Increasing of the bifidogenous factor of milk whey

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Results of the electric-chemical biotransformation of milk (curds) whey received at the milk processing plants in the Vologda region are outlined. The pH values 4,3-6,1 received at electric activation are sufficient for achieving concentration of the hydroxile ions in whey providing stable catalytic reaction of transforming lactose dysaccharide into lactulose. Electric-chemical biotransformation really improves bifidogenous properties of whey. It was confirmed in the course of experiment by increased accumulation of the biomass of the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium bifidum as compared with the control. Experiments were made using a laboratory plant of small capacity. The experience of transferring milk whey lactose into lactulose, that is a bifidogenous factor, without reagents in practice can be applied also in other regions of the RF. Further improvement of the technological step of electric activation is connected with creation of the energy saving electric - chemical plant with the industrial capacity. It is also advisable to add to the technological scheme the stage of deacidification without reagents of the alkaline electiric-activated whey with acid whey. Electric-chemical biotransformation and deacidification of whey can become a decisive factor in more complete application of whey in the functional foods and feeds manufacturing.

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