卷 5, 编号 1 (2024)

Culture & Text

The specifics of the Narrative in the L.N. Tolstoy’s Later Works (Based on the Story Two Different Stories Of a Beehive with a Bast Cover)

Abramovskikh E.


The narrative organization of the parable story Two Different Stories of a Beehive with a Bast Cover, written by L.N. Tolstoy in 1900, contains a number of artistic discoveries. The study undertaken by the author of this article reveals that the writer applied to such techniques as the use of “unreliable” narration and “unreliable” focalization; changing in the parable construction with the imperative picture of the world being replaced by a precedent one; variability/multiplicity of viewpoints on the depicted events; different narrative strategies for each of the versions presented; attempts to destroy the monological narrative. Such techniques aim at shifting the emphasis towards perceiving consciousness in order to increase the co-creative participation of the recipient.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):13-20
pages 13-20 views

The Subject Architectonics of Sveta Litvak’s Visual Poetry

Brusilovskaya Y.


The study attempts to consider and reconstruct the lyrical subject of visual poems by Sveta Litvak (b. 1959); the methodology of studying subjectivity in the context of the neo-avant-garde as a whole is briefly reviewed, theoretical justification of certain approaches to the issue under consideration is given. Analytics is based on the updating of the concept of the “point of view” of a subject in S.N. Broitman’s theory and J. Užarević’s concept of “Super-Me”. Conclusion is made that the subject field of visual poetry is a multi-component and complex-organized construct, which is formed due to the continuous mutual integration of the author’s and reader’s instances.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):21-33
pages 21-33 views

The Difference of the External and Internal Point of View in the Text with an Unreliable Narrator (Based on the Material of I. Andreev’s Short Story Thought)

Smolenskaya M.


  1. L. Andreev’s short story Thought has a complex narrative organization. The author of the article proves that there are two narrators in the narrative– primary and secondary ones. The primary narrator introduces the reader to the circumstances of the crime and shows the final scene of the trial. The reliable primary narrator prefers to keep the narrative intrigue and stops the narrative reporting the equal split of jurors’ opinions. The secondary narrator Dr. Kerzhentsev, who has committed the crime, writes notes for forensic examination in which he appears as an unreliable narrator with altered consciousness. The study reveals the main principle of the text construction in Andreev’s story, i.e. a binary opposition: the primary and secondary narrators, division of Kerzhentsev’s point of view into external and internal ones, contrasting his narrative with the notes on “the scraps of paper” from the moments of the narrative which reveal the narrator’s “true face”.
Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):34-46
pages 34-46 views

Сulture & Arts

The Empire style in the Fashion of France at the Turn of the XVIIIth-XIXth Centuries

Vovk A., Naumova O.


The study is devoted to the peculiarities of the Empire style formation in France in the late XVIIIth - early XIXth centuries and the influence of this process on European fashion. As a result of the analysis of some works of art, the authors come to the conclusion about the influence of socio-political views and the artistic and moral views of the Emperor of France Napoleon Bonapart on the genesis of the Empire style. The French Empire in ladies’ fashion manifested itself, on the one hand, in the orientation towards ancient art, on the other hand, in an effort to demonstrate support for the Emperor-Conqueror’s policy, the viability of the owner of a fashionable outfit, her pickiness in expensive fabrics, interest in new styles and chic.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):49-64
pages 49-64 views

Novgorod Art Porcelain of the 1950s

Voropaeva T.


In the 1950s, there was a significant rise in the development of the porcelain industry in the USSR. Art laboratories were organized at the country’s factories, including the “Proletarij” and “Krasny`j Forforist” enterprises in Novgorod. The priority task facing the industry during this period was the production of mass products of utilitarian purpose and works of a decorative nature for the design of the living space. The article traces the history of Novgorod enterprises associated with the production of porcelain, an attempt is made for comprehensive art history analysis of the products of Novgorod porcelain factories.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):65-75
pages 65-75 views

Culture & Education

Actualization of the Problem of Students’ Technological Skills Development in the Process of Artistic Ceramics Mastering: Thesaurus Approach

Voronkov A.


When mastering the technology of art ceramics in humanitarian institutes, special importance is given to the problem of optimizing the process of developing of students’ professional skills and abilities. Recognizing the importance and inherence of systemic, synergistic and semiotic approaches in the educational space of higher education, the author justifies the need to increase the effectiveness of teaching and to address the challenges in the perception of technical knowledge by students of decorative and applied arts training areas through a thesaurus approach. This innovative methodological tool allows balancing the technological and artistic aspects of teaching special disciplines.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):79-91
pages 79-91 views

Culture & Digitalizo

Fiction Writers and Fiction Readers as Participants of the Literary Process: to the Creation of a Social Psychological Portrait

Solina A.


At the current stage, the definition of the specifics of fandom participants’ activity in composing and reading fan fiction is of particular importance for reading infrastructure institutions. The study contains data from a survey of 74 authors (fiction writers) and 153 active readers of fan fiction (fiction readers), as a result of which a relationship between the socio-demographic characteristics of participants in popular fandoms and their reading pReferences has been established. The reasons for the interest in reading and writing fan fiction, as well as the features of the plots and characters of literary works significant for the participants in fandoms have been revealed. This enables the institutions, constituting the reading infrastructure, primarily educational institutions and libraries, to find the most effective practices to stimulate the reading activity of young people.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):95-107
pages 95-107 views

Book Culture

Structural and Content Features of Soviet ABC-Books

Kupriyanova T.


The study covers the main milestones in the formation of the concept of the Soviet ABC-book influenced by the processes characteristic of the ideological, cultural, socio-political and national economic life of the RSFSR in 1919-1991. The structural evolution of this type of educational publications from sets of simple ‘unbound’ sheets to high-quality and solid works of book format printing is shown. The dependence of the functional load of the text and illustrations intended for ideological education of children on the specific historical situation in the country and the general level of development of Soviet ABC-book study is noted.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):111-120
pages 111-120 views

Documentary heritage & bibliography

Activities of Russian Libraries in the Field of Retrospective Scientific and Auxiliary Bibliography: Issues of Theory and Modern Practice

Levin G.


Libraries of various types and kinds, starting from the late 20s of the XX century, have been the main centres for the preparation of domestic bibliographic products, among which special place is taken by retrospective indexes of literature of a summarizing nature which require significant research work. Scientific and auxiliary bibliography acts as an organic part of scientific and information activity. Moreover, it represents an integral component of science as a social system. The article provides an overview of retrospective bibliographic resources of a fundamental nature published by federal and regional libraries of Russia in 2000-2023.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):123-137
pages 123-137 views

Convolutes of E.P. Iordansky’s Personal Archive as a Samizdat Phenomenon

Yarantsev V.


The study provides a description of self-made convolutes from the archive of the poet E.P. Iordansky in terms of their belonging to samizdat practices: periodicals and the samizdat library. E.P. Iordansky’s work on the creation of underground publications is considered, as well as the influence of the “tetragism” philosophy developed by his teacher, poet A.V. Makovsky, on the structure of convolutes. The author comes to the conclusion that the “mosaic” construction is preserved in E.P. Iordansky’s printed books and notes the need for an integrated approach to the study of the samizdat phenomena.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):138-149
pages 138-149 views


The Memory of a Thing – The Revived Story of a Lost Artifact

Avanesova N.


The focus of the reviewed monograph Memories in a Thing: «The Spirit of Armenia» in the Images and Stories of a Forgotten Artifact is a family tapestry, an example of artistic carpet weaving made in Samarkand in 1909. Through the history of the existence of this artwork, the experience of the Armenian people’s spiritual overcoming of the challenges of time against the backdrop of the dramatic events of the early 20th century is revealed. Being an example of interdisciplinary research, Professor V.I. Ionesov’s book immerses the reader in Armenia’s past as well as shows the ways of preserving the national-cultural identity in the conditions of the great trials. The author proves that the “memory of a thing” is capable of becoming a productive basis not only for historical reconstruction, but also for actual socio-cultural design and artistic creation.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):153-158
pages 153-158 views


The “Siberian Souvenir” Ensemble – to the 40th Anniversary of Its Foundation

Stolbovsky V., Sharenda O., Banzaraktsaeva E.


The “Siberian Souvenir” Folk Music and Dance Ensemble made a significant contribution to the formation of the image of the East Siberian State Institute of Culture as a center for preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. The authors consider two periods in the history of the ensemble (1983-2002 and 2016-2024), describe its achievements, repertoire, composition and place in the creative life of the institute. The article shows the role of the “Siberian Souvenir” Ensemble in maintaining the continuity of musical and choreographic traditions among teachers and students of the East Siberian State Institute of Culture.

Sphere of culture. 2024;5(1):161-169
pages 161-169 views