Development of new technologies: Еffect of enzyme compositions on proteolysis in cheese with high second heating temperature

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The article presents the results of studies of the features of casein hydrolysis and the formation of organoleptic characteristics in cheese with a high temperature of the second heating under the in uence of proteolytic enzyme compositions in combination with lipolytic enzyme preparations. These data show that under the in uence of milk-clotting enzyme preparations with a high content of pepsin, the activation of casein hydrolysis occurs. The addition of pregastric lipase also contributes to the intensi cation of enzymatic processes, which has a positive effect on the formation of organoleptic characteristics of cheeses. Thus, it becomes obvious that due to the special selection of enzyme preparations compositions, it is possible to have a directed effect on the process of maturation and the formation of organoleptic characteristics of cheese.

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About the authors

A. V Krieger

A. N Belov

A. D Koval


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