Volume 18, Nº 4 (2017)



Abenova Z., Petrov M.


Currently the development of information and Open Source technologies for the implementation of critical business functions in fields of national economy, including space industry becomes relevant. However, as experience shows there is no uniform method for the process of developing and operating the software product using Open Source technology. The aim of the article is to study classical and modern models and technologies of software analysis and design. It will help choose the optimal model for the development of the method for creating a prototype information system using Open Source technology, and also to define the design environment and the tasks of implementing the prototype of the information system. The article considers a summary table which allows to choose efficient model for developing the method of building the information system, taking into account the specifics of the free software products.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):706-710
pages 706-710 views


Agafonov E., Shishkina A.


The paper considers the problem of dual control of an inertia-free object whose input is affected by a control vari- able and an observable but uncontrollable variable. The idea of dual control belongs to A. Feldbaum and was devel- oped on the basis of Bayesian approach. In this case, the probability densities of interference, as well as input output variables are known. In particular, the case of Gaussian probability densities was investigated. As a result, algorithms of dual control with the simplest objects of the inertia-free class were obtained. In the case of combined control systems, these studies were carried out by Feldbaum’s followers. Further development of dual control theory was described by Y. Tsypkin. The probability density of the interference was unknown, but the stage of selecting the structure of the control device and the equation of the describing object were necessary. In Tsypkin’s works, the corresponding parametric algorithms for dual control are given. In this case, a simultaneous estimation of the coefficient of the model and the regulator was made on the basis of the method of sto- chastic approximations. Later on nonparametric dual control algorithms were proposed. It is this way of control design that is discussed in the current paper. The parametric model of the object and the parametric structure of the controller were unknown in the problem statement. Nevertheless, it was known from a priori information that the characteristic of the object was one-to-one in control. Below we consider nonparametric control algorithms that combine the processes of simultaneous control and the study of the object with an accuracy of the structure unknown to the parameters, but a priori with a given number of delayed elements of the output variable of the object. In other words, the depth of the memory of the managed object was determined. In this case, a nonparametric algorithm for dual control can function in conditions of passive and active accumulation of information. The technique for representing a one-dimensional inertial-free dynamic system to a multidimensional static one is presented in the paper. Some results of numerical investigation of nonparametric algorithms of dual control are also presented.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):711-718
pages 711-718 views


Gusev S., Nikolaev V.


A method for determining the thermal state of a heat insulation panel of the honeycomb type is proposed in the paper. The use of heat-shielding materials of this type is a promising direction in the design of high-speed aircraft. The considered heat transfer is described by the boundary value problem for the heat equation. It is assumed that the ther- mal diffusivity coefficients of the materials of the panel are the given constants, and the heat exchange process occurs only due to thermal conductivity. The proposed method is based on the probability representation of the solution of the boundary value problem, which is an expectation of the functional of the random process of the diffusion type, and the numerical simulating this random process. In earlier papers the authors offered to perform the computations by the Euler method. As the heat exchange occurs in inhomogeneous medium, we use smoothing discontinuous coefficients of the heat equation, based on the integral averaging, in numerical simulation of trajectories of the random process. The simulated random process coincides with Wiener process in subareas in which the medium is homogeneous. This fact means that a significant reduction in computational costs can be achieved by using the method of the random walks on spheres in these subareas. In the paper we propose to use the random walks on spheres in the cells of the honeycomb panel and the Euler method in moving on the frame and its vicinity. The calculations performed according to the data of the physical experiment have shown the high efficiency of the proposed combined method in comparison with calcu- lations performed by only the Euler method.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):719-726
pages 719-726 views


Denisov M., Chzhan E.


Researches presented in the paper are devoted to parametric modelling of multidimensional processes of discrete- continuous type in the condition of priori information lack. Similar processes occur in the space industry, for example, in the manufacture of products based on electronic components. The article considers multidimensional processes with unknown mathematical description. Using parametric approach, we choose the structure of investigated process with the accuracy to within parameters, and the next step is to estimate the model parameters from the available sample of observations of the process input and output variables. The paper examines the case when due to the lack of priori knowledge about the object an error is allowed at the stage of parametric structure choosing. The relative approxima- tion error is used to estimate the model accuracy, which shows the difference between model and object outputs. A comparative analysis of several parametric models for one investigated object is carried out is. Using the method of least squares we obtain estimates of the parameters. The paper presents the results of a series of computational experiments illustrating the dependence of the modelling error on the object noise level, as well as on the sample size of observations of the input and output variables. One of the obvious parametric models advantages is the ease of its applying. However, if the dimension of the input variables vector is high, the process has a complex structure, and there is no priori information about the object structure, then it is difficult to use parametric methods. In this case, it is advisable to use nonparametric identification methods. In this paper we use a nonparametric estimation of the regression function on observations of Nadaraya-Watson as an estimate of the process output variable. However, such estimates require a large number of initial data, also they are sensitive to various kinds of defects in the initial samples of observations. Besides that, the paper compares nonpara- metric model with parametric one for the investigated process.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):727-735
pages 727-735 views


Ivanov I., Brester C., Sopov E.


In this work we propose a comprehensive method for solving multimodal data analysis problems. This method in- volves multimodal data fusion techniques, multi-objective approach to feature selection and neural network ensemble optimization, as well as convolutional neural networks trained with hybrid learning algorithm that includes consecutive use of the genetic optimization algorithm and the back-propagation algorithm. This method is aimed at using different available channels of information and fusing them at data-level and decision-level for achieving better classification accuracy of the target problem. We tested the proposed method on the emotion recognition problem. SAVEE (Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotions) database was used as the raw input data, containing visual markers dataset, audio features dataset and the combined audio-visual dataset. During the experiments, the following variable parameters have been used: multi-objective optimization algorithm - SPEA (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm), NSGA-2 (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm), VEGA (Vector Evaluated Genetic Algorithm), SelfCOMOGA (Self- configuring Co-evolutionary Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm), classifier ensemble output fusion scheme - voting, averaging class probabilities, meta-classification, as well as resolution of the images used as input for the convolu- tional neural network. The highest emotion recognition accuracy achieved with the proposed method on visual markers data is 65.8 %, on audio features data - 52.3 %, on audio-visual data - 71 %. Overall, SelfCOMOGA algorithm and meta-classification fusion scheme proved to be the most effective algorithms used as part of the proposed comprehen- sive method. Using the combined audio-visual data allowed to improve the emotion recognition rate compared to using just visual or just audio data.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):736-743
pages 736-743 views


Kovalev I., Losev V., Saramud M., Kovalev D., Petrosyan M., Brezitskaya V.


The article deals with the functional and algorithmic implementation of multi-version execution environment of modules as components of the onboard software of autonomous pilotless objects by means of real-time operating system. One of the approaches to implementation multi-version execution environment - implementation of the princi- ple of a pseudo-parallelism (imitation of concurrent execution of tasks by dividing the time of their execution) are given. Messaging process between multiple tasks implemented by cycloram, as the procedure of returning of voting result by queuing mechanism.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):744-747
pages 744-747 views


Kornet M., Orlova A.


The paper is devoted to the identification and control of a group of both identical and varied objects. First the con- trol system of a local object is considered. Further on, all random factors acting in the measurement channels of an object are omitted and only the relationships between objects are preserved. Nonparametric algorithms of identification and control are given in a rather general form. The main attention is paid to different relationships between local objects. First the simplest case is considered, that is, a serial technological chain for whose control it is offered to use an external circuit of control when control influences in an external circuit play the role of a setting influence of local systems. The group of objects of a parallel-serial type is the following in complexity and here some feature inherent in many variables figuring in the corresponding section of a group of objects shows itself. This essential feature is that the output variables are measured with different discreteness, and the discreteness of control can significantly vary, includ- ing hours, shifts, days and weeks, depending on the nature of the production process and the scheme of measurement and control of corresponding variables. For example, the fineness of grinding in the production of cement is measured several times per shift, and the activity of cement showing its brand is determined only after 28 days. This circumstance should be taken into account when developing computer systems for identification, control and decision-making. The most difficult are such groups that fit into the scheme of interrelated objects, where feedback takes place in the technological process. The external control circuit can have a hierarchical structure, where the number of hierarchies is related to technical-economic, production-economic factors and in active systems to social factors as well. Control of such complexes is a complicated task, where the application of the theory of adaptive and learning systems is justified. This paper considers a class of algorithms of a non-parametric type, i.e. algorithms oriented to the case when informa- tion for describing objects is insufficient for parameterization, i.e. selection up to a set of vector parameters. Similar algorithms are presented in a rather general way. As a result, some cases of using control systems for groups of objects for thermal power plants are considered, and condensed information is provided for the metallurgical processing of the Norilsk Combine.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):748-753
pages 748-753 views


Medvedev A., Raskina A.


The problems of identification and control of stochastic objects with a discrete - continuous technological process nature under conditions of nonparametric indeterminacy are considered. This term means a situation when the process structure with the accuracy to within parameters remains unknown. A more general class of dynamical nonlinear proc- esses, later of quasilinear processes, is investigated. The processes in this category are characterized by a low degree of nonlinearity, that is the superposition principle for this type of object is insolvent. Such processes often occur in vari- ous control loops for aerospace objects and systems. Nonparametric models where the dynamic process memory depth is specified on the basis of the selection of essential variables rule are given. According to this rule, the only variables included in the nonparametric model, at which the optimum blurring factor of the kernel is minimal. Nonparametric algorithms of quasilinear objects dual control are given. Control devices built on the basis of these algorithms not only perform the object control function directly, but also its study. The case when the control device corresponding to its inverse model “turns on” at the object input is considered. The process of dual control system training with active information accumulation is analyzed. The results of a numerical study of nonparametric models for quasilinear proc- esses with memory are presented in detail, as well as the results of a computational experiment using the algorithm of nonparametric adaptive dual control. In the simulation, objects characteristics were described by equations with different degrees of nonlinearity, the form of which was unknown, and which, during active information accumulation, were automatically restituted on the basis of the input-output variables process measurement. Also, the influence of various noise levels affecting an object and in measurement channels was investigated. The given computational ex- periments confirmed the possibility of using nonparametric algorithms for identifying and controlling of quasilinear systems.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):754-763
pages 754-763 views


Mihov E.


The problem of identification of inertia-free objects is being investigated. The overall pattern of the process investi- gated is being described. As a research object, a stochastic inertia-free process of modeling has been chosen. A feature of the process under consideration is the fact that unmanaged but controlled variables influence the process under investigation. In addition, the process under investigation is affected by unmanaged and uncontrolled variables. The levels of priori information has been briefly considered and characterized. For each level of priori information the identification method has been described. Particular attention is paid to the levels of priori information under which the identification task in a “broad” sense needs to be addressed. As a method of identification, genetic programming is considered. Method of genetic programming has been chosen as a research object since this method is more commonly used in the identification problem. Despite the frequency with which this method is used, it is interesting to look at the results of this method under different conditions. As changing conditions, the object’s complexity and the change in the volume of the training sample were used. For the identification process, objects with different structures were selected. The dependence of the time of finding the structure of the object on the size of the training sample was investigated. As shown by studies, there is no clear correlation between the time of finding the structure of the object and the size of the training sample. In addition, relationship between the time of the structure and the “complexity” of the object was investigated. As a criterion of “complexity” of the object, the number of input variables was taken. The study showed correlation between some values; with the increase in the number of input variables, the time of finding the structure of the process also increased.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):764-772
pages 764-772 views


Panfilova T., Panfilov I., Zolotarev V., Kovalev I., Sopov E.


The study proposes an original approach to estimate the reliability of software using the GERT-network model. The approach allows simulating the reliability of software complexes consisting of several interacting software components. As the initial data for reliability evaluation, the values of individual blocks’ reliability estimates are used. Such estima- tions can be assigned by the expert, but also can be obtained as the result of the investigation of the software complex. In this paper, experimental studies were carried out for the “Secure Data Exchange Protocol” software system. Statis- tical estimates of the reliability for the individual program blocks operating were obtained. Using the proposed model, the overall reliability of the entire software package was estimated. The article also proposes an approach to modeling a reliable software architecture based on the idea of multiver- sion programming. The article considers two different ways to implement the multiversion of NVP and RB. The problem of choosing a reliable architecture is formulated in the form of a multi-objective mixed-typed optimiza- tion problem with algorithmically defined objective functions. The criteria to the problem are the overall availability of the software complex and its complexity, which also depends on the number and composition of software components. The problem is solved using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. In the study, various approaches to solving multi- objective optimization problems were considered. A genetic algorithm with a variable length of chromosomes was implemented, which allows encoding software architectures that differ in the number and composition of components. As a result of the genetic algorithm application, various versions of software architectures of the software complex were obtained, which have better reliability. At the same time, the algorithm has proposed to implement multiply ver- sions only for those software components that were not sufficiently reliable.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):773-778
pages 773-778 views


Parot’kin N., Panfilov I., Zolotarev V., Kushko E., Panfilova T.


In this paper the protocol based on dynamic addressing algorithm is presented. It is based on the node concealment method by relaying messages through the group broadcasting. It shows the principle of data exchange in the process of implementation of the protocol in a computer network. Also the results of experimental studies for the performance of the implemented protocol are presented. It shows how to perform standard tests for software elements by using the proposed protocol. The protocol implemen- tation accounts the requirements of use in distributed computing systems. In addition, it shows the complete procedure of experimental studies for the realization of comparative tests. The protocol is also suitable for testing compatibility and throughput. The authors previously proposed the algorithm for dynamic addressing based on the technology of moving target. Usage of a specified algorithm as the basis of dynamic addressing protocol allowed us to obtain some useful properties from the point of view of security. These properties affect the transmission delay and decrease in throughput, which is also reflected in experimental studies. It shows the limitations, the application of which to the protocol can reduce the negative impact of these properties. Experimental studies were conducted on the special test stand. The equipment used for experimental research, takes into account the requirements to the protocol. The main requirements related to the need to support technology-based security of a moving target, and the possibility of the operation of the protocol in distributed computing systems. In addition, the probability of packet loss during transmission is separately evaluated. Presented in the present work, the solution can be applied in the task of secure communication in computer net- works, and other related tasks. Protocol uses the moving target technology and can be used for applications in control systems, ground equipment and flight control centers to make it difficult for a hacker to access specific devices.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):779-787
pages 779-787 views


Pashkovskaya O., Senashov S., Savostyanova I., Yuferova N.


The authors collected and analyzed data on the cost of the secondary residential property in the city of Krasnoyarsk in 2016. The Number of objects in 2016 is 1239 pieces. Each apartment is characterized by nine parameters. Based on the method of least squares (OLS) is an adequate linear model of the cost of an apartment in a regular and standard- ized form. When building the model the influence of quantitative and qualitative factors was analyzed. The factors of the prestige of the areas and wall material were ranked. The ranking was conducted based on the allocation of a typical apartment. A Studio apartment was taken as a typical apartment, as the most frequently sold. When we built the coefficients of the prestige, 24 dummy variables were introduced, and for the material of the walls the eight dummy variables were introduced. We show that urban development factors in the prestige areas of the city are changing, sometimes dramatically. The authors gave an adequate model of dependence of the prices of residential property from the environmental condition of the area. The coefficients of “prestige” for attribute factors were calcu- lated, the article builds a regression model containing the factors: price, total area, layout, floor, and wall material: statistically significant factors total area, the layout, the neighborhood. It was done in a standardized way. This study confirms the high influence on the price of the apartment, offered for sale, the total area of the district, and a moderate impact of layout. The constructed models adequately describe experimental data.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):788-795
pages 788-795 views


Pyataeva A., Bandeev O.


Video based flame detection from a surveillance camera offers early warning to ensure prompt reaction to devastat- ing fire hazards. Many existing fire detection methods based on computer vision technology have achieved high detec- tion rates, but often with unacceptably high false-alarm rates. This paper presents an automatic flame detection method using computer vision and pattern recognition techniques. This method uses the features of fire, such as the moving parameters, chromatic components, and geometrical (flickering) features. For experimental researches the databases of Bilkent University and Dyntex database were used. The developed method of flame detection on video provides 89.5-98.2 % of accuracy for flame sequences. The number of frames of test video sequences was 6.853, the total duration of the videos is 5 minutes. Experimental results show that the proposed method is feasible and effective for video based flame detection.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):796-803
pages 796-803 views


Raskina A.


The task of nonparametric dual control algorithm and standard regulation laws (P-, PI-, PID-regulators) at dy- namic objects with discrete-continuous nature of the technological process control is considered. It means that in itself, the dynamic process is continuous, however, the “input-output” variables of the process are controlled through discrete instants. In the case under study, the structure of the process model is partially parametrized. It means that equation order is determined from prior information, but at the same time functional dependency between “input-output” vari- ables of the process remains unknown. The methods of dynamic processes modeling and control based on nonparamet- ric algorithms are offered. The complexity of dynamic process modeling and control under condition of incomplete information is discussed. This level of prior information is characterised by the lack of model structure knowledge, but the information on object qualitative characteristics, for example, unambiguity, or ambiguity characteristics, linearity for dynamic processes or the nature of its nonlinearity is required. Methods of nonparametric statistics are applied to identification problem solving at this level of prior information. The problems of identification and control in the conditions of incomplete information are very relevant because many dynamic processes are not deeply studied and the presence of unknown distribution random noises causes more complexity in solving the identification and control tasks. The results of computing experiment which show the efficiency of nonparametric dual control algorithm in comparison with standard regulators are presented
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):804-809
pages 804-809 views


Rogalev A.


The article presents the methods and algorithms for evaluating management capabilities. These methods also determine the possibility of bringing the controlled system to a given point y * in the phase space. A set of reachability is a set of points in the phase space into which it is possible to move along the trajectory of the controlled system. It is necessary to check whether the point y * is included in the reachable set. Such problems are often encountered in practice, for example, when assessing the maneuverability of aircraft. Estimates of maneuverability should be accurate enough and implemented in a short time. The algorithms described in the article are based on the symbolic forms of solutions. When these algorithms are implemented, numerical data and character data are processed, and also are stored. To evaluate the ranges of values of expressions constructed by formulas, the article explores the structures of character data, including formal linear combinations of root labeled trees. Operations on the root tagged subtrees are performed by nesting the data structure in an associative data set. Reductions of the members of symbolic formulas are possible, if non-commutative operators are written through permutation operators. Such algorithms reduce the time of computation of operators in which derivatives are present, often exponentially. The article gives the examples of the application of these methods. Among these examples, we can mention the “Dobbins machine” control model, which represents the system of ordinary differential equations of the third order and describes the motion of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Since the flight speeds are in the range of 30-65 km/h, which is typical for UAVs, and the wind speed at an altitude of 30-200 m above the Earth level almost always exceeds 18 km/h, UAVs must effectively maneuver in the air flow. This allows us to examine the boundaries of reachable sets at each instant of time. An analysis of the reachable sets provides useful information for evaluating management capabilities
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):810-819
pages 810-819 views


Ruchkin L., Ruchkina N.


The results of the modeling of the transformable mechanical systems are presented. This mechanical systems are used for construction space vehicles and robotics devices. They are constituted of a succession of rigid bodies, each of them being linked to its predecessor and its successor by a one-degree-of-freedom joint. Each segment being linked to its successor by a revolute or translational joint. Each of the joints can being actuated. The analysis of publications has shown that open-loop kinematic chains and closed-loop kinematic chains are used. The Lagrange dynamical equations in matrix form are used for the modeling mechanical systems. This equations are true for open-loop kinematic (serial) and closed-loop (parallel) kinematic chains. The forward problem of the dy- namics of the opening the bar of the solar panels are presented (open-loop kinematic chain). In this case are accepted, that the rigid bodies of the device are rotating in a horizontal plane and gravitational moments are perceive by balance. The modeling of the transformable mechanical systems are implemented by LabVIEW. Virtual instruments for cal- culate the coordinates of behavioral points of the mechanical system, for example, centre of mass, as points for mount balance, matrix of the inertia, the kinetic energy of the system and the force of the actuator are presented. The article proposes the results of the modeling and virtual instruments are solved the forward problem of the dy- namics of the transformable mechanical systems and can being used for design robotic system and manufacture of the space vehicles.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):820-824
pages 820-824 views


Sopova L., Chernova S.


There are parametric and nonparametric statistical models in the literature. These models differ from each other in levels of the prior indeterminacy in the statistical description of observations. The difference in ways these models were created tends to smoothing by introduction of transition models. It is explained by the fact that a statistical model, as well as any other model, is inevitable idealization and it can be only successful approximation of actual processes at its best. Emphasizing this fact, Box writes: “All models are irregular, but some of them are useful”. When using statistical procedures it is desirable to have information about what deviations have a decisive influ- ence on the final conclusion at statistical analysis. In case the true distribution is not normal, there can be questions of normal theory reference procedures applicability. The recent research approach called “robast statistics” and offered as “third generation statistics” after parametric and nonparametric statistics by American mathematician J. Tyyuki is devoted to answer formulated above questions and create statistical procedures insensitive to deviations from assump- tions. A number of publications on this approach constantly increases, there are already monographs, among them the first book of Hyubera, the book by F. Hampel and others, educational literature is also available. The “robust” term, which corresponds to the definition “rough, strong”, was introduced into statistical literature by Box in 1953 and since the middle of the sixtieth this term has became conventional for the section of statistics where statistical procedures insensitive to deviations from the accepted model assumptions develop. The robust idea has had a long history, which was described in Stigler’s work. It appears in the work of K. Gauss, S. Newcomb, A. Eddington and others. However systematic development of robust ideas began with J. Tyyuki’s works and, especially, after the work of Hyuber in 1964. In this work an estimation of functions with a data outlier problem is given. In case of nonparametric indeterminacy the following steps are used to solve the problem: 1) the type of regression function with input data is set; 2) function estimation is applied. We suggest the following reliable robust nonparametric estimation approach. The main idea is to exclude the data which can affect estimation.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):825-832
pages 825-832 views


Boyko O., Achkasova E.


In this article, the object of research is complex functional aircraft systems. The subject of the study includes a methodological approach to systems reliability calculation. The theme of this work is development of the methods for the complex systems reliability assessing. The aim of this work is to study the validity and adequacy of the methodologi- cal approach to the traditional reliability theory in the calculations of recoverable redundant systems. Traditional methods include the methods that are based on the use of the multiplication theorem of probabilities. In the production section of faultlessness calculating solving problem are the conditions for the system failure of. These conditions are ignored, using traditional methods of solving problems. It is shown that according to the traditional solution, systems are only refused if all elements fail. When calculating the majority system, probability of its failure is determined by summing the failure probability for two states. And it is assumed that the second refusal is realized in the previously failed system. Failures of elements that determine the loss of system performance are realized at discrete instants of time, but, with the traditional solution, discreteness is not taken into account. The methodological approach proposed by the authors is based on the notion that, in a stationary process, the failure probability of an element in the operable part of the system is determined by the total density probability of the failure streams of the elements making up this part of the system and their previous generation. Using the methods proposed by the authors for solving the problems of reliability calculating of these systems, the theorem of multiplying probabilities is not used. Time intervals are determined on which the elements of the system fail, and reduce its efficiency. Taking into account changes in the system structure, solutions are proposed as the failure in it develops. The results obtained according to the proposed approach strictly correspond to the failure conditions of the systems. The validity of the approach is confirmed by the results of experimental studies. The methods proposed in the work can be used in calculating the reliability of functional systems of aircraft and spacecraft.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):834-840
pages 834-840 views


Vshivkov J., Krivel S.


This paper deals with the research methods of wing-in-ground effect vehicle (WIG vehicle) longitudinal static stability. The methods are focused on the use of the algorithm of preliminary WIG aerodynamics and control system design. The algorithm is based on the iteration process of stability criteria calculations, the subsequent factor analysis of these criteria with respect to their value-determining parameters and variations of WIG vehicle configuration parameters. The methods include preliminary determination of WIG vehicle aerodynamic characteristics. The best results can be obtained when different methods of determining these aerodynamic characteristics (experimental and by means of computational aerodynamics) are combined. In this paper the calculation of aerodynamic characteristics is performed by applying ANSYS software packet. To assess the reliability of the aerodynamic characteristics obtained with the ANSYS program, experimental studies in a wind tunnel and a vertical hydrodynamic pipe were carried out. Certain aerodynamic characteristics are determined by means of originally made computer programs using the method of discrete vortices. A special database is formed of the obtained aerodynamic characteristics. The database essentially is a mathematical model of a WIG vehicle which supplies the characteristics (aerodynamic coefficients and their derivatives) with an estimated degree of reliability within a given range of determining parameters. On the basis of the widely used criterial approach to static stability assessment of various WIG vehicle modifications, a mathematical algorithm for parameter calculation and a computer program were developed. They permit the calculation-based analysis of the factors determining stability or non-stability of a WIG vehicle. The mathematical model of WIG vehicle stability analysis is implemented in the form of a software packet based on MatLab. The results worked out by the program are in the form of data suitable for operational analysis. Using these data, one can assess the WIG vehicle static stability and determine the stability range for the given structural and configurational factors. The results of the analysis make a foundation for subsequent modifications of WIG vehicle’s aerodynamic configuration or for working out requirements for automatic control and stabilizing systems’ upgrade. The methods demonstrating the analysis of original load-carrying systems design are also presented. For the example analysis, an original WIG- tandem load- carrying system was chosen. The methods are applicable for the analysis of various aircraft modes’ stability, for all vehicles built on aerodynamic principles of flight maintenance.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):841-850
pages 841-850 views


Gordienko E., Platov I., Simonov A.


In the next decade, a significant increase in the intensity of the Jupiter system and its satellites studying with the help of spacecraft is expected. The two Galilean moons - Europe and Ganymede - are particularly interesting since the potential life is possible on these objects, even in a primitive form. Such missions are being developed by ESA (“Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer” (JUICE)), NASA (“Europa Clipper” and “Europa Lander”), Roskosmos (“Laplace-P”) and others. The final goal of the European and Russian projects is the detailed study of Ganymede - the largest satellite both in the Jupiter system and in the entire Solar system. The Russian perspective project “Laplace-P” assumes the creation and launch of two spacecrafts in one launch window. At the heart of the first mission spacecraft is an orbiter. One of its tasks is mapping the surface of Ganymede from the orbit of an artificial satellite and collecting data for selecting a landing site of the second spacecraft - a landing satellite. The project should be based on the launch of a spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome with the help of the Angara-A5 launcher and the KVTK upper stage. When developing the flight scheme it is assumed that in 8 years the spacecrafts should be put into the orbit around Ganymede. The flight trajectory to Jupiter is formed with the help of gravitational maneuvers near the Earth and Venus. The mission of “JUICE” involves the study of Ganymede only from the orbit of an artificial satellite. The article is devoted to comparison of completed, carried out and perspective expeditions to the Jupiter system. If the first mission - “Galileo” - was mainly focused on Jupiter itself, the future missions are aimed at investigations of its satellites. Based on the analysis of the reviewed projects, recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of the Russian “Laplace-P” project. It is established that to improve the efficiency of the Russian mission “Laplace-P” it is recommended both further structural improvement of space vehicles and the development of a trajectory in the Jupiter system based on modern methods of ballistic design.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):851-857
pages 851-857 views


Каzаntsеv Z.


One of the basic requirements to deployable mechanical systems is observance of requirements on execution of the first eigenfrequency of structure. In case of transformed structure like solar array, when the structure consists of any panels series connected with joints, this requirement is supplied with high rigidity of a structure. At low rigidity (lower then require) inevitably engenders unnecessary effects on orientation and stabilization system of spacecraft on orbit. Other major aspect of designing of space engineering is decrease in final weight of a product. The most typical line of designing of various systems of space vehicles is compromise search between decrease in weight of a product, and, as consequence, decrease rigidity and strength properties of a structure. In the article the proposed option of a design of a deployable mechanical system. The basic load-bearing element is set of laminate composite panels, connected with joints. The main feature is additional elements (pipe or plate) com- bined with basic panels. The form of a sectional structure is equilateral triangle. Selection of the given type of a structure is proved by two kinds of analyses: the kinematic analysis of a deployment from a shipping rule in working, and the modal analysis for reliability acknowledgement on first eigenfrequency. The parametric analysis of geometry of a design is carried out, optimum versions are shown. For deeper optimization of design parameters it is necessary to carry out the following engineering analyses which have been not presented within the limits of the given article: the analysis of reliability of a deployment of mechanical devices; the structural analysis; the analysis of temperature deformations and so forth. The given design can be applied as the power basis to solar array, antennas, and cluster orbital systems.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):858-867
pages 858-867 views


Kaloshin I., Kharlamov A., Skripachev V., Surovceva I., Ivanov V.


It is proposed to use methods of system analysis in designing small spacecraft. It is shown that a perspective small spacecraft can be represented as a set of technical subsystems that are characterized by various parameters: target indicators, reliability indicators (reliability, durability, maintainability), processability indicators, standardization and unification. A systematic approach to the selection of the rational composition of a set of on-board instrumentation for a specific purpose was adopted. We prove the urgency of space monitoring by means of onboard scientific equipment (OSE) of small spacecraft (SS), with the purpose of receiving geophysical data. We consider physical phenomena asso- ciated with seismic activity and registered by a number of SS instruments. We present an analysis of publications that demonstrate the possibility of space monitoring of seismic activity. We propose methodology for analyzing satellite data obtained by onboard geophysical instruments, the composition of which depends on content requirements and technical SS characteristics. We conducted an expert review of the sources of basic predictive information. To choose the crite- ria, we implemented the method of paired comparisons with the “threshold principle”. The criteria chosen were: the urgency of the earthquake precursor, and the economic validity and feasibility of the instruments’s creation. A signifi- cant concordance coefficient has been obtained, it indicates a rigid coupling between the experts’ assessments. The results of calculating the priority of predictive information indicators are presented, based on the indicated criteria. We proposed the visualization of the selection of the predictive information results. We validated the applicability and optimal composition of on-board scientific equipment (OSE) of SS to diagnose the seismic activity. Finally, we deter- mined the prospects of developing a space monitoring system for earthquake precursors. The realized system approach can be used for forming the appearance of perspective small spacecraft for various purposes, including for solving problems of remote sensing of the Earth.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):868-875
pages 868-875 views


Latyntsev S., Meus S., Оvсhinniкоv А.


The paper discusses the issue of ensuring survivability of Spacecraft (SC) in its long-term autonomous operation in space conditions for cases of critical failure of rate sensors. We presented an autonomous control loop in survivability mode in the form of a functional circuit and a mathematical model of control loop. On the spacecraft engineered by JSC ISS - Reshetnev, failures of an angular-rate sensor took place; these failures reduced a redundancy level and unfailing performance of SC; the failure of a standby angular rate sensor will lead to impossibility to use this mode. We came up with a solution to a problem of potential failures of angular rate sensors for spacecraft in operation in orbit using addi- tional control logic; this solution is the purpose of our work. We developed a mathematical model of control without using an angular rate sensor. We described the model in details and it included estimating the angular rate according to previously generated control actions, calculation of control actions and filtration of evaluation registration accord- ing to measuring of a solar sensor. We showed the purpose of each newly introduced block that gives such advantages as improving the noise immunity of control loop to measurement errors, providing search rotation in the case of failure of all rate sensors. Improved control algorithm was synthesized. Having improved the basic algorithm, we carried out ground and flight tests. We performed mathematical modeling in the environment called GNU Octave. Hybrid modeling was performed on rotary tables equipped with functional models of units and a functional model of onboard control subsystem. We conducted flight tests on real geostationary SC flying in orbit. For each test, we pro- vided description of initial conditions and presented graphs of measurement of angular rate. We carried out all the tests successfully, and the algorithm is applied on the SC engineered by JSC “ISS - Reshetnev Company”.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):876-881
pages 876-881 views


Tambasova E., Tokarev A., Pavelko S., Таmbаsоv I.


The intrrest of spacefaring nations in the Moon has grown considerably in recent years. Russia, China, the European Space Agency, the USA and some other countries have the Lunar programs. The movement around the Moon has a number of the features caused by gravitational field of the Moon, mascons and the small period of rotation. Therefore these features need to be considerd at the design of both the space vehicle and its components. The electro- mechanical block of solar array drive mechanism (SADM) of the spacecraft “Luna-Resurs-1” for a remote research of the Moon is presented. It serves for rotation of solar batteries panels and provides orientation of the panels by active part to the Sun. The purpose of this work is the analysis of strength characteristics of the spacecraft electromechanical block of SADM in the research of the Moon. Stress analysis of the basic power elements of the design by method of final elements in the Static analysis application of a CATIA package is made. The results of the calculation confirm the lifting power of a load-carrying structure. The minimum margin of safety of the most loaded detail is equal to 1.91. The developed device considers all the features of the movement on an orbit of the Moon and can be used in the research spacecrafts when studying a terrain and structure of the Lunar surface.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):882-887
pages 882-887 views


Baranov M., Gerasimova L., Khizhnyak S., Dubynin P., Kleshnina I.


Anthropogenic pollution of soil greatly disturbs the self-cleaning mechanism and assists in its degradation. As a result of contamination in the soil changes the humidity, temperature, impaired aeration mode. Significant changes occur in the species and qualitative composition of microorganisms, the mode of life is disrupted that has a negative effect on the processes of soil formation and self-purification. The greatest threat to the soil is chemical pollution. The object of the study was the soil and its microbial community at the storage facility KRT (rocket fuel). After the liquidation of the military unit near the settlement of pamyati 13 Bortsov, Emelyanovsky district, Krasnoyarsk region due to contact with soil significant amount of KRT was unfavorable ecological situation that has reflected in maintaining a high level of phytotoxicity. Nowadays the former missile base is unattended, special structures are destroyed. In the soil cover there is visible oily spots, a peculiar smell. The contents of KRT in soil is 0.001 mg/l, which corresponds to the level of “Danger” according to the testimony of the army device of chemical investigation (VPHR). In this connection it is necessary to study in depth the places of the Strait of KRT for the work on detoxification of soil cover. For the experiment, we selected 13 samples from different sites located at a certain distance from each other and covering the area close to technical facilities, as well as one sample for the removal of three kilometers from the object of study. The aim of the study is to conduct a microbiological analysis of soil and identify the most polluted areas on the object. In this connection, you need to study the microbiological parameters of soil as the main indicator defining the level of pollution. It is necessary to compare the microbiological characteristics of the study area prior to reclamation of soil microbial complexes in the region. To carry out statistical processing of the obtained experimental data to minimize the area subject to reclamation.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):890-896
pages 890-896 views


Vlasov A., Amel’chenko N., Pasechnik K., Titov M., Serzhantova M.


The design of a precision large-size antenna reflector made of polymer composite materials (PCM) based on carbon fibers is presented in the article. Such reflectors are used for operation in high frequency ranges, since they have a low coefficient of linear thermal expansion and a high modulus of elasticity. Therefore, the main task of this work is to design the geometric accuracy of the reflector working surface from composite materials with a diameter of more than 10 meters and a frequency range of 42.5-45.5 GHz. The developed model of the reflector includes a power frame, segments of the reflecting surface and a hub. The power frame of the reflector consists of flat trusses supplemented with rods, so that during assembly a spatial construction with axial symmetry is formed. Segments are three-layer casings of polymer composite materials with filler. The proposed model of the reflector was analyzed using the finite element method with boundary conditions: a wind load of 20 m/s in the opening of the reflector; Impact of gravity on the reflector, oriented to the zenith. The wind load was modeled as a uniformly distributed pressure applied to the segments. The obtained mean square deviation (SDE) of the geometry and natural oscillation frequency of a reflector made from polymer composite materials based on carbon fibers is sufficient for operation of the satellite earth station in high radio-frequency ranges Ka, Q and V.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):897-901
pages 897-901 views


Eresko S., Eresko T., Kukushkin E., Menovschikov V., Mikheev A.


An overview of the construction of test benches for testing carded transmission, such as a stand for the universal joint bearing tests, the lack of a stand is used as a loading device torsion shaft, which reduces the accuracy of creating stress in the joints of the driveline; stands with the inability to control the process of loading the driveline during drive- line tests; stand with a closed loop power transmission units for testing of vehicles and stand the test of aggregates of transmissions of vehicles, lack of which is the rapid overheating of the braking system, which occurs due to lack of cooling system is given. The aim of the study is to create a new design of test benches based on our analysis of test benches designs. An object stands for testing of universal joints with needle bearings is to test the driveline in a wide range of loads, comparative tests of joints of various sizes. The analysis stands for driveline test on needle bearings, as a result of which there was a need for a new design, a large range of different parameters of loading and ease of con- figuration; it is necessary to create a design system that allows testing of cardan transmission with high precision ad- justment of the angle of fracture driveline and ease of use; it is necessary to create a design system that allows testing driveline with the exception of overheating the braking system, as well as to ensure smooth regulation of the braking torque. The task of creating a new design, a large range of different parameters of loading and ease of configuration is achieved in that the drive is connected to the driveline via coupling through technology transfer and loading device is connected through a transfer case. The task of creating design systems that will allow testing of cardan transmission with high precision adjustment of the angle of fracture driveline and operating convenience is achieved in that, in a tester in driveline, which includes, mounted on the main frame: motor technology transfer, made in the form of a me- chanical gearbox, connected to the input shaft of the test driveline, wherein the output shaft of the driveline is connected to a load device through the draw gear and, distributing gear is mounted on an additional frame, which has the ability to move along the slits the main frame with fixing the position of the dispensing gear in the horizontal plane vernier, calibrated in units of angle fracture driveline. The task of creating design systems that will allow testing driveline with the exception of overheating the braking system, as well as to ensure smooth regulation of the braking torque, is achieved in that the loading device is designed as a hydraulic pump, the shaft of which is connected to the output shaft of the transfer gear and the input channel a hydraulic pump connected to the tank, and the outlet duct connected to the inlet throttle controlled, through a heat exchanger whose output is connected to the hydraulic tank, wherein the outlet channel between the hydraulic pump and the inlet throttle and a relief valve mounted manometer Suitably calibrated in terms of brake torque. Construction of the first of the proposed stand allows you to experience the driveline of different sizes in a wide range of load torque and driveline speeds. The construction of the second sentence of the stand allows you to experience the driveline of different sizes in a wide range of load torque, rotational speed and high precision tuning fracture driveline angle. The construction of the third sentence of the stand allows testing driveline, excluding overheating of the braking system by cooling the working fluid, and improve operational excellence by providing smooth regulation of the braking torque.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):902-909
pages 902-909 views


Ermakov D.


The first commercial equipment for additive technology production with 3D-printing was made more than 30 years ago. In the mid 90-ies 3D-printing was used mainly in research activities. The wide spread of digital technology in the field of design, modeling, calculations and machining stimulated a rapid development of additive technology. To evaluate the application of the parts printed on a 3D-printer, there was conducted a research of the design of the reaction wheels engines. On the basis of the pre-designed 3D-model there were made two housings of powder materials - alloys АК9Ч and AlSi10Mg were constructed. The analysis of the stability of the geometry of the engine housings to thermal effects, susceptibility to mechanical loads in the model layout of the engine-flywheel was conducted. Outgassing in vacuum was defined and the microstructure of additively manufactured materials was researched. Test results proved the possibility of application of the additively manufactured housing made of selected alloys with sufficient mechanical strength in the composition of the engine-flywheel. There is obviously a need to continue the studies on the properties of materials used in additive technologies in order to compile a list of materials with their properties and application characteristics in the design of the engine- flywheel.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):910-917
pages 910-917 views


Ermakov D., Solovev V.


When you create a small spacecraft there is the problem of redressing the imbalance of the rotor-flywheel of the small engine flywheel with the selection of weights, while the mechanical contact method leads to elastic deformation in the supports of rotation, which has a negative impact on their work especially at high speeds of rotation of the flywheel. From this perspective, there is a need to study other ways of balancing of rotors, flywheels, namely contactless bal- ancing of rotor of flywheels with the help of concentrated energy fluxes of laser and electron-beam evaporation of the metal. The technology of balancing with an electron beam has a number of advantages over the laser technology of bal- ancing for the realization of balancing of rotors of flywheels. For example, it is possible to implement the process of redressing of imbalance in the vacuum that brings the balancing conditions to real operating conditions. Also the reflectance of energy in the processing of electron beam is much lower than during laser processing, which demon- strates the efficiency of the process. The dependences of the intensity of evaporation from the settings of the laser and electron beam are defined. Contactless balancing of rotors of flywheels with the help of concentrated energy fluxes evaporation of metal is cur- rently possible, but it is necessary to have special equipment with the required capacity of operation.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):918-924
pages 918-924 views


Krushenko G., Platonov O., Reshetnikova S., Kiselev G.


In the manufacture of structures made of aluminum alloys, there are different ways and means of carrying out per- manent joints, including welding. The physical essence of the manufacture of metal products by welding consists in ob- taining permanent connections as a result of melting and crystallization of the material of the welding electrode and the parts to be joined. The disadvantage of this method of Assembly is that the structure of the weld which is larger than the structure of the connected metal, which leads to lower mechanical properties in the weld zone. According to the results of the research there was a possibility of grinding the structure of the weld and improve the mechanical properties of the weldment type of a shell, welded from sheets of wrought aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg6 with the application as modifiers of nanopowders of chemical compounds. Nanopowders of chemical compounds represent superslow crystal- line or amorphous formation with particle sizes not exceeding 100 nm (1 nm = 10-9 m), which possess unique physical and chemical properties and mechanical characteristics that are significantly different from those for materials of the same chemical composition in a solid state. As a result, the work performed in a production environment there was the possibility of grinding the structure of the weld and improve the mechanical properties of the weldment type of a shell, welded from sheets of wrought aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg6 with the application as modifiers of nanopowders of chemical compounds of boron nitride BN, lanthanum hexaboride LaB6 and titanium carbonitride TiCN.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):925-931
pages 925-931 views


Levko V., Simakova A., Savin D.


The article proposes the approach in which a set of factors and response functions is determined for each stage of the life cycle of the working medium for abrasive flow machining treatment. The response functions in turn in the next stage become factors (initial data). The analysis of publications has shown that in the literature there is no systematized description of the factors of the technological process of abrasive flow machining at different stages of the life cycle. An attempt is made to systematize the variables of this technology and to establish their interrelation through the stages of the life cycle of the working media as a finishing tool. The authors describe the life cycle of the working medium for abrasive flow machining. The life cycle includes five stages, divided into thirteen stages. On the basis of the analysis of the world experience, a set of factors is proposed for each stage enabling to give a characteristic of the workpiece, working medium, processing modes, as well as contact interactions between the abrasive grain and the surface to be finished. The authors made a description of the peculiarities of the stage of manufacturing the stage of the experimental batch of the life cycle of the working environment, in which features of the technology of its production are disclosed. The approach described in the article makes it possible to improve the efficiency of abrasive flow machining by reducing the costs of preparing the production and operating the working media. This fact is especially important for the production of rocket and space technology, characterized by a wide range of parts with different types of surfaces that require finishing operations.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):932-938
pages 932-938 views


Lubkova T., Bychek A., Popov Z., Chepkasov I., Visotin M.


Necessity to reduce the mass and dimensions of electronic devices, and at the same time, increasing their perform- ance and energy efficiency, is most pronounced in the field of space device engineering. One possible approach is to develop electronics based on new physical principles, such as manipulating electron spins. The search for materials for such devices requires new strategies within the framework of modern material science, including utilization of methods for theoretical prediction of compounds prospective for their further experimental synthesis and study. One of promising spintronics material families, the Mn-Si system, is a serious challenge for theoretical studies be- cause of its entangled phase diagram with a large number of metastable phases, many of which are found only in cer- tain nanoscale systems such as thin films. The article presents a search and investigation of new manganese silicide phases that can form epitaxial thin films on (001) surface of silicon. This theoretical study was carried out using the evolutionary algorithm for stable structure prediction and is based on the calculations within the framework of the den- sity functional theory. Among the found phases, the tetragonal P4/mmm phase of manganese disilicide has the largest magnetic moment of 0.71 μB per manganese atom. For this phase various configurations of interfaces with crystalline silicon were modeled and their electronic and magnetic properties were determined. High value of spin polarization at the Fermi level (-66 %) indicates the silicide’s great potential for spintronics applications. Additionally, the effect of the finite film thickness on the magnetic moments on manganese atoms, up to the suppression of the spin polarization, is revealed. It is shown that the presence of an in- terface with a silicon substrate significantly affects only the nearest disilicide layer, while the dangling bonds on the disilicide film surface have influence on the electronic structure of 2-3 layers deep into the silicide. This argues for the preservation of the magnetic properties in the disilicide films despite their small thickness starting from several nano- meters.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):939-948
pages 939-948 views


Trifonov S., Morozov E., Murygin A., Tikhomirov A.


By using technologies of organic waste processing within Closed Ecological Systems (CES) intended for space flights, waste material can be involved in the CES material cycling, enabling life support of the crew. An integrated technology, which includes fish waste processing and involvement in the mass exchange in the system, seems a promis- ing process. Fish is considered as one of the potential sources of animal protein for the CES crew. Thus, this paper reports the results of developing the technology for mineralization of organic waste, including fish waste. Such a tech- nology must meet the following requirements: the resultant products must be environmentally friendly, processing must take a reasonable period of time (the average time of processing of the daily waste is no longer than 24 h), the process- ing facility must be easy to handle and compact, the products must be readily incorporated into the food chain of the CES biological components, and the technology must be suitable for simultaneous processing of various types of or- ganic waste typical of the CES (human solid and liquid wastes, inedible plant biomass, and waste products and inedible biomass of other biological components of the CES). The method of “wet” combustion in hydrogen peroxide developed at the Institute of Biophysics SB RAS fulfills the above requirements, and, thus, it was used as the basis for the fish waste processing technology. The process of oxidation of fish waste together with human solid and liquid waste devel- oped in this study enables both burning the sediment in the “wet” combustion reactor and mineralizing fish waste to products that can be used as a source of mineral nutrients for the plant component of the CES. The total duration of the technological processes is about 14 h. More than 90 % of mineral macro elements are present in the resultant products in the form available to plants. The process dynamics achieved in this study suggests that, in the future, the reactor can be controlled automatically, based on the running time data, with the emergency shutdown based on indicators of pres- sure, temperature, and current intensity. The present study offers the opportunity to develop a compartment of physico- chemical processing of various organic waste types for the CES intended for space flights.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):949-955
pages 949-955 views


Babina O.


Timely adoption of correct decisions at change of an economic situation and development of rational options of economic policy is one of the main conditions of effective regional management. Effective management, in turn, can not be presented without strategic planning. Foreign and domestic researchers have fully formulated theoretical and methodological bases of strategic planning. However the analysis of the most popular works on strategic planning has shown lack of uniform theoretical and practical application base of this method for the problems solution of the region. This scientific work is performed on the basis of information obtained from monographs of materials of the international and Russian scientific conferences, information help sources, scientific publications in current and periodicals, normative legal acts of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to carry to the main methods applied to this work: method of the system analysis, generalization and classification, theory and methods of decision-making, method of the comparative analysis. In the article the concept “strategic planning of the region” is added and specified, the list of the existing principles of strategic planning is expanded. Modern problems of the organization and carrying out regional strategic planning are investigated. The main methods of planning at the mesolevel with detection of their advantages and shortcomings are analyzed. On the basis of the carried-out analysis it is possible to note that when planning activity of such difficult systems as regional, not only existence of effective methods and models of decision- making, but also use of modern information technologies is necessary. Quality of adoption of administrative decisions in many respects depends on it.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):958-967
pages 958-967 views


Erygin Y., Volkova M.


The article deals with the problems of including regional economy in global value chains on the base of government stimulation of innovation development. Global value chains play the significant role in the modern world economy but the Russian economy is included in the organization of production across national boundaries on disadvantageous terms, as a supplier of raw materials. There is a conclusion about necessity for improving the international specializa- tion of the Russian economy by being included in the global production network at the Research & Development stage like the developer of innovations. In order to reach this goal the article suggests a new approach for choosing appro- priate government regulation objects and innovation production support instruments. The authors propose a new typol- ogy of regional economy sectors as the government regulation objects. There are two criteria used to determine the type of a regional economy sector: the first one is the level of production localization (whether or not regional product is the part of a national, regional or global production network), the second criteria is the type of a target market for this product (region, macroregion, national economy, Eurasian Economic Union, CIS states and non-CIS states). According to the type of regional economy sector government could apply one of the varieties of innovation production support policies. The article determines the principals of interactions between government bodies, scientific-research organiza- tions and business during the implementation of the innovation production projects. These principles could be used for choosing instruments of innovation production government support.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):968-975
pages 968-975 views


Podverbnykh O., Kraev V., Tikhonov A.


Aviation and aerospace industry is going through critical changes. Lack of administrative competences does not al- low us to develop the industry efficient model. The main challenging trends are lack of work experience under the con- ditions of international cooperation and global competition, underestimation of significance of international accredita- tion and the importance of competences in selling and service, lack of competences in supply chain management and development of suppliers, establishing new cooperation ties based on long-term and partnership grounds, inefficient corporate management in the integrated industrial structures. The research presents an approach to train professional managers for aviation-aerospace industry taking into account current tendencies and industry demands. The researchers have formulated the main requirements to train pro- fessional managers for the industry: the basic professional education with specialization in the sphere where a com- pany/enterprise functions, specialization in management providing the grounds for business process management, scientific focus or even expert knowledge at the level of a candidate of science, the great focus on organization pragma- tist games, forming a business process impact and distinction. The research demonstrates a current vision of the training process for a professional manager for aviation and aerospace industry. The first stage is a basic education in one of the leading aerospace university in the country result- ing in a bachelor degree. The second stage is a master degree in management. The third stage is post-graduate educa- tion and dissertation defence in the field of an enterprise specialization. Moreover, the sphere of scientific interests can be defined at the 2-nd or 3-d years of a bachelor programme. The compulsory requirement to the educational process at the second stage is a training methodology in a form of organization pragmatist games. The concept is proposed to realize as a training programme for the industry management staff based on the leading aerospace universities of the country commanding a complete spectrum of technical specializations and a department responsible for managers training. The approach is universal and can be applied to train professional management for different industries.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):976-980
pages 976-980 views


Poochkin M.


The article deals with theoretical approaches to governance of sustainable development created in TOSER of the nuclear industry ZATO using the tools of strategic management. The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the economic crisis, the regime of economic sanctions against Russia and the need for the speedy launch of the mecha- nisms of economic growth. “Points of growth” of the new economy with different principles of operation in the regions of Russia can be created by TOSER. The nuclear industry ZATO which has no analogues in the world is of special sci- entific interest. The local administrative-territorial units have the necessary resources and huge scientific and innova- tion potential for development. In the framework of the existing legal framework TOSER in the nuclear industry ZATO can be created for up to ten years with an option of renewal for another five years. To successfully manage the devel- opment of TOSER in a long time perspective is possible only within the framework of strategic management. In the article the analysis of theoretical grounds and methodological support of strategic management at the present stage is given. It shows that strategic management tools are successfully used not only in the corporate sector, but also in the field of regional development. However, the theory and methodology of strategic management as applied to such complex systems like the TOSER in the nuclear industry ZATO is currently almost nonexistent. Development of theoretical prin- ciples and methodological basis of strategic management in TOSER of the nuclear industry ZATO is only possible tak- ing into account existing sectoral specifics and the complexity of the TOSER as a socio-economic system. With regard to TOSER in the nuclear industry ZATO it is encouraged to use the model of strategic management from Harvard busi- ness school enlarged by the author. This model has a harmonious and logical structure, a clear sequence of actions. The author notes that this model includes five phases: strategic analysis; strategy simulation; formulation of strategy; choice of strategy; implementation of strategy. The use of strategic management tools for sustainable development of TOSER in the nuclear industry ZATO will allow you to resolve a number of important tasks, including: retention and development of personnel potential of the space industry; import substitution in the nuclear industry; development of export-oriented sector of civil production; stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the closed nuclear industry.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2017;18(4):981-992
pages 981-992 views

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