Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 13, № 9 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін


The causal links of corporate crises: theoretical foundations

Devyatkin O.


The article deals with causal relationships leading to the bankruptcy of organizations. Bankruptcy is noted as a real and objective manifestation of the crisis at the company level. The author clarified the main definitions and interrelations of such concepts as "cause - symptom - crisis". Such features of the causes of crises as multicausality, mimicry, inertia and synergy are noted. For a fundamental theoretical understanding of the sources of the causes of the crisis, the author assumes that the root cause of all subsequent causes are radical and inherent in any system contradictions, which have a limited number, unlike causes and symptoms. Having revealed the causality of the “contradictions - causes - symptoms - crisis” connections, a fundamental cybernetic scheme of crisis management with the formation of a mandatory feedback mechanism that characterizes the completeness of the management process is proposed. The proposed cybernetic scheme is described by a number of mathematical dependencies and has its own solution. In order to radically resolve fundamental contradictions and consciously transfer the system to a new level of stability, it is proposed to use a conceptually new innovative direction for ensuring strategic sustainable development of organizations, the mechanism of autogenous self-generated or, in other words, controlled crisis. Directions for further research in such areas as symptomatology, cybernetic modeling and mathematical support of the tasks are outlined.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3253-3266
pages 3253-3266 views

Minimization of corruption risks in small business as an urgent need in modern economic reality

Zlotnikova G.


This article discusses possible ways to minimize corruption risks in small businesses. The article substantiates the relevance of minimizing corruption risks that an economic entity of a small business may face. Small business, being the basis of the economy of many countries, should be especially protected from the impact of corruption, as a phenomenon that adversely affects the development of any business, and especially small business in various industries. The influence of the main factors that actively influence the penetration of corruption into the activities of the company is indicated. The impact of these factors on the economic security of small businesses in general need to be analyzed and assessed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3267-3278
pages 3267-3278 views

Theoretical foundations of industrial engineering in business

Naugolnova I.


Industrial engineering in business includes the design, optimization and management of production processes and systems. In recent decades, industrial engineering has become one of the key components of the company's success in a rapidly changing economic environment. This article reveals the theoretical foundations of industrial engineering in business, presents the stages of its evolution, identifies key areas of further development and a list of modern digital tools.The results of the study can be useful for the management of industrial companies seeking to improve production efficiency.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3279-3290
pages 3279-3290 views

Preventive verification of the declared needs for the main materials of production units as a tool for the economic security of an industrial company

Mizikovskiy I., Lapaev D.


The article deals with the problems and solutions associated with increasing the economic security of the company in terms of controlling the validity of the needs claimed by the production units for basic materials consumed in the value chain. The authors propose a method for monitoring the economic feasibility of the procurement of basic materials. In the methodology, the specified material consumption rates are used as a control tool. In addition, the authors have developed documentation forms accompanying the changes. The article provides a preliminary analysis of the information, conditions and methods used in the subject area under consideration. The authors formulate the initial hypotheses based on the facts obtained. The article summarizes the results achieved and checks the initial hypotheses based on the facts obtained. The authors have given the final formulation of scientific conclusions and the definition of the direction of further research. The proposed methodology has been successfully incorporated into the economic security system implemented in the information and instrumental space of corporate governance.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3291-3302
pages 3291-3302 views

Lean production methodology in the management of biotechnological processes

Yurk N., Diner Y.


Modern society, having passed the main stages of the fifth technological mode, approaches the formation of a new philosophical paradigm of the sixth mode. The key aspects of each subsequent technological mode are considered to be point-based industrial revolutions in manufacturing industries, which leads to the transformation of traditional knowledge, technology and thinking. For biotechnological industries, the acceleration of the pace of work, automation, and modification of the raw material composition, led to a reduction in the life cycle of products and revealed the need for a different approach to the organization of production control. The concept of lean production is considered not only as a set of resource-saving tools and increasing the competitive advantages of products, but also acts as a kind of form of technological thinking that considers various types of activities from the point of view of value for the consumer. For high-tech industries, which include companies using biotechnological processes in production cycles, the principles of lean production can be considered as an effective means to achieve product quality with the absolute exception of defects. The authors consider the possibility of practical implementation of the methodology and the use of specific lean production tools in the quality management of biological products. The research results, transformed into specific recommendations to the manufacturer, make it possible to eliminate the likelihood of defective products and effectively manage their quality at zero level of defects. Thus, an effective solution to the scientific problem associated with the low efficiency of the transition to lean production of biotechnological industries is presented. The publication is of interest to specialists of biotechnological industries and quality management departments.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3303-3316
pages 3303-3316 views

Network modeling in the calendar planning of organizational and technological design: construction

Korol S., Korol R.


The improvement of theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the problems of transformation of socio-economic construction systems is an urgent and in-demand area of scientific research of our time. The article considers the problem of managing a production system based on multi-level planning, taking into account the availability of information related to the time period of solving the tasks of organizations. Network models, i.e. network graphs, have the greatest informativeness and calculation algorithm on a computer and are the main method of organizational design of in-line production. The practical application of the method allows performing a system-technical analysis of production and making optimization decisions that ensure the solution of strategic tasks of industry development. The organizational and technological scheme of solving problems in network modeling is presented. The methodology of the authors' research is based on general scientific methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis, comparative methods, as well as mathematical and statistical methods for studying the solution of optimization problems. But their practical application causes methodological complexity in the development of calendar plans and causes insufficient inclusion in the system technical analysis and adoption of optimization decisions that ensure the solution of strategic tasks of industry development.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3317-3328
pages 3317-3328 views

Strategic context of machine tool industry development in the Russian Federation

Malkova T., Elenev K.


The machine tool industry occupies an important place in the economy and in the development of industry in almost every industrially developed country in the world. The study presents an analysis of the machine tool industry and formulates the main challenges of its development and factors of low innovation activity. Russian manufacturers are inferior to leading foreign manufacturers in certain parameters of product competitiveness, including for reasons of lack of new production technology, shortage of highly qualified personnel, lack of certain types of competencies and resources for the RD implementation, and scaling of the results of innovative activity. At the same time, the demand from the domestic industry for high-tech modern equipment is growing, which is due to the rapid change in the technological structure and the global change in the industrial paradigm towards integrated automation and digitalization of production. There is definitely a trend of growth in orders for the products of machine tool builders in Russia; all plants, without exception, are loaded with work for many months ahead. This has not been the case in the modern history of Russian machine tool construction before. The specifics of military-industrial companies are the demand for sophisticated high-tech equipment, as well as a high degree of procurement regulation. The analysis of domestic production indicates that in the conditions of the devaluation of the ruble and amidst restrictions that led to an increase in the cost of imported products, Russian manufacturers could not fully take advantage of competitive advantages in the form of low cost of products, due to the complex problems of the domestic machine tool industry.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3329-3346
pages 3329-3346 views

Requirements for creating new types of professional activities and qualifications in social impact assessment

Epikhina S., Pereverzeva E.


The article examines the main prerequisites and patterns of the allocation of social management as an area of general management aimed at achieving the social effects of economic activity. The authors have conducted an analysis of regulatory sources of the Russian Federation, which provide grounds for describing new professional qualifications in this field of activity.The results of the study may be of interest to the professional community in social entrepreneurship, management, managers and experts of organizations (including non-profit ones), as well as students and postgraduates of economics, management, law, etc.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3347-3366
pages 3347-3366 views

Assessing the effectiveness of implementing legal and organizational measures to support entrepreneurship in the Primorsky Territory

Volynchuk Y., Korolyova E.


The relevance of the research is justified by the fact that in the conditions of economic instability caused by the consequences of sanitary-epidemiological and sanctions restrictions, the development of small and medium-sized businesses is of particular importance. Small and medium-sized businesses can be considered as a tool for ensuring economic growth, employment, expansion of the consumer sector, as well as saturation of the market with goods and services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and Russia as a whole. At the same time, small and medium-sized companies are most susceptible to the negative effects of environmental factors. The impact of these factors can be minimized through the implementation of state support measures. The authors analyzed the main mechanisms for the implementation of support programs for small and medium-sized businesses in the Primorsky Territory and presented an analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey of businessmen in the Primorsky Territory. The authors made a number of conclusions based on the results of the survey.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3367-3380
pages 3367-3380 views

Methodological approaches to accelerating digital change and implementation of artificial intelligence in the process of service provision in the transportation sector

Kosheleva T., Grozovskaya E.


The article substantiates the need to develop methodological approaches to accelerating digital change and the introduction of artificial intelligence. The authors analyze approaches to the prerequisites for the demand for digital change and formulate methodological approaches to accelerating digital change and ensuring the introduction of artificial intelligence. The external and internal factors of service organizations in the process of accelerating digital change and ensuring the introduction of artificial intelligence are identified. The authors consider the prerequisites for the demand for digital change and provide a methodological justification of their structural elements. The authors propose to consider the possibility of forming a permanent regional unified center of the industry format of educational competencies and qualifications of digital service. The possibility of developing a model of centralization of industry resources is substantiated. As financial sources, the authors propose to use a kind of regional centers built with the participation of temporarily free resources. The authors have developed an algorithm for building a service center mechanism based on artificial intelligence with the inclusion of regional unified centers of industry-specific educational competencies and qualifications of transport service specialists in its structure, taking into account the process of forming the outstripping demand for services and products in the transport sector. Indicators for assessing the readiness of transport service companies for dynamic change in the digital sphere are proposed. An algorithm for choosing the most optimal model for promoting service technology using artificial intelligence elements is proposed. The selection criteria are formulated: the process of entering the market accessible to the service company with the offer of service products using artificial intelligence, the training process adapted for the unprepared consumer using artificial intelligence elements.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3381-3396
pages 3381-3396 views

Prospects for the development of the international automotive market

Dontsova O., Klimonov D.


The article examines current trends in the international automotive industry. The authors discuss the role of the green agenda in the development of the automotive market and the automotive industry. Market statistics are under analysis. A new model for predicting the behavior of the Russian automotive market is proposed. To this end, the difficult situation of the Russian automotive industry is analyzed. Proposals to increase the role of Russia in the world trade in motor vehicles are formulated. It is concluded that the problems of the Russian automotive industry can be solved by simultaneously expanding import substitution, transferring the most advanced Russian engineering technology in the world to the automotive industry, expanding the presence of Russian automakers in the markets of friendly countries in need of drastic improvement of transport infrastructure. The materials of the conducted research can be useful to specialists in the automotive industry, investors and representatives of the automotive industry.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3397-3412
pages 3397-3412 views
pages 3413-3426 views

Development of franchising in Russia and problems of its application in tourism

Zimovets A., Petrenko S., Khanina A.


Russia has been under unprecedented economic sanctions imposed by unfriendly countries for the second year. And although the effect expected from the sanctions was not as disastrous as the leadership of Western countries and the United States expected, many representatives of Russian business still had to rebuild economic ties. This was caused by the refusal of many foreign partners to conduct their activities in Russia. In particular, many business networks that cooperated with Russian business have left the country.As a result, part of the Russian business was cut off from the usual supply chains for goods and services and forced to reorient its operations.Companies providing services in recreation and tourism also faced certain problems.For example, the management of InterContinental Hotels Group and Hyatt Hotels have suspended their investments in Russia and are not opening new hotels in Russia.Nevertheless, the authors of this article believe that the current situation only opens up new opportunities for domestic business by using franchising, which is not the most popular in Russia, but it is a rather effective tool.The authors analyzed the peculiarities of franchising development in Russia and made proposals on the application of franchising schemes exclusively in the domestic tourism industry.The article will be of interest to researchers studying the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses operating in tourism.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3427-3442
pages 3427-3442 views

Regional tourism and recreation clusters: approaches to formation and development

Nyurenberger L., Malgin A., Petrenko N.


In modern conditions, the tourism industry is considered as one of the drivers of Russia's socio-economic development. Domestic tourism should contribute to the activation of interaction between regions and their integration on the basis of common strategic guidelines. Taking into account all-Russian and regional regulators and peculiarities, it should provide the promotion of unique targeted tourist offers. The national strategy for the development of domestic tourism takes into account the resources and capabilities of individual regions and territories. Clustering is based on multiparametric monitoring of the tourist and recreational potential of the territory. Clustering is one of the innovative approaches to managing local regional tourist markets. The article summarizes the existing positions of scientists and practitioners on the concept of tourism cluster. The factors influencing the process of clustering are indicated. The advantages of clustering regional tourist markets are substantiated. The influence of clusters on the economy of a particular region is described. On the example of the Novosibirsk region, the positive and negative consequences of their formation, functioning and development are highlighted.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3443-3454
pages 3443-3454 views

Characteristics of business events in the event industry

Radygina E., Oshkordina A., Kosheleva A.


The article examines the role of business events in business and event tourism, the exhibition industry, the special events sector and the meetings industry. Interest in business events in the post-pandemic period has increased significantly. At the same time, business event formats have changed and evolved. However, scientific study of the ongoing processes is not enough. The authors define the concept of a business event, provide a classification of business events by areas, coverage area and composition of participants. The article highlights the following types of business events. The official type is aimed at the signing of contracts and reaching of agreements.The educational type is aimed at training and professional development. The informational type provides information about new products, services, and technology. The network type is aimed at creating new connections. And the last one is the motivational type. The authors identify the development trends and success factors of business events at the current stage of development of the event industry.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3455-3468
pages 3455-3468 views

Feedback and product evaluation system on the Wildberries online trading platform: purpose, problems, causes and efficiency improvement model

Drozdov I., Istomin D.


On modern online trading platforms, both the buyer, whose goal is to purchase goods of proper quality without personal contact with the seller, and the seller, whose goal is to satisfy the needs of the buyer, create opportunities to get in touch through the tools offered by the online platform where they carry out the purchase and sale. These tools, such as rankings and comments, affect the reputation of the seller and his profit indicators. It is very important to ensure the possibility of high-quality and constructive feedback between the seller and the buyer.The purpose of the study was to identify problems and ways to improve the effectiveness of the feedback system and product evaluation using the example of the Wildberries online trading platform.The features and prerequisites of the direction of customer reviews, problems in the seller's activities and the reasons for the decline in the goods evaluation and personal ranking are established. The existing mechanism of construction and current problems in building a feedback system on the Wildberries online trading platform are analyzed.A model has been developed to improve the effectiveness of the feedback system and product evaluation on the Wildberries online trading platform.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3469-3482
pages 3469-3482 views

Competitiveness of cooked sausage brands in the market of the city of Chelyabinsk

Panyshev A.


The article assesses the level of cooked sausage competitiveness by a group of methods: the ratio of quality and price, competitiveness polygon method, classification according to the Boston Consulting Matrix, and the method of a comprehensive assessment of the cooked sausage competitiveness based on a study of consumer demand. Empirical material was collected on the assessment of the level of competitiveness of cooked sausage brands, both in the opinion of professional experts in terms of quality and price criteria, and in the group vision of experts using the polygon method of competitiveness. In addition, taking into account the opinions of direct consumer, an analysis of the sausage competitiveness was carried out. The combined application of several self-sufficient methods for assessing the competitiveness of cooked sausages provided objective analytical results. The authors present the integrated results of the ranking of the considered brands of cooked sausages according to the consumer quality indicators, including the comparison with the price. Some data were obtained from the Boston Consulting Matrix, as well as from the calculation of the integrated competitiveness indicator.In conclusion, practical recommendations for end consumers on optimizing the purchase of Doktorskaya sausage in terms of price and quality criteria are formulated. The authors suggests measures to improve the level of competitiveness for manufacturing companies.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3483-3496
pages 3483-3496 views

Subtle criteria of actors' choice in favor of foreign economic activity

Khmeleva G., Kurnikova M., Chirkunova E.


The impact of global challenges is in the focus of trade and economic cooperation of interacting actors for the development of joint strategies, priority areas and programs for the spatial development for the long term. At the present stage, most of the cross-border areas face problems of cross-border relations and difficulties in choosing the further development of foreign economic activity. The authors summarize the prerequisites and a brief history of the study of export predictors (subtle criteria) that influence the decision-making of the choice in favor of foreign economic activity. The list of blocks and the content of export predictors (subtle criteria) based on the pyramid of company goal-setting focused on the foreign market and mechanisms for converting the cross-border position into a competitive advantage in the changing paradigm of development of Russia's cross-border regions are determined. Based on sociological surveys on the impact of global challenges on the development of foreign economic activity of exporters and importers, constraining factors and new opportunities for trade and economic cooperation, options for behavior strategies of subjects when making decisions on cross-border labor migration and business cooperation are identified.Funding: The reported study was funded by RFBR and FRLC, project number 21-510-23002.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3497-3512
pages 3497-3512 views

Challenges of industrial development staffing in peripheral regions

Ayrapetyan D., Makarov I., Drobot E., Kazarova D.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of regional production staffing in the context of compliance with the structure of skills required by the regional companies from a potential applicant to the inculcated set of skills.The authors of the article position proposals on the need to create industrial and educational clusters on the basis of public-private partnership.The authors analyzed the possibility of reducing the gap between supply and demand in the regional labor market. This is necessary for industrial development of remote territories of the country and the full implementation of the import substitution program.The article may be useful for HR specialists, postgraduates and students.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3513-3524
pages 3513-3524 views

Peculiarities of infrastructure resource potential of non-urbanized territories in Russia

Drobot E., Smyslova O., Makarov I., Stroev P., Kadilnikova L.


Based on the study of the theoretical features of the infrastructure of non-urbanized territories, the authors’ approach to the interpretation of its definition is proposed, which made it possible to consider the infrastructure as a complex system with a dual nature and functioning.This is manifested, on the one hand, in the static functioning of its elements, and on the other hand, in the social nature of the functions performed, which requires flexibility and adaptability to the needs of the living population.This approach made it possible to consider for the infrastructure of non-urbanized territories the possibility of developing its resource potential, which is a collective set of available infrastructure resources and resources of future periods tied to certain objects, place and time. In order to ensure the sustainable development of non-urbanized territories, the article proposes the allocation of three levels of infrastructure resource potential, reflecting the practical nature of its development.Acknowledgments:The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment to the Financial University of the Russian Federation, VTK-GZ-42-23.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3525-3540
pages 3525-3540 views

Modern approaches to managing non-urban (rural) territories

Olesiyuk O., Rudenko M.


Rural areas of any state play an indisputably important role, providing a strategic task for food security and performing a number of significant functions, such as economic, industrial, demographic and social ones.The performance of these tasks and functions directly depends on the functioning of rural areas. In turn, the effectiveness of rural areas is due to the correct, competent, effective management mechanism. The development and implementation of this mechanism also requires a scientific approach.The article presents an analysis of the current state of rural areas on the example of rural regions of the Perm Region, which revealed a number of problems that require prompt elimination and changes in approaches to the management of these territories. The authors offer their suggestions for solving the identified problems, which can be useful for all participants in the process of managing rural territories.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3541-3554
pages 3541-3554 views

State support for agriculture amidst geopolitical challenges

Golova E., Blinov O.


Agriculture is perhaps the most important industry in Russia and in the world as a whole. It is this industry that ensures food security. Agriculture supplies the population of our country with crop production, animal husbandry and their processing. A large number of small, medium-sized and micro businesses dominate the total number of agricultural producers. Amidst the geopolitical challenges, these businesses need state support. The state is implementing a number of measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, including those in the agricultural sector. Information centers have been opened. Grants and subsidies are allocated to support novice farmers. Decisions regarding customs and tariff regulation in relation to the export of particular grain crops have been made. At the same time, the new conditions require not only financial and economic measures, but also a revision of the existing theoretical and methodological mechanisms for the implementation of state support both at the federal and regional levels. The article examines the regulatory framework of state support. The criteria of its presentation on the example of small business entities are considered. The authors present a model of interaction between authorities and agricultural producers and an algorithm for allocating state support in the form of grants. The authors have supplemented the criteria for allocating public funds. The results of the study may be of interest to representatives of the federal and regional authorities, whose activities are related to the allocation of state support funds.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3555-3576
pages 3555-3576 views

Helping the agricultural sector to innovate by going digital

Chebotareva E., Bondarchuk A., Bogucharskov A.


Based on objective prerequisites, the authors substantiate the directions of innovative development of the agricultural sector. The authors propose an interpretation of the concept of digitalization that determines its place in the management of an agribusiness. The critical conditions for the development of digitalization in competition with alternative directions are outlined. Innovative development of the agricultural sector mainly differs from traditional agricultural production. It involves the application of original system solutions that can change the usual understanding of agribusiness. For example, the development of no-till technology in agricultural production has significantly changed the understanding of the energy intensity of traditional agriculture. The development of organic agriculture has opened up new horizons for eco-oriented agribusiness with the development of both market and resource advantages. Thus, the application of digitalization of economic processes will contribute to the improvement of efficient agriculture.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3577-3588
pages 3577-3588 views

Current state and trends in the development of the Russian higher education system

Novikov S.


The article examines the development trends of the Russian higher education system. The study of the dynamics of indicators of the development of the Russian higher education system allows to identify a number of current trends in the development of higher education. The measures of state regulation and support of the Russian higher education system aimed at increasing its competitiveness are analyzed. The problems of the development of the Russian higher school at the present stage are highlighted. The directions of the formation of promising competitive advantages are determined. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a scientifically sound strategy for the development of Russian higher education, taking into account both national interests and external challenges. The author uses general scientific methods, such as analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization, as well as methods of processing, interpretation and visualization of statistical data.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3589-3604
pages 3589-3604 views

The cost of the extra-budgetary educational program of the university per student

Pluchevskaya E., Aladko O.


The authors propose a mechanism for calculating the cost of an extra-budgetary educational program for universities per student. The article proposes a financial indicator called the Coefficient of Sustainable Development, as well as a mechanism for its determination, planning, and calculation. The recommended research result is of interest to institutions of higher education and can be used in planning and decomposition of financial needs to ensure the achievement of goals set by the Program for the Development of Universities and Management Decisions.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3605-3618
pages 3605-3618 views

Developing professional skills in educating marketers: forms of effective interaction between educational organizations and representatives of the business community

Rakhova M.


The article analyzes the supply and demand in the labor market in the professional area "Marketing, Advertising, and PR". During 2022 and in the first half of 2023, the level of competition of job seekers for jobs in this category was extremely high. This makes it necessary for candidates to have professional competencies. In this regard, the role of higher education in the training of a qualified marketing specialist is considered. Higher education is not an absolutely necessary condition for working as a marketer, but from the point of view of a significant part of employers, it contributes to the development of high-level competencies that are in demand for solving marketing tasks. Based on the survey of employers conducted by the author, the main requirements for a future marketing specialist are determined. These requirements are as follows: basic knowledge in marketing, knowledge and understanding of the main business processes, project activity skills in promoting goods or services to the market, taking into account the company's development strategy. The main approaches to the formation of professional competencies of marketers at the university are formulated. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the introduction of practice-oriented forms of educational activity into the educational process, such as participation in competitions, acceleration programs, scientific and practical conferences, internships, organization of active meetings and master classes with representatives of the business community.The conditions of competitiveness of a marketing graduate in the labor market are determined.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3619-3630
pages 3619-3630 views

Analysis of citizens' appeals to the authorities as an indicator of socio-economic development (on the example of the city of Lipetsk)

Makarov I., Nazarenko V., Selishchev O., Volkova O., Polukhin V.


Unmet needs and problems of residents can be solved through the system of filing appeals. From an analytical point of view, citizens' appeals act as an information channel and an indicator of the level of socio-economic development. From a practical point of view, citizens' appeals can be considered as a way to preserve and implement the rights and freedoms of citizens, which are provided by the functionality of local self-government and public authorities. Citizens' appeals can be considered as a form of their participation in solving a number of problems, including local self-government. It is the appeals of citizens that allow them not only to exercise and protect their rights and freedoms but also to implement a kind of form of public control. Studies of residents' appeals are an important tool and component of the process of determining the needs and problems of the population. They can be applied in the framework of the tactical and strategic planning of the development of the territory.The article analyzes the appeals of residents of the city of Lipetsk to the Government of the Lipetsk region, thanks to which weaknesses in socio-economic development are identified. The approach used can be applied to study the problems of socio-economic development of various territories of the Russian Federation.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3631-3652
pages 3631-3652 views

Institutional environment for the development and interaction of government, business and society in the new developing regions of the Far East

Presnyakova N.


The article substantiates theoretical and practical approaches to the interaction of government, business and society as a necessary condition for the regions' sustainable development, in particular the new developing regions of the Far East. The author has proposed a methodology to determine the model of interaction of these structures based on three blocks of parameters of the institutional environment: the socio-market model of the economy, competitiveness, and forms of interaction. From the author's point of view, the institutional environment is universal. The factors contributing to the strengthening of the socio-market model of the economy and competitiveness and allowing to change or form new approaches to the management processes of the economic system are identified. Recommendations on the use of mechanisms of interaction ensuring the advanced development of the studied macroregion are statistically substantiated. The definition of the model of interaction within the institutional environment, the systematization of the parameters identified within this environment and the improvement of the most significant parameters contribute to the formation of partnerships, strengthening the socio-market model of the economy and competitiveness. The formation of constructive relations between government, business and society is the main condition for eliminating heterogeneous development in industries and regions and achieving the goals of all stakeholders.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3653-3670
pages 3653-3670 views

Cultural policy at the municipal level in the context of changes in national strategic priorities

Gurina M., Sokolskaya T., Sukhina Y., Shurupova A.


This article examines the conceptual and practical aspects of cultural policy at the municipal level in the context of political changes and socio-cultural priorities. The existing problems in this area are shown. The authors take into account the challenges that our country has faced in recent years. The authors assess the activities of municipal authorities in the implementation of the municipal program "Development of culture and tourism in the city of Lipetsk" for 2020-2022. The main problems and prospects of implementing cultural policy at the municipal level in the context of changing the Strategy of State Cultural Policy in the Russian Federation are identified. The prospects for the implementation of cultural policy at the municipal level are determined.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3671-3686
pages 3671-3686 views

Managing the effectiveness of professional competitions in the system of employees' continuous training

Sladkova N., Petrova S.


The article presents approaches to the use of professional competitions of state and municipal employees as a specific educational technology that motivates employees to form new knowledge, skills, and unique practical experience.The professional competition is considered as a complex technology determined by the life cycle of the competition and the cycle of professional development of an employee. The professional competition has a clear algorithm, a set of evaluation and educational methods and tools, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of the educational effect of all stages to manage technology to achieve the goal.The approach to the selection of parameters and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a professional competition in relation to various target audiences (participants, managers of participants, colleagues, and experts) is described. This makes it possible to provide a personality-oriented approach in the context of the principles of client-centricity.The approaches considered in the article can be used by representatives of the personnel services of government bodies for state and municipal bodies in solving the tasks of involving employees in the process of continuous self-development through such educational technology as a professional competition.Acknowledgments:The research was conducted by the research team of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Labor" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia within the framework of the state task on the topic "Scientific and methodological support for the effective conduct of professional and other competitions in the state civil and municipal service".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3687-3704
pages 3687-3704 views

Practice of professional competitions in state and municipal service

Voskresenskaya O.


The article describes the results of a study of the practice of conducting professional competitions in the state and municipal service, as well as in the real sector of the economy. The relevance of the research is justified by the insufficient use of all the opportunities provided by the format of a professional competition in the field of motivation, professional development, formation of corporate culture, work with the personnel reserve, as well as the presence of requests for the creation of a single standard for conducting a professional competition from government agencies.The research purpose was to summarize the accumulated experience of conducting professional competitions for the development of a single standard of professional competition as a technology for motivation and professional development of state and municipal employees.The study analyzed regulatory documents, methodological and presentation materials of the database of the best personnel practices of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, as well as data from open sources covering the issues of professional competitions in the public and private sectors of the economy.Based on the results of the analysis, proposals for the development of a single standard for conducting a professional competition were formed.The materials of the article will be useful to representatives of state and municipal authorities, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in tools and technologies for professional development and staff motivation.Acknowledgments:The research was conducted by the research team of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Labor" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia within the framework of the state task on the topic "Scientific and methodological support for the effective conduct of professional and other competitions in the state civil and municipal service".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3705-3728
pages 3705-3728 views

Professional competitions in the spiral model of professional development of public officials

Sladkova N., Petrova S., Voskresenskaya O.


The article is devoted to the issues of ensuring continuous professional development and self-development of civil servants. The research relevance is justified by the need to improve the personnel work of authorities, in particular in the field of educational technologies, in the context of the introduction of the principles of client-centricity to improve the quality of personnel and the level of work with internal and external clients.The research purpose was to determine approaches to the creation of technology for continuous professional development of state and municipal employees.The development was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the legislative framework, methodological materials of authorities, literature, data from open sources covering issues of professional development, as well as during an experiment of the pilot project to conduct professional competitions in the state and municipal service as a technology of professional development.The authors have developed innovative proposals for the implementation of a professional competition as a comprehensive technology of motivation and professional development. The authors propose a model of professional development in the public service system based on elements of evolutionary theory and principles of client-centricity.The materials of the article are addressed to representatives of state and municipal authorities, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in professional development of personnel.Acknowledgments:The research was conducted by the research team of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Labor" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia within the framework of the state task on the topic "Scientific and methodological support for the effective conduct of professional and other competitions in the state civil and municipal service".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3729-3750
pages 3729-3750 views

Analyzing the results of contract compliance monitoring at the contract execution stage

Bozhko E., Yusupova M.


Public procurement is an integral part of the activities of state and municipal institutions necessary to maintain and develop the economic potential of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the provision of public sector organizations with goods, works and services has a significant impact on the performance of priority functions and tasks of the state. At the same time, the effectiveness of the procurement process primarily affects the rational use of budgetary funds, depending on the quality and conscientious fulfillment of the contract requirements. The article reflects the vulnerable areas of the contract system at the stage of fulfilling the terms of the contract by the supplier by examining the materials of the control bodies on detected violations of contract legislation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The results obtained can be used by the authorities when making changes to regulatory legal acts regulating the stage of execution of a state contract.FUNDING: The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment of the Financial University for 2023 VTK-GZ-PI-51-23 on the topic "Development of proposals to prevent corruption in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3751-3760
pages 3751-3760 views

Assessing the impact of budget openness on citizen and private sector attitudes toward government

Romanova L., Karlovskaya E.


The principle of budget openness is one of the fundamental principles of the budget system at the international level. The purpose of this article was to identify the impact of the degree of budget openness on the attitude of citizens and the private sector to government, which is strongly influenced by cognitive factors. To do this, an analysis of the indicators of budget openness, the corruption perception index and the level of trust in the authorities was carried out. As a result of the conducted research, it is proved that the openness of budget data does not affect the increase of confidence in the authorities; simultaneously with the increase in openness, there is a growing risk of a decrease in trust in the authorities, incorrect interpretation of data due to the lack of detailed information. Based on the analysis, it was revealed that there is no relationship between budget transparency and the perception of corruption. The effect of budget openness directly depends on the cognitive perception of information by the subject. Taking into account the cognitive aspect of perception and cognition of information, an algorithm for developing the content of the budget for citizens is proposed. Its theoretical justification is carried out on the example of Russia.Acknowledgments:The research was carried out with the financial support of the Pacific National University within the framework of the scientific project "Innovative environment of the intercollegiate campus as a way to smooth out ecological and economic regional disparity".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3761-3780
pages 3761-3780 views

Innovative forms of local budgets regulation

Gotsko T.


Independence and autonomy were recognized as the basic principles of regulating local budgets at the beginning of the full-scale reform of local self-government in 2003. This provided for the establishment of the main revenue sources for the financial support of specific local issues, stimulation to improve the efficiency of local self-government and the establishment of certain restrictions depending on the level of budgetary provision. The basic model was gradually supplemented with new mechanisms aimed at ensuring the unification, standardization and balance of local budgets, digital transformation of the budget process, reform of the financial control system and the introduction of a financial management quality assessment system.In the face of global challenges, local government is given special attention in solving everyday problems and ensuring financial sovereignty. Therefore, the introduction of innovative methods of municipal finance management is recognized as one of the priority areas of budget policy. The article focuses on the centralization of the powers of local administrations and institutions into a financial body, the introduction of a single tax payment, the improvement of the social order, the easing of restrictions on the fulfillment of expenditure obligations for moderately subsidized municipalities and the expansion of the competition of Best Municipal Practice. Based on the analysis of the current legislation and accumulated practical experience, a number of problems on the regulation of the local budget are formulated. These problems are associated with contradictions in legislation, the expansion of dependency among individual subsidized municipalities and the insufficient level of qualifications of a number of municipal employees. Measures to stimulate the activity of local self-government bodies to increase tax potential and improve the efficiency of budget allocations and develop the assessment of the level of municipal finance management are proposed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3781-3794
pages 3781-3794 views

Managing development processes and the national model of financial technology

Razletovskaya V.


Without affecting or changing the properties of financial relations, financial technologies qualitatively change management decisions depending on the level of technological development, user coverage and distribution. Thus, the processes and models of the financial technology development, ensuring the implementation of financial and economic policy at the national level, act as its mechanism, forming new structures for the regulation of relations. And they need to be formed themselves. This actualizes the problem of forming a model for the development of financial technologies at the national level, adequate to the level of technology development. The article is devoted to the study of cause-and-effect relationships and the disclosure of the mechanism of formation of the national model of fintech development, clarification of its appearance and structural elements. The results of the study showed that the principle of the formation of national models of financial technologies is the integration of management approaches in financial and economic relations and in technology development at the intersectoral level, which differs from traditional approaches to the development of financial technologies at the level of national state regulators according to the sectoral principle (the process of the life cycle of financial services, its competitiveness and efficiency, processes regulation, infrastructure creation, and coordination with the institutional sphere). The results obtained may be of interest to public authorities in the field of fintech development and contribute to the development of an adequate state policy that takes into account the specifics of fintech, which can be implemented through the formation of a national development model as a cumulative description of the manifestation of state regulation of their development.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3795-3814
pages 3795-3814 views

Use and protection of private assets in the interest of ensuring state economic security

Ivanov A.


The purpose of the article is to show the ways and directions of using private assets in the framework of leveraged buy–out (LBO) solutions for companies, enterprises, and organizations of the real sector with above-average economic growth potentials. When writing the article, a set of general scientific and special research methods, including content, statistical, econometric analysis, as well as methods of scientific synthesis, was used. Results. Analysis of statistical data on the dynamics and structure of investments directed to fixed assets in the real sector of the Russian economy shows that economic security is declining in this area of assessment. In addition, the physical depreciation of fixed assets in the Russian economy is high, especially in terms of technical and technological support (machinery and equipment). Obviously, the problem is connected with the fact that investments directed to the development and support of intensive economic growth are not enough. Therefore, it is advisable to use private assets to solve this problem. The article offers recommendations on the use of private assets for the financed buyout of economic entities that meet criteria that are directly related to the prospects of economic growth: competitiveness, economic activity in the medium and high-tech sphere, and the presence of highly professional staff. The funded buyout of such enterprises, companies, and organizations will allow them to form the necessary financial and economic reserve for growth and development, which will contribute to increasing the level of economic security of the state.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3815-3828
pages 3815-3828 views

Investor irrationality as a factor of financial market instability

Danilchenko A.


The article analyzes the investors' irrational behavior in the financial market, which can lead to the manifestation of crises. The crisis phenomena cast doubt on the hypothesis of an efficient market, which was once again proved in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the turbulent years that followed. During the analysis in this article, the investors' atypical behavior in the dot-com crisis and when performing operations with cryptocurrencies (for example, bitcoin) was revealed. These research results are important not only for the development of modern scientific thought, contributing to the solution of the scientific problem of predicting the onset of crisis phenomena, but also have practical significance, helping investors to perceive financial market signals more correctly. Conclusions about the intensification of investors' irrational behavior in the current conditions of geopolitical problems of the world economy are also obtained. The recommendations presented in this article will be useful to Russian financial market participants.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3829-3850
pages 3829-3850 views

Financial instruments in forest products trading

Sushko O.


The hypothesis of this study is that one of the ways to increase the efficiency of the economic activity of the forest complex is the development of exchange trading. The development of exchange trading in Russia is an urgent topic in connection with the modern transformation of the timber market under the influence of the pressure of sanctions restrictions of Russian producers. Another important aspect of the relevance of the topic is related to ensuring transparency and reducing the shadow relations of participants in the market. The article highlights a number of issues of the current situation of exchange trading of forest products in Russia and world exchanges. The author highlights the specifics of exchange trading of forest products and identifies the main factors determining the low liquidity of exchange trading. The author considers the pricing of spot and futures quotations for timber products. The dynamics of bleached softwood pulp futures on the Shanghai stock exchange, pulp and paper futures on the Norwegian stock exchange are analyzed. Modern measures and measures for the future up to 2025 aimed at activating the exchange trade in forest products and increasing the liquidity of the futures market of forest products are considered. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that the study based on the analysis of the exchange trade of forest products with the identification of the main problems and prospects for development contributes to the methodology of exchange trading. The applied significance is due to the possibility of applying the results of the study to form strategic documents for the development of the Russian forest complex.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3851-3866
pages 3851-3866 views

Analysis of interest rate dynamics in the European Union countries

Chizhova M.


The article analyzes interest rates as one of the key instruments of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank for a long period of time. A conceptual approach to interest rates is presented. Based on the European Central Bank data, the trends in the dynamics of interest rates in the eurozone and in some other foreign countries are analyzed. The research was conducted in the new realities that have formed over the past 2 years, which have transformed the already formed system of interest rates as one of the key instruments of monetary policy. Very noticeable changes in the economic policy pursued by the European Central Bank have been identified. It is necessary to switch from the negative rates model to the positive rates model. Forecasts are presented.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(9):3867-3879
pages 3867-3879 views

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