
Specialized surgical care in a modern military conflict: role and place at the advanced stages of medical evacuation
Kasimov R., Ovcharov O., Samokhvalov I., Zavrazhnov A., Reva V., Chuprina A., Lakhin R., Kudryashov V., Skakunova T., Murtazaliev R.
«Since the wounded soldier has become the subject of medical care, surgical science has been improved on the battlefield...» (Ernst Bergmann, founder of asepsis and Military Medical Journal)
Poddubny M.
Ten surgical lessons of the initial stage of a military operation
Samokhvalov I., Kryukov E., Markevich V., Badalov V., Chuprina A., Petrov A., Goncharov A., Reva V., Kasimov R.
Causes of death of servicemen in modern warfare
Kasimov R., Samokhvalov I., Zavrazhnov A., Kudryashov V., Kovalenko S., Tolmachev I.
First training and practical course on field surgery and trauma surgery «SMART» in Russia.
Samokhvalov I., Fomin N., Goncharov A., Reva V., Petrov A., Kasimov R., Nosov A., Koskin V.
Experience in the use of open, endovascular, and hybrid methods of treating combat injuries of blood vessels: observations of one surgeon
Reva V.
Practical training course SMART: the results of three years of training military and civilian surgeons
Goncharov A., Reva V., Petrov A., Suvorov V., Grebnev A., Nosov A., Markevich V., Samokhvalov I.
The principle of separation in the training of field surgeons and its practical implementation
Samokhvalov I., Reva V., Fomin N., Goncharov A., Fisun A.
New methods of training military surgeons - a necessary step to save the wounded in military conflicts
Goncharov A., Samokhvalov I., Petrov A., Reva V., Nosov A., Suvorov V., Markevich V., Kuraev P., Loshenko Y., Skakunova T.
Znachenie khirurgicheskogo opyta Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny dlya sovremennoy voenno-polevoy khirurgii
Efimenko N., Samokhvalov I.
«Images of the past and silhouettes of some military field surgeons»: on the 75th anniversary of the publication of the book of S.S.Yudin
Kalikinskaya E.
Prospective methods of combat burn injury treatment
Ivchenko E., Golota A., Krassii A., Sechin A.
Combat burn injury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military campaign experience
Ivchenko E., Golota A., Kondratenko D., Krassii A.
Issues on military-field surgery traumatology on the program of the 47th International surgery congress
Bryusov P., Samokhvalov I., Petrov A.
About the treatment of battlefield injuries of the musculoskeletal system with the help of new «Rod field package»
Maksimov I., Brizhan L., Astashov V., Davydov D., Kerimov A., Arbuzov Y., Varfolomeev D.
The past and future of surgical clinics of the Mikhailovsky clinical hospital («Willie Hospital») of the Kirov Military medical academy
Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Tynyankin N., Karev E.
Battle-field surgery in the beginning of 21st century
Kotiv B., Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Goncharov A., Severin V., Reva V., Petrov Y.
1 - 17 的 17 信息


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