
Modern concepts about chronic prostate inflammation
Vinnik Y., Kuzmenko A., Amelchenko A.
Bioregulatory therapy for chronic abacterial prostatitis
Kuzmin I., Slesarevskaya M., Al-Shukri S.
Effectiveness of Wobenzym in combined therapy of chronic bacterial prostatitis. Results of systematic review and meta-analysis
Kupriyanov Y., Zaitsev A., Bernikov A., Khodyreva L., Pushkar D.
Complex treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis using biologically active peptides
Neymark A., Davydov A., Kablova I.
Complex conservative therapy of chronic abacterial prostatitis
Neymark A.I., Neymark B.A., Borisenko D.V., Maksimova S.S.
Evaluation of the clinical efficacy of the use of oxidized dextran in the form of suppositories in the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis
Novikova E., Tikhonov I., Kasyanov D., Tityaev I., Selyatitskaya V., Troitskii A.
The effect of overweight and obesity on the severity of manifestations of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis with an inflammatory component
Amelchenko A., Vinnik Y.
Tsukanov A., Rudchenko N., Kuzovkin A., Ahmetov D., Alyabushev S.
Application of pantohematogen dry for treatment of discirculatory disorders in chronic prostatitis (experimental and clinical study)
Tihonov I., Tityaev I., Kasyanov D., Chekushin R.
The treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis in experiment by peptides of the prostate gland
Gorbachev A., Tyurin A.
The state of prostate hemodynamics in patients with myophascial pain syndrome
Krupin V., Krupin A., Belova A., Nashivochnikova N.
Neurological aspects of diagnosis and treatment of chronic prostatitis
Krupin V., Makhmudov Y., Makhmudova L., Krupin A., Troshin V.
The effect of low-intensity laser radiation on semen parameters in patients with chronic prostatitis
Al-Shukri S., Kuzmin I., Slesarevskaya M., Sokolov A.
Kuzmin I., Borovets S., Gorbachev A., Al-Shukri S.
The vesicular seminal secretion diagnostic value at chronic prostatitis in case of experimental research on the small laboratory animals
Al-Shukri S., Gorbachev A., Knyazkin I., Borovets S., Tyurin A., Rybalov M.
The results of 12-year study of the efficacy of Vitaprostin patients with chronic prostatitis
Tkachuk V., Tkachuk I., Borovets S.
Megatone 2080 — new remedy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
Tkachuk V.
Efficiency of physiotherapy treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis
Bokov A., Zabelin M., Kyzlasov P.
Pathogenetic treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis and accompanying neurological pathology: our experience
Krupin V., Krupin A., Belova A.
The results of a 10-year efficacy study of proteolytic enzymes in patients with chronic prostatitis
Tkachuk V., Al-Shukri A., Tkachuk I., Sternin Y.
Chronobiological approach to the treatment of patients with benign prostate hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis: results of a morphological examination
Kuzmenko A., Gyaurgiev T., Barannikov I., Leybovich B.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of personalized complex therapy in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis
Barannikov I., Kuzmenko A., Gyaurgiev T., Kuzmenko V.
Evaluation of blood flow in prostate in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis
Krupin V., Krupin A., Nashivochnikova N.
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