Testing of phage resistance of the bacterial starters’ compositions and concentrates intended for cheese making


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The aim of this work was to ensure stability of the required level of lactic acid process (LAP) in cheese production in conditions of constant phage infection due to application of bacterial preparations selected in the express regime depending on the «situational» associations of phages circulating at the enterprise. The scientic novelty of the work was in the development of an apparatus Express method for monitoring the parameters of population development of the system «phage-bacterial host». Optical and impedance Express methods for testing phage resistance of bacterial phage composition (BPhC) have been worked out. The method has been adapted to the capabilities of the analyzers «Solaris 32» and «BacTruc 4300». Approbation of the developed method on industrial bacterial concentrates in relation to actual phage associations of the cheese-making enterprise has been carried out.




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