Complex technology of processed cheeses and cheese products



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The problem of the processed cheese and processed cheese products intended for special (functional) nutrition manufacturing is discussed in the article. Russian food market as a whole is developing in line with the world trend. It is currently characterized by a wide variety of foods of domestic production and imported ones, i.e. there is a globalization of the food market. The specialists note that in 2014, despite the increase in domestic production of cheese and cheese products, the consumer as a result of signi cant growth in prices over the past year, both on the domestic and on the world market, refuses cheeses in favor of cheaper cheese products. That's why today an important direction is considered to be not only increase of cheese volumes production, but also development of new types of cheese, processed cheese and cheese products, including special (functional) foods. The authors scienti cally substantiated and practically developed a comprehensive technology of processed cheese and cheese products. The rst element is the intensive technology of cheese and cheese curds to melt, which provided the species properties, taste and balanced composition of proteins and fat. All components of the formulations and ingredients of processed cheese and cheese products were experimentally proved in accordance with the functionality. Normative and technical documentation for the elements of the complex technology was developed and approved. Innovations and technological solutions are described in the patents of the RF.




N. Gavrilova

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of High Professional Education «Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin»

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

E. Moliboga

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of High Professional Education «Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin»

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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