Milk gelation mechanism


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The mechanism of gel formation in milk and self-orzanizing of gel structure are greatly conditioned by appearance of the three dimentional field of stochastic microflows caused by the effect of Ludwig Soret and effect of Magaroni on the casein micells clusters The field of the microflows increases the number of interacting components in the structure of the gel per unit of time (speed) and reduces free energy of the system limited by a final number of possible formed connections in the whole gel structure. A three dimentional field of micro flows provides formation of the positive back connection in the system that speeds up the process of gel formation due to the increase of the rate of heat - and mass exchange. The depth of the back relation decreases in the course of the process development. Appearance of micro flows in the system in the fractal model of gel formation makes mechanisms of cluster aggregation more understandable. This mechanism is the core of the process of structural self-organization in gel formation, the formation of self-similar, fractal structure, which is based on the principle of minimizing the free energy of the system.

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Sobre autores

I. Smykov



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