Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 16, № 7 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences

Activities of the Police of the Russian Empire to Ensure Order and Decorum in Churches, Houses of Worship, During Spiritual Rites (According to the Draft Police Charter)

Shurukhnov N.


The responsibilities of the police are considered as provided for in the second chapter of the draft Police Charter, developed by the commission of Senator A.A. Makarova (1906-1913). They were aimed at ensuring order and decorum during various religious events held in churches, houses of worship, as well as areas adjacent to them. The features of such activities during religious processions, religious processions, pilgrimages, meetings and seeing off holy icons and other religious celebrations, as well as observations of bell ringing as a means of notifying believers are shown. A significant place is given to comparison with the norms of the Charter for the Prevention and Suppression of Crimes of 1882, the Criminal Code of 1903, the Italian law of December 23, 1888 on public safety, agreed with the criminal code of January 1, 1890, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police”.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Separate Problems of Practical Application of the Norms of Law Containing Accessory Obligations

Tsukanova E., Trukhan R.


This article examines the law enforcement practice, the application of legal norms containing accessory obligations. The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the fact that the terms "accessory" and "accessory obligation" are not used in Russian legislation. In this connection, the analysis of the concept and essence of accessory obligations can be based, inter alia, on the doctrinal interpretation of the concept in question, its historical and legal roots, as well as its use in a particular context in the acts of national judicial authorities. The acts of the higher courts, law enforcement practice are considered. Conclusions are drawn: The precedent created by the definition of 14.06.2016 No. 308-ES16-1443 in case No. A61-2409/2010 has not yet been extended by analogy to similar legal relations in which the main obligation is terminated or changed regardless of the will of the creditor, by virtue of the law. Contradictory judicial arbitration practice exacerbates the original problem – the absence, both in legislation and in judicial practice itself, of a definition and signs of an accessory obligation. At the same time, it should not be denied that it is judicial practice that will largely fill the existing niche today, which has become a consequence of the incompleteness of legislative regulation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):18-23
pages 18-23 views

Public Law (State Law) Sciences

Legal Support for Strategies to Increase Digital Literacy: the Experience of China

Yakovleva A.


In recent years, digital technologies represented by the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, metaverse, etc. have developed rapidly and are widely used in social production and public life. The development of the digital economy is changing both the professional structure and the structure of knowledge and skills. In this regard, digital literacy is becoming one of the basic skills that allow people to adapt to professional and social life in the digital era. Increasing the digital literacy and skills of the entire population can facilitate the innovative use of technology and allow to take full advantage of the new benefits of technological development. Recognizing the need to improve digital literacy, in 2021 the Central Leading Group for Internet Security and Informatization of the People's Republic of China published the "Action Plan for Improving Digital Literacy and Skills for the Whole People" until 2035, which became the legal foundation of the Digital China project. This document focuses on creating a universal, equitable and accessible systemic digital infrastructure, increasing the level of awareness of digital citizens, their level of technological thinking, the ability to constantly learn and a sense of social responsibility in the modern digital world.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):24-31
pages 24-31 views

Prevention of Tax Offense as a New Power of Tax Authorities in the Tax Process

Berezin M.


Purpose of the study. Since citizens pay taxes at the expense of their own property, which are the main financial basis for the existence of the state, the state, as a political and legal entity dependent on society, must honestly and continuously create conditions in which human life, health and dignity are the highest value. At the same time, the results of its activities declared by the state should not be imaginary, but reliable and verifiable, that is, such that there would be ways to actually create in the minds of the taxpayer a vision of such obvious advantages of paying taxes that would cover the very possibility of the emergence and development of an intention to evade their payment. This is the purpose of preventing the commission of tax offenses, the features of which are discussed in this article.

Conclusions. The importance of introducing the prevention of tax offenses in a civilized and democratic state has been proven, and therefore the need to shift the emphasis in the tax process from the control and punitive function of tax authorities to the function of preventing the commission of tax offenses to increase trust between the state and society is justified. The author proposes to divide taxpayers into three target groups and formulates the content of preventive measures for each selected group.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Problems of Territorial Organization of Local Self-Government in Russia

Eremin A., Lyubushkin V., Grishin V.


The Purpose of the study. The article is devoted to the territorial organization of local self-government in Russia. Doctrinal approaches to determining the territorial organization of local self-government are presented. Legal approaches to consolidating the territorial organization of local self-government are being studied. The peculiarities of the development of the territorial organization of local self-government are observed, the peculiarities of the organization of the territorial organization of local self-government in a number of foreign states are shown. The purpose of the study is to study the territorial organization of local sa-municipal government in Russia. The article uses dialectical, historical, formal-legal, logical, comparative-legal and other methods of knowledge. Results. For local self-government, an important component of its effective functioning and creating opportunities for all citizens to realize the right to exercise local self-government is its territorial organization. The correct choice (single-level, multi-level) approach of the territorial organization of local self-government should be based on the needs of the population itself and the established system of territorial organization in each subject of the Russian Federation. The modern development of local self-government in Russia will be even more effective if we use the accumulated positive experience, including in the territorial organization.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):38-44
pages 38-44 views

On Some Issues of the Emergence and Implementation of the Right to Insurance Benefits of Persons Who Independently Provide Themselves with Work

Galaeva L.


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the legal regulation of social security relations with the participation of persons who independently provide themselves with work, in particular, relations related to the appointment of insurance benefits as a type of social security provision in social security law. The goals and objectives of the stated research topic are resolved in the context of the author’s classification of self-employed persons, which is made with reference to the current Russian legislation.

The features of legal relations regarding compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity with the participation of persons who independently provide themselves with work within the framework of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ are analyzed. Attention is focused on the problem of determining the moment of occurrence of the legal fact of insurance of self-employed persons. The judicial practice related to determining the right to insurance benefits in the first calendar year of entry of self-employed people into legal relations for this type of compulsory social insurance is analyzed.

As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve legislation in order to create legal conditions for the extension of the mentioned law to other categories (groups) of self-employed persons, in particular to persons acting as payers of tax on professional income.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):45-51
pages 45-51 views

Pension Provision in Territories with a Special Climate: Problems of Theory and Practice

Antonova N.


The purpose of the research. To identify current problems of legal regulation of social security legal relations in the field of pension provision for citizens working and living in special natural and climatic conditions, to formulate proposals aimed at improving the Russian pension system.

Procedure and methods. The study used general scientific (analysis and synthesis) and specific scientific (historical, formal legal and comparative legal) methods of understanding legal reality.

Results. Based on a detailed study of theoretical and practical problems of pension provision for citizens living in special climatic conditions, proposals were formulated aimed at the need to distinguish between «insurance service» and «northern service», which underlie the establishment of northern pensions, as well as a fair assessment «northern experience» when assigning such pensions.

Theoretical and/or practical significance. The conclusions drawn during the study can be used to modernize Russian legislation on pension provision, as well as to prevent possible conflicts in the legal regulation of social security legal relations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Actual Problems of State and Municipal Control

Yushko A.


The purpose of the research. The most important constituent element of government in the state is control, which contributes to the implementation of verification and, most importantly, the elimination of violations of legislation, the elimination of inconsistencies in regulatory legal acts and decisions, as well as monitoring the activities of bodies and officials at all levels of government. Control is a verification of the execution of decisions made, the purpose of which is to identify deficiencies in management activities, to eliminate the causes of their occurrence. Also, the control activity includes a system of measures to monitor and verify the operation of the facility, in order to eliminate deviations from certain parameters. Thus, the relevance of the scientific work devoted to the study of current problems of state and municipal control is quite obvious.

Results. As a result of the conducted research, the authors came to the conclusion that in the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 248-FZ "On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation" and other federal laws regulating the specifics and procedure for the implementation of control activities both at the federal level and at the local level contain certain problems. The existing shortcomings complicate the process of implementing legal norms, create an obstacle in the correct understanding of the specifics of the implementation of state and municipal control. The lack of stability and completeness in legal regulation, the presence of a complex regulatory framework, long time stages of reforming control activities do not allow to fully disclose and implement high-quality, effective state and municipal control.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):57-64
pages 57-64 views

On the Issue of Classification and System of Responsibilities of Citizens in the Field of Ensuring Biological Safety

Aleshkova I., Sapelchenko N.


The article provides a brief overview of various types of legal responsibilities of citizens in the field of ensuring biological safety. Their complex nature and interconnectedness with ethical responsibilities are revealed.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating legal relations related to establishing the responsibilities of citizens in the field of ensuring biological safety.

Conclusions obtained during the study. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors determined the basis for the classification and the main directions for improving the system of legal responsibilities of citizens in the field of ensuring biological safety.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):65-70
pages 65-70 views

The Role of the Registry Model in Ensuring the Safe, Rational Use and Protection of Mineral Resources: Legal Aspect

Sokolov A.


The purpose of the research. This article examines the prerequisites and prospects for the use of the registry model in order to ensure the safe, rational use and protection of the subsoil. Taking into account the new paradigm of control (supervisory) activities, the author focuses on the reputational component of the registers proposed for creation, the absence of their punitive component. Results. As a result of the research, it is proposed to create registers of bona fide and unfair subsoil users. In the future, they should be combined with the register of unscrupulous auction participants within a single system in order to form a more objective picture of the activities of not only license applicants, but also subsoil users in terms of their compliance with the mandatory requirements of the subsoil legislation. When creating a register of unscrupulous subsoil users, it is recommended to take the proposed measures aimed at ensuring an appropriate and fair procedure for maintaining this register. When creating a register of bona fide subsurface users, it is advisable to take into account the criteria of the integrity of the subsurface user within the framework of measures to stimulate good faith.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Private Law (Civil) Sciences

Features of Legal Regulation of Disputes About Children, Domestic and Foreign Experience

Petrov D., Ushankov I., Filippov N.


This article examines the features of the legal regulation of litigation related to the upbringing and communication of children after divorce proceedings. The authors analyze various aspects, including establishing the child’s place of residence, resolving issues related to communication with parents and other relatives, as well as taking into account his interests and opinions. The findings are based on a review of existing legislation, case law and academic research in the field of family law. The authors highlight key principles and norms that should be taken into account when resolving disputes about children, such as: the principles of the best interests of the child, equal rights of parents and respect for the child's rights to communicate with both parents. Researchers examine various approaches to resolving disputes about children, including litigation, mediation, and alternative conflict resolution. Focusing on improving legislation and judicial practice in our country to ensure fair and effective regulation of such disputes, taking into account the characteristics of the specific situation and the needs of each child.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):76-81
pages 76-81 views

Prospects for the Creation of Legal Regulation Circulation of Digital Rights and Cryptocurrencies in the EAEU

Popov A., Balanyuk L.


The Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed on 29 May 2014, sets out (along with a number of other programmes and concepts of the EAEU) the aim of improving payments and settlements between member states based on expanding the use of national currencies in mutual settlements. One document – the Concept for the Formation of a Common Financial Market – sets out the position that the development of a common payment space shall be based on principles of national security, independence, and equality of national payment systems. At the same time, restrictions imposed by third countries have a direct impact on the timing and cost of transnational payments. It is therefore important to ensure uninterrupted and seamless payments, both between EAEU nations in their mutual trade, and with third countries which are either key trading partners, or which have the potential to become so. This can be accomplished by employing promising financial technologies. These include digital currencies offered by central banks, smart contracts, a special accounting unit, multilateral clearing, and so on. Interstate Eurasian development institutions could play a key role in this regard. The use of new technological platforms could help establish systems which far outstrip traditional ones and ensure rapid settlements, confidentiality, and reduced costs. At the same time, the explosive growth of innovation in the financial sector could bring with it increased cyber threats, technological vulnerability, and financial instability. In a world where developed countries are experiencing stagnation, the ability to boost trade between nations with emerging markets could prove to offer a new source of economic growth. An expansion of this kind requires the establishment of independent institutions and tools – including in relation to payment and settlement – that meet the needs of developing economies and which are tailored to them.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):94-105
pages 94-105 views

Attempted Suicide of a Minor as a Result of Domestic Violence

Samoilov T., Petrov D.


The article focuses on the current issue of domestic violence, which leads to suicide attempts among adolescents. Family and household conflicts occurring in the family destructively affect the child and lead to a loss of emotional stability, to negative thoughts and, as a result of the untimely inclusion of special services in this process, to the facts of suicide among minors.

The difficulty lies in the absence of a legislated mechanism of socio-legal protection against domestic violence and the identification of adolescents who have fallen into a difficult life situation. The article raises the question of the possibility of introducing suicidal services into the practice of preventive work, which would change these facts for the better and reduce the percentage of suicides among adolescents who find themselves in a psychological and emotional impasse. The study could be useful for lawmakers and professionals with experience working with individuals who have attempted suicide.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):106-110
pages 106-110 views

Civil-Legal Liability for Violation of Housing Rights: Issues of Theory and Practice

Karyaginа V.


Research objective. The need to identify the specifics of civil liability for various violations of housing rights in the absence of systemic legal regulation of liability issues, including civil liability, in the acts of housing legislation, and fragmentary nature of their study in the modern science of housing law predetermines the necessity to identify the specifics of civil liability for various violations of housing rights. In the context of continuous changes in housing legislation and development of judicial practice, expansion of the scope of application of civil law means and strengthening of inter-branch interaction, further development of the theory of civil law liability in case of violation of housing rights is obviously relevant. The article considers various types of civil liability in the housing sphere, which is of great social importance, it systematises them, and reveals the problems of bringing to civil liability of subjects of housing legal relations in case of non-performance or improper performance of their duties. The purpose of the study is both a comprehensive analysis of the application of the institute of civil liability in the housing sphere, and identification of the peculiarities of civil liability in case of violation of housing rights.

Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that civil liability in the housing sphere is a secured state coercion imposition on the participants of housing legal relations of additional adverse consequences of property nature through the application of property sanctions for committing housing offences, aimed at restoring the violated housing rights of victims or preventing their violation. The civil-law nature of a significant array of housing relations creates the potential for the large-scale application of civil-law remedies, including such an important one as civil-law liability. The applied measures of civil liability for offences in the housing sphere are affected by the opposite effect of the sectoral peculiarities of housing law. The specificity of civil liability for violation of housing rights is conditioned by the peculiarities of the legal regime of residential premises, which is simultaneously the object of housing and civil legal relations, and consists in a significant number of legal requirements to the residential premises themselves. The legal regime of residential premises predetermines predominantly peremptory statutory nature of civil liability, manifested both in the establishment of the form of liability and its amount. The basis for bringing to civil liability in the housing sphere is non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment by the subjects of the obligations included in the content of proprietary, obligatory or corporate legal relations, the object of which is residential premises. Civil liability in the housing sphere may be not only of a restorative nature aimed at restoring violated housing rights, but also of a preventive nature in the form of deprivation or restriction of the subjective housing right, if the use of residential premises violates its qualitative characteristics as an object of housing rights. Most civil liability measures are aimed at ensuring the safety and maintenance of residential premises in a fit for purpose condition. Further improvement of protective norms of housing legislation on civil liability will contribute to the effective protection of housing rights against violations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):82-93
pages 82-93 views

Criminal Law Sciences

Criminal Law Novel on Liability for Illegal Collection Activities

Asnis A.


The criminological grounds and background of the adoption of the Federal Law of July 10, 2023 No. 323-FZ, which introduced liability for illegal collection activities related to the return of overdue debts of individuals in violation of the established rules for repaying such debts (Article 1724 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), have been studied.

The signs of the composition of illegal collection activities related to the object, objective and subjective sides and the subject of the corresponding crimes have been studied.

The controversial issues of interpretation of these signs, due to the shortcomings of the legal technique of prohibiting illegal collection activities, are considered.

The author formulates specific rules for qualifying illegal collection activities and distinguishing them from related crimes, makes proposals aimed at ensuring uniformity of law enforcement practice in criminal cases of illegal collection activities, as well as improving the criminal law prohibition on such activities.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):111-122
pages 111-122 views

Theoretical and Legal Understanding of the Impact in the Criminal Law Sphere

Shkhagapsoev Z.


In the legal literature, the problems of theoretical and legal understanding of the impact in the criminal legal sphere are becoming increasingly relevant, since the lack of a legal interpretation of "criminal legal impact" causes a lot of discussion in the scientific community about its place and role in the system of combating crime and preventing offenses. The criminal legal impact is the reaction of the state to the act of committing a crime and to crime in general, but the impact can also be on law-abiding citizens. In this regard, it can be said that the criminal legal impact has both a negative and a positive impact on the individual. A mandatory component of the criminal legal impact is preventive and preventive activities, which are aimed at reducing the negative impact of factors contributing to the development of crime in the Russian Federation.

This article analyzes the essence and content of the criminal legal impact, its goals and objectives, as a result of which the author formulates the essential characteristics of the legal category under study. The subject composition of the impact in the criminal law sphere, as well as the object of such impact, is also considered.

Analyzing the points of view presented in the scientific literature on the issues under consideration, the author does not refute them, but at the same time provides objective arguments to substantiate his own position regarding the theoretical and legal justification of the impact in the criminal legal sphere.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):123-126
pages 123-126 views

On the Subject of Receiving a Bribe (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Serebrennikova A., Stepanov V.


The article considers the actual aspects of the subject of receiving a bribe as a constitutive feature of the construction of the composition of this crime. The criminal legislator quite accurately defines the subject of receiving a bribe, which is represented by various types of economic benefits. The development of modern economic relations leads to the emergence of new types of economic benefits, which indicate the need to specify individual financial assets as the subject of receiving a bribe. The article focuses on cryptocurrencies and other digital financial assets that can act as a subject of receiving a bribe. The absence of relevant examples of judicial enforcement to date makes it necessary to improve the legal qualification of the transfer of cryptocurrencies and digital financial assets as a subject of receiving a bribe.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):127-130
pages 127-130 views

About the Quality of Crime Investigation

Zakharova V.


The Purpose of the study. For the last half century, scientists and practitioners have been puzzling over the problem of minimizing investigative errors. Yes, objectively, there are fewer of them (mistakes), but in fact this is due to the general tendency to reduce the number of crimes committed, and therefore there can be no reason to calm down. Both participants in criminal proceedings and the reputation of law enforcement agencies suffer from these negative examples from practice. What to do, what to do, what to do – these are the questions that are constantly asked during the exercise of judicial control, prosecutor's supervision, as well as departmental (procedural) control. In this article, we examined the main investigative errors through the prism of examples of prosecutorial-investigative-judicial activities, and also gave our recommendations on optimizing the preliminary investigation. The author concludes that qualitative activity is, first of all, the joint activity of all involved officials and bodies, which should be carried out in cooperation in order to combat crime.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):131-135
pages 131-135 views

Actualization of Issues of Legal Technique in Relation to Articles 207.3, 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Martynenko N., Usacheva E.


The Purpose of the study. The article deals with the problems of law enforcement practice in the field of qualification of acts related to discrediting the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The issues of effective use of the potential of legal technology in criminal legislation are being updated. The interrelations between the observance of established traditions of the construction of criminal law norms and the accuracy, consistency and accessibility of the expression of the will of the legislator are established. The purpose of the study is to establish the design features of the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for liability for intentional actions aimed at distorting information (giving it a false character) about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and other entities involved in the orbit of ensuring the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens.

Conclusion. Based on the results of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that when designing new norms of criminal legislation, it is necessary to adhere to a more traditional approach based on the rules of legal technique, which contributes to the formation of homogeneous law enforcement practice and minimizes cases of subjective interpretation of such norms. It determines not only the need for further research determined by modern threats to national security, but also reveals the prospects for further research of problems related to discrediting in the criminal law of Russia.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):136-140
pages 136-140 views

On Increasing the Preventive Potential of Criminal Law Norms on Liability for Complicity in a Crime

Borovikov V., Borovikova V.


The purpose of the publication is to develop issues related to increasing the preventive potential of certain rules on complicity in a crime. Conclusions obtained during the study.

The results of the study show that a number of rules on complicity in crime need to be improved, because their content does not correspond to modern tasks of combating crime (in particular, its organized forms of manifestation).

Scientific significance of the publication. The authors tried to take a new approach to increasing the preventive capabilities of a number of norms on complicity in a crime in order to combat the most dangerous forms of criminal attacks.

Practical significance of the publication. The implementation of the ideas set out in the article, according to its authors, will make it possible to more actively use the preventive potential inherent in the rules on complicity in a crime.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):141-145
pages 141-145 views

Analysis of Current Problems of Judicial Control when Selecting Bail as a Measure of Prevention

Mamedov R.


The article analyzes current issues and problems of judicial control when choosing bail as a preventive measure. The author examines in detail the features of judicial practice on this issue, points out gaps in the legislation that give rise to problems in the application of bail in practice. The article also makes some proposals for improving legislation on this topic, specifically by correcting article №106 of Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):146-149
pages 146-149 views

Deprivation of Freedom by New Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mussali N.


In the present article is given general description of criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom. Innovations of criminal law concerning deprivation of freedom with examples from judicial practice are considered. Questions of further humanization this punishment taking into account judicial practice are analyzed. Measures for perfect norms regulating criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom are suggested. Raising the question of deprivation of freedom for life andproblems of serving such punishment.. Measures by raising effective assignment of criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of freedom also have considered in the article.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):150-156
pages 150-156 views

Digital Criminalistics as an Effective Form of Countering the Growth and Expansion of the Criminal Spectrum of Cybercrime

Lozinsky O.


The Purpose of the study. The article analyzes the innovative possibilities of digital criminalistics as an effective form of countering the growth and expansion of the criminal spectrum of cybercrime.

Conclusions. Digital criminology is a dynamically developing private theory that claims to be a section of criminology in general. In the course of this study, the author's interpretations of the concepts and internal content are given: digital criminology, its structure, goals, tasks and functions. The innovative capabilities of digital forensics allow (and these capabilities are expanding) the use of digital technologies in law enforcement to extract criminally significant information and electronic evidence from electronic digital information and devices (its carriers). The development of digital criminalistics has significantly expanded the possibilities of preliminary investigation and operational investigative activities in solving the tasks of countering criminal manifestations. The capabilities of digital criminalistics significantly increase the "competitiveness" of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime (including organized crime), increase the efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness of the disclosure and investigation of criminal cases. Further development of digital criminology is associated with: creation and expansion of the regulatory framework of its activities; expansion and evidentiary confirmation of its methods; training in the expert community of the necessary number of qualified specialists in this field; continuous improvement of the material and technical base of this activity, etc.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):157-162
pages 157-162 views

Problems of General Measures for the Prevention of Professional Crime

Kravets I., Zhuk I., Bazanova N.


The article examines the issues of general measures to prevent professional crime, where, unlike special and organizational measures, general prevention measures at the level of general crime prevention determine the tasks of preventive activities and ways to solve them in general. Since the main form of preventive activity in the professional crime prevention system is prevention, which is complex. This involves the use of not only legal, but also economic, organizational, managerial, cultural, educational and other means and methods in order to prevent illegal behavior. The purpose of the presented study is to consider the issues that arise in this area regarding individual prevention in relation to professional criminals, i.e. correction and re-education of these persons or a change in the criminogenic tendencies in the development of their personality. This implies the need to solve the problem of establishing the patterns of deviant behavior, the mechanism of its formation and change. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen control over persons previously convicted, whose behavior and views indicate the possibility of committing new crimes. Based on the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the general prevention of professional crime includes the prevention of these crimes, carried out by bodies, organizations and institutions that have the rights and responsibilities to do so.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):163-173
pages 163-173 views

Problematic Issues of Identifying Crimes Committed Against Minors Using Information and Digital Technologies

Pinkevich T., Tarabrina K.


The article discusses issues related to the commission of violent crimes in the virtual space against minors. The development of Internet technologies has led to the penetration of criminals into the digital environment. The relevance of this study is justified by the growth of illegal violent, aggressive and brutal content on the Internet, which has a negative impact on minors, and the distribution of pornographic materials, including those involving teenagers. Sexual violence against minors using information and digital technologies remains a particularly acute problem. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop, both at the national and international levels, an effective mechanism to combat violence and sexual violence, and to strengthen control over the spread of harmful content on the Internet.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):174-179
pages 174-179 views

Organized Crime in the Russian Financial Market

Pinkevich T., Bakasov R.


The article presents the results of a study of illegal activities in the financial market of Russia, in which an analysis of the activities of organized crime on the creation of financial pyramids of investment platforms, illegal activities in the field of lending and the insurance market is carried out. The purpose of the study is to study the Russian financial market and the impact of organized crime activities on its security level. With the development of the digital economy and the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies in this area, the possibility of growth of economic and innovative development, strengthening of the financial component of the state has increased. At the same time, with the development of the economic sphere, the threat of negative manifestations increases, including the growth of crime, especially its organized part in the financial market. The situation is aggravated by the fact that modern organized crime is characterized by high cohesion of criminal groups and communities that unite a large number of individuals, establish control over various life systems of society and the state, which are not only in the business and commerce sector, but also in the public sector, where continuing to establish monopoly control, they will lobby their interests in various spheres. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the means of ensuring criminological security of the financial market are not fully used in the financial market of the Russian state.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):180-185
pages 180-185 views

Constitutionalization of the Procedural Form of Settings on Property in Criminal Proceedings

Tatyanina L., Khusnutdinov R.


Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to study the process of constitutionalization and its impact on the procedural form of seizure of property in criminal proceedings. The subject of the study is the development of this procedural form over more than 21 years, starting with the adoption of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (2001). The author of the article draws attention to changes in legislation related to the development of the procedural form of seizure of property, as well as its connection with constitutional principles. The study shows that constitutionalization plays an important role in the development of the procedural form of seizure of property. It helps to establish legal order, limit power and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. Constitutionalization also promotes stability and predictability in the legal system, which is important for creating a fair and equitable society.

Conclusions. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation plays a leading role in the process of constitutionalization, while the legislator's reaction is delayed, which negatively affects the regulation of procedural relations. The constitutionalization of the procedural form of seizure of property is based on the constitutional principle of the inviolability of property and other constitutional norms. This leads to a redistribution of powers from the investigative body to the court and ensures a balance between private and public interests. The criminal procedural form of seizure of property provides procedural guarantees of the material rights of owners and is a means of protecting these rights. In the future, it is necessary to develop a procedure for transforming criminal procedural arrest into interim measures in civil proceedings, when the need arises.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):186-191
pages 186-191 views

Cybercrime as a Criminological Phenomenon in Russian and International Legislation

Levchenko P.


Purpose of the study. In the article, the author reveals the essential understanding of cybercrime in Russian and international legislation, gives its classification, and analyzes the main directions of public relations in the field of countering criminal attacks on the cyber environment. Conducts a comparative legal analysis of international and Russian norms providing for liability for committing computer crimes, while taking into account the approach to the definition of cybercrime from representatives of domestic science. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic issues in combating this type of crime in the context of the new world political and legal realities.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to revise, update and unify international legislation in the field of combating computer crimes, while focusing on organizing proper interaction between representatives of law enforcement agencies of foreign countries and the Russian Federation on issues of control of cryptocurrency turnover, based on extrapolation of Russian experience into international legislation in this direction. Attention is drawn to the need for constant monitoring of the criminal situation in the field of computer crime, its forecasting and planning of law enforcement activities, including in the field of international cooperation. Since proper control and containment of this type of crime by the state is the key to its successful functioning and development, contributes to its firm establishment on the world stage, and also acts as a guarantor of peace and economic stability of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):192-199
pages 192-199 views

The Social Conditionality of the Introduction of Criminal Liability for the Refusal or Evasion of a Person Subjected to Administrative Punishment from Concluding a State Contract Under a State Defense Order or a Contract Necessary to Fulfill a State Defense Order

Kameneva A.


This article evaluates the determinants that determine the social expediency of introducing liability under Article 2013 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation into the current Criminal Law of the Russian Federation – "Refusal or evasion of a person subjected to administrative punishment from concluding a state contract for a state defense order or a contract necessary to fulfill a state defense order." The author examines the content of the new corpus delicti and draws conclusions determining the necessity and validity of the introduction of criminal liability for the repeated act of committing an administrative offense provided for in Article 7.29.2. of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. As a result, the conclusion is formulated that the presented amendments to the criminal law significantly tighten criminal liability for the acts in question, provided that the primary administrative offense is committed, which translates the consequences in the form of the application of legal liability to the guilty person from a number of administrative consequences to the plane of criminal legal relations, which is also due to new challenges and threats that are reflected in the modern realities of economic, legal and legal development of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):200-204
pages 200-204 views

Changes in Criminal Legislation and Trends in Russian Criminal Policy in the Context of the Special Military Operation

Golikova A., Kovlagina D.


The purpose of the stated study is to monitor changes made to the text of the Russian criminal law and identify the main trends in criminal policy for the period April 2022 – September 2023 and assess its prospects. The article provides an assessment of the legislative innovations that appeared in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation during the SVO period, from the standpoint of their expediency and the quality of legal technology. There are a number of significant trends in criminal law: expansion of the limits of criminal liability for a large number of attacks, differentiation of responsibility. The study used systems and structural approaches; formal-legal, sociological, formal-logical. As a conclusion, it is noted that modern trends in criminal policy, on the one hand, reflect the timeliness of the legislator’s response to changes in socio-economic conditions in the state, and on the other, do not meet the criteria of consistency and suffer from low quality legal technology.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):205-213
pages 205-213 views

Analysis of the State of Work on the Disclosure and Investigation of Thefts of Other People's Property (Based on the Materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KBR)

Shkhagapsoev Z., Surtsev A.


The article is devoted to the study of current issues of disclosure and investigation of thefts of other people's property. The law enforcement agencies of our country (the leading role is played by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs) are constantly fighting against this category of crimes, but, despite the full range of measures taken, the number of these crimes still remains quite significant. At the same time, criminal acts related to the theft of other people’s property are currently widespread throughout the Russian Federation, in all its constituent entities, which means that the objective necessity in these current conditions is the constant search for new measures of control and detection of crimes that would contribute to both their prevention and high-quality, timely investigation by law enforcement officers. The constant search for the most effective and efficient approaches, methods and methods for investigating thefts as a type of crime is an area that is of great interest to a significant number of specialists in this field. Meanwhile, to this day this problem remains unresolved and, as it seems, it is not possible to resolve it in the foreseeable near future. However, research in this area must continue.

The study was based on extensive statistical data both for the country as a whole and for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in particular, which covered a fifteen-year period. As a result of the study, key reasons were identified that contributed to the stabilization of the situation in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic at the present stage and led to a reduction in theft of other people's property over time. It has been determined that the positive experience of the region can be applied in other regions of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):214-220
pages 214-220 views

The Reality of the Threat and Its Role for the Correct Qualification of Extortion and Attempted Fraud Committed Using Information and Communication Networks

Alexandrova E.


The article discusses the problems associated with determining the reality of the threat and its role for the correct qualification of extortion and attempted fraud committed using information and communication networks (hereinafter referred to as ICS). To date, in the practical activities of the employees of the preliminary investigation bodies, there is ambiguity in determining the reality of the threat when qualifying the actions of an attacker demanding money or other property-related actions from the victim. The differentiation of these actions depends on the reality of the threat and its assessment.

The purpose of the study: to propose a rule for the qualification of extortion and attempted fraud committed using ICS, related to the definition of the reality of the threat.

Research methods: to study the reality of the threat and its significance in the qualification of extortion and attempted fraud committed using ICS, a survey method was used (20 employees of the preliminary investigation bodies of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan were interviewed); an analysis method was used to establish criteria for the reality of the threat.

Key findings: The reality of the threat is essential in distinguishing extortion and attempted fraud committed using information and communication networks. The use of ICS by criminals when transmitting a threat makes it difficult to assess its reality, and therefore, in practice, the threat is considered as a method of deception and is initiated as an attempt at fraud.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):221-225
pages 221-225 views

Problems of Differentiation of Moral and Physical Harm

Blazhkova T.


The Purpose of the study. The article analyzes the controversial issues of distinguishing moral harm from physical harm, in order to achieve an orderly understanding of the difference between these components, the need for which is due to the obligation to observe the principle of justice with respect to the rights of victims to compensation for harm received as a result of a violent crime. Conclusions. The author's position on the need to differentiate these concepts is given, the corresponding argumentation is established and conclusions are drawn, in particular, on the need to consider the categories of physical suffering and pain outside the framework of moral harm, due to the fact that these are the consequences of causing physical harm and relate directly to the latter.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):226-229
pages 226-229 views

To the Issue of Ensuring the Rights of Participants of Health Relations by Criminal-Legal Means

Bobrovskaya M.


The purpose of the research. In the article the author studies the problem of ensuring the rights of participants of health care relations by criminal-legal means on the example of articles 124 and 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The place of the legal status of the patient in the structure of the object of the crime provided by articles 124 and 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The purpose of the study is to identify the imbalance between the rights and obligations of the participants of health care relations.

Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that the legislator pays more attention to ensuring the rights of the patient, whose status is the legal basis for the emergence of the medical worker's obligation to provide him (the patient) with any required assistance and to take care of him. In addition, the author points out the existence of the doctor's obligation to provide assistance to other persons who do not have such status (sick). The author pays special attention to the necessity of correct qualification of acts of medical workers, which entailed the occurrence of adverse consequences in the form of causing harm to life and health, in the presence of signs of the elements of crimes provided by Articles 124 and 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):230-235
pages 230-235 views

Criminal Risk Factors for the Development of the Digital Economy

Zhalsanov M.


The purpose of the study is to establish and identify the features of risk factors and identify new forms of criminal activity that have not previously taken place in the real environment. The article reveals criminogenic factors - risks of the development of the digital economy in the context of ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation. In the course of the study, the author analyzed the doctrinal views on the concept of «risk», the definition of its types, which made it possible to concretize criminogenic factor risks and identify their main trends.

Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that the development of digital technologies contributes to the growth of the risks of the criminogenic factor, which requires very serious efforts of the state and society in terms of applying a wide range of special preventive measures.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):236-241
pages 236-241 views

Countering Activities Ensuring the Operation of Online Stores for the Sale of Drugs

Malleke D.


Purpose of the study. Modern crime, including organized crime, seeks to expand its spheres of influence and, following the progress of modern society, its representatives are increasingly using advanced information and telecommunication technologies in their illegal activities. As a result, new methods of committing illegal acts constantly appear, previously unknown in the theory of criminal law and Russian judicial practice, indicating the digital transformation of crime. This contributes to the formation of favorable conditions for the functioning of Internet resources for drug trafficking, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to bring representatives of the drug business to the appropriate type of legal liability. Currently, a number of issues remain unresolved related to ensuring the functioning of Internet resources for illegal drug trafficking, namely: 1) activities aimed at developing and creating software that allows data transfer in encrypted form, providing anonymous access to Internet resources of illegal drug trafficking (anonymization); 2) activities related to the rental of subscriber numbers for cellular communications and SIP telephony, facilitating the functioning of channels and pages on social networks that host Internet platforms and illegal drug stores located on them, as well as SMS campaigns aimed at involvement in this area of illegal activity.

Conclusions. Combating the digital transformation of crime, including in the field of drug trafficking, is a complex state task, the effective solution of which without the development of high-quality means of prevention is not possible. In this regard, a number of legislative changes and additions are proposed aimed at minimizing and subsequently eliminating factors facilitating the functioning of Internet resources for drug trafficking.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):242-249
pages 242-249 views

Ensuring Information Security as an Object of Criminal Law Protection

Kur I.


The purpose of the research. The article deals with topical issues related to information security. It analyses the change of the legislator's approach to the conceptual and categorical apparatus, namely the definitions of "information" and "information security" in connection with the changes in social reality, as well as in connection with the development of information technologies. In addition, the question of the place of information and information security in the structure of the criminal law is considered. The study of these issues is necessary, since obtaining answers to these questions will subsequently allow to justify the position for or against the introduction of information security as an object of criminal law protection. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research the author comes to the conclusion that in the conditions of development of information technologies, the approach of the legislator to regulation of public relations in the information sphere changes. In addition, the author, based on the theoretical study of the issue, as well as the presentation of statistical data on the example of confidential information sphere, expresses the opinion that it is necessary to include information security as an object of criminal law protection, due to the increased influence of information on social relations and the potential threat emanating from the information itself.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):250-255
pages 250-255 views

Criminogenic Situation in the Sphere of Financial and Credit Relations

Strokan V.


Purpose of the study. This article discusses the criminogenic situation in the sphere of financial and credit relations. The author proposes to analyze and compare the quantitative indicators of crime in various areas of financial and credit relations with the number of persons prosecuted for these crimes. The period from 2017 to 2022 is considered. This period affects the difficult economic situation in the country, which is due to external and internal factors. To do this, problems will be considered and ways to minimize crimes in this area will be proposed.

Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that there are certain problems and a favorable environment for committing crimes in the financial and credit sector. To do this, it is necessary to resolve some issues. Currently, crime in the financial and credit sphere is information-telecommunication-isolated; the greatest difficulty is caused by the transformation of crimes, which acquires a remote format and latency, which requires a new method of identifying them. It is necessary to develop a more coherent mechanism for interaction between structures. For the purpose of prevention measures, it is necessary to inform citizens in accordance with the present time, by placing advertisements on various Internet platforms, television, at least in proportion to ¼ of the existing advertising of other organizations. It is necessary to develop control measures for information leakage from financial and credit organizations.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):256-260
pages 256-260 views

International Legal Sciences

UN Activities in the Implementation of the Rule of Law

Nikiforov V., Starodubtsev G.


The purpose and objectives of writing the article are to study the origins of the doctrine of the rule of law, the essence of the rule of law principle in international law, ensuring its observance with the help of various United Nations institutions.

Methodological approach. The work uses general scientific methods, in particular analysis and comparison, as well as methods of legal interpretation of the norms of international law.

Results and

Conclusions. The article examines the activities of the UN in the field of the rule of law, the role of the rule of law in the international legal sphere of public relations.

The originality and value of the work lies in identifying the importance of the rule of law in international law, assessing the activities of the UN in the field of the rule of law.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):261-266
pages 261-266 views


Issues of Distinguishing Between the Issuance of a Deliberately Unjust Judicial Decision and Crimes Against the Person (Articles 128 and 154 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Zenina L.


The Purpose of the study. This article discusses current issues of distinguishing the elements of making a knowingly unjust judicial decision from the elements of crimes against the person (Articles 128 and 154 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The author sets himself the goal of developing recommendations for improving the normative regulation and practice of applying the criminal law in terms of qualification of these acts.

Conclusions. The study of the features of the regulation of criminal liability for the issuance of a knowingly unjust judicial decision, as well as the identified problems associated with the qualification of such acts, made it possible to focus on possible areas for improving the current Russian criminal legislation, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of criminal legal counteraction to the issuance of unjust judicial decisions and to differentiate the composition of crimes provided for in Article 305 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, with related offenses against the person.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):267-272
pages 267-272 views

The Impact of Information Technology on the Process of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings

Ramaldanov K.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the exponential growth of information technologies, as well as the analysis of scientific articles by domestic scientists on their development and implementation in criminal proceedings. The study identifies information technologies such as computer vision, a decision support system, and the creation of a computer model of an object. Their practical significance is substantiated.

Results. The paper points to the need for legislative consolidation of the definition of information technology in criminal proceedings, considering the peculiarities of criminal procedural evidence. The author also proposes to supplement the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation with innovative investigative actions.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):273-279
pages 273-279 views

On the Issue of the Effectiveness of the Institute of Tax Benefits (in the Context of the Interaction of Legal and Economic Principles)

Archireeva A.


An assessment of the effectiveness of the current system of tax incentives is necessary from the point of view of optimizing the procedure for preferential taxation, ending the practice of stimulating unpromising areas of activity, providing benefits to certain industries, reorienting towards stimulating energy and resource conservation, greening industry through stimulating scientific, technical and innovative activities. In the context of systematic work to improve the procedure for preferential taxation, an important area of activity is assessing the effectiveness of the provided tax benefits, as well as proper justification for the feasibility of introducing new ones. An important goal that financial management bodies currently face is the study of methodological tools for assessing the effectiveness of tax incentives.

Tasks. Explore methods for assessing the effectiveness of tax incentives and identify problematic aspects of such assessment. In the process of studying the effectiveness of tax incentives, methods of logical and statistical analysis were used. Consider available methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of tax and budget incentive measures. Determine the methodology for calculating the effectiveness of tax benefits. Conduct a study of materials on the use of tax incentives in the Russian Federation for the period 2017-2021. Identify problems in assessing the effectiveness of tax incentives associated with the inaccessibility of many statistical data, as well as methodological and methodological problems.

Conclusions. The quality of the analysis of economic processes is determined by the totality of the effectiveness of the data and methods used. The weakness of standard databases and standard methods for assessing the effectiveness of tax incentives lies in the difficulty of identifying each specific benefit. In addition, benefits can be considered ineffective if they are in little demand by taxpayers; we believe that such benefits should be replaced with more effective ones.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2023;16(7):280-286
pages 280-286 views

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