
Clinical tests in the diagnosis of scapholunate ligament injuries
Golubev I., Gazimieva B., Sautin M., Korolev A.
Report on the work of the XII All-Russian Congress of Traumatologists and Orthopedists (December 1–3, 2022, Moscow)
Mironov S., Ochkurenko A., Perminov V., Trofimova A.
Consequences of COVID-19 for the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems. Diagnosis of complications (literature review)
Matveeva N., Makarova E., Eskin N., Sokolova T.
Fractures of the proximal femur. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment (Clinical guidelines, abridged version)
Dubrov V., Shelupaev A., Arutyunov G., Belov M., Bogopolskaya A., Bozhkova S., Boyarkov A., Vorontsova T., Gilfanov S., Gubin A., Zagorodni N., Zlobina Y., Koryachkin V., Kostyuk G., Litvina E., Protsenko D., Runikhina N., Solomyannik I., Stafeev D., Tikhilov R., Tkacheva O., Tsykunov M., Shubnyakov I.
Continuous improvement of the quality of medical care is the main direction of work of Russian orthopedic traumatologists (Part 2)*
Mironov S., Nazarenko G., Polubentseva E., Cherkashov A., Kuzmin V.
Yu.O. Novikov Dorsalgia Publishing house "Medicine", Moscow, 2001. 160
Tsykunov M.
Use of spectral analysis of tremor for the diagnosis of orthopaedic diseases
Serebryakova N., Ponomaryova E.
Clinic, diagnosis and treatment of congenital arthrogryposis in children
Malakhov O., Kosov I., But-Gusaim I., Mikhaylova S.
Arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment of intra-articular injuries of the elbow joint in children
Ilyin A., Merkulov V., Morozov A., Eskin N.
Measuring device for diagnosing ankle injuries
Brusenskaya E.
Anomalies of development and dysplasia of the upper cervical spine (clinic, diagnosis and treatment)
Vetrile S., Kolesov S.
Combination of craniocerebral and skeleton injurieis: diagnosis and management
Ankin L., Polishchuk N., Treshchinsky A., Shlapak I., Roschin G., Farmanolla A., Babaev E.
E. Ornstein, A. Voinia. Semiotics and Diagnostics in Traumatology and Orthopedics (Kishinev, "Stiinza", 1992)
Volkov M., Kiselev V., Rassovsky S.
5th International Conference on Skeletal Dysplasia
Mikhaylova L.
Skriningovaya diagnostika skolioza metodom komp'yuternoy stabilometrii
Davydov O., Montile A., Marchuk Y., Montile A.
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