nature of the destruction processes occurring in the cerebrospinal axis, can be divided into two categories. The first group should include cases where the processes of destruction are of the purely ectodermal type (according to Schröder’y), that is, when the main role in the processes of destruction of the nervous tissue is taken on by the resulting removal of glucose cells, i.e. the name. granular clumps (Körnchenzellen, Gitterzellen). The second group should include the cases where the processes of destruction proceed according to the type of the so-called. amoeboid cells, that is, when the predominant participation in the processes of destruction of nervous tissue falls on the amoeboid cells formed from the preexisting glucose cells described by Alzheimer.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):299-322
pages 299-322 views

Prof. E. A. Bogdanov. Mendelism or the theory of crossing. Ed. stud. Mosk, agricultural internet. 1914, p. 625.

Osipov V.


The theory of the Bohemian monk Mendel, which had been lying under the bed for about forty years and did not attract the attention of scientists to itself, over the past decade begins to rightfully receive more and more widespread distribution, adopted by more and more emissaries.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):323-323
pages 323-323 views

Messages submitted to the posting of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists in 1914

Darkshevich L.О.


1). 29 / i. Visitor of the Society A. I. Chirikhin: A case of lesion of the elbow joint with syringomyelia (with a demonstration of the patient).

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):324-325
pages 324-325 views

Report of the Treasurer of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs for 1914

Baklushinsky I.D.


Report of the Treasurer of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrovs for 1914. Income for 1913

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):326-327
pages 326-327 views

Estimated income and expenditure of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs for 1915

Baklushinsky I.D.


Estimated income and expenditure of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs for 1915.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):327-327
pages 327-327 views

Chronicle and mix, Volume XXII, No.2 (1915)

Editorial B.


Resolutions convened by the Pirogov Society in Moscow on May 9-11 of the current year by the Council of doctors and representatives of medical and sanitary organizations on the issue of combating alcoholism were expressed in the following: “A. On the issue of scientific assessment of alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids. 1. Scientific data (physiology, general pathology, clinics) induce to attribute alcohol, and then, and the liquids containing it (the so-called alcoholic "drinks") to the category of harmful, poisonous substances. Alcohol is a typical narcotic poison, which already from the very beginning, taken even in small doses, builds up the higher sending of the brain, in consequence of which a number of pleasant, but deceptive sensations (illusions) of warmth, energy, vigor are created.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(2):328-339
pages 328-339 views

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