
Criminal law risks in the provision of medical care
Ilin D.
Definition of the Concept of High-Tech, Innovative Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Sorokina E.
Features of legal regulation remote form of labor organization
Battalova L., Krasheninnikov S.
Problematic issues of implementing a culture of compliance with health, safety and environmental requirements in russia
Isakova A.
Criminological risks of the implementation of the system of continuous remote control and audit of industrial safety
Salikhov M.
On the Question of the Procedural Procedure for the Protection of Honor, Dignity and Business Reputation in Cases When it is Impossible to Identify the Person Who Disseminated Information
Nurbalaeva A., Ukhumaalieva A.
On the issue of the phenomenon of religious fundamentalism: forms of manifestation and generative factors
Aripshev A.
Participation of a Specialist in Working with Computer Traces in the Investigation of Economic Crimes
Komov A.
Theoretical and Legal Analysis of the Conceptual Apparatus in the Field of Construction and Operation of Linear Objects of the Oil and Gas Complex
Kravtsova A.
Legal problems of labeling food products containing components obtained using genetically engineered organisms
Agafonov V.
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