
Smirnova, M D

栏目 标题 文件
卷 9, 编号 4 (2012) Articles The availability of a home tonometer as a factor that increases therapy compliance in outpatients with arterial hypertension
卷 11, 编号 2 (2014) Articles National questionnaire of treatment compliance:testing and application in outpatient practice PDF
卷 11, 编号 2 (2014) Articles Efficacy and safety of amlodipine and perindopril (Prestance) fixed combination in patients with arterial hypertension during the summer heat PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (2014) Articles Education and self-education of the patients is an important step towards increasing patients acceptance of therapy PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (2014) Articles Psychosomatic Aspects of Low Adherence to Antihypertensive Therapy in Patients with Arterial Hypertension HTML
卷 11, 编号 3 (2014) Articles The impact of fixed combination of amlodipine and perindopril (drug Prestance)on the mechanisms of heat adaptation in patients with arterial hypertension PDF
卷 12, 编号 4 (2015) Articles Using meldonium to improve adaptation of patients with hypertension and pre-diabetes to influence of heat PDF
卷 13, 编号 2 (2016) Articles Prognostic factors of cardiovascular complications during the heatwave of 2010 (cohort observational study) PDF
卷 13, 编号 4 (2016) Articles A fixed combination of amlodipine and losartan: effectiveness and safety in abnormal weather conditions in patients with arterial hypertension PDF
卷 14, 编号 3 (2017) Articles The influence of Losartanum and Amlodipinum fixed combination use on cardiovascular complications risk factors seasonal variability in patients with arterial hypertension PDF
卷 8, 编号 4 (2011) Articles Vliyanie anomal'noy zhary leta 2010 g. na sostoyanie zdorov'ya kardiologicheskikh bol'nykh i taktika praktikuyushchikh vrachey ambulatorno-poliklinicheskogo zvena (po dannym anketirovaniya 215 vrachey poliklinik Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti)
