
Treatment of dyslipidemia using inclisiran in a case series of patients after kidney and liver transplantation
Kordonova O., Gubarev K., Frolova N., Svetlakova D., Voskanyan S., Artyukhina L.
Difficulties in diagnosing and treating recurrent aHUS in a modern hospital setting
Popov S., Yesayan A., Guseynov R., Perepelitsa V., Vorobyova O., Sadovnikova A.
Features of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease in the elderly
Nikolaev A., Ermolenko V.
Neoplastic disease of the transplanted kidney
Yankovoy A., Prokopenko E., Sinyutin A., Stepanov V.
Papillary renal cell carcinoma of own kidneys associated with acquired cystosis kidney disease in the renal transplant recipient
Yankovoy A., Gurevich L., Bespalova E.
Transplantation of kidney with double ureter
Yankovoy A., Stepanov V., Sinyutin A.
Fibroblast growth factor type 23 and chronic kidney disease
Nimgirova A., Esayan A., Kayukov I.
Renal cell carcinoma in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment
Lubennikov A., Trushkin R., Berezhnaya E., Isaev T., Morozov N., Medvedev P., Kolesnikov N.
Angiomyolipoma of own recipient’s kidney after allotransplantation of cadaveric kidney
Yankovoy A., Sinyutin A., Stepanov V.
Modern aspects of renal transplantation as a variant of renal replacement therapy
Krstich M., Zul'karnaev A.
Valganciclovir in cytomegalovirus prophylaxis in renal transplant recipients
Prokopenko E., Shcherbakova E., Vatazin A., Yankovski A., Pasov S., Stepanov V., Artemov D.
Economic evaluation of renal replacement therapy strategies in Moscow
Antonov A., Bezdenezhnykh T., Trifonova A., Kotenko O., Omelyanovskiy V., Musina N.
Nephrolithiasis of transplanted kidney
Yankovoy A., Ivanov A., Urenkov S.
Organ-preserving surgery of tumor lesions in transplanted kidney
Jankovoj A., Prokopenko E., Bazaev V., Vatazin A., Kazanceva I., Gurevich L., Urenkov S., Sinjutin A., Stepanov V.
Successful treatment of segmental mesenteric thrombosis in renal transplant recipient
Yankovoy A., Zulkarnaev A., Sinyutin A., Stepanov V.
Plasmapheresis in controlling of the severity of ischemia-reperfusion damage of renal transplant
Vatazin A., Siniutin A., Zul'karnaev A., Kantaria R., Krstich M.
Tong-term clinical results of the use of photopheresis as a prophylaxis of renal allograft rejection
Fayenko A., Zulkarnaev A., Fedulkina V., Kantaria R., Kildyushevsky A., Vatazin A.
Assessment of aortal stenosis severity in a patient with a functioning arterovenous fistula (dinical observation from practice and brief literature review)
Zeltyn-Abramov E., Kotenko O., Belavina N., Sokolova N., Artyukhina L., Iskhakov R.
Tsalman A., Vatazin A., Vasilenko I., Metelin V., Vyshenskaya T.
State of renal replacement therapy for chronic kidney disease in Moscow in 2015-2020
Kotenko O., Vasina N., Marchenkova L., Lysenko M.
Simultaneous cancer in renal transplant recipient
Yankovoi A., Prokopenko E., Gurevich L., Zul’karnaev A., Maister T.
Therapeutic tactics in tertiary hyperparathyroidism after renal transplantation (Review and clinical observations)
Vetchinnikova O., Kantariya R.
Subsequent successful pregnancy and unusual course of preeclampsia in a patient with renal allograft
Prokopenko E., Nikolskaya I., Vatazin A., Novikova S., Gurieva V., Yankovoy A., Shcherbakova E.
Successful treatment of massive hemoperitoneum after transcutaneous fine-needle puncture biopsy of the graft
Yankovoy A., Sinyutin A., Stepanov V.
New coronavirus infection COVID-19 in a patient after kidney allotransplantation
Frolova N., Usatyuk S., Artyukhina L., Kotenko O., Mayorov V., Lysenko M.
Kidney transplantation in a patient after traumatic ligation of the inferior vena cava
Yankovoy A., Sinyutin A., Stepanov V.
Posttransplatation predictors of results of kidney transplantation
Stolyar A., Budkar L., Klimusheva N., Solodushkin S., Tomilina N.
Coupled plasma filtration adsorption in the treatment of s sepsis in patients after kidney transplantation
Vatazin A., Zul'karnaev A., Krstich M., Kantarija R.
Stress-induced cardiomyopathy in a patient with a fulminant course of COVID-19 early after a kidney allotransplantation
Zeltyn-Abramov E., Belavina N., Frolova N., Artyukhina L., Podkorytova O., Varyasin V., Parshin V., Maksimov I., Evsyukov O., Shishchenko E.
Predicting Outcomes of Renal Transplantation
Stolyar A., Budkar’ L., Solodushkin S.
Long-term results of coupled plasma filtration adsorption in the treatment of renal transplant ischemia reperfusion injury
Vatazin A., Zulkarnaev A., Shahov N., Krstich M., Kantarija R.
Interleukin-6 in development of ishemia-reperfusion syndorme and renal transplant rejection
Vatazin A., Zul'karnaev A., Astakhov P., Vasilenko I., Krstich M., Artemov D.
Kliniko-geneticheskaya geterogennost' pervichnoy giperoksalurii 1-go tipa
Papizh S., Prikhodina L., Zakharova E., Nagel M.
Squamous cell cancer in renal transplant recipients: a real threat?
Perlin D., Dymkov I., Shamkhalov S., Perlina A., Kulikov P.
Scientific worldview of Academician S.R. Mirotvortseva (1878-1949) (on the 140th
Morgoshiya T.
Reconstruction of ureteropelvic junction of allotransplantated kidney using contralateral ureter
Sinyutin A., Yankovoy A., Smolyakov A., Granki V.
The Global Role of Kidney Transplantation
Gul'ermo Garsiya Garsiya -., Pol Kharden -., Dzheremi Chapmen -., Guillermo Garcia Garcia -., Paul Harden -., Jeremy Chapman -.
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