
Socio-communicative Aspects of Trust Concepts Among Bachelor Students of Moscow Universities
Voevodina E., Ten Y., Tyurikov A.
Sociological Analysis of the Role of the Media in the Formation of Trust in Artificial Intelligence
Razov P., Garaganov A.
Development of Corporate Social Responsibility as a Direction for Improving Small and Medium-sized Businesses
Shikhgafizov P., Naberushkina E., Chernov V.
Features of the Formation of the Reputation of Banking Organizations Among Working Russian and Foreign Students
Tyurikov A., Kolenkina P.
The Dialogue Between the Government and Society in the Mechanism of Social Transformation
Ilyicheva M., Huseynov R., Ilyicheva L.
Russian Society and Socio-Political Risks of the Digital Era in the Global Dimension
Gorlov K., Rogachev S.
The Study of Social Tension in the Context of the Transformation of the Digital Trust Paradigm
Kotov D.
The Relevance of the Neo-Institutional Method in the Analysis of Formalized Activities in Russian Modern Domestic Politics
Orlova I., Borisenkov A., Ulyankin P.
Social Expectations of the Population in the Context of the Transformation of the Trust Paradigm
Shtepa S.
New media in the digital reality
Ilyicheva M.
Public Trust of the Population in the National Guard of the Russian Federation in the Context of Sociological Research
Mufazdalov S.
The system model and the law of the crisis of trust in conditions of transforming economic relations
Zelenkov M., Tyurikov A., Zhang W.
Public Confidence in Official Sources of Information in Crisis Situations
Tyurikov A., Kunizheva D., Markov D., Mishin K.
Social Tension as One of the Key Aspects of the ESG Principles System
Kotov D.
Methodological Principles of the Activity-phenomenological Concept in the Study of Social Mechanisms for Forming Trust in Transforming Economic Relations
Voevodina E., Shihgafizov P., Shtepa S.
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