卷 23, 编号 1 (2022)

Section 1. Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

Application of the computer vision system reconstructing the three-dimensional form of space technology objects

Koshelev P., Yuev A., Konoplev Y., Tolmachev A., Tishkov A.


Trends in the development of the spacecraft (SC) industry present increasingly complex tasks for mechatronic systems. Due to the complexity of the assembly processes of large-sized transformable structures and solar panels, the current methods of opening structures are becoming less reliable and relevant. The development of orbital stations in addition leads to a whole range of new tasks. Using mechatronic manipulators is one of the promising approaches. However, the functionality of their application is severely limited by the algorithms for moving the executive body and manipulating objects, predetermined during development. In this regard, there is a need to develop new approaches to finding and determining the shape of the target object, for further calculation of the algorithm for its interaction with the mechatronic manipulator gripper.

The article presents a method for reconstructing the three-dimensional shape of objects, based on using a machine vision system. A stereo camera is used to obtain the scene's spatial characteristics. Based on the data obtained, the scene is divided into several independent geometric surfaces, followed by staged processing by neural network algorithms. The required parameters of the target objects are extracted at each stage of the algorithm. YolactEdge is used as a neural network architecture, which performs semantic segmentation and classification of objects. A separate task can be the correlation of the spatial characteristics of the target objects and the replacement three-dimensional model. To ensure this correlation, the neural network architecture was supplemented with a keypoint detection branch which provides a prediction of the positions of the reference points of objects that uniquely determine the spatial characteristics of the target object.

As a result, the system obtained is able to provide the construction of a three-dimensional map of the turning radius area in real time. In addition, based on the received telemetric information, it is possible to calculate the trajectory of the manipulator's executive body and its interaction with objects.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):8-20
pages 8-20 views

Errors reduction in the location of objects of the radio navigation system

Musonov V., Romanov A.


In the present paper, a method for improving the accuracy of the dead reckoning position of a board  station based on signals from ground-based radio navigation systems is considered. In the radio navigation system, based on the radiation of the signal by the master fixed station, signals are received by the slave fixed stations with the determination of the moments of their arrival relative to their own time scales. On the other hand, based on the radio frequency radiation of signals by the slave fixed stations, signals are received by the master fixed station with the determination of the moments of their arrival relative to their own time scale. According to the measured moments of arrival of the radio frequency radiation signals, time corrections to the time scales of the slave fixed stations relative to the master fixed station are calculated. Since the time correction is calculated for a time of no more than 10 seconds, a random components are excluded due to the variability of the propagation velocity of the surface electromagnetic wave due to the variability of the environmental parameters and the parameters of the near-surface layer of the electromagnetic wave propagation area. If the calculated value of the time correction of the duration of the clock interval of the generated signal is exceeded, the moment correction (up to a clock) of the formation of the modulating code of the signal radiated by the slave fixed station is carried out and the calculated value of the time correction is corrected by the value of the previously corrected clock durations. The corrected values of the time corrections (pre-coded) are transmitted to each of the slave fixed stations as part of their navigation signals. The navigation information user receives the radio navigation signals radiated by the fixed stations, through decoding highlights information about the mismatch of time scales from the signals of the fixed stations and measures the radio navigation parameters with heightened accuracy due to compensation for the error of the out-of-sync radiation signals of the slave fixed stations of the radio navigation system.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):21-32
pages 21-32 views

Comparison of data clustering methods for automatic determination of granulation in a genetic fuzzy system

Pleshkova T., Stanovov V.


The paper proposes applying clustering methods to determine the most appropriate number of fuzzy terms to design a genetic fuzzy system. The fuzzy logic system in this study is used to solve data classification problems and is automatically generated by a genetic algorithm. In this study we used a genetic algorithm with encoding of terms and classes into a binary string, while each individual encoded a rule base. It is necessary to set the number of fuzzy terms parameter to build a rule base, since it significantly affects the quality of the generated classifiers. To determine the best method of data clustering, the most well-known algorithms were compared: DBSCAN, k-means and the mean shift algorithm. To evaluate the efficiency of the selected number of fuzzy terms, computational experiments were performed on several data sets. Based on the results, it was determined that the mean shift algorithm selects such a number of terms that allows building more accurate classifiers in comparison to the other two methods involved in testing. A comparison was also made with alternative classification methods such as k nearest neighbors, support vector machine and neural networks, as a result of which the proposed method showed comparable classification quality. The developed approach to automating the determination of the number of terms makes it possible to exclude manual selection of granulation for various data, reducing the cost of creating an effective fuzzy system for solving classification problems.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):33-42
pages 33-42 views

Determination of criteria for assessing the conformity of the refrigerator unit with the control parameters, the algorithm of their definition

Shurinova D., Suvorov A., Kovalenko A., Murygin A.


This article will describe the results of tests that were carried out at the manufacturing plant of refrigeration devices. The results of which make it possible to judge the possibility of using a new method of testing refrigeration devices for compliance with the standards established by GOST, which determine the specific heat and power properties of each refrigeration device, depending on its type (single-chamber or with two-chambers, with one compressor or with two, etc.), passing acceptance tests. The graphs of the active power of the device will be presented when it is connected to the power supply network and the dependence of the change in the power graph depending on time will be described, the signs of the graphs of faulty refrigeration devices will be described, indicating the cause of the malfunction. The authors indicate the parameters by which it is proposed to compare the obtained power graphs with the reference graphs obtained when testing reliably serviceable refrigeration devices. Based on the results of comparing certain values ​​of the parameters characterizing the device it is proposed to judge the compliance of each individual refrigeration device with the standard. It also provides a description of the algorithm that will be used to determine the compliance of the refrigeration device with the established parameters of heat and power characteristics that determine its performance. The implementation of this algorithm will be carried out by writing an appropriate program for the programmable logic controller (PLC).

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):43-51
pages 43-51 views

Section 2. Aviation and Space Technology

Analysis of the stress-deformed state of the prismatic support of the lever-grading device of test stands for liquid rocket engines

Begishev A., Zhuravlev V., Nazarov V., Torgashin A.


The force measuring device is a part of the bench force measurement system required for direct measurement of the rocket engine thrust during the test. One of the common types of force-measuring device calibration systems is a lever-type calibration device. The simplicity of the kinematic scheme is one of the main advantages of its use as a calibration system. Along with this, the disadvantages of this scheme are concentrated in the supporting elements of the lever system, since it is the wear of the supports that leads to the accumulation of a systematic error of the entire system with a proportional deterioration in the accuracy of the force measurement process. The aim of the work was to analyze the features of prismatic supports used as part of a lever-based calibration device of a force-measuring device, as well as to simulate the stress-strain state of a model of a real prismatic support used in an existing force-measuring system. The work considers the closest theoretical information associated with calculating the stress distribution in the wedge and half-plane in accordance with the plane problem of the theory of elasticity. The selection of the mechanical properties of materials was carried out depending on the specified hardness indicators, as well as the modeling of the contact problem in a given prismatic support, depending on the angle of inclination of the prism in relation to the pad, using the static analysis of the Solidworks Simulation software package. The calculation results are given, conclusions are drawn on the work done.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):54-63
pages 54-63 views

Research of the method based on the influence of sound waves on the metal-mesh for measuring the tension force of the metal-mesh on large-sized reflectors

Gracheva E., Sin’kovskiy F., Snytko D., Zamyatin D.


The article provides an overview of current methods for measuring and controlling the tension force of the material of the spacecraft metal-mesh reflectors. The purpose of the research: to obtain the most accurate results of measuring the mesh tension. Based on the review, a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the considered methods was carried out, when measuring the tension force on mesh for large-sized transformable spacecraft reflectors. In the article considered the methods of force measurement: photo method, the operation principle of which consists in the sequential photographing of a mesh on reflector frame certain zones; a method based on pattern recognition, similar to the photo method, but using an information and measurement system with a given information processing algorithm; a method based on local membrane deformation, related to the contact type, in which the mesh tension measurement is defined as a reaction from the impact of physical force on the mesh surface; a method based on the influence of sound waves impact, which is based on the influence of sound waves impact on the mesh surface. The experimental part of the research described in the article includes the measurement of the mesh tension by the resonance method, as the most optimal method according to the analysis. The prospects of possible use of the resonance method in the aerospace industry of radio-reflecting surfaces of spacecraft antennas are proposed and analyzed. According to the results of the conducted research, the dependence of tension force of mesh is established on the sound vibrations frequency affecting the mesh, at which resonance occurs.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):64-72
pages 64-72 views

Actuator made of a material with a shape memory effectfor transformable space structures

Zimin V., Krylov A., Filippov V., Shakhverdov A.


Transformable structures represent a special class of large space systems. They are delivered into orbit in a tightly packed state. When the required parameters of the orbit are reached, their opening or transformation is carried out. The shape of the transformed structure is rigidly fixed upon completion of the transformation process. At the same time, shock loads occur on its constituent elements. The complication of design schemes and the increase in the dimensions of modern transformable space systems due to the increase in their operational functionality leads to the necessity of improving their mass characteristics. To date, many variants of transformable structures of space antennas have been developed abroad and in our country, the ratio of the mass of mirrors to their areas has decreased to 0.5.–1.5 kg/m2. Further improvement of transformable space structures is possible with the use of materials with the shape memory effect to create actuators that ensure controlled shock-free opening of these structures from the transport state to the working position Experimental and theoretical studies of the actuator model made of titanium nickelide material have confirmed the fundamental possibility of its use for the deployment of promising transformable space structures. During the tests, the main characteristics of the actuator model were determined, namely: the actuation force, the working stroke and the actuation time.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):73-80
pages 73-80 views

Investigation of the stress state and assessment of the stability of an anisogrid cylindrical shell when changing the parameters of the rib structure under static loading

Lidiya M., Burnysheva T.


The object of the study is a cylindrical mesh shell without a regular structure covering, made of carbon fiber composite material. A distinctive feature of this class of structures is the intersection of families of annular and spiral edges.

Mesh shells are used as power elements of spacecraft, therefore, when designing them, the main requirements are a reduction in the mass of the structure, high strength and stiffness characteristics. The reduction of the shell mass is achieved by varying and selecting the structural and geometric parameters of the edges.

The article considers a set of mesh cylindrical structures of fixed mass. The authors have developed and presented an algorithm for calculating the number of elements of a regular edge structure and calculating the values of geometric parameters of elements of edge families. Two approaches to the formation of rib systems are considered: by changing the heights or thicknesses of the rib structure.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):81-92
pages 81-92 views

Automated stand for electrical testing and diagnostics of life characteristics of lithium-ion batteries

Kopylov E., Lobanov D., Mizrah E.


Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) are widely used as energy accumulators in the electrical power systems (EPS) of spacecraft. The article considers the automated bench SIA 12/24 for electrical tests and diagnostics of the resource characteristics of lithium-ion cells (LIC), on the basis of which the EPS LIB of spacecraft is developed and manufactured. LIC resource tests are the most time-consuming and lengthy, they are carried out in ground conditions for several months with repeated cycling of charge/discharge and cell temperatures until the conditions for completion of the tests are reached with periodic monitoring, measurement and registration of LIC parameters. The use of the automated bench, which makes it possible to carry out resource testing of LIC based on dynamic stress testing (DST), makes it possible to shorten the resource testing of LIC and thereby significantly accelerate the design and development of EPS LIB of spacecraft. The structure, the description of the component parts and the technical characteristics of the bench SIA 12/24 allowing to perform electrical tests simultaneously of twelve LIC are given. The principle of operation and technical characteristics of the original charging-discharge device with a load converter (CDD-LC) forming the basis of the bench are considered. The proposed original CDD-LC and load converter (LC) topologies with two-stage power conversion and stabilized bridge transformer converter (BTC) input voltage make it possible to automate the process of lithium-ion cells electric testing by automatically reproducing functionally necessary test modes and by ensuring energy saving in cells charging-discharge modes.

For a two-stage power conversion CDD-LC, it is shown that the use of  BTC input voltage stabilization gives the following benefits:

extension of the LIC attribute control ranges: current, voltage, power;

low dependency of static error of stabilization of LIC attributes and transition quality indicators on the type of LC load.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):93-104
pages 93-104 views

Prospects of application of the combined storage space application

Tishkov A., Konoplev Y., Yuev A., Koshelev P., Zakharov S.


Combined energy storage systems are widely used as part of renewable sources in the manufacturing industry, transportation infrastructure, space engineering, and other industries. This trend is due to their higher reliability and efficiency than that of power supplies made of the same type of cells, which can be observed, in particular, in devices for space applications, where power cells are subject to higher requirements for the range of operating temperatures, as well as for input and output characteristics. 

The article describes the development of the structure of a portable combined energy storage device based on a block of supercapacitors and batteries with a charge and discharge control system, with a scalable (based on the components used) spectrum of input characteristics and a wide range of operating temperatures. The authors presented a mathematical model of a combined energy storage device developed in the Simulink environment, which makes it possible to assess the performance capabilities of the proposed structure by analyzing the different modes of operation of the circuit. Such a device can be used in conditions of extremely low charging currents. For example, if the solar panels are shaded or their spatial orientation is sub-optimal, high-capacity lithium-ion batteries cannot be charged correctly. Also, the advantages of combined electricity storage structures include their operability over a wide temperature range thanks to the ability of supercapacitors to retain their charge even at low temperatures.

The article also shows the printed circuit assembly in the form of a 3D model obtained by designing the device circuit in Altium Designer 17 CAD; the results of research and performance testing of a physically implemented combined energy storage device are shown, which confirm its performance characteristics on the example of one of the component modules of the prototype satellite platform CubeSat; the article also provides recommendations for the possible application of such devices and highlights prospects for the application of combined energy storage devices in actuating elements of large flexible spacecraft.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):105-115
pages 105-115 views

Methodological principles of space vehicle design for the maximum energy sup-ply of the payload

Chebotarev V., Fatkulin R., Vorontsova E., Balandina T., Shangina E.


The design of a spacecraft at the initial stages is carried out in the presence of uncertainties in terms of parameters and conditions. Determination of design parameters is carried out step by step: determination of nominal values of design parameters, normalization of resource reserves (mass, volume, energy consumption) according to design parameters to parry uncertainties, designing a spacecraft for marginal resources.

The operation of a spacecraft with an electrical load switched on includes several stages: launching into the target orbit, putting into regular operation, regular operation for the intended purpose, decommissioning from the intended use in case of emergencies. The power supply system is designed to provide uninterrupted autonomous power supply to the onboard equipment in all modes and at all stages during the period of active existence of the spacecraft, taking into account the presence of shadow sections of the orbit from the Earth and the Moon.

In this article, methodological principles for designing a spacecraft for the maximum power supply of the payload in the presence of uncertainties in parameters and conditions are developed. Mathematical models for calculating the parameters of the energy balance of the spacecraft have been developed for various options for realizing the power of the session load, depending on the level of illumination of the orbit and the period of operation of the spacecraft. The effectiveness of using the methodological principles of designing a spacecraft for the maximum power supply of the payload, depending on the level of illumination of the orbit and the period of operation of the spacecraft, has been evaluated. A technique has been developed for rationing reserves by spacecraft energy resources to parry uncertainties in terms of parameters and conditions, as well as the principles of its application when designing a spacecraft for maximum payload power supply.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):116-127
pages 116-127 views

Section 3. Technological Processes and Materials

Impedance and dielectric properties of Bi2Sn2-хFeхO7stannates

Udod L., Aplesnin S., Abdelbaki H., Konovalov S.


Bismuth stagnnates Bi2Sn2–хFeхO7, х = 0,1; 0,2 which reveal the properties of multiferroics, are investigated. The mechanism of interaction between dielectric and electronic subsystems is studied, based on measurements of electrical resistance at alternating current, impedance, capacitance and dielectric loss tangent in the temperature range 100–600 K at frequencies 102–106 Hz. From a comparison of the dielectric permittivity and the reactive component of impedance, the paramagnetic contribution of electrons to the dynamic magnetic susceptibility was established. Impedance jumps on temperature  were detected as a result of changes in structural characteristics. The temperature dependences of the permittivity are described in the Debye model. An activation character of the relaxation time and two relaxation channels were found. The activation energy of electrons in the migratory polarization is calculated.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2022;23(1):130-140
pages 130-140 views