
The role of lectures in the modern educational space
Andreeva S., Karelina N., Kim T., Artyukh L., Opedizano M.
Possibilities of developing digital competencies in the study of biochemistry
Kretser T., Volkhina I.
On the effectiveness of mechanisms of psychophysiological adaptation in the dynamics of the educational process
Lezareva T., Lytaev S.
Features of assimilation of knowledge by students at the process of studying the discipline “Functional anatomy of the central nervous system”
Zavarzina N., Kulbakh O., Zinkevich E.
Formation of sensorimotor mechanisms in syllable production during the initial stage of reading acquisition
Kornev A., Stoljarova E., Galperina E., Guillemard D.
Organization of a simulation study in SPbSPMU
Gostimsky A., Kuznetsova Y., Lisovski O.
To the problem of the organization of independent study of students in medical school (on the example of the network project)
Zinkevich E.
Application of informatics in the work of a pathologist: guidelines for learning how to create and use a digital archive of gross images
Khramtsov A., Nasyrov R., Khramtsova G.
The discipline anatomy in the new teaching environment during the epidemic COVID-2019
Karelina N., Khisamutdinova A., Artyukh L., Denisova G.
The COVID-19 pandemic: higher medical education challenges and responses
Ivanov D., Alexandrovich Y., Orel V., Esaulenko E., Novak K., Ditkovskaya L., Basina V.
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