Vol 11, No 3 (2012)



Romashin O.V., Lyadov K.V., Makarova M.R., Preobrazhenskiy V.Y.


This article is devoted to the organizing system of health – improvement physical culture, its possibilities in making healthier the population of Russia in rehabilitation of patients. Making healthier, health – improvement physical culture, rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):2-5
pages 2-5 views

Regional'nye osobennosti mikroelementnogo statusa cheloveka na Severe

Lugovaya E.A., Maksimov A.L.


The studied in the paper is the profiles of element interrelation observed in the young males residing in coastal and continental areas of Magadan region. Found that, the maximal number of correlations is formed by essential elements as differed from conventionally essential or elements with a poorly learned role. All that apparently provides an optimal structure of the body biotic macro-microelement balance. The revealed deficit in Ca, Co, Cu, and I as well as excess in Si can be considered as a common North-specific peculiarity of Magadan region young males’ element status while deficit in Mg, Mn, P, Se, and Zn is typical for the coastal area residents. The continental area residents mostly demonstrate the excess in Zn, P, Fe, Mn, and Cr.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):6-8
pages 6-8 views

Polisistemnoe sanogeneticheskoe obsledovanie rabotnikov sudoremontnogo predpriyatiya v Zapolyar'e

Arkhipova E.N., Alchinova I.B., Cherepov A.B., Saenko S.A., Zaytsev G.K., Karganov M.Y.


Any stable fixation of the pathological trace is preceded by processes of dysregulation of the corresponding functions. The most probable pathological outcomes can be predicted on the basis of the results of polysystemic sanogenetic monitoring by detecting dysregulation in certain systems of the organism (cardiorespiratory, psychomotor, and metabolism systems). Monitoring is carried out using computerized measurement instrumentation and data processing systems, which provides the basis for strict quantitative assessment of the dynamics of risk for the studied populations. The risks assessment goes from the instrument of control to the rank of controlled processes, which is the basis for successful operation of potentially hazardous industries. Device complex and methodological approaches have been tested during screening examination of workers of the nuclear fuel plant
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Metodika otsenki funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya psikhomotornoy regulyatsii u bol'nykh so spinnomozgovoy travmoy

Kavalerskiy G.M., Ternovoy K.S., Bogachev V.Y., Romanchuk A.P., Nikushkina N.E., Lebedeva M.A.


The features of psychomotor coordination and sensorimotor reactivity were examined in patients with spinal cervical and/or thoracic injury. Decreases of the tested movement speed and the rate of accuracy and the disturbances in function of sensorimotor error correction were found out. In the same patients adequate parameters of attention and sensorimotor timing responses to visual and auditory stimuli were detected. Thus the revealed adaptive functional reorganization in psychomotor regulation may indemnify for neurological deficits in patients with spinal injury.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):12-15
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Osobennosti ispol'zovaniya shkal gamil'tona i gotlanda v diagnostike depressivnykh sostoyaniy u patsientov s sotsial'no-stressovymi rasstroystvami

Tovsultanova M.S., Malakhovskiy V.V.


The article describes the concept of social-stress disorder, the clinical significance of such of its manifestations as depression. The authors had shown that the scale of Gotland allows you to identify a major depressive episode with comparable with the scale of assessment of the Hamilton depression performance, using less time. That represents one of the possible solutions to urgent diagnostic tasks. The data can be useful for practitioners, in the practice of which there are patients with social - stress-related disorders.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):16-17
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Osobennosti temperamental'nykh kachestv lits s raznym urovnem vnushaemosti

Pakov M.M.


This paper describes a study of typological features 127 students of Moscow university of humanities with different levels of suggestibility. Determining the level of suggestibility was conducted individually, in the ordinary state of consciousness by V.Zvonikov`s technique with stabilometry. By the nature of psychomotor response to the suggestion of all the subjects were divided into 3 groups: high (36.2%), medium (33.9%) and low-inspired persons (29.9%). Studying of typological features of students of the allocated groups was carried out with use of «A questionnaire of structure of temperament» V. M. Rusalov's (OST) and G. Ayzenk's (EPI) questionnaire. It was found that students with different levels of suggestibility have significant differences in expression and structure indicators such as social and object: plasticity, emotion and pace of activity, and also on indicators of adaptability, an extraversion-introversion and a neuroticism. It allowed to establish that high-inspired persons mainly have lines of the sanguine person phlegmatic person, medium-inspired persons of line of the sanguine person, and low-inspired – have lines of the melancholiac phlegmatic person.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Lazeropunkturnaya korrektsiya psikho-emotsional'nykh narusheniy u bol'nykh ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa i neyrotsirkulyatornoy distoniey

Il'ina O.V., Kudaeva L.M.


Laseropuncture by infrared laser for correction psycho - emotional disorders of patients with angina pectoris and cardiopsychoneurosis was used in present investigations. Two groups of patients were treated with semiconductors infrared laser «Biospec» BS LD - 774 - 220 with wavelength 774 nm. Similar groups of patients with routine medicine treatments were compared. Psychological and psychiatric status was the criteria of efficiency of both kinds of therapies. Data obtained let to recommend this method to get the best results in tre of patients with angina pectoris and cardiopsychoneurosis
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):21-23
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Programmy i tekhnologii ranney profilaktiki narusheniy nervno-psikhicheskogo razvitiya detey grupp perinatal'nogo riska

Tulenkova T.E., Khan M.A.


The article offers information about perinatal risk factors and about the necessity of providing risk-group children with comprehensive care as soon as possible. In addition to traditional methods of children’s reabilitation with perinatal pathology in policlinics there may be technologies that were developed in Children's Healthcare Centre in Reutov, Moscow Area
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):23-26
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Moduliruyushchaya rol' biogennykh elementov i aminokislot v syvorotke krovi zhenshchin s dobrokachestvennymi zabolevaniyami molochnykh zhelez

Tarkhanov A.A., Dorofeev A.V., Koval'chuk L.A.


Diagnostics and treating lactic gland diseases is presently an urgent problem. Mammary gland benign tumor is a widespread disease. 20 to 60% women have various forms of mastopathy. Mastopathy is the background for the possible development of mammary gland cancer. We estimated the contents of macro- and microelements and amino acids in the blood serum of somatically healthy women and cases of various mastopathy forms. All diagnoses were histologically supported. In cases of mammary gland phybroadenoma the levels of Zn and Ca, Fe and Mn were significantly higher in the blood serum – an evidence of a possible role of these essential microelements in the mastopathy development (p<0,05). The results obtained conclude of a relationship between biogenic elements and a number of amino acids in the blood of ill women. Estimation of correlationships between the contents of amino acids and biogenic elements in the blood serum of patients with benign tumors of mammary gland may be used in diagnostics and prognosis.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):27-30
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Biomekhanicheskaya korrektsiya vertebrogennykh narusheniy u ranenykh s posledstviyami boevoy travmy verkhney konechnosti

Belyakin S.A., Yudin V.E., Edelev D.A., Burlak A.M.


This article discusses the effectiveness of methods for biomechanical correction inthe rehabilitative treatment of vertebral complications in up to 40 wounded soldiers from combat injuries of the upper extremities at a late stage of the hospital in timefrom 1.5 to 2 years after injury. The main pathological changes were localized zone of cardiothoracic junction and thoracic spine. As a result, the overall treatment ofthe mobility of the spine in the sagittal plane in the intervention group increased by 20%, and in control - at 5%. Maximum isometric muscle strength increased in the intervention group: lumbar flexors at 30%, lumbar extensors - 25%, muscles, spinerotation absorbing - 35% of the wounded in the control - to change the dynamic parameters have been identified.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):31-33
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Effektivnost' raznykh metodov lechebnoy fizkul'tury v kompleksnoy terapii bol'nykh koksartrozom

Cheraneva S.V., Chizhov P.A.


At 99 patients with osteoarthritis of coxofemoral joints the efficiency of such methods of regenerative medicine, as physiotherapy exercises in the form of group and individual employment, hydrocinesiatrics and universal gymnastic installation of the Leningrad type was investigated. Essential reduction of expressiveness of a painful syndrome, functional infringements, an adynamy, alarm and depression against the complex therapy including hydrocinesiatrics and universal gymnastic installation of the Leningrad type was established.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):33-35
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Izuchenie riskov vozniknoveniya serdechno-sosudistykh zabolevaniy i osteoporoza v reabilitatsii zhenshchin posle khirurgicheskoy menopauzy

Mitrokhina T.V., Voevodina I.V., Maychuk E.Y., Moiseenko S.V., Yureneva S.V.


The assessment of total risk is a necessary component in individual prevention and should be considered when developing recommendations in preventive cardiology and in practice of a physician. It’s especially in a small cohort of the patients with surgical menopause, using or not hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and having similar characteristics on major factors, influencing to the remote оf cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and osteoporotic fractures. When surgical menopause occurs in reproductive-age women, HRT is a basic means of correcting their lost function. To specify the cardiovascular system and bone mineral density (BMD) in relation to the use of HRT, examination were made in 87 women with surgical menopause, it has included 50 women, receiving HRT (this group was study during more then 10-years period) and 37 women without HRT. Research of level of BMD was carried out by means of a dichromatic x-ray absorptionmetry (DXA). Total risk cardiovascular mortality was accounted with a help of special tables: Systematic Соronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE); and risk of osteoporotic fractures was accounted with a help of a computer program: Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX™). A summary total risk depended on HRT use or non-use.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):35-41
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Korrektsiya mikrotsirkulyatornykh narusheniy u bol'nykh vertebrogennymi radikulopatiyami

Sichinava N.V., Nuvakhova M.B., Yashina I.V., Styazhkina E.M., Luk'yanova T.V.


Study investigates the role of microcirculatory disorders in discogenic radiculopathies and in view of the development of an integrated treatment with physical factors. Were subjected to analysis of treatment outcomes in patients. Revealed that, according to laser doppler flowmetry, microcirculatory disorders in 75% of the cases presented atonic-stagnant type of microcirculation. Developed complexes physiobalneotherapy provided corrective effect on the microcirculation changes as reflected in the improvement of klinichskih manifestations.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):41-44
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Dinamicheskaya elektroneyrostimulyatsiya v kompleksnom lechenii sindroma erektil'noy disfunktsii u bol'nykh khronicheskim prostatitom

Drobyshev V.A., Fedorova N.V., Vlasov A.A., Ryavkin S.Y.


The parameters of sexual activity have been studied in 96 patients suffering from a chronic abacterial prostatitis with erectile dysfunction. The patients have been divided into 3 groups. In the main group the medical complex has been added by dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS), the placebo-influence was spent in the comparison group, and the control group received standard drug therapy. Expressiveness of chronic prostatitis symptoms and the results of treatment were estimated with NIH-CPSI (S), IPSS (S), IPSS (QoL) questionnaires, index of erectile function assessment, laboratory researches and dopplerography of penile vessels. DENS has led to 23,6 % improvement of erection quality and to reduction of reactive uneasiness. The parameters received in the main group reliably differed from the data in placebo and control groups
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):44-49
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Primenenie strukturno-rezonansnoy terapii u detey s posledstviyami perinatal'nogo porazheniya tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy

Khan M.A., Popova O.F., Popova E.S.


Клинические наблюдения и специальные методы исследования проведены у 40 детей с последствиями перинатального поражения центральной нервной системы. В результате проведенных исследований научно обоснованацелесообразность применения структурно-резонансной терапии, оказывающей благоприятное влияние на нервно-психическое состояние с ускорением темпов двигательного и предречевого развития.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):49-52
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Effekty transfer-faktora na biomarkery stareniya v eksperimente i klinike

Krut'ko V.N., Gavrilov M.A., Dontsov V.I., Mal'tseva I.V.


The bioadditive "Transfer-Factor" (TF) demonstrated the positive action on immune factors in old animals, and shown the complex geroprotective action in experiments on mice. It positively effects on the physical condition, animal power, metabolism, as well as on biochemical mechanisms of ageing. It also restored the cellular potential of the tissue growing in old animal. Person using TF reduced age biomarkers and lowered the biological age on 4 year. The bioadditive TF is perspective as geroprotective agent
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):53-56
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Akupunktura kak al'ternativa zamestitel'noy terapii subklinicheskogo gipotireoza

Luzina K.E., Luzina L.L., Vasilenko A.M., Niu X.


An increased level of TSH and a normal range of thyroid hormones were diagnosed in27 patients suffering symptoms of arthralgiaand myalgia, common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Main treatment methods include regular body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture and wrist reflex zone acupuncture. The method is chosen in accordance to the existing symptoms. Other methods include local acupuncture on non- acupoints, specifically insertion of needles into the skin protuberance of the thyroid gland, as well as Gua Sha Scraping technique on the cervical and thoracic spine paravertebral areas. The comparison group consists of 15patients, each receiving levothyroxine therapy (LRT) in individually modified doses. All patients had nearly the same clinical manifestations. Results show significant positive clinical changes in the “acupuncture” group. The average level of TSH of the "acupuncture" group decreased from8.9to4,2mU/l, and decreased further down a month after the end of treatment to2,3mU/l.In the LRT group, TSH levels dropped to 2,0 mU/l over the course of a month, but returned to the initial blood levels within a month after the treatment. Acupuncture significantly increases the quality of life of patients and treatment shows long term effect, while LRT shows positive short term results, but does not show long lasting effects. Thus acupuncture should be considered as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy in subclinical hypothyroidism
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):57-60
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Mikrotsirkupyatornye effekty kursovogo primeneniya udarno-volnovoy terapii u patsientov s khronicheskim parodontitom

Chaplygin A.A., Nagornev S.N., Rygina K.V., Frolkov V.K., Puzyreva G.A.


In this paper the positions of the pathogenetic role of microcirculatory disturbances seen in the development of chronic generalized periodontitis and justified the choice of method of shock-wave therapy, based on the mechanism of action of which is increased tissue blood flow and neoangiogenesis, stimulation of metabolic processes, reducing the severity of fibro-sclerotic changes, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties . It is shown that the exchange rate of the shock-wave therapy has a marked change in performance of microcirculation, which appeared to maximize the nutritional blood flow due to increased endothelial and myogenic oscillation of periodontal microvasculature, resulting in depression of shunt blood flow, and, along with an increase in perfusion led to an increase in the bulk characteristics microhemodynamics. These changes indicate an increase in blood flow in the capillary bed of periodontitis, a significant modulation of microcirculatory processes, enhancing metabolic processes under the influence of shock-wave action.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):60-64
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Modifikatsiya alimentarnogo povedeniya: mirovoy opyt. Analiticheskiy obzor

Kurashvili V.A.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):65-69
pages 65-69 views

«Omik» - tekhnologii i ikh znachenie v sovremennoy profilakticheskoy i vosstanovitel'noy meditsine

Shenderov B.A.


This review gives the current state of the novel “omic” technologies including genomics; which analysis the human genome and microbiome structure; epigenomics, that investigate influence of environment factors to gene expression; transcriptomics, which measures mRNA transcript levels; proteomics, which quantifies protein abundance and spectrum; metabolomics, which determines abundance of low molecular weight cellular metabolites; and their varieties enable quantitative monitoring of the multiple of various biological molecules and their interaction in the human body. The multi -“omics” approach is a powerful tool for understanding the functional symbiotic interplay of human eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells and dynamics of molecular modifications of this multi - cellular system in different environment conditions. Accumulation “omic” databases especially integrated and their bioinformatic analysis permit better understanding molecular bases of human health and diseases and designing novel effective drugs and functional foods.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):70-78
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S Yubileem professora A.V. Skal'nogo!

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(3):82-83
pages 82-83 views
pages 83 views

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