


Destructive religious groups and the global network: a brief analysis

Aimukhambetov T., Bekmyrza A.


The article analyses the activities of destructive religious groups on the global Internet. In many ways, this issue has become relevant with the development of new technologies in general and in the information sphere in particular. The purpose of the work is to show the level of dangerous influence of destructive religious groups in the global Internet. The paper shows a theoretical analysis of the topic, as well as the results of a small sociological survey. Within the framework of this analysis, the level of danger of the global network and the methodology of work of public authorities in this area was identified.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:12-21
pages 12-21 views

Volunteering as a form of students' social activity

Aminov S.


The article considers volunteering as a form of social engagement and social activity. It shows the social significance of volunteering, its role and importance, both for the young person themselves and for the people who need their help.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:22-29
pages 22-29 views

Physical fitness of students of the multidisciplinary college of vocational education “Udmurt state university”

Bazhenova M., Petrov P.


The article discusses the level of physical fitness of students of the multidisciplinary college of vocational education (MKPO) Udmurt State University 34 students participated in the research.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:30-34
pages 30-34 views

Formation of ICT development skills for future mathematics teachers

Butko E., Gorlova S., Khudzhina M.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of formation of ICT development skills among future teachers. The experience of organizing the work of students in the framework of the discipline “Methods of teaching and upbringing (mathematics)” on the creation of an educational project aimed at developing a complex of interactive simulators is presented. The content of the training project is presented with an indication of specific evaluation tools and recommendations to students on their implementation.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:35-42
pages 35-42 views

Artificial world “Intelligence” as a development perspective within the framework of law

Valitova T.


The article examines the concept of the legal system in a broad sense, and also defines the legal system of our state. The author defines the conditions for the further functioning of this system. Special attention is paid to the disclosure of the concept of artificial intelligence. The analysis of scientific literature related to the study and implementation of artificial intelligence in the framework of law. The author gives a forecast of the development of artificial intelligence and also modeled the option of expanding the capabilities of artificial intelligence in legal legislation.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:43-49
pages 43-49 views

Architecture of entrepreneurial ecosystem: infrastructural approach

Volkova I.


Entrepreneurship is a driver for the development of a modern market economy, because represents one of the main strategic resources. Recently, the process of forming an entrepreneurial environment has slowed down significantly due to significant external challenges. The aim of the study was to identify the main components in the architecture of the entrepreneurial ecosystem based on the infrastructure approach.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:50-55
pages 50-55 views

Electronic educational platforms: change in business strategies and institutional design

Glukhov A.


The article describes the changes in business strategies and institutional design of online educational platforms under the influence of the pandemic and post-pandemic turbulence. The study is based on a series of expert interviews with leaders of electronic educational platforms in the EdTech sector. The author draws conclusions about the pandemic acceleration of digitalization processes and the reformatting of the institutional design of education in the direction of ecosystems and the convergence of traditional institutions and innovative companies.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:56-61
pages 56-61 views

Peculiarities of formation of civic position of modern Russian youth

Gorchakov E.


The article discusses the features of the formation of the civic position of young people in modern Russian society. The paper provides an analysis of the most pressing problems faced by modern youth in the process of socialization and assimilation of the most important civic values. The special significance of the educational process aimed at creating a single spiritual space and an integral socio-cultural environment in which modern Russian youth lives and develops is noted. The article indicates the leading role of the younger generation in the creation of a new ideological concept, which will grow out of the cultural and historical continuity between generations.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:62-69
pages 62-69 views

Network implementation of a school physics course: from work experience

Dambueva A., Bainov B.


The network form of implementation of educational programs implies the participation of several organizations in the educational process. The article describes the experience of implementing online learning in physics using the TrueConf platform in grades 10 and 11. Given the shortage of staff in the schools of the Republic of Buryatia, online learning has clear advantages.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:70-74
pages 70-74 views

On the issue of patriotic education in education

Ibragimova L., Podbolotova S.


The article adresses the issue of the development of patriotic education in Russian holistic education system. Analysis and comparison of the main components of patriotism as a categorical apparatus. Analysis of research experience in this field. Review of normative documentation and presentation of personal results of mastering the basic educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education, secondary vocational education, higher education.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:75-81
pages 75-81 views

The impact of fitness classes on the health status of female students in college

Ispulova R., Golovatskaya E.


The changes in the parameters of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of women after fitness were studied. The influence of fitness classes on stress resistance has been studied. The results of the study showed that systematic fitness classes can improve the values of the physiological parameters of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is also a significant change in resistance to stress in the direction of its increase.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:82-87
pages 82-87 views

Development of metacognitive skills of students in lecture classes on the discipline “Mathematics”

Kvashko L., Burkova I.


The article discusses the use of a three-stage survey in lectures on the discipline “Mathematics” in order to develop students' metacognitive skills. Metacognitive control (self-analysis and self-assessment), monitoring its results, and assessment of assimilation of educational material by students were introduced into the structure of the lecture. The study showed that the introduction of a three-stage survey into the structure of the lecture allows students to develop skills of the self-analysis and self-assessment the results of their educational activities. The analysis of the dynamics of students' academic performance showed a positive trend.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:88-93
pages 88-93 views

Studying new generations and choosing an idea for developing a new brand of belarusian ice-cream

Klimova L., Sokol D.


The article considers the issues of advertising perception, attitude to new products, orientation to IT by representatives of different generations (Baby-boomers, X, Y, Z, Alpha), and also reviews the Belarusian ice-cream market in order to identify ideas for building a new brand.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:94-99
pages 94-99 views

Methods of management of professional development and training of personnel

Komarova E., Chеcherina O.


The priority direction of the long-term development of the activities of any enterprise is the training and professional development of its personnel. Improving the system of in-house training will allow organizing the process of staff training on the job, ensuring continuity and efficiency of professional development.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:100-107
pages 100-107 views

Innovative ways to reduce the costs of production and sales of products of an industrial enterprise (by the example of OAO «Olsa»)

Komarova S., Dobrovoltseva T., Safonova A.


The object of the study is OAO Olsa. The purpose of the work is to develop innovative ways to reduce the cost of production and sale of products of JSC “Olsa” based on the analysis of the company's activities. The elements of the practical significance of the results obtained are the reduction of costs for production and sale of products through the introduction of the concept of “lean production”, the introduction of a cantilever racking system in the warehouse of materials, which reduces the fixed costs of the organization, as well as laser cutting technology, which helps to reduce the cost of waste materials and electricity. The area of possible practical application is the processing enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:108-114
pages 108-114 views

Improvement of the personnel management system of the enterprise (on the example of OAO “Neftezavodmontazh”)

Komarova S., Safonova A., Dobrovoltseva T., Sakovich M.


The object of the study is the enterprise JSC “Neftezavodmontazh”. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of the existing management system at OAO “Neftezavodmontazh” and develop measures to improve it. The elements of the practical significance of the results obtained are: improving the system of recruitment and selection of personnel using the recruiting funnel, the introduction of an automated personnel management system in the personnel and training department, and the creation of an assessment center. The area of possible practical application is construction enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:115-121
pages 115-121 views

Organizational and legal aspects of the activities of church parish trusteeships in the Tobolsk diocese in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries

Kruglikov A.


The article examines the basic provisions of the legislation on the activities of parish custodianships. The example of the Tobolsk diocese shows the controversy which arose during the Great Reforms about the organization of the parish, its administrative and financial independence, and the active participation of parishioners in the management of the parish. The statistical reports of the chief procurator of the synod are used to study the increase in the number of parish trustees, as well as the dynamics of spending of funds and donations. On the basis of the data presented the author concludes that the parish trusteeships in the Tobolsk diocese were able to meet only partially the economic needs of the parishes, leaving almost no attention to the material situation of the clergy and the implementation of social-church initiatives, laid down by the Regulations on parish trusteeships in 1864.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:122-130
pages 122-130 views

On the use of the functioning environment analysis method for assessing the efficiency of regional water consumption systems

Kutyshkin A., Shulgin O.


The paper presents the results of assessing the production efficiency of the regional water use systems (RSV) of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for the period 2016 - 2020, obtained on the basis of the method of analysis of the functioning environment. This method is a non-parametric shell analysis of data (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA) on the functioning of these systems, recorded by the current system of state statistics. The systems under consideration are described by a typical system analysis model "input-transformation-output" and are considered homogeneous production objects (PO). To assess the production efficiency of these software, the classical input-oriented DEA - model was used. According to the calculated efficiency estimates obtained, more than 44% of the considered RSVs operate with maximum efficiency during the entire observation period; 33% of RSV - with rather high efficiency and insignificant volatility of their mode of operation and 23% of RSV are characterized by rather low production efficiency. As an example, for one of these low-performance RSVs, the target calculated values of input indicators are determined, the achievement of which will allow maximizing the efficiency of their activities with the accepted set of input and output indicators.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:131-137
pages 131-137 views

Emotional coloring of motivation for physical education in the presence of competitive activity

Lazarev I., Akimova E.


Carrying out sports and recreation activities in many educational institutions of higher education can have a stimulating effect on the development of physical culture of students. The degree of this influence is determined by many factors: the frequency of competitive activity, the availability of competitive sports, the interest of those involved in competitions in different sports, the emotional assessment of competitions. To determine the interest of first-year students in physical education and sports and the desire to participate in competitions, we conducted a survey among students. In the questionnaire there were questions in the questionnaire there were questions to determine emotions and interest in physical culture and sports and participation in competitions. The survey was conducted before and after the annual inter-faculty competitions at the university.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:138-143
pages 138-143 views

Analysis management efficiency cash flow company

Levchegov O., Eshova M.


In today's unpredictable economic conditions, the analysis of the effectiveness of enterprise cash flow management is especially relevant. In the article, we will analyze the cash flow of the enterprise, study the dynamics of the volumes of positive, negative and net cash flows for current, financial and investment activities, assess the effectiveness of cash flow management of this enterprise and give recommendations for optimizing deficit cash flows.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:144-150
pages 144-150 views

On the implementation of the national anti-corruption plan for 2021-2024 as a way to ensure the economic security of the state: selected aspects

Morozkov V., Rogozina A., Alekseeva D., Yakimova Y.


The article explores the concept of corruption as a category of crimes that threaten the economic security of the Russian Federation, identifies areas of activity most susceptible to corruption, and analyzes the dynamics of corruption crimes for 2019-2021. The main provisions of the national anti-corruption plan for 2021-2024 are analyzed, and the authors of the article present a number of measures aimed at minimizing corruption crimes.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:151-158
pages 151-158 views

The indicative values system and their thresholds as criteria for assessing the economic security of Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug -Yugra

Morozkov V., Smirnova K., Zhukova V., Stepanova O.


The article analyzes the regional level of economic security. Monitoring object - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The basis for it is the methodology developed by the authors, which includes the indicators given in the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development until 2030. The threshold values were determined based on the average level of indicators in the Russian Federation, differentiated by key areas. The conclusion is formulated about the need to determine the optimal ratios of financing economic and social programs.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:159-165
pages 159-165 views

Development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation as a factor in improving economic security: some aspects on the example of the Republic of Karelia

Morozkov V., Khomenko K., Grusheva A.


This paper is devoted to the study of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the consideration of subject specificity as a separate factor for increasing the level of national economic security, on the example of the Republic of Karelia, based on the approaches existing in similar geographical and resource potential territories, such as Norway and Finland. Special attention is paid to recreational resources as an alternative to the classical approach to the development of this territory.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:166-173
pages 166-173 views

The image of Stalingrad/Volgograd: visual retrospective on postcards

Oreshkina T., Frolova Y.


the image of the hero city of Stalingrad is considered/Volgograd through the prism of postal open letters as one of the forms of translation of collective memory. The study and use of postcards as a historical source is being updated.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:174-179
pages 174-179 views

Attitude to participation in sports and mass events of the youth of the Ugra North involved in leisure sports and sports activities

Pashchenko L., Nesteryuk A.


The article presents the results of a sociological survey aimed at studying the attitude of boys and girls living in the cities of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra to participate in mass sports events implemented within the framework of the “sport for all” direction. The conducted research showed that boys and girls involved in recreational physical culture and sports activities showed great willingness to participate in mass physical culture and sports events of various directions - intellectual, entertaining, extreme, as well as to participate in competitions in sports games. Young people with limited physical activity, subjectively assessing their health lower than their peers, are less willing to become participants in sports competitions, especially girls.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:180-186
pages 180-186 views

Actualisation of the professional training for the students taking it courses. The version control systems

Petrov D.


The article reveals the experience of Nizhnevartovsk State University in actualization of professional training for the students taking bachelor’s degree programs in IT under the circumstances of digitalization and labour market growing demands. The paper presents a model of formation of professional competence in the field of web-development based on the labour function of «work with version control systems» and employers’ expected demands.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:187-192
pages 187-192 views

Formation of experience of creative activity of students in the process of learning in art disciplines

Polynskaya I.


The relevance of the study is due to the problem of developing the creative abilities of students of artistic orientation in education. In art universities, the problem of teaching the creative potential of students is acute. Therefore, it is important in the educational process to form the creative potential and artistic and creative abilities of students, depending on their aesthetic needs. Of particular importance is revealed the concepts of artistic image, form and content of the creative work of future artists. It is important to subordinate the entire educational process to the fulfillment of the main tasks of the professional development of young artists.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:193-201
pages 193-201 views

The use of modern computer technologies for the formation of pure intonation skills in older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren during the implementation of the additional education program “Vocal”

Saveleva I., Kindyasheva A.


Modern computer technologies allow organizing step–by-step effective work on the purity of intonation - the most important component of intonation hearing. The work on the purity of intonation is carried out on the basis of the activation of high-pitch (interval), harmonic, timbre hearing. This article describes modern computer technologies and applications that ensure the effective development of intonation hearing and the achievement of purity of intonation. These technologies can be used both in vocal lessons with older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, and in their independent work with the support of parents.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:202-208
pages 202-208 views

Increasing the professional training of students through participation in applied research projects

Seredovskikh B., Sokolov S., Kozelkova E., Deryabina V.


The article discusses the directions for the formation of students' professional competencies, focuses on attracting students to the development and implementation of applied research projects. The possibilities of improving the professional training of students on the basis of solving applied problems relevant to the regional educational environment have been studied, the directions of this activity are reflected on the example of Nizhnevartovsk State University. Identifies and substantiates the stages of preparing students for research work. The authors point out the effectiveness of such interdisciplinary approach, which is confirmed by practice of teaching.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:209-217
pages 209-217 views

Satisfaction of master students the organization of the educational process at the university

Storchak T., Pogonysheva I.


Monitoring the study of students' opinions about the quality of the education received is one of the significant tasks of the university, is a condition for improving the quality of the educational process and a criterion for compliance with modern requirements imposed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The article presents the results of a survey of undergraduates of the Nizhnevartovsk State University. The survey was conducted in 2022, 123 students of the master's program took part in it. Most students enter the master's program in order to develop, master new competencies, gain additional in-depth knowledge in the chosen field, and participate in scientific and project activities. Respondents note the advantage of selecting specialists with a master's degree by employers. A rather high degree of masters' satisfaction with the organization of the educational process at the university was revealed. Most of the students in master's programs implement the strategy of practice-oriented learning, acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities that are in demand on the market within their profile.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:218-225
pages 218-225 views

Use of geographic information systems in archeology

Sukhorukova E., Chumarina S.


The article discusses the main possibilities of using geographic information systems in archaeology. The authors explore the directions of their use, illustrate them with examples from archaeological research.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:226-232
pages 226-232 views

The use of the critical thinking skills development technology in teaching English to university students

Timofeeva O.


The paper deals with the problem of finding effective techniques and methods to improve university students’ critical thinking skills. The research relevance is based on the FSES HE requirements and lack of theoretical knowledge and practical materials in this field of methodological science. The aim of the research is to experimentally prove the effectiveness of the tasks designed to develop students’ critical thinking while mastering English. The results of the experiment, conducted at the FFL of SSUSSE, were successful and proved the correctness of the hypothesis.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:233-241
pages 233-241 views

The study of the management of the organization of methodical work in a preschool educational organization based on a personality-oriented approach

Tyustina G., Mudrik I.


This article discusses the specifics of managing the organization of methodological work in a preschool educational organization based on a personality-oriented approach. The results of an empirical study of the level of organization of methodological work based on a personality-oriented approach at the site of a preschool educational organization in the city of Nizhnevartovsk are presented.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:242-249
pages 242-249 views

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of victimization in adolescence

Kholopova E., Kotova S.


The article presents the results of a study of psychological aspects of victimhood in adolescence, namely victim behavior, self-esteem and aggression.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:250-256
pages 250-256 views

Organization of Palestinian readings by diocesal departments of the imperial orthodox Palestinian society in the late XIX - early XX centuries

Tsys V., Tsys O.


The article shows that in the diocesan departments of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society there were three main forms of organizing control over the holding of Palestinian readings: the creation of special commissions; using existing state and public structures as a tool; through individuals, mainly clerks of the department.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:257-267
pages 257-267 views

Application of digital technologies in additional music education

Shvetsova O., Bobrakova V.


The article uses the usual use of musical instruments in teaching children to school and children's school art. Examples of digital instruments are used in teaching musical notation and independent work of students: practical approaches to the computerization of music education. The authors consider the modern application of the educational process in extended music education, taking into account digital technologies that are used in the modern educational process in application to the application of the teaching method.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:268-273
pages 268-273 views

Convergence as basic category of educational environment engineering university

Shtager E.


The results of a scientific and pedagogical study of the inclusion of convergent ideas (synthesis of humanitarian and technical knowledge) in the design of a holistic disciplinary space of a technical university are presented. Described is a technology of integrating subjects’ knowledge of engineering, called disciplinary convergence

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:274-279
pages 274-279 views

Methodological model of teaching academic writing skills in English

Belyaeva E.


This article presents a methodological model for teaching academic writing skills in English in higher education. The teaching of English scientific writing in Russian universities is often carried out within the discipline of “academic writing”. However, there is still no consensus in domestic foreign language teaching methodology regarding a unified approach to teaching academic writing skills. This article offers a general methodological framework for developing academic writing skills and competences in academic writing courses at Russian universities. Thus, the article is intended for university teachers of such disciplines as English for Academic Purposes (EAP) or Academic Writing, academic writing tutors and all those who see pedagogical value in academic writing as a university course.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:280-288
pages 280-288 views

To the question about the meaning of life in domestic philosophy XIX-XX centuries

Berillo I.


In the article, using the example of the work, one of the most controversial and problematic issues of mankind is considered - the question of the meaning of life. It is emphasized that the very formulation of the question of the meaning of life is not entirely correct, since life itself is of the highest value for a person. It is concluded that comprehending the meaning of life in Russian philosophy is possible only if you start with knowing yourself, your life and striving to serve God. The work analyzes the key concepts of the meaning of life, death, immortality, freedom and love for the Russian philosophy of the Silver Age and Orthodox Christianity.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:289-297
pages 289-297 views

Scientific skeptiks before scientific skepticism

Bogdan S.


The article, using specific historical examples, demonstrates the tradition of applying scientific skepticism long before it formed into a single social movement and an integral philosophical concept in the 20th century. The principles, mechanisms and tools of skeptical investigation of any statements claiming to be true in the field of the paranormal and pseudoscientific are shown.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:298-304
pages 298-304 views

The problem of the feminine in the religious and philosophical views of the ancient Greeks

Dzezhyts A.


The article provides an analysis of the system of religious and philosophical views of the ancient Greeks on the female gender and the nature of the feminine. The purpose of the work is to identify the fundamental foundations of the attitude of the Greeks to the problem of sex. It was revealed that the division of the sexes for the Greeks has an ontological basis, the origin and essence of men and women have a fundamental difference. Conclusions were drawn, according to which, the feminine principle for the Greeks was fundamentally more base and second-rate in relation to the masculine. This found its manifestation at all levels of being in Greek philosophy, and was also clearly reflected in their culture and social practices.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:305-312
pages 305-312 views

Specifics of translating Russian toponyms into English

Drachuk I., Latypova L.


This article describes the specifics of translating Russian toponyms into English. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to insufficient research on peculiarities of translating Russian toponyms into English, despite the fact that toponyms play a significant role in international relations, performing an orienting function. The novelty of the conducted research consists in analyzing the translation of toponyms of the Samara region in modern sources of information.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:313-319
pages 313-319 views

The phenomenon of reflexy as a form of existing thinking and its significance in the era of post-non-classic rationale

Duminskaya M., Eskina S.


The paper considers the phenomenon of reflection as a way of self-existence (thought action) through comprehension and rethinking of the real and incomprehensible. The specifics of apophatic reflection and the nature of its manifestation in relation to the design of human existence are revealed. An attempt is being made to present apophatic reflection as a new strategy for humanitarian thinking.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:320-326
pages 320-326 views

Methodological tasks of philosophical knowledge at the present stage of social development

Duminskaya M., Miller V.


Currently, philosophical knowledge is updated in the following sections: ontology and axiology. However, no less important is the methodological aspects, which expresses the peculiarities of teaching philosophy as an academic discipline. Interest in the forms, methods and mechanisms of teaching philosophical knowledge allows not only to actualize the content of didactic units: worldview, man and society, culture and civilization, consciousness and cognition, etc., but also to form students' critical thinking about the world and themselves. Considering philosophy as an academic discipline, it is necessary to discuss the problems of man and society to a greater extent, to search for answers to the global challenges of our time.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:327-333
pages 327-333 views

Phenomenon of aesthetization of being and thinking as a characteristic of modern humanitarian knowledge

Duminskaya M., Rumbina D.


The paper deals with the problem of universal aestheticization of being and thinking, actualized in modern philosophical discourse. The complexity and ambiguity of the attitude to this phenomenon is emphasized. The specificity of the manifestation of the aesthetic at the everyday level of human existence is revealed, which acquires pseudo-aestheticized forms. The characteristics of the process of genuine aestheticization are highlighted, which is carried out through the activation of the aesthetic-reflexive ability of the subject. The aesthetic properties of philosophical thinking and philosophical text are highlighted, reflecting the manifestation of aestheticization at the level of being and thinking. The proposition about the existential significance of the inclusion of a person in the process of genuine aestheticization at the reflexive level as an aesthetic subject, revealing the beauty of thinking and being on the basis of the metaphysical foundations of aesthesis, is substantiated.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:334-340
pages 334-340 views

Corporate culture as a guarantor of the psychological safety of bank employees

Kovalenko S., Falshevnik A.


The article discusses the corporate culture in its manifestation as a guarantor of psychological security, as well as the relationship between the psychological climate in the organization and the psychological security of employees.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:341-348
pages 341-348 views

Features and significance of ancient Russian philosophy

Moylashova O.


The article discusses the features of ancient Russian philosophy, which are interconnected and mutually condition each other. The paper notes that these features do not exist in isolation from the social environment, historical time and political events, and their relationship and interaction occur against the backdrop of a specific socio-cultural context. It is shown that the formation of traditional values and ideals in the philosophical views of ancient Russian thinkers is directly related to continuity in the national culture. The importance of referring to the sources of ancient Russian philosophy as an important cultural landmark, which is the spiritual basis for strengthening values and faith in the future, especially during periods of difficult trials in general, and a single individual in particular, is noted.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:349-357
pages 349-357 views

The theme of identity loss in the works of writers of the ХХ century (Ch. Aitmatov, M. Bulgakov, E. Zamyatin, S. Rushdie and O. Huxley)

Sabirova V., Abitova G., Ismailova A., Ernazarova G.


The Mankind always tried to solve the riddle of the appearance of the person on light. Materialistic adjusted science gives us answer in Durbin’s tradition, modern sociology confirms equivalence three positions on given question: natural-evolution (the way from ameba before anthropomorphous apes), fantastic-cosmic (the abandoned another planet decant) and religious-idealistic (the Gosh Almighty god on its image and resemblance created best from creations – a person). This problem is interesting presented in works of literature.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:358-363
pages 358-363 views

Concertmeaster-pianist in the vocal class

Saveleva I., Lasitsa A.


Concertmaster activity has been widely used for many centuries. The authors examined the multifunctional activity of an accompanist-pianist, covering artistic and pedagogical functions, the versatility of concertmaster skills and musical coaching. The article presents an analysis of the treatments of Russian folk songs for voice accompanied by piano in the light of the performing tasks of the concert pianist.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:364-370
pages 364-370 views

Indirect speech act of warning and its realization in English political discourse

Semenova T., Skulimovskaya D.


The study considers the indirect speech act of warning in English political discourse. The paper brings into focus linguistic means and cognitive operations of focus shift which enable the speaker to indirectly express the illocution of warning. The study highlights the pragmatic potential of the indirect speech act of warning in English political discourse. Of central concern in the study is the issue that the speaker avoids using performative forms of expression the illocution of warning in political discourse in order to implement the communicative intentions indirectly.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:371-377
pages 371-377 views

Aristotle’s rhetorical triad in the study of courtly communicative personality

Sorokina A.


The article is devoted to one of the main issues of the anthropocentric paradigm, namely the place of a person in language study. The research analyzes the verbal communicative behavior of a communicative courtly personality on the basis of Aristotle's rhetorical triangle. The author identifies and describes the main features of argumentation used by a communicative personality under study.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:378-384
pages 378-384 views

Competition in the perspective of the development of musical art and education in the era of digitalization

Sudakova N., Popova M.


The article presents a culturological analysis of the competition in educational practice in the field of musical art. The article analyzes the prospect of using new digital technologies to expand the space of interaction with contest participants, popularize musical art and develop culture in general.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:385-392
pages 385-392 views

Neo-mythological thinking and postmodern reflections in Tan Tung's opera “Marco Polo”

Yang S.


The article analyzes the principles of neo-mythological thinking in the works of the Chinese composer Tang Dong. Presenting duality and the operation of opposites as the basis of mythological thinking, the author concludes that in the opera of Tan Tung there are opposite principles, and complexity and inclusiveness, collectivity of thinking, embodied in postmodern aesthetics, also find their embodiment in the opera “Marco Polo”.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:393-398
pages 393-398 views

The philosophical field of the welfare biology: a review of foreign studies

Khodykin A.


A huge amount of suffering falls on the share of animals in the wild, but there is not enough research on ways to improve their lives. Recognizing the sentience of non-human individuals creates an imperative to minimize their suffering and improve their welfare. The welfare biology studies and substantiates ways to realize this imperative through the transformation of nature. This article provides an overview of scientific papers exploring ways to improve nature for the welfare of sentience animals.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:399-407
pages 399-407 views

Decorative and graphic stylization in graphic design training

Shaikhulov R., Gutova S.


To successfully master the basics of any of the types of fine art, a predisposition to such activities is necessary, or possession of a certain vision – pictorial, graphic, three-dimensional, etc. But it is also possible to develop a specific artistic vision with a system of tasks and exercises. To successfully master the basics of graphic design, it is necessary to develop a graphic vision. The article discusses the possibilities of developing this specific vision among students studying graphic design.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:408-417
pages 408-417 views

Contemporary chechen memorial culture. On the relevance of studying

Yarychev N.


The article is devoted to the comprehension of the main reasons for the significance of the culturological study of the memorial culture of the Chechen Republic. Memorial culture is understood as a set of stable, reproducible ways of knowing, interpreting, describing, preserving, and transmitting the past, represented in various forms of memorial activities. The key factors for the relevance of the mentioned problems are: the identification factor (the deep understanding of the specificity of the national identity and the determination of the prospects for its further formation) and the communication factor (building a more harmonious and balanced intercultural dialogue).

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:418-423
pages 418-423 views

The Diophantine equation from the eye of physicist

Avdyev M.


A Diophantine equation is an equation with integer coefficients, the solutions of which must be found among integers. The equation is named after the mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria (III century). Despite its simplicity, a Diophantine equation may have a nontrivial solution (several solutions) or has no solution at all. Fermat's Last Theorem and Pythagorean Theorem are the Diophantine equations too. In 1900 The German mathematician David Hilbert formulated the Tenth problem. After 70 years, the answer turned out to be negative: there is no general algorithm. Nevertheless, for some cases, schoolchildren can understand whether a Diophantine equation is solvable without resorting to calculations, relying on the methods of physics, symmetry and set theory.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:424-429
pages 424-429 views

Static optimization of distributed queries on broadcast networks

Mammadli R.


Query optimization is one of the most relevant problem in the implementation of geographically distributed databases. The presented work is devoted to the study of the issue related to the query optimization algorithm in distributed databases. The author uses empirical and theoretical research methods. The work uses scientific materials of domestic and foreign authorship.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:430-434
pages 430-434 views

Economic-geographical and cartographic-economic assessment of the water potential of the Yugra rivers

Sokolov S., Kozelkova E., Seredovskikh B.


The article presents the results of an economic-geographical and cartographic-economic assessment of the water potential of the Yugra rivers. It has been established that such rivers as the Ob, Irtysh and Severnaya Sosva are distinguished by exceptionally high natural water potential. This is due to well-developed river routes with large areas of attraction and guaranteed depths, as well as favorable fishing opportunities in certain areas. The structure and value of the natural potential of the Yugra rivers indicate the possibilities and the most effective directions of their use.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:435-442
pages 435-442 views

Biodegradable food films based on chitosan

Sokolova E., Uspenskaya M.


The authors obtained biodegradable films based on chitosan and potato starch with the addition of thuja oil extract. The creation of polymer composites capable of biodegradation requires the preservation of the operational properties of this polymer material. Therefore, the study of the thermal properties and morphology of the resulting composite materials is an urgent task.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:443-450
pages 443-450 views

Research of the possibilities of storing and processing multilevel data in PostgreSQL

Shirokov I.


The article analyzes the problems associated with the substitution of database companies in the Russian Federation. Open source database PostgreSQL is considered as an alternative, and JSON format is analyzed as one of the examples of data storage, which allows to create storage layers. Further, the possibility of storing and processing tiered data in the form of JSON objects in PostgreSQL is investigated.

10th International Scientific & Practical Conference “Culture, Science, Education: Problems and Perspectives". 2022;:451-457
pages 451-457 views