Soft cheese «Globozum»

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Functional properties of probiotic products, including cheese, due to the presence of biologically active ingredients (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, propionic acid bacteria, etc.) that affect on the physiological condition of human body systems. Conducted research on the selection of strains of probiotic microorganisms in the composition of starter cultures for soft cheese, defined the number of beneficial microorganisms during storage of the product. Conducted research on the selection of strains of probiotic microorganisms in the starters for soft cheese, defined by the number of beneficial microorganisms during storage of the product. According to research results, the composition of the bacterial starter cultures included strains of Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Propionibacterium freudenreichii spp. freudenreichii and lactococci. The content of the probiotic micro ora in the cheese during the 10 days was at 106-108 CFU/g. We have developed a «Globozum» technology probiotic soft cheese (Specifications

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