Vol 16, No 6 (2017)


Global prospects for the development of medical rehabilitation

Ivanova G.E., Trukhanov A.I.


The current strategy of health care in Russia for the period until 2030 is the preservation and strengthening of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of increasing access to and quality of medical care; increase life expectancy, reduce mortality, increase the birth rate for long-term development, and the sustainable existence of this branch of the Russian Federation. Among the technologies that allow achieving the set goals, is interdisciplinary medical rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):2-6
pages 2-6 views

Use of the international classification of functioning (ICF) in outpatient and inpatient medical rehabilitation: instruction for specialists

Melnikova E.V., Builova T.V., Bodrova R.A., Shmonin A.A., Maltseva M.N., Ivanova G.E.


The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) is the classification of health and health-related factors recognized by experts around the world and it has been recommended for use in medical rehabilitation. In rehabilitation practice, the ICF is used to establish a rehabilitation diagnosis and formulate the rehabilitation goal, as well as to implement the basic principles of rehabilitation. This review was written for all participants of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team and is called upon to give clinical examples of the specifics of the ICF application for rehabilitation management. The review formulates the instructions for working with the ICF.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):7-20
pages 7-20 views

Outpatient medical rehabilitation

Kuzyakina A.S., Kupreychick V.L., Bogatirev A.D., Anastasevich O.A., Lutsky L., Treger I.


Significant increase in life expectancy, improvement of the medical outcomes, shortening of hospital stays and raised awareness of the rehabilitation achievements triggered increasing efforts demand in finding clinically, socially and cost-effective forms of rehabilitation treatment. One of the most developing types of outpatient rehabilitation is a day rehabilitation facility. It was already proven to be effective in recovery after diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous system and after sport injuries. Some recent studies showed even higher effectiveness of the day outpatient rehabilitation is comparison with the similar inpatient programs in terms of long-term functional results and lower costs. The need for outpatient day rehabilitation is increasing worldwide. Israel is one of the countries that has already implemented different types of outpatient rehabilitation services, while the most professional, intensive, technological and multidisciplinary form of them is the day rehabilitation department. Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center (MRC), one of the first day centers for multidisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation in Russia, working according to ICF principles, was opened half a year ago. Intermediate data has already shown its high efficiency - the functional goals were achieved in more that 90% cases. However, outpatient rehabilitation development meets several barriers, as reduced adherence of the patient and the family to keep relevant level of participation in the rehabilitation process and transportation difficulties. The possible ways of solving these problems might include active involvement of the patient and the family in the process of planning and carrying out rehabilitation, self-sustained training and group sessions, stimulation of the individual home training while checking the «home work» and the intensive use of modern communication tools for monitoring health data and every day’s rehabilitation process.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):21-27
pages 21-27 views

Analysis of the structure and dynamics of cognitive disorders in patients operated on for cerebrovascular disease of the brain, at the II stage of rehabilitation

Ivanova N.E., Efimova M.Y., Makarov A.O., Ivanov A.Y., Tereshin A.E., Karyagina M.V.


The article analyzes the structure and degree of expressiveness of cognitive violations of patients operated on for occlusive and stenotic lesions of vessels of the carotid system and non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhages. The influence on the formation and subsequent regression of deficit in higher brain functions such factors as mental status, educational level, age of the patients is analyzed. The dynamics of cognitive functions in different periods after surgical intervention is examined. The role of surgical intervention in the dynamics of the assessment of cognitive functions is described. The effects of neuropsychological correction in patients with cerebrovascular disorders of different etiologies are compared.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Applicability of Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery (CANTAB) for executive functions diagnostics and rehabilitation assessment in pediatric posterior fossa tumor survivors

Kasatkin V.N., Ryabova A.A., Dreneva A.A., Rumyantsev A.G.


Medical advances have resulted in increased survival rates for children with brain tumors. However, due to the toxicity of treatment, cognitive functions such as processing, working memory, attention, programming and control, and executive functions, such as shifting and inhibition, decrease. To choose an effective rehabilitation program, it is necessary to assess the defect. This study shows the first experience of using CANTAB to measure cognitive functions in children who survived posterior fossa tumors and evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation with using such equipment as Neurotracker Cognisens, Dynavision D2, Fitlight. Sensitivity to rehabilitation training was shown by the following CANTAB tests: a test of visual pattern recognition memory in a 2-choice forced discrimination paradigm, test for programming and control, tests for spatial working memory, a test for processing. Significant age differences in processing tests, spatial working memory, planning and control were shown. Thus, the battery of CANTAB tests can be used both to assess cognitive performance and to evaluate rehabilitation programs designed to enhance cognitive functions after posterior fossa tumors.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):33-39
pages 33-39 views

Comparative effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation methods for neurosurgical brain pathology

Ivanova N.E., Efimova M.Y., Makarov A.O., Ivanov A.Y., Oliushin V.E., Tereshin A.E., Karyagina M.V.


The article examines the comparative effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation methods in neurosurgical pathology of the brain (cranio-cerebral trauma, occlusive-stenotic lesions of the brain vessels, nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage, brain tumors). The impact of neuropsychological correction, drugs Citicoline and Akatinol Memantine, physiotherapeutic methods (fotohromotherapy on the area of the eye sockets and the neck and collar area, transcranial electromagnetic stimulation) on the status of higher brain functions of neurosurgical patients is examined. The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation, depending on the shape of neurosurgical pathology of the brain, patient's age, the Statute of limitations of surgical treatment is evaluated.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):40-45
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Feasibility of «Neurotracker» training device for working memory and sustained attention enhancement in posterior fossa tumor children survivors

Kasatkin V.N., Dreneva A.A., Anisimov V.N., Karelin A.F.


Motor and cognitive functions rehabilitation is one of the principle issues of recent neuro-oncology. The paper considers feasibility of «Neurotracker» training device for working memory and sustained attention diagnostics and enhancement in posterior fossa tumor survivors. The sample included 53 patients, mean age was 11,0. The participants passed 4-8 sessions. The results demonstrate improvement of these functions during the rehabilitation course. Significant difference in performance score among three age groups was revealed.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):46-50
pages 46-50 views

Optimization sanatorium health military psychological support by a procedure of extreme cold

Pospelova O.V., Solovjeva T.A., Fedotchenko A.A.


The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the treatment of asthenic conditions and mental disorders adaptation methods of psychotherapy in combination with physical therapy and general air cryotherapy at a sanatorium stage of medical and psychological support (SEMPS) servicemen with hard labor activity. The study involved 89 men aged 27 to 35 years, a period SEMPS which ranged from 18 to 21 days. They were randomly were divided into 2 groups. The main group ^G) included 47 in the comparison group (GS) - 42 people. Evaluation of the psychological state was carried out by conventional scales and tests. To evaluate the functional state of the cardiovascular system used hemodynamic index (GDI). Adrenergic vascular reactivity (ARS) of the skin was evaluated by a white spot area after electrophoresis epinephrine hydrochloride. Psychological preparation of patients was carried out on the main areas: work with the body, with the personality and work of correction of communicative style. Psychological measures were complemented by a visit to the pool, gym, reception chloride sodium baths, physiotherapy procedures. Patients OG additionally visited cryosauna, where the air temperature was -120°C, in which the length of stay does not exceed 3 minutes. General air cryotherapy was performed every other day, and the course consisted of 8 treatments. Psychotherapeutic effect was observed in 93,6% of those in the exhaust gas and 92,8% - in the TOS. All exhaust patients gave a positive assessment procedures OVKT. Based on these results it was concluded that SEMPS is a highly effective method of correction of emotional stress, and increase the efficiency of procedures OVKT integral psychotherapy and patient satisfaction staying in motels. The high correlation of mental maladjustment with GDI and ARS. Easy GDI calculation can be used for operational control over the efficiency SEMPS.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):51-54
pages 51-54 views

Heart rate variability in spinal chronic tetraplegic patients

Bushkov F.A., Ivanova G.E.


Purpose of this work is to define the dysfunction of autonomic regulation in patients with chronic cervical spinal cord injury. The study was included 60 patients with traumatic cervical myelopathy (tetraplegia) and 17 healthy individuals (control). It was assessed changes in autonomic nervous systems (HRV) using heart rate variability analysis in a rest, depth breathing and tilt tests. The results revealed corresponding within completeness, not corresponding within level of spinal cord injury and autonomic dysfunction (HRV).
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):55-60
pages 55-60 views

The results of surgery for benign tumors after inpatient rehabilitation

Karyagina M.V., Ivanova N.E., Tereshin A.E., Olushin V.E., Vyazgina E.M., Makarov A.O., Efimova M.U.


The object of the study were 52 observations neurosurgical patients with brain tumors (supra- abd subtentorial localization): women - 32 (62%), men - 20 (38%). Meningiomas - 20 cases (38.6%), CPA tumors - 16 (30.7%), other - in 16 cases (30.7%). Assessment of the of the dynamic disturbed functions on the scales: Barthel, mRS, Rivermead (ADL), House-Brackmann, Ashworth, a 5-point scale muscle strength, Berg, a 20-point scale; also were evaluated with ICF. An algorithm has been developed and applied to the treatment of patients in the second phase of rehabilitation treatment included physiotherapy, robotic mechanotherapy (Locomat, Erigo, Armeo Spring), therapeutic swimming, exercises on Stabiloplatform ST-150, occupational therapy and physical procedures. As a result we have found that the algorithm allows for positive dynamics in 100% of cases. Rehabilitation potential was higher among patients who underwent rehabilitation treatment in the first month after surgery and did not depend on the location and extent of radical removal of tumors, as well as the age and sex of the patient.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):61-67
pages 61-67 views

Results of assessment of motor function and nutritional status in children with CNS tumors in remission

Vashura A.Y., Ryabova A.A., Kasatkin V.N., Karelin A.F., Rumyantsev A.G.


Object: to evaluate the relationships between nutritional status (NS) and motor skills (MS) of children with CNS tumors in remission. The retrospective study includes data of 30 patients with after posterior fossa tumor. Median of remission was 36 months. Males 37% (n=11). Age 6-17 years (median 10 years). MS was evaluated by Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. NS was assessed using anthropometry and bioimpedance analysis. The dietary consumption of the main foods was estimated too. It was revealed that the deficit of somatic store protein (mainly in muscle mass) may have a negative influence on MS and can retard it. Low levels of mid-upper muscle circumference values were significantly associated with the low levels of MS parameters. There was no correlation between body mass index and MS values. Children with higher levels of sweets, pasta, porridge and sausages consumption have lower levels of the total motor composite (TMC). Children who have high TMC ate more fruits, vegetables and meat.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):68-74
pages 68-74 views

3D Isokinetic testing of muscle stabilizers of the spine as a new diagnostic method for assessing the functional state of muscular system

Tsykunov M.B., Shmiryov V.I., Musorina V.L.


Low back pain (LBP) is a major problem in society, interrupting our daily-living activities. Most often LBP is caused by nonspecific musculoskeletal disorders. The leading role in these disorders is given to dysfunction of the muscles-stabilizers of the spine: myofascial and muscular-tonic syndromes. However, such muscle disbalance often remains unrecognized due to objective diagnostic difficulties. Recently the isokinetic dynamometer was developed for muscle testing - system Bionix Sim3DPro. It allows to evaluate the static and dynamic muscles strength in three planes. This device is able to detect both gross pathology and weakness of individual muscles, as well as subclinical disorders of the muscular balance. The information obtained is the basis for development of individual rehabilitation programs. The article is devoted to a discussion of the clinical case of LBP and the diagnostic capabilities of the Bionix Sim3DPro during rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):75-80
pages 75-80 views

Phasing rehabilitation of children with obstructive uropathy

Khan M.A., Pogonchenkova I.V., Novikova E.V., Menovshchikova L.B., Lyan N.A.


Obstructive uropathies at children are presented by various pathological states which are characterized by a structural or functional obstacle to normal outflow of urine, sometimes the leader to a renal failure. The high prevalence in children's population defines relevance of development of preventive, medical and rehabilitational actions. Development of individual programs of medical aftertreatment for such children at stationary and out-patient and polyclinic stages with use of laser therapy in the postoperative period, a complex of rehabilitational actions with including of laser therapy, SMT-phoresis of therapeutic mud and "dry" carbonic bathtubs promote stopping of inflammatory process, restoration of an urodynamics and functional indicators of kidneys.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):81-85
pages 81-85 views

About possibility to optimisation rehabilitation of myopia among children with physical factors

Malayan E.A.


In this report presented date of treatment myopia in children by application of physical factors. The complex treatment of myopia by influencis of lowintensive laser on ciliar muscle of eye with simultaneous overskin electrostimulation on eyelids by apparatus of «Amplipuls-5D» on uninteraction method. This it is possible as effective means for treatment and prevented progressive myopia in children. On treatment by this method remission may be preservation in period from 5 to 6 mants. Therfore necessary to repeat of course of treatment. The optimal regime of treatment of myopia in children may be complex application by aforesaid method with periodical on twice of year. This manner may be contribute of prevented progressive myopia in children of school age.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):86-88
pages 86-88 views

The method of recovery the functional state of young sportsmen after the competition period

Morozov Y.S., Shmeleva S.V.


The article reveals the author’s technique for restoring the functional state of young athletes after the competitive period, reflecting the need for a comprehensive approach to the restoration of the functional condition of athletes aged 11-12 years, aimed at strengthening the close relationship of working muscles with the nervous and cardiovascular system, biochemical and structural processes in the body. Rehabilitation of athletes after the competition, prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in contrast to the rehabilitation of ordinary people, has a number of characteristic features. In addition to performing labor and domestic duties, the athlete must withstand the large physical exertion of modern sports, which make huge demands on the nervous, cardiovascular system, joint stability, mobility, and muscle strength. The article presents key provisions of the developed methodology, describes the results of research on the functional state of young athletes aged 11-12 years, engaged in sports such as football, rugby and hockey, before and after the introduction of the author’s methodology, which is based on the principles of consistency and consistency. The method is a combination of such rehabilitation measures as cryotherapy, ozone therapy, electrostimulation, hydrotherapy, training and regenerative massage, psychotherapy, aimed at restoring the psychoemotional state of young athletes, their emotional response to tough competition and competition situations, as well as normalizing the regime of the day, nutrition and sleep. The results of the study of the dynamics of physical qualities of young athletes, their endurance and resistance to hypoxia, hemodynamic indicators indicate the effectiveness of the developed methodology, the need for its introduction into the practice of medical control of athletic training of athletes 11-12 years, especially during intensive training and competitive activities. Thus, the study, the physiological basis for the use of restorative measures, as well as the data obtained by us in this work on two groups of young athletes, showed the advantage of this method over the traditional methods of physical rehabilitation of athletes in a sports school.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):89-94
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«Russian health care week-2017»: accessibility and quality of health care (press release)

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2017;16(6):117-118
pages 117-118 views

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