Vol XIV, No 2 (1907)

Original article

Differential recognition of the nervous form of spinal stiffness

Osipov V.P.


The question of the independence and differential recognition of the nervous form of the stiffness of the spine belongs to relatively new questions of neuropathology; however, in spite of the novelty of the question, a rather extensive literature has already been created in Russia and abroad; there are no less than forty works specially devoted to him, new works appear, and such a keen interest on the part of neuropathologists undoubtedly indicates the importance of this issue for them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):1-9
pages 1-9 views

Therapy of tremor paralysis

Sapozhnikov G.


Every neuropathologist knows what a severe suffering trembling paralysis is, and yet the fight against it is still unsuccessful; the applied methods of treatment have so far not given almost any positive result.

In the autumn half of 1906, at the suggestion of prof. N.M. Popov, I applied vibration massage to three patients with paralysis agitans; two of them were in the clinic, and one came for treatment as an outpatient.

I will give a brief history of the disease of our patients

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Feeling as elements of the psyche from the point of view of energy

Krainskiy N.V.


The new influences, which are more and more persistently bursting into the field of scientific psychology, threatening to destroy many positions, with the force of centuries-old traditions rooted in the old doctrine of the soul, in the last decade have definitely come out under the banner of that great law of energy, which in its principle has impoverished all areas of the colossal buildings that constitute modern human knowledge.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):17-99
pages 17-99 views

Artificial reproduction of deception of the sense organs in patients suffering from fever

Zaitsev A.M., Ivanov A.N.


In the 12th book Neurologisches Centralblatt for 1905, a small article was published by the assistant of the clinic in Würzburg, Dr. Rieger'om and used by its author in the named clinic. We are talking about the reproduction of visual deceptions in delirics, but at a time when patients do not experience hallucinations, when the opi are well oriented in their surroundings and when, in the words of Dr. Reichardt, “only tremor remains as a witness to the alcoholic state”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):100-140
pages 100-140 views

A case of children's diplegia complicated by bilateral athetosis

Osokin N.E.


The comparative rarity of bilateral cerebral spastic palsy, a disease characteristic, as you know, exclusively of childhood, with the incompleteness of the modern doctrine of spastic diseases in general, prompts me to describe a case that I had recently observed in Pozdeevskaya Children's Hospital. This case is also of interest because of the extremely peculiar phenomena of hyperkinesis in the form of athetosis, noted in it, the origin of which, despite all the efforts spent so far by many, has not been clarified far enough.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):141-154
pages 141-154 views

To casuistry of idiocy

Glushkov N.A.


Looking through the stories of patients who passed through our hands in 1906 in a difficult department of the Kazan District Hospital, we drew attention to a rather rare case of idiocy, which, unfortunately, we had to observe for a very short time, why its study was of a general nature, and there is much in the clinical picture seemed unclear. However, we had to perform an autopsy on this patient and, examining his brain, we hoped to find the key to understanding those phenomena that seemed incomprehensible during his lifetime.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):155-174
pages 155-174 views

Къ statistics psychoses in the military

Aykhenvald L.I.


The abundance of patients of the military department, who have arrived, and especially those who have recently arrived for use and testing at the Odessa City Psychiatric Hospital, gave us a reason to collect statistical material on psychoses in the military who were in the hospital for the period from 1887 to 1906, inclusively, that is, for the last 20 years.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):175-187
pages 175-187 views

K casuistic of hysterical deaf and dumb

Boldyrev V.S.


Everyone knows the variety of symptoms and the freakishness of forms that are characteristic of hysteria; it seems that there is no organ that would not be amazed by it: all kinds of paresis, paralysis, changes in sensitivity, disorders in the administration of the organs of higher senses, etc. — all this may be the result of the manifestation of hysteria; and it is good if certain symptoms appear in a limited number and are not expressed to a strong degree, but sometimes they can take such a complex and confusing combination that they present extraordinary difficulties on the one hand for a doctor in the field of diagnosis and therapy, and on the other - an unusually severe form of the disease for the patients themselves.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):188-200
pages 188-200 views

Diplegia facialis

Popov N.M.


The patient present here has been in our clinic for about a month. During this time, the state of his health has noticeably changed for the better; nevertheless, even now there is no need to peer into his face for a long time in order to discover vivid traces of suffering on it. Indeed, everyone.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):201-226
pages 201-226 views

Критика и библіографія

D. К. Paul Steffens: lieber Hystero-Epilepsie (Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 1905, 39 Bd, 3 H.)

Vishnevskiy G.


His view of the being and the course of hysterical-epilepsy, the author sets out in the next. thesis:

"Hystero-epilepsy is psycho-neurosis (Binswanger) and belongs to the group of diseases based on" degeneration "(" Entartung ") in a broad sense. “Hysterical epilepsy” differs from “pure psychoses” in that the disorders it causes “relate not only to the normal expiration of mental antecedents, but mainly to their connection with purely physical innervation antecedents”, so that it represents “painful phenomena” which is based on the disruption of the normal relationship between the antecedents of our consciousness and our corporeality. "

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):243-244
pages 243-244 views

Journal "Practical Medicine" No. 4, X Pirogovskiy congress

Sholomovich A.S.


No. 4 of the Magazine "Practical. Medicine “is entirely dedicated to the X Pirogovsky season. As can be seen from the report, the section for nervous and mental illnesses had 6 independent sessions and one connected with the section for diseases of the ear, throat and nose.

In total, 23 reports were heard on various topics of theory and practice.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):227-230
pages 227-230 views

Ya.F. Kaplan. Fundamentals of decentralization of psychiatric care and data for its decentralization in the Ufa province of female neuropathology and psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov 1907 book I.

Sholomovich A.S.


The article by Dr. Ya. F. Kaplan, which is the first attempt to approach a practical solution to the issue of decentralization, illuminates the old dispute between supporters and opponents of decentralization from a new point of view.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):230-332
pages 230-332 views

P. M. Krasin. To scholarship G regeneration of peripheral nerves after damage to them. Experimental histological examination. With the attachment of three tables of figures. Diss. 142 pages Kazan, 1907

Sholomovich A.S.


In the preface to the above-mentioned work, the author outlines his view on the essence of the process leading to the regeneration of a nerve after its damage, adjoining the so-called monogenists on the basis of studying the literature and his own experiments.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):232-237
pages 232-237 views

In the interval between the release of the 1st and 2nd books of the Neurological Vestnik, 3 books of the new monthly magazine appeared in the light of the month: "Contemporary Psychiatry", which, judging by the composition of the closest participants, is the organ of the Moscow privat-docentury.

Sholomovich A.S.


In the first (March) book of the journal there is an extremely interesting article by V. A. Muratov: "Disease of the adrenal glands with periodic psychosis."

The author investigated the second case of "intermittent" (?) Psychosis patho-anatomically and found, as in the first (1903) adrenal gland lesion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):237-239
pages 237-239 views

Vorschlag zu einer konventionellen FiXIerung der Intensitäts grade des Kniephänomens (resp. Patellar reflexes). Von A. Pick. Deutsche medic. Wochenschr. № 23. 1907.

Sholomovich A.S.


Based on the fact that apparatuses for measuring patellar reflexes appear annually, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary for clinical purposes to develop a monotonous view of the intensity of the reflex and, one way or another, to accurately designate it. To this end, the author offers his own rock to indicate the intensity of the reflex.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):239-240
pages 239-240 views

F. Yu. Rose. The volume of the operative treatment of Graves' disease. (Kharkov medical journal. 1907 No. 3).

Rudnev V.I.


Kocher considers the operation, stumectomy, to be a radical remedy for the treatment of Basedow's disease, since, in his opinion, an increased activity of the thyroid gland lies at the heart of the disease. The author's experience with thyroid transplantation into the spleen, which caused the symptoms of Graves' disease, confirms this opinion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):240-241
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Yu. V. Kannabikh. On the question of free will. (Questions of Philosophy and Psychology 1907 March-April)

Rudnev V.I.


Despite the fact that all world processes are subject to the law of causality, people recognize themselves as free in their volitional decisions. The author analyzes this peculiar feeling of freedom, considering it an introspective illusion and, in support of his thought, refers to hypnotic experiments and psychiatric observations. Under superficial hypnosis, the freedom of will is limited, but the freedom of choice remains.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):241-243
pages 241-243 views

Seekrankheit als Ursache akuter Geistesstörung. DR'a Max Dobrschansky (Centralb. F. Nerv, u. Psych. No. 200, November 1905). (Seasickness as the cause of acute psychosis)

Vishnevskiy G.


The author publishes his case as a rarity. Quoting Rosenbach, leaving open the question whether there is a case in such cases "with real psychoses or only with psychoses of exhaustion", the author resolves this question in relation to his case in favor of a real psychosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):244-245
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The Journal of Mental Science, No. 213. April 1905. Adolescent Jnsanity: A Protest a gainst the Use of the Term "Gementia praecox" By J. C. Mc Conadheu, Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Parcside Asylum. (Youthful delusion: Protest against the use of the term "Dementia praecox")

Vishnevskiy G.


The author, joining Clouston'y, finds Kraepelin's term unscientific and somewhat unreasonable, thanks to which it is necessary to label the patient as dementia and then register his recovery, recognizing the term "adolescent insanity" best applicable to the group of diseases under consideration.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):245-247
pages 245-247 views


Chronicle and mix. Volume XIV, No. 2 (1907)


On December 21, 1906, by the decree of the Kazan Provincial for the Societies of Presence, the charter of the Kazan Society of People's Universities was approved.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):247-259
pages 247-259 views

Annals of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University

Donskov N.A.


Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, 1904-1906 Minutes of meetings.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):259-268
pages 259-268 views

Annals of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of February 18, 1907

Donskov N.A.


Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, 1907, Minutes of meetings.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(2):268-272
pages 268-272 views

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