Rheological properties of the processed cheese with added roe and milt



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Rheological characteristics of the processed cheese undergo considerable changes at different temperatures. Among the principle rheological properties the most essential effect on the hydro-mechanical and heat processes at the processed cheese production render the viscous characteristics of the cheese. Impacts of various temperature regimes of melting on the rheological characteristics of the processed cheese with added roe and milt of the Baltic herring (sprats) were studied. The study was carried out with the aid of the devise Brookfield DV-II+ that is a program digital viscosimeter showing current recording of dynamic viscosity and limits of uidity. According to the analytical-experimental data it was established that during packaging of the cheese mass in the melted state at the temperature 650C the optimal meanings of the dynamic viscosity and limits of uidity should be 1100cpz and 50 Pa. correspondingly. It was established, that increase of the product melting temperature results in the decrease of the dynamic viscosity of cheese. Gradual lowering of the uidity limit was also observed. Results of the study demonstrated that optimal melting temperature during 10 min. is 85 °C as far as at this value maximum approach of the results both of the dynamic viscosity and uidity limits to the ideal meanings was observed. Microbiological properties were assessed at the accredited microbiological laboratory of the ichthyopathology and hydrobiology chair of the FGBOU VPO «KGTU». The results showed that coli bacteria were not found in 0,1 g, yeasts and moulds did not exceed requirements to the processed cheese. The micro ora of the processed cheese was presented by the thermoresistant types of microorganisms: thermophilous rods and cocci, sporeforming aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The pathogenic micro ora including p. Salmonella and Listeria were not detected in the samples. The regime offered provides microbiological reliability of the product.




E. Lyutova

N. Klyuchko


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