
A possible mechanism of the optical quantum tunneling effect in photocatalysts based on nanostructured functional ceramics
Rakhimov R.
Solar Drying of Fruit and Vegetables Using Polyethylene-Ceramic Composite
Rakhimov R., Mukhtorov D.
Pulse Tunnel Effect: Fundamentals and Prospects for Application
Rakhimov R.
Investigation of the Properties of Functional Ceramics Synthetized by the Modified Carbonate Method
Rakhimov R., Pankov V., Yermakov V., Rashidov Z., Rakhimov M., Rashidov K.
Prospects for the Use of Film-Ceramic Photocatalysts for the Cultivation of Microalgae
Rakhimov R., Yermakov V., Saidvaliev T.
Productive Methods for Increasing the Efficiency of Intermediate Reactions in the Synthesis of Functional Ceramics
Rakhimov R., Pankov V., Yermakov V., Makhnach L.
New Approaches to the Synthesis of Functional Materials with Specified Properties under the Influence of Concentrated Radiation and Pulse Tunnel Effect
Rakhimov R., Yermakov V.
Capabilities of Polyethylene-ceramic Composite in Comparison with Polyethylene Film in Real Operation Conditions
Rakhimov R., Yermakov V., Rakhimov M., Mukhtorov D.
Rakhimov R.
Consideration of Multipath in Modeling the Field of Secondary Electromagnetic Radiation on Informatization Objects
Bobrovskikh A., Gureev A., Los V., Markov A.
Endangered health - opportunity with efficient innovations
Hubert J., Rakhimov R., Peter J., Yermakov V.
Development of a Method for Obtaining Ceramic Nanocomposites Using Sol-gel Technology Elements to Create Inclusions of Amorphous Phases with a Composition Similar to the Target Crystalline Ceramic Matrix
Rakhimov R., Pankov V., Yermakov V., Haiduk Y., Rakhimov M., Mukhtorov D.
Rakhimov R., Peter J., Yermakov V., Rakhimov M.
Development of Silicon Detectors and Electronic Units for Radiometer Alpha-, Betaand Gamma-radiation
Radzhapov S., Nurboev K., Mullagalieva F., Zufarov M., Radzhapov B., Ergashev K.
Application of functional ceramics in sterilization processes
Rakhimov R., Yermakov V., Rakhimov M.
Efficiency of drying and calcining of welding electrodes in furnaces using radiation from nanostructured functional ceramics (NFC)
Saidov R., Rakhimov R., Yusupov B., Kholdorov M.
Calculation of stages of the technological process of manufacture of PPD detectors using computer mathematical modeling and production of alpha radiometer on their basis
Radzhapov S., Rakhimov R., Radzhapov B., Zufarov M.
Investigation of a Film-ceramic Composite in a Solar Cell
Rakhimov R., Mukhtorov D.
Endangered health - opportunity with efficient innovations
Jäger H., Rakhimov R., Peter J., Yermakov V.
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