Bioprotective properties of the probiotic strains in respect of heavy metals


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For more than 10 years in some dairy farms in the Vologda region the study of bulk milk has been carried out with the aim to assess heavy metals content that are considered to be the thyolic toxic substances. Lead is also included in the list. It was found that no admissible limiting concentration had been established. However, taking into account data about effects of lead in the concentrations lower than the admissible limiting ones on the lactic acid process it is advisable to make detoxication of milk with sorbents such as for example poliphepam when producing fermented milk products. Some methods for heavy metals elimination from raw milk have been worked out and patented. Especially negative effects heavy metals have on curds and cheese quality. Taking into consideration concentrating of the protein part when processing raw milk for receiving products with whey separation (curds, curds products cheese) efficiency of the bioprotective properties of various strains applied in the composition of the starter culture microflora has been studied and compared. The results of the experiments demonstrated that probiotic strains consortium containing heterofermentative strains leuconostocs and lactococci spp. diacetilactis possess better bioprotective characteristics. The hypothesis has been put forward that mechanism of the higher bioprotective efficiency of the starter cultures mentioned can be found at further investigation of the antidode properties in the metabolites of the heterofermentative microorganisms.

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