The curds product of the improved food value



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Possibility to add concentrated paste from the Jerusalen artichoke to the product with the aim to improve food value of the nonfat curds was studied. Results of the study show that introduction of the concentrated paste from the Jerusalem artichoke to the nonfat curds improved daily intake of food fibers, minerals and organic acids. New curds product supplemented with the artichoke paste is considered to be a functional food beneficial for people suffering diabetes, obesity and other disease that exclude or limit sugar consumption. Artichoke activates nervous, immune and endocrine systems, improves blood quality. Organic acids present in artichoke possess antioxidantive effect Addition of the artichoke paste fortifies finish product with food fibers, vitamins, micro- and macro-elements and high molecular inulin (320-520 dalton). Presence of inulin (27.45 g per 100g of the product) in the product composition results in the lowering of glucose level in blood. The new product is characterized by medical-preventive properties.




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