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卷 28, 编号 10 (2021)



Sychev D.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):5-5
pages 5-5 views


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Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):6-9
pages 6-9 views

Potentials for the use of glucocorticosteroids in inpatients with severe COVID-19

Tsvetov V., Matveev A., Mirzaev K., Otdelnov V., Sychev D.


Systemic glucocorticosteroids (GCSs) reduce mortality and prevent disease progression in patients with severe new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and critically ill patients on oxygen support. This has been proven in systematic reviews of clinical trials and is recommended by the guidelines of the WHO, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and health authorities of foreign countries. Systemic GCSs should only be recommended for patients on oxygen support and should not be recommended for patients who do not require oxygen therapy. We have found insufficient studies comparing GCSs with interleukin-6 receptor inhibitors or Janus kinase inhibitors in order to speak of the superiority of this or that strategY., but in the absence of these biological drugs, GCSs can be considered as an alternative for severe COVID-19 patients on oxygen support.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):10-16
pages 10-16 views


Sinopalnikov A.


Cough remains perhaps the most common symptom in the clinical presentation of internal diseases. The article provides information on the epidemiologY., classification of cough according to the duration of the symptom, diagnosis and treatment. Cough assessment is challenging not only for primary care physicians, but also for pulmonologists, allergists and otolaryngologists. Algorithms for examining patients are described. An organized approach, which begins with classification, turns out to be globally high-demand and effective when carrying out a complex of diagnostic studies in a coughing patient.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):17-23
pages 17-23 views

“Methotrexate lung”: a look at the problem today

Trofimenko I., Chernyak B.


Methotrexate, as the primary drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), has potential pneumopathic effects. «Methotrexate lung» refers to a rare complication of methotrexate therapY., but is characterized by a high mortality rate. The diagnosis of methotrexate pneumopathy (M-pneumopathy) is based on the integration of clinical and radiological findings and is a diagnosis of exclusion. In clinical practice, it is rather difficult to distinguish M-pneumopathy from lung damage in RA and infectious complications without a detailed examination. The «triad» of methotrexate, interstitial lung disease (ILD), and RA has been the subject of debate and controversy over the many years. On the one hand, there is evidence of an increased risk of M-pneumopathy in patients with previous ILD, on the other hand, there are accumulating results of studies indicating the protective effect of methotrexate on the risk of ILD in RA patients.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):24-33
pages 24-33 views

The place and role of a therapist and general practitioner in the management of comorbid patients during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19): an emphasis on nonspecific prevention

Trukhan D., Davydov E.


The National Consensus 2020 «Features of management of comorbid patients during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)» notes that the problem of managing comorbid patients in a pandemic requires an integrated approach aimed at optimal management of comorbid conditions both in patients who are in self-isolation with forced restrictions on visits to medical institutions, and in patients with COVID-19. The global clinical experience in the management of comorbid patients with a new coronavirus infection gained over the past year makes it possible to highlight a number of other pressing problems. This review addresses the issues of specific and non-specific prevention of COVID-19 using vitamin and mineral complexes, probiotics and rebamipide.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):34-45
pages 34-45 views

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia in children in the focus of phenotype-associated candidate gene polymorphisms

Vyazovaya I., Khishtilova P.


A literature review is dedicated to the analysis of the studies considering the influence of genetic polymorphisms of the genes of surfactant proteins, vitamin D receptor, matrix metalloproteinases, and immune inflammation factors as candidates for the implementation of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in children, as well as affecting the variants of the course and possible outcomes of the disease. The collection of information was carried out using search information search systems and library databases by analyzing and interpreting the material. The data presented in the review dictate the need for further detailed study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of BPD in the focus of phenotype-associated candidate gene polymorphisms, which will expand the understanding of the pathogenetic links of BPD, specify the variants of genetic variabilitY., taking into account the severity and outcomes of the disease.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):46-51
pages 46-51 views

Oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) breathing exerciser trainers in airway clearance therapy for patients with respiratory diseases

Babak S., Gorbunova M., Malyavin A.


Oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) breathing exerciser trainers are portable medical devices for non-drug therapy that enhance mobilization and improve drainage of sputum and mucus from the airways of hypersecreting patients. In most respiratory diseases, especially those accompanied by hypersecretion, drainage and secret expectoration significantly improve pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange, reduce the severity of dyspnea, reduce the number of repeated exacerbations and hospitalizations, and improve the quality of life. We analyzed the available OPEP devices for their effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and benefit for patients based on available clinical studies and formulated proposals for the inclusion of some OPEP devices in airway clearance therapy regimens for patients with respiratory diseases.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):52-58
pages 52-58 views

Vnimaniyu avtorov!

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Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):58-58
pages 58-58 views

Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in selective surgery of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Edzhe M., Ovchinnikov A., Semiletova D.


A review of modern generalizing data considering the principles and tactics of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in elective surgery is presented. Analysis of the literature indicates that perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is one of the proven ways to prevent surgical site infection and is an integral part of the concept of «Fast Track surgery», which is a set of principles aimed at accelerating various stages of the treatment process. Otorhinolaryngological surgeries require adherence to the established principles of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis; however, it is necessary to take into account the features of the microbiota of the ENT organs, which affects the choice of the optimal prophylactic antibiotic. It is not possible to assess the state of the issue of antibiotic prophylaxis in surgical otorhinolaryngology and its compliance with international recommendations based on literature data due to the small number of studies with a sufficient level of evidence.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Rehabilitation of patients after surgery of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The effectiveness of different irrigation methods

Ovchinnikov A., Edzhe M., Khon E., Marasanova E.


Background. Surgery of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (PNS) have become part of the routine practice of otorhinolaryngo-logical departments. One of the main points in postoperative management is nasal irrigation (NI), or irrigation-elimination therapY., with different elimination activity. Most often, NI is understood as the use of saline solutions with different osmolarity. Objective. Evaluation of the effectiveness of various modes of irrigation therapy (IT) in patients after elective surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and PNS. Methods. The study included 211 patients who underwent elective surgery at the Otorhinolaryngology Department of the Clinical Medical Center, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. All patients underwent IT., the duration of which ranged from 1 to 3 months. Results. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of IT in the postoperative period in patients who underwent surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and PNS. The hypertonic saline had a pronounced anti-congestive effecT., and therefore during the first 7 days after the onset of IT with this solution the indicators of the clinical picture were significantly better. Conclusion. The “ideal" IT regimen involves the use of a gentle irrigation of hypertonic saline for the first 7 days after removing the tampons, and then - intensive irrigation with isotonic saline for 1 month. This treatment regimen is characterized by the absence of side effects in the form of periodic nosebleeds, contributes to the maintenance of optimal subjective hydration of the nasal cavitY., softening and elimination of crusts and allows to achieve rehabilitation after surgical treatment in a shorter time.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Possibilities of using anti-cytokine drugs for inflammatory dermatoses in HIV-positive patients

Evdokimov E., Ponezheva Z., Svechnikova E., Sundukov A.


The use of anticytokine drugs for the reversible blocking of an overproduction of certain cytokines is a highly promising direction in medicine. In particular, the use of targeted therapy for inflammatory dermatoses requiring systemic treatment is also in this direction. At the same time, the immunological features of the course of inflammatory dermatoses in HIV-infected patients remain a poorly studied issue. The review article analyzes the identified immunological features in patients with inflammatory dermatoses (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis) with HIV infection, describes possible common points of application of modern biological drugs aimed at treating inflammatory dermatoses, taking into account the possible impact on the course of HIV infection. In addition, the authors ask about the effect of the ongoing anticytokine therapy of autoimmune dermatoses in HIV-infected patients on a possible change in the sensitivity and effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in this category of patients. It is known that from 5 to 30% of HIV-infected patients practically do not respond to antiretroviral therapy. As an example of the effectiveness of the treatment of inflammatory dermatoses, the experience of using interleukin blockers in a limited number of foreign publications is presented.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Surgical tactics for osteomas of the paranasal sinuses in the practice of an otorhinolaryngologist

Ovchinnikov A., Edzhe M., Marasanova E.


Background. Osteoma is a slowly growing tumor of bone tissue. This is the most common benign neoplasm of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, which is detected in 3% of the population. Osteomas located in the frontal sinuses, the roof of the ethmoid labyrinth and the frontal pocket are usually clinically more significant than other localizations due to the tendency to block the nasolabial anastomosis, spread into the orbit or cranial cavitY., which leads to complications. In this case, when choosing treatment tactics, preference should be given to the complete surgical removal of the neoplasm. Methods with external approach and endoscopic endonasal methods are used for the treatment. Objective. Assessment of the efficacy and safety of the endoscopic endonasal method for removing the ethmoidal labyrinth osteoma adjacent to the skull base. Methods. The study included 17 patients with a diagnosis of PNS osteoma, who were treated in the Otorhinolaryngology Department of the Clinical Medical Center. The group consisted of 7 men and 10 women. In 9 (52.9%) patients, the osteoma was localized in the ethmoidal sinus. All patients underwent surgical removal of the osteoma. In the vast majority of patients - 14 (82.3%), the tumor was removed using the endoscopic transnasal approach. In 3 (17.6%) cases of giant frontal sinus osteomas, an external approach was used. Results. There were no complications during the inpatient stage; the postoperative period was uneventful. The clinical condition improved in all patients. No tumor recurrence was observed in any of the cases. Conclusion. The transnasal endoscopic approach for PNS osteomas is the method of choice for tumors up to 3 cm in diameter, localized in the ethmoidal labyrinth, on the inferolateral wall of the maxillary sinus and on the posterior wall of the frontal sinus near its anastomosis. The method allows for total removal of the tumor, safe controlled surgery in terms of blood loss and damage to critical neurovascular structures and provides a good cosmetic effect.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Targeted therapy of bronchial asthma in children: clinical experience

Sergienko D., Shilova A., Ilyenkova N.


Background. Despite significant progress in studying the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma (BA), the emergence of knowledge about the disease phenotypes and the development of new pharmacological drugs with the formation of a personalized approach to the therapY., there is a steady trend towards an increase in patients with an uncontrolled course of the disease. According to the guidelines (GINA 2019), in order to achieve control in patients with moderate and severe asthma in the absence of effectiveness of medium-to-high dose of inhaled glucocorticosteroids (IGCS) in combination with long-acting ß2-agonists and/or antileukotriene drugs, the inclusion of genetically engineered anti-IgE drug omalizumab is recommended. Objective. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the genetically engineered drug omalizumab in baseline therapy in children with moderate and severe BA in the city of Astrakhan Methods. The study included 14 patients aged 6 to 17 years (mean age 10.8±2.1 years) with BA who were treated with genetically engineered drug omalizumab in baseline therapy. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of medical records and a survey of patients and their parents according to the developed questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of three blocks of questions. Results. The data obtained indicate that 69.2% of patients achieved stable disease control the in the form of the absence of both nocturnal and daytime asthma attacks (for several months to year), satisfactory exercise tolerance and low demand for short-acting ß2-agonists. In 30.8% of patients, partial disease control was observed, which was expressed in the persistence of mild daytime and nocturnal symptoms 1-2 times per month. The disease control was reflected by indicators of the ACT tesT., which ranged from 18 to 25 points in all patients. Against the background of treatment with omalizumab, a decrease in the volume of baseline anti-inflammatory therapy in the form of a reduction in the dose of IGCS due to long-term drug remission and a high level of disease control was performed in 11 patients (84.6%). The following local and general adverse reactions were noted against the background of use of omalizumab: mild headache and dizziness, mild hyperemia and edema at the injection site. Conclusion. The results of study proved that the use of recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody omalizumab as part of the baseline anti-inflammatory therapy for moderate and severe BA leads to significant decrease in the frequency of exacerbations and the number of emergency calls for medical care, allows to reduce the dose of IGCS, to increase the parameters of pulmonary function, which characterizes achieving asthma control and improving the quality of life of patients.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Antibiotic therapy for community-acquired pneumonia: what’s new?

Sinopalnikov A.


Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains a common and potentially life-threatening disease. The availability of new antibiotics opens up opportunities for expanding empirical therapy for patients with CAP caused by drug-resistant pathogens. However, it is necessary to make sure that the new antibiotics are effective and well tolerated by patients, as well as that their use is advisable in terms of minimizing the risk of developing antibiotic resistance. The success of CAP treatment depends on the urgent use of antibiotics that are effective against probable pathogens; physicians should take into account the severity of the course of the disease and the prevailing regional characteristics of antibiotic resistance in the process of choosing the appropriate treatment tactics.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):84-92
pages 84-92 views

Possibilities of combined bronchodilator therapy in the complex treatment of patients with comorbid pathology: focusing on patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Bagisheva N., Mordyk A., Viktorova I., Trukhan D., Nesterova K., Moiseeva M., Batishcheva T., Aroyan A.


Background. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) are socially significant diseases with a high socio-economic burden. The combination of these diseases in one patient increases the likelihood of their mutual complication, which determines the importance of using effective and safe therapy for each of them to improve the results of their treatment. Objective. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of using tiotropium bromide and olodaterol/tiotropium as supporting therapy for the correction of broncho-obstructive syndrome in patients with TB+COPD comorbid pathology. Methods. A prospective comparative study included 62 patients with TB + COPD aged 18 to 75 years, Me (25; 75) 58.0 (48.0; 65.0) years. 56 (90.3±3.8%) patients were diagnosed with Infiltrative TB, 3 (4.8±2.7%) patients - focal TB, 2 (3.2±2.2%) patients - fibrocavernous TB, and 1 (1.6±1.6%) patient - with disseminated TB. COPD: category B - 41 (66.1±6.0%), C - 6 (9.7±3.8%), D - 15 (24.2±5.4%) patients; there were no category A patients among included in the study. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n=31) along with TB chemotherapy received DDAC (tiotropium bromide - Tb in handichaler and respimat) 18 pg/day or 2.5 pg 2 doses once a daY., group 2 (n=31) received LAAC/LABA (tiotropium bromide/olodaterol - Tb/O in the respimat) 2.5/2.5 pg 2 doses once a day. Results. There was a positive trend in the severity of dyspnea, CAT tesT., spirometry indicators in the both observation groups. Against the background of use of each drug, a statistically significant decrease in dyspnea according to the MRC scale was achieved in 3 months; by 1 point on from 3.0 to 2.0 points against the background of LAAC (Tb) (Z=2.19; P=0.000) and LAAC/LABA (Tb/O) (Z=3.92; P=0.000), respectively. The increase in FEV1, 1 l for 3 months of therapy with LAAC (Z=3.81; P=0.000) and LAAC/LABA (Z=4.70; P=0.000) per 300 ml in groups, respectively. According to the CAT tesT., a statistically significant benefit in favor of the combined bronchodilator LAAC/LABA was obtained (in group 1, a decrease to 10 points, in group 2 - to 12 points [Z=2.013; P=0.044]). The efficacy of TB therapY., assessed by smear negative reaction after 6 months of follow-up: 88.2% of cases in group 1 (LAAC) versus 94.1% in group 2 (LAAC/LABA), respectively (x2=2.22; P=0.528), cessation of bacterial excretion: 77.8 and 80.0% in groups 1 and 2, respectively (X2=0.608; P=0.896), and closure of decay cavities: 66.7 and 65% in groups 1 and 2 (x2=0.207; P=0.977) was higher in patients receiving combined bronchodilator therapy with LAAC/ LABA. Conclusion. The use of the Tb/O (Spiolto Respimat) 2.5/2.5, combined LAAC/LABA drug with a long 24-hour action, in the complex therapy of broncho-obstructive syndrome in patients with TB+COPD is effective and reasonable, because allows not only to improve the general condition of patients, but also to increase the effectiveness and reduce the duration of TB treatment by increasing treatment adherence.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):93-98
pages 93-98 views

Medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment of patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19

Achabaeva A., Teuvazhukova D., Kuchmezova F., Kalmykov I., Gelyastanov I.


Background. Patients with COVID-19 have varying degrees of impairment in respiratorY., physiological and psychological functions, and an individual, but at the same time, generally accepted therapy should be selected for each of them. However, as before, there is no qualitative evidence confirming the effectiveness of methods of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment for patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Objective. Analysis and discussion of strategies for medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment for patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Methods. The literature search was conducted from July 1 to August 1, 2021 using PubMed, Medline, PubMed Central, ScienceDirecT., Google Scholar. Articles describing clinical features, epidemiology of COVID-19, COVID-19 without rehabilitation, rehabilitation protocols and the consequences of COVID-19 were excluded. Results. Database search revealed 95 studies; of these, 26 were delexludedeted after review of the full text. Out of a sample of 39 published articles, only one was a randomized controlled trial from China that documented the effectiveness of respiratory rehabilitation in elderly people with COVID-19 discharged from hospital. Conclusion. Medical rehabilitation protocols should be individualized depending on the specific condition of the patient. Effective inclusion of respiratory rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment for COVID-19 survivors will accelerate their functional recovery and prevent future complications.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):99-102
pages 99-102 views

Do we know all about acetylcysteine?

Klyachkina I.


Symptomatic therapY., including antipyretics, plays center stage in the treatment of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The safest drug is paracetamol, which is included in outpatient treatment regimens for a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Paracetamol is considered a well-tolerated drug, however, despite this facT., there is a steady increase in the number of reported cases of paracetamol-induced hepatic intoxication worldwide every year. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is approved by FDA and therefore recognized by the WHO as an essential drug widely used in the treatment of paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):103-110
pages 103-110 views

Potential clinically significant drug interactions of drugs with green tea

Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O., Filippova A.


No drug is absolutely safe, due to the risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Serious ADRs that increase the risk of death or mortality and / or morbidity and / or require hospitalization are called drug-induced diseases. Often, drug-induced diseases can be prevented by adjusting modifiable risk factors including potential interactions with food (GT - for example green tea). GT has a complex chemical composition, including polyphenols (~30% dry weight), proteins (~15% dry weight), amino acids (~4% dry weight), dietary fiber (~26% dry weight), carbohydrates (~7% dry weight), fats (~7% dry weight), pigments (~2% dry weight), minerals (~5% dry weight). Polyphenolic compounds in PP contain many catechins, including epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), epicatechin-3-gallate, epicatechin and epigallocatechin. The content of EGCG in the GT is associated with various types of drug interactions. Also, methylxanthines (including caffeine) and purine alkaloids contained in the GT can interact with drugs. This article provides an overview of open literature sources on the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic types of interactions between drugs and components of GT.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):111-116
pages 111-116 views

The place of Cetraria islandica in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infection

Klyachkina I.


Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are a large etiologically heterogeneous group of infectious diseases occurring with damage to the upper and lower respiratory tract. The development of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in ARVI significantly increases the sensitivity of the cough receptors, which decreases when the inflammation is stopped. The new concept of the pathogenesis of cough as a manifestation of hypersensitivity assumes that the basis of treatment is drugs that demonstrate both anti-inflammatory and antitussive properties. As a rule, phytopreparations intended for the treatment of cough have such a combination of effects. These drugs are more effective, they are characterized by prolonged and multidirectional pharmacological action.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):117-123
pages 117-123 views

Experience of using dupilumab in the treatment of severe bronchial asthma: a clinical case

Sergeeva G., Tsukanova I., Demyanova T., Emelyanov A.


Background. Treatment of patients with severe bronchial asthma (BA) using immunobiological drugs requires determination of BA phenotypes and endotypes based on the clinical features of the disease and biological markers. CurrentlY., 5 biological drugs are registered in the Russian Federation for the treatment of patients with the T2 endotype of the disease, which can manifest itself as atopic, eosinophilic, hormone-dependent BA phenotypes, or their combination. The experience of using monoclonal antibodies against interleukin 4/13 (dupilumab) for additional treatment of severe AD in real clinical practice is relatively small. Description of the clinical case. The article presents an experience of 1-year use of dupilumab (600 mg starting dose, then 300 mg every 2 weeks) in a patient with a severe hormone-dependent atopic eosinophilic BA, uncontrolled by high doses of inhaled glucocorticoids in combination with long-acting inhaled ß2-adrenomimetics, anticholinergics, and oral steroids, with initially elevated levels of exhaled nitric oxide and low lung function. Conclusion. During the treatment with dupilumab, there was a significant improvement in the control of the disease and the patient’s quality of life, a decrease in the dose of oral glucocorticoids by more than 2 times, and a significant decrease in the use of health care resources.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):124-128
pages 124-128 views

Fibrous dysplasia of the paranasal sinuses: a clinical case

Edzhe M., Ovchinnikov A., Kulakov O., Semiletova D.


Background. Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign medullarY., sporadic fibro-bone lesion of the skeleton, which requires surgical treatment in case of impaired function of neighboring organs or compression of critical structures. Description of the clinical case. Patient K., 59 years old with complaints of impaired nasal breathing, postnasal drip of mucoid discharge into the pharynx and recurrent headache localized in the frontal and parietal regions, was admitted for elective surgical treatment to the Clinical Medical Center of the A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Computed tomography of the head revealed FD with damage to the sphenoid bone, deformity of the sella turcica, and nonspecific inflammatory changes in the sinuses. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed a displacement of the nasal septum to the left by a large fibrous node located in the right half of the nasal cavity and occupying almost all of its space. Results. A transnasal endoscopic approach to the tumor node was performed. The node was fragmented and removed. As a result of the surgerY., no defects in the skull base, orbit and posterior wall of the maxillary sinus were observed. Conclusion. The transnasal endoscopic method of removing solitary nodes in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses allows to restore the functions of the ENT organs in a short time and to avoid external incisions typical for open surgery.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):129-132
pages 129-132 views

Widespread scrofuloderma and disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis associated with HIV infection

Bitkina O., Shprykov A., Temnova I., Derpalyuk E., Kuchina L., Gabasov I.


Background. Scrofuloderma is a widespread form of skin tuberculosis characterized by a special clinical picture. The course of tuberculosis against the background of HIV infection is characterized by extreme severity and atypicalitY., and extrapulmonary lesions are often formed. Description of the clinical case. The article presents an observation of a clinical case of scrofuloderma in a 35-year-old patient who was diagnosed with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV infection in the course of a diagnostic search. Conclusion: The simultaneous presence of HIV and tuberculosis in a patient affects the symptoms and development of diseases, significantly increasing the incidence of extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis.
Pharmateca. 2021;28(10):133-139
pages 133-139 views