Production of brine cheese from reconstituted milk



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Possibility of manufacturing of standardised ossetian type pickled cheese from reconstituted milk is established. It is necessary to carry out ripening of cheese at optimized temperature conditions with use of highly active starter cultures, to increase dosage of rennet on 5-7 %. Sparing modes of curd production and treatment and acidity reduction with the use of hot water addition are also recommended. Developed technology gives the possibility of manufacturing of pickled cheese with high biological value due to whey proteins involvement. This effect promotes to accumulate high concentrations of free amino acids. For example, concentrations of threonine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine and isoleucine reach 35-37 % of total amino acids quantity. This concentration in control sample of cheese was no more than 28-32 %. Total yield of target product increases on 2,5 %.




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